slitaz-configs view rootfs/etc/skel/.Xdefaults @ rev 319

~/.Xdefaults: add xterm utf same as in /root, ~/.xinitrc: LOG=/dev/tty9, ob-menu/ : xcompmgr -a : Use automatic server-side compositing. Faster, but no special effects.
author anonymous
date Sat Nov 07 19:56:54 2020 +0000 (2020-11-07)
parents 6122a8718fbd
line source
1 !~/.Xdefault: Control the behavior of x-clients
2 !
4 ! Xcursor theme: ~/.icons
5 !
6 Xcursor.theme: slitaz-polar
8 ! XTerm settings
9 !
10 xterm*background: #000000
11 xterm*foreground: #ffffff
12 xterm*cursorColor: #d66018
13 xterm*scrollBar: off
14 xterm*faceSize: 11
15 xterm*faceName: xft:Monospace:autohint=true
16 xterm*faceNameDoublesize: WenQuanYi WenQuanYi Micro Hei Mono-11
17 xterm*utf8: 2
18 xterm*deleteIsDEL: false
19 xterm*metaSendsEscape: true
20 xterm*eightBitInput: true
21 xterm*termName: xterm
22 xterm*saveLines: 8192
23 xterm*cursorBlink: true
26 ! Xload settings
27 !
28 !xload*background: black
29 !xload*foreground: lightblue
31 ! FLTK Theming
32 !
33 !Text.background: #111111
34 !fltk*scheme: gtk+
35 fltk*background: #ededed
36 fltk*foreground: #000000