slitaz-boot-scripts view etc/init.d/ @ rev 254

Huge change in boot... we start X as soon as possible by default, for this we have to config keymap, locale, user and home before, let do that in rcS. Also some fixes such as TZ
author Christophe Lincoln <>
date Fri Apr 29 16:06:08 2011 +0200 (2011-04-29)
children c76406c5b7c5
line source
1 #!/bin/sh
2 # /etc/init.d/ - SliTaz default user for live mode and /home.
3 #
4 # This script is called from the main boot script /etc/init/rcS
5 # to add a user for live mode and mount /home before we start Slim
6 # since we need a user to autologin and provide a desktop
7 #
8 # Default user account without password (uid=1000). In live mode the option
9 # user=name can be used, but user must be added before home= to have home dir.
10 # This option is not handled by a loop and case like others and has no
11 # effect on an installed system.
12 #
14 if ! grep -q "100[0-9]:100[0-9]" /etc/passwd; then
15 if grep -q "user=" /proc/cmdline; then
16 USER=`cat /proc/cmdline | sed 's/.*user=\([^ ]*\).*/\1/'`
17 # Avoid usage of an existing system user or root.
18 if grep -q ^$USER /etc/passwd; then
19 USER=tux
20 fi
21 else
22 USER=tux
23 fi
24 echo -n "Configuring user and group: $USER..."
25 adduser -D -s /bin/sh -g "SliTaz User" -G users -h /home/$USER $USER
26 passwd -d $USER >/dev/null
27 status
28 # Audio and cdrom group.
29 addgroup $USER audio
30 addgroup $USER cdrom
31 addgroup $USER video
32 addgroup $USER tty
33 # /home/$USER files from /etc/skel.
34 # make user be only read/write by user
35 chmod -R 700 /home/$USER
36 # Slim default user.
37 if [ -f /etc/slim.conf ]; then
38 sed -i s/"default_user .*"/"default_user $USER"/\
39 /etc/slim.conf
40 fi
41 fi
43 # Check for a specified home partition (home=*) and check for
44 # user home dir. Note: home=usb is a shorter and easier way to
45 # have home=/dev/sda1.
46 #
47 if grep -q "home=" /proc/cmdline; then
48 DEVICE=${opt#home=}
49 [ "$DEVICE" = "usb" ] && DEVICE=sda1
50 echo "Home has been specified to $DEVICE..."
51 DEVID=`/sbin/blkid | sed 'p;s/"//g' | grep "$DEVICE" | sed 's/:.*//;q'`
52 if [ -z "$DEVID" ]; then
53 USBDELAY=`cat /sys/module/usb_storage/parameters/delay_use`
55 echo "Sleeping $USBDELAY s to let the kernel detect the device... "
56 sleep $USBDELAY
57 fi
58 USER=`cat /etc/passwd | sed '/:1000:/!d;s/:.*//;q'`
60 if [ -x /sbin/blkid ]; then
61 # Can be a label, uuid, type or devname. DEVID gives us first: /dev/name.
62 DEVID=`/sbin/blkid | sed 'p;s/"//g' | grep "$DEVICE" | sed 's/:.*//;q'`
63 fi
64 DEVID=${DEVID##*/}
65 if [ -n "$DEVID" ] && grep -q "$DEVID" /proc/partitions ; then
66 echo "Mounting /home on /dev/$DEVID... "
67 [ -d /home/$USER ] && mv /home/$USER /tmp/$USER-files
68 mount /dev/$DEVID /home -o uid=1000,gid=1000 2>/dev/null \
69 || mount /dev/$DEVID /home
70 # Check if swap file must be generated in /home: swap=size (Mb).
71 # This option is only used within home=device.
72 if grep -q "swap=[1-9]*" /proc/cmdline; then
73 SWAP_SIZE=`sed 's/.*swap=\([^ ]*\).*/\1/' < /proc/cmdline`
74 # DD to gen a virtual disk.
75 echo "Generating swap file: /home/swap ($SWAP_SIZE)..."
76 dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/swap bs=1M count=$SWAP_SIZE
77 # Make the Linux swap filesystem.
78 mkswap /home/swap
79 add_swap_in_fstab /home/swap
80 fi
81 else
82 echo "Unable to find $DEVICE... "
83 fi
84 # Move all user dir if needed.
85 if [ ! -d "/home/$USER" ] ; then
86 mv /tmp/$USER-files /home/$USER
87 chown -R $USER.users /home/$USER
88 else
89 rm -rf /tmp/$USER-files
90 fi
91 # Install all packages in /home/boot/packages. In live CD and
92 # USB mode the option home= mounts the device on /home, so we
93 # already have a boot directory with the Kernel and rootfs.
94 if [ -d "/home/boot/packages" ]; then
95 for pkg in /home/boot/packages/*.tazpkg
96 do
97 tazpkg install $pkg
98 done
99 fi
100 # We can have custom files in /home/boot/rootfs to overwrite
101 # the one packed into the Live system.
102 if [ -d "/home/boot/rootfs" ]; then
103 cp -a /home/boot/rootfs/* /
104 fi
105 fi