website view en/asso/statutes.php @ rev 1198

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author Paul Issott <>
date Sat Mar 29 19:26:32 2014 +0000 (2014-03-29)
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5 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
6 <title>SliTaz - Association statutes</title>
7 <meta name="description" content="SliTaz GNU/Linux asso non-profit donate" />
8 <meta name="keywords" lang="en" content="about slitaz, gnu, linux, mini distro, livecd" />
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21 <h4>Association statutes</h4>
22 <p>
23 The SliTaz GNU/Linux association is a non-profit entity that
24 maintains and manages the project. Its mission is to ensure
25 the durability of the project. It provides an infrastruture
26 and delivers professional services to users, developers and
27 business enterprises using the distribution.
28 </p>
29 <p>Help the project via a small donation:</p>
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37 <div id="content">
39 <h2>Statutes</h2>
41 <h3>General</h3>
43 <h4>Article 1: Name, location and duration</h4>
45 <p>
46 The "SliTaz GNU/Linux Association" is a non-profit, politically and
47 religiously neutral association, corporately organized in line with
48 article 60 of the Swiss Civil Code. The headquarters of the Association
49 are based in Montpreveyres Switzerland. Its duration is unlimited.
50 </p>
52 <h4>Article 2: Purpose</h4>
54 <p>
55 The goal of the Association is to maintain, provide support, and promote and
56 expand the SliTaz GNU/Linux distribution, thus providing an ultra-light, modern,
57 stable, portable, fast and free operating system.
58 </p>
60 <h3>Members</h3>
62 <h4>Article 3: Members</h4>
64 <p>
65 Individuals or groups interested in the goals of the Association may
66 become members. Applications for admission are addressed to the Committee
67 which admits new members and informs the General Assembly.
68 </p>
70 <h4>Article 4: Admission, resignation and exclusion</h4>
72 <p>
73 Each member shall recognize the statutes of the Association
74 and decisions of the various bodies. Membership is gained
75 by the payment of dues.
76 </p>
77 <p>
78 Any resignation shall be communicated in writing to the Committee.
79 Any member resigning shall continue to pay their membership during
80 the current year in question.
81 </p>
82 <p>
83 The Committee may decide on the exclusion of members for any valid
84 reason. The Committee shall inform the General Assembly. Any member is
85 entitled to appeal to the General Assembly. Members who resign lose any
86 rights to the assets of the Association.
87 </p>
89 <h4>Article 5: Responsibility</h4>
91 <p>
92 Association members incur no personal liability for commitments
93 made by the Association, only commitments secured by the assets thereof.
94 </p>
96 <h3>Bodies</h3>
98 <h4>Article 6: Bodies</h4>
100 <p>
101 The bodies of the Association are:
102 </p>
103 <ul>
104 <li>The General Assembly</li>
105 <li>The Committee</li>
106 <li>The Board of Auditors</li>
107 </ul>
109 <h4>Article 7: The General Assembly</h4>
111 <p>
112 The supreme body of the Association is the General Assembly. It takes place
113 each year and consists of all members of the Association. The agenda
114 and date must be communicated in writing to members at least eight weeks
115 in advance. It can occur at the same time as a 'SliTazDays' or
116 via videoconference.
117 </p>
118 <p>
119 The General Assembly is constituted as soon as 6 members with a right to
120 vote are present in person or via videoconference. It aims to:
121 </p>
122 <ul>
123 <li>Elect the Committee and Board of Auditors</li>
124 <li>Adopt the report of the Committee</li>
125 <li>Discuss the general policy of the Association</li>
126 <li>Decide on the proposals made to it</li>
127 <li>Adopt the accounts and budget vote</li>
128 <li>Discharge the Committee and the Board of Audit</li>
129 <li>Set the amount of annual fees</li>
130 <li>Adopt and amend the statutes</li>
131 <li>Dissolve the Association</li>
132 </ul>
133 <p>
134 Each member individually or collectively shall have one vote. The
135 cumulation of votes is prohibited. In the event of a tie, the casting
136 vote of the Chairperson of the meeting is decisive. The voting and
137 elections are held by show of hands or 10 days in advance by mail. They
138 can be held by secret ballot if 1/5 of the members so request.
139 </p>
140 <p>
141 The General Assembly is chaired by a member of the Committee.
142 Individual proposals must be received by the Committee at least 5
143 days before the date of the General Assembly.
144 </p>
146 <h4>Article 8: Extraordinary General Meeting</h4>
148 <p>
149 An Extraordinary General Meeting may be held by the Committee or
150 following the request of at least 1/5 of the members entitled to vote.
151 </p>
153 <h4>Article 9: The Committee</h4>
155 <p>
156 The Committee enacts itself and is composed of 3 to 5 members. It
157 is elected by the General Assembly, but the determination of roles is
158 under its own jurisdiction. For special tasks, the Committee may designate
159 and appoint an officer governing working groups. The length of service
160 of all members of the Committee shall be indefinite. This can be revoked
161 by the General Meeting for just cause and after a commission report
162 investigation.
163 </p>
164 <p>
165 The Committee directs the activities of the Association. It meets at times
166 as and when necessary at the request of one of the members. The Committee
167 represents the Association in relation to third parties. The signature of a member
168 of the Committee binds the responsibility of the Association.
169 </p>
170 <p>
171 The Committee shall:
172 </p>
173 <ul>
174 <li>Take all necessary steps to achieve the goals of the Association</li>
175 <li>Convene the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings</li>
176 <li>Make decisions concerning the admission and exclusion of members</li>
177 <li>Enforce the statutes</li>
178 <li>Administer the property of the Association</li>
179 <li>Employ staff and volunteers</li>
180 </ul>
182 <h4>Article 10: Board of Audit</h4>
184 <p>
185 The General Assembly shall elect two auditors for two years. They are
186 re-elected. They are responsible for the audit of the Association and
187 present the results of their review in a report at the request of the
188 General Assembly.
189 </p>
191 <h3>Finance</h3>
193 <h4>Article 11: Resources</h4>
195 <p>
196 The resources of the Association are:
197 </p>
198 <ul>
199 <li>Membership fees</li>
200 <li>Specific products</li>
201 <li>Grants, donations and possible bequests</li>
202 </ul>
204 <h4>Article 12: Contributions</h4>
206 <p>
207 The contributions of individual members and groups are set by the
208 General Meeting. Committee members and staff volunteers do not pay fees.
209 </p>
211 <h3>Final Provisions</h3>
213 <h4>Article 13: Amendments to the statutes</h4>
215 <p>
216 The modification of the Association may take place only on the decision
217 of the Committee or a General Assembly with a majority of 2/3 of those
218 present entitled to vote, provided that the change request is contained
219 in the agenda.
220 </p>
222 <h4>Article 14: Dissolution</h4>
224 <p>
225 The dissolution of the Association may be decided only at the request of
226 the Committee or by half of the members entitled to vote in an
227 Extraordinary General Meeting convened specifically for that purpose.
228 The decision of the dissolution requires the approval of 2/3 of persons
229 entitled to vote. In the case of dissolution, the Extraordinary General
230 Meeting decides on the disposal of the funds of the Association mindful
231 of the purpose of the Association.
232 </p>
234 <h4>Article 15: Ratification</h4>
236 <p>
237 The statutes were adopted by the General Assembly constituted on 31 March
238 2009. The statutes are effective immediately. For any which are not
239 included in these statutes, please refer to Article 60 of the Swiss Civil
240 Code.
241 </p>
243 <h4>Place and date: Paris on 31 March 2009</h4>
245 <h4>For the Association:</h4>
247 <p style="text-align: center"><i>
248 Christophe Lincoln     Pascal Bellard     Eric Joseph-Alexandre
249 </i></p>
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