slitaz-arm view rpi/README @ rev 69

Fixes to sat-rpi release/ and rpi-desktop packages list
author Christophe Lincoln <>
date Mon Mar 17 22:26:48 2014 +0100 (2014-03-17)
parents e78c96840be9
children a1a1a8939c47
line source
1 SliTaz RPi
2 ================================================================================
5 SliTaz Raspberry Pi distro tools and files
8 TazBerry
9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 SliTaz Raspberry Pi Config Tool with cmdline support and user friendly ncurses
11 interface. Simply run the tool to get the menu or give TazBerry a function in
12 argument to execute it. Tazberry cmdline output is formatted to be used in GUI
13 tools such as CGI scripts or GTK boxes:
15 $ tazberry ls-functions
18 Sat RPi build tool quickstart
19 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 The Raspberry Pi has a lot of specifications. SliTaz ARM provides 'sat-rpi' to build
21 custom SliTaz Rpi distro images ready to boot. A SliTaz RPi prebuilt Linux kernel
22 package is hosted on the SliTaz mirror. To get the latest version and unpack it:
24 # sat-rpi get-linux
26 The 'gen' command will generate a new SliTaz Raspberry Pi distro using 'sat'.
27 It will also install needed firmware and boot configuration files from the
28 directory: flavors/rpi*/rootfs. Don't forget to sync your local packages
29 mirror before generating the distro to get the latest versions and fixes:
31 # sat-rpi gen
33 Then you can install the distro on the sdcard. It is recommended to use
34 3 partitions: one for /boot formatted in FAT32, second for the swap memory
35 and third for the root filesystem. You can you use gparted or 'fdisk' to create
36 the needed partitions. Main advantages are: more memory for the RPi and
37 better security with file permissions. When ready and you know your disk
38 path (sat-rpi ls-dev) you can install SliTaz RPi with:
40 # sat-rpi install
43 Sat RPi commands and options
44 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 To get the list of commands and options with a short help simply run:
47 $ sat-rpi help
49 --turbo: The forced turbo option turns off the dynamic clocks and runs the
50 Raspberry Pi constantly at the highest arm_freq.
53 Overclocking
54 ------------
55 To enable overclocking select one of the suggested modes from the list. Choosing
56 medium is generally a good starting point without risks:
58 # sat-rpi oclock
59 # sat-rpi gen --oclock=medium
62 SliTaz RPi Kernel
63 -----------------
64 To build the Slitaz RPi Linux Kernel, Sat RPi uses a SliTaz prebuilt ARM cross
65 toolchain and a small patch to modify the kernel configuration. You can browse
66 the RPi SliTaz Mirror for preview versions or get the latest toolchain with sat-rpi
67 and build the kernel:
69 # sat-rpi get-prebuilt
70 # sat-rpi cook-linux
73 ================================================================================