website view en/rss.xml @ rev 334

en: Minor edits (Hdbk)
author Paul Issott <>
date Thu Mar 26 20:53:37 2009 +0000 (2009-03-26)
parents 0881cf16209f
children 04899947c6d3
line source
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
2 <rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">
3 <channel>
4 <atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
5 <title>Slitaz GNU/Linux RSS feed</title>
6 <link></link>
7 <language>en</language>
8 <description>
9 SliTaz GNU/Linux News
10 </description>
11 <copyright>Copyright © - GNU gpl</copyright>
12 <lastBuildDate>Sat, 21 Mar 2009 16:50:00 GMT</lastBuildDate>
14 <item>
15 <title>20 March 2009 - SliTaz at Solutionslinux 2009 (Paris)</title>
16 <link></link>
17 <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
18 <pubDate>Sat, 21 Mar 2009 16:50:00 GMT</pubDate>
19 <description>
20 The SliTaz project will be present at Solutionslinux 2009 in Paris.
21 The stand will be hosted by 3 members of the team during the 3 day
22 event and several other contributors will be present at some point.
23 There you will have the opportunity to test various machines, EeePC
24 for example, create a USB key (bring one with you) or to buy USB keys
25 or bootable LiveCDs. You can also learn about the project and make
26 contact with members of the association and the development team.
27 </description>
28 </item>
30 <item>
31 <title>Cooking 20090228 - New Cooking</title>
32 <link></link>
33 <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
34 <pubDate>Sun, 01 Mar 2009 10:50:00 GMT</pubDate>
35 <description>
36 Getting ready for the next stable release! - The SliTaz project is
37 proud to publish a new Cooking version with a lot of bug fixes,
38 updates, improvements and new features. PCI/USB device auto-detection
39 is now handled by Tazhw and firmware can be installed in one click
40 through a graphical interface. Tazndis also has a simple GUI which
41 lets you manage Windows drivers in a user friendly interface. The
42 graphical packages manager is also much simpler to use and LiveUSB
43 media such as a USB key can easily be created through a box. Netbox
44 displays all interfaces and the new Wifibox can connect to wireless
45 essids, manage favorite networks and configure card drivers manually
46 or through Tazhw. The desktop has a GUI to enable or disable
47 applications started with an Openbox session and Ivman with
48 desktopkbox provides a lightweight notification system. You can
49 download this new ISO image from one of the official mirrors of the
50 website.
51 </description>
52 </item>
54 <item>
55 <title>Cooking 20081231 - Wifi and NTFS support</title>
56 <link></link>
57 <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
58 <pubDate>Wed, 31 Dec 2008 20:50:00 GMT</pubDate>
59 <description>
60 The SliTaz project is proud to announce a new Cooking version of the
61 LiveCD. It allows you to utilize and test the work done in recent
62 months, it contains many new features, bug fixes and several
63 updates. The distribution now includes a tiny control center, easily
64 managed WiFi via Netbox and tazndis, a lighter version of
65 ndiswrapper to use non-free Windows network card drivers. Perl is
66 now on the cdrom (with Lua removed). WiFi support is also
67 accompanied by support for NTFS partitions, so mplayer had to be
68 dropped from the default packages that make up the heart of the
69 LiveCD. The Tazpkg manager has been greatly improved, it allows the
70 preservation of configuration files, software to be updated
71 according to the construction (build) date on the server, log files
72 to be kept when the packages are actioned, and several fixes have
73 been applied. Also improved are the boot scripts, and the LiveCD
74 tool (Tazlito) is now more coherent. The Cooking repository now
75 contains more than 1100 packages thanks to the SliTaz developers.
76 You can download this new version from one of the official mirrors
77 of the project.
78 </description>
79 </item>
81 <item>
82 <title>Cooking 20080716 - Web boot and MPlayer</title>
83 <link></link>
84 <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
85 <pubDate>Wed, 16 Jul 2008 22:50:00 GMT</pubDate>
86 <description>
87 SliTaz project members are proud to announce the availability of a
88 new Cooking version, including many new features and bug fixes. This
89 version provides the boot option web which lets you boot SliTaz from
90 the internet using gPXE from This new unique
91 service offers the possibility to use SliTaz in Live mode
92 (all in RAM), using the Live options to store your data permanently
93 and preconfigure the system. This new Cooking takes an extra 3 Mb so
94 we can provide: a multimedia player with MPlayer, a notes manager
95 with Notecase, a new version of Tazpkg package manager with md5sum
96 support, XFS filesystem support built into the Kernel, a 'man'
97 command and a few updates. This version requires at least 160 Mb to
98 boot and run properly, we offer loram flavors for machines with less
99 resources.
100 </description>
101 </item>
103 <item>
104 <title>Cooking 20080626 - New Kernel</title>
105 <link></link>
106 <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
107 <pubDate>Sun, 28 Jun 2008 10:50:00 GMT</pubDate>
108 <description>
109 Summer time is here and also the new Cooking from the 26 June. A lot
110 of work has been done to improve user experience. This Cooking
111 version provides a new Kernel ( with many new built-in
112 drivers and modules, linux package was also split to have a fairly
113 modular Kernel.Default user has changed to tux and the new option
114 user=name lets you choose the default user name. Most
115 of the Slitaz utils and tools have been improved: tazpkgbox provides
116 some new commands for package management and bootfloppybox can be
117 used in text mode, Netbox wifi and PPPoE support are now both
118 working well and a new function called zeroconf is available. Most
119 packages are up-to-date and Firefox 3.0 is part of the 25.2 Mb ISO.
120 Cooking version can be downloaded from SliTaz mirror. Bugs can be
121 reported on SliTaz Bug Tracking System.
122 </description>
123 </item>
125 <item>
126 <title>Cooking 20080518 -</title>
127 <link></link>
128 <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
129 <pubDate>Sun, 18 May 2008 23:50:00 GMT</pubDate>
130 <description>
131 SliTaz team is proud to announce the availability of a new Cooking
132 LiveCD ISO image providing huge changes from the stable release.
133 SliTaz now uses Openbox as its default Window Manager, desktop icons
134 let you launch your favorite applications and manage files and dbus
135 and hal will automatically mount removable media such as USB keys or
136 Hard disks. Packages can now be managed through the graphical
137 Packages Manager Tazpkgbox and mountbox and netbox are now much more
138 usable and complete. The LiveCD now offers: lua, a desktop search
139 engine with searchmonkey, system information with Hardinfo, task
140 management with LXTasks and a password and clipboard manager. All
141 the major packages have been updated - SliTaz now uses a new
142 toolchain using the last glibc-2.7, GTK 2.12.9 and Firefox 3.0 RC1!
143 You will now find 580 packages on the mirror including wireless
144 support for the kernel and the necessary tools for a manual
145 connection or one managed by SliTaz netbox. This new announced
146 Cooking version can be downloaded from SliTaz mirror. Note: This
147 version is going to be used at the in Geneva,
148 Switzerland.
149 </description>
150 </item>
152 <item>
153 <title>March 2008 - SliTaz GNU/Linux 1.0 release</title>
154 <link></link>
155 <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
156 <pubDate>Sat, 22 Mar 2008 21:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
157 <description>
158 The SliTaz contributors team are proud to announce the publication
159 of SliTaz GNU/Linux 1.0. This is the first stable release after 2
160 years of work. The system is distributed as a bootable LiveCD of
161 24.8 MB providing a fully featured desktop environment and a
162 generous selection of multi-use applications. SliTaz GNU/Linux 1.0
163 uses the Linux Kernel, providing Firefox, Rsync
164 3.0.0, Gparted 0.3.5 and sound support with Alsa 1.0.16. The
165 distribution lets you listen to music, surf the Web, edit a video
166 studio and much more with the 448 available packages that can be
167 installed with our own package manager Tazpkg. The LiveCD lets you
168 create a custom distro or a LiveUSB device in one single command.
169 Security updates are provided by the project and popular packages
170 like Firefox will also get upgraded for functionality. You can get
171 SliTaz GNU/Linux 1.0 from the Web site download page. Read the
172 Release Notes for more detailed information on this stable version.
173 </description>
174 </item>
176 </channel>
177 </rss>