tazpkg view modules/list @ rev 926

Unblock package before removing
author Aleksej Bobylev <al.bobylev@gmail.com>
date Mon Sep 26 11:12:32 2016 +0300 (2016-09-26)
parents 48496086d8c9
children 45d90da42ede
line source
1 #!/bin/sh
2 # TazPkg - Tiny autonomous zone packages manager, hg.slitaz.org/tazpkg
3 # list - TazPkg module
4 # Produce various lists
7 # Commands and options:
8 # blocked List of blocked packages
9 # categories List of categories
10 # linked List of linked packages
11 # installed List of installed packages
12 # installed_of_category <category> List of installed packages of asked category
13 # mirrored List packages available on the mirror
14 # mirrored --diff Last mirrored packages diff
15 # installed_files List files installed with the package
16 # activity TazPkg activity log
17 # activity --nb=30 Show asked number of lines of TazPkg activity log
18 # config_files [<package>] List configuration files installed
19 # config_files [<package>] --box List formatted for Yad-based TazPkg boxes
20 # suggested List of suggested packages (not installed only)
21 # suggested --all List of suggested packages (both installed and not installed)
24 # Connect function libraries
25 . /lib/libtaz.sh
27 # Get TazPkg working environment
28 . @@MODULES@@/getenv
33 # Interactive mode
35 im() { tty -s; }
38 # Functions set for translate categories
39 # --------------------------------------
41 # Translate category names (must be last in line)
43 translate_category() {
44 sed "s|base-system$|$(_ base-system)|; s|x-window$|$(_ x-window)|;
45 s|utilities$|$(_ utilities)|; s|network$|$(_ network)|;
46 s|graphics$|$(_ graphics)|; s|multimedia$|$(_ multimedia)|;
47 s|office$|$(_ office)|; s|development$|$(_ development)|;
48 s|system-tools$|$(_ system-tools)|; s|security$|$(_ security)|;
49 s|games$|$(_ games)|; s|misc$|$(_ misc)|; s|meta$|$(_ meta)|;
50 s|non-free$|$(_ non-free)|; s|all$|$(_ all)|; s|extra$|$(_ extra)|"
51 }
54 # Make array of pre-translated categories
56 cat_i18n=''
57 for c in 'base-system' 'x-window' 'utilities' 'network' 'graphics' \
58 'multimedia' 'office' 'development' 'system-tools' 'security' 'games' \
59 'misc' 'meta' 'non-free'; do
60 cat_i18n="$cat_i18n
61 $(gettext "$c") $c"
62 done
65 # If category is not one of those translated in native language, keep it
66 # untranslated. This allows both native and English language support.
67 # This also supports custom categories.
68 # And now we support spaces in translated categories
70 reverse_translate_category() {
71 echo "$cat_i18n" | awk "BEGIN{FS=\" \"}{if (/^$@ /) a=\$2}END{if (a==\"\") a=\"$@\"; print a}"
72 }
75 # Main code
76 # ---------
78 case $1 in
80 blocked)
81 # List of blocked packages
82 title 'Blocked packages'
84 if [ -s "$BLOCKED" ];then
85 cat "$BLOCKED"
86 num=$(wc -l < "$BLOCKED")
87 footer "$(_p '%s package' '%s packages' "$num" \
88 "$(colorize 31 $num)")"
89 else
90 _ 'No blocked packages found.'; newline
91 fi
92 ;;
95 categories)
96 # List of categories
97 title 'Packages categories'
99 echo "$PKGS_CATEGORIES" | sed 's|[^a-z-]|\n|g; /^$/d' | \
100 sed 's|\(.*\)|\1\t\1|' | translate_category | awk -F$'\t' '{
101 if ($1==$2) print $1; else printf "%-14s %s\n", $1, $2}'
103 num=$(echo -n "$PKGS_CATEGORIES" | wc -l)
104 footer "$(_p '%s category' '%s categories' "$num" \
105 "$(colorize 33 $num)")"
106 ;;
109 linked)
110 # List of linked packages
111 title 'Linked packages'
113 linked="$(find "$INSTALLED" -type l -maxdepth 1)"
114 if [ -n "$linked" ]; then
115 for pkg in $linked; do
116 awk -F$'\t' -vp="$(basename "$pkg")" \
117 '$1==p{printf "%-34s %-17s %s\n", $1, $2, $3}' \
118 "$PKGS_DB/installed.info" | translate_category
119 done
120 num=$(echo "$linked" | wc -l)
121 footer "$(_p '%s package' '%s packages' "$num" \
122 "$(colorize 31 $num)")"
123 else
124 _ 'No linked packages found.'; newline
125 fi
126 ;;
129 installed)
130 # List of installed packages
131 title 'List of all installed packages'
133 awk -F$'\t' '{printf "%-34s %-17s %s\n", $1, $2, $3}' \
134 "$PKGS_DB/installed.info" | translate_category
135 num=$(wc -l < "$PKGS_DB/installed.info")
137 footer "$(_p '%s package installed.' '%s packages installed.' "$num" \
138 "$(colorize 32 $num)")"
139 ;;
142 installed_of_category)
143 # List of installed packages of asked category
144 shift
146 ASKED_CATEGORY=$(reverse_translate_category "$ASKED_CATEGORY_I18N")
147 title 'Installed packages of category "%s"' "$ASKED_CATEGORY_I18N"
149 TMPLIST=$(mktemp)
150 awk -F$'\t' -vcat="$ASKED_CATEGORY" \
151 '$3==cat{printf "%-34s %s\n", $1, $2}' \
152 "$PKGS_DB/installed.info" | tee "$TMPLIST" | translate_category
153 num=$(wc -l < "$TMPLIST"); rm "$TMPLIST"
155 footer "$(emsg $(_p \
156 '%s package installed of category "%s".' \
157 '%s packages installed of category "%s".' $num \
158 "<c 32>$num</c>" "<c 34>$ASKED_CATEGORY_I18N</c>"))"
159 ;;
162 mirrored)
163 # List packages available on the mirror
164 # Option --diff displays last mirrored packages diff (see recharge).
165 if [ -n "$diff" ]; then
166 if [ -f "$PKGS_DB/packages.diff" ]; then
167 title 'Mirrored packages diff'
168 cat "$PKGS_DB/packages.diff"
169 num=$(wc -l < "$PKGS_DB/packages.diff")
170 footer "$(_p \
171 '%s new package listed on the mirror.' \
172 '%s new packages listed on the mirror.' "$num" \
173 "$(colorize 32 $num)")"
174 else
175 newline
176 _ 'Unable to list anything, no packages.diff found.'
177 _ 'Recharge your current list to create a first diff.'
178 newline
179 fi
180 else
181 title 'List of available packages on the mirror'
182 awk -F$'\t' '{
183 split($7, s, " ");
184 printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s (%s installed)\n\n", $1, $2, $4, s[1], s[2];
185 }' "$PKGS_DB/packages.info"
186 num=$(wc -l < "$PKGS_DB/packages.info")
187 footer "$(_p \
188 '%s package in the last recharged list.' \
189 '%s packages in the last recharged list.' "$num" \
190 "$(colorize 32 $num)")"
191 fi
192 ;;
195 installed_files)
196 # List files installed with the package
197 PACKAGE="$2"
198 if [ -d "$INSTALLED/$PACKAGE" ]; then
199 # installed package
200 title 'Installed files by "%s"' "$PACKAGE"
201 sort < "$INSTALLED/$PACKAGE/files.list"
202 num=$(wc -l < "$INSTALLED/$PACKAGE/files.list")
203 footer "$(_p '%s file' '%s files' $num \
204 "$(colorize 32 $num)")"
205 elif [ -n "$(grep "^$PACKAGE"$'\t' "$PKGS_DB/packages.info")" ]; then
206 # available package
207 title 'Installed files by "%s"' "$PACKAGE"
209 TMPLIST=$(mktemp)
210 lzcat "$PKGS_DB/files.list.lzma" | sed -n "/^$PACKAGE: / s|^[^:]*: ||p" | tee "$TMPLIST"
211 num=$(wc -l < "$TMPLIST"); rm "$TMPLIST"
213 footer "$(_p '%s file' '%s files' $num \
214 "$(colorize 32 $num)")"
215 else
216 newline
217 _ 'Package "%s" not available.' "$PACKAGE"
218 newline
219 fi
220 ;;
223 activity)
224 # Show activity log
225 : ${nb=18}
226 title 'TazPkg Activity'
227 IFS=' '
228 tail -n $nb "$LOG" | tac | \
229 while read date hour none action none pkg vers none; do
230 case $action in
231 Installed)
232 action=$(colorize 32 $action) ;;
233 Removed)
234 action=$(colorize 31 $action) ;;
235 *)
236 action=$(boldify $action) ;;
237 esac
238 date_locale="$(date -d "$date $hour" '+%x %X')"
239 echo "$date_locale : $action $pkg $vers"
240 done
241 unset IFS
242 footer
243 ;;
246 config_files)
247 # List configuration files installed
248 # Option --box displays list formatted for Yad-based TazPkg boxes
249 FILES="$INSTALLED/${2:-*}/volatile.cpio.gz"
251 if [ -n "$box" ]; then
252 TMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
254 for i in $FILES; do
255 mkdir -p "$TMP_DIR/temp"; cd "$TMP_DIR/temp"
257 zcat $i | cpio -idm --quiet >/dev/null
259 find . -type f 2>/dev/null | while read file; do
260 if [ ! -e "/$file" ]; then
261 echo -n "----------|----|----|$(_n 'File lost')"
262 else
263 echo -n "$(stat -c "%A|%U|%G|%s|" "/$file")"
264 cmp "$file" "/$file" >/dev/null 2>&1 || \
265 echo -n "$(stat -c "%.16y" "/$file")"
266 fi
267 echo "|/$file"
268 done
269 rm -r "$TMP_DIR/temp"
270 done
271 rm -r "$TMP_DIR"
272 else
273 im && title 'Configuration files'
274 for i in $FILES; do
275 [ -f "$i" ] || continue
276 zcat "$i" | cpio -t --quiet
277 done | sed 's|^|/|' | sort
278 im && footer
279 fi
280 ;;
283 suggested)
284 # List of suggested packages
285 # By default list only not installed suggested packages
286 # Option --all displays all (installed and not installed) suggested packages
287 for i in $(ls -d "$INSTALLED"/*/receipt); do
288 unset SUGGESTED
289 . $i
290 if [ -n "$SUGGESTED" ]; then
291 if [ -z "$all" ]; then
292 for s in $SUGGESTED; do
293 [ -d "$INSTALLED/$s" ] && \
294 SUGGESTED="$(echo -n $SUGGESTED | sed "s/$s//")"
295 done
296 fi
297 [ -n "$SUGGESTED" ] && cat <<EOT
298 $(boldify $(echo "$PACKAGE"):) $SUGGESTED
299 EOT
300 fi
301 done
302 ;;
304 esac
305 exit 0