wok-4.x view nomad/receipt @ rev 1699

Add: get-eclipse-pdt, get and install eclipse PDT
author Eric Joseph-Alexandre <erjo@slitaz.org>
date Thu Nov 13 00:04:59 2008 +0100 (2008-11-13)
parents e6114fcaafb8
children dd3e14a6278d
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="nomad"
4 VERSION="0.1"
5 CATEGORY="misc"
6 SHORT_DESC="user friendly wifi configure for nomads."
7 WEB_SITE="http://wiki.slitaz.org/doku.php?id=lang:fr:wifi"
8 MAINTAINER="sygne@ombres.eu"
9 DEPENDS="gtkdialog wireless_tools"
12 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
13 genpkg_rules()
14 {
15 mkdir -p $fs/usr/sbin
16 cp -a stuff/nomad $fs/usr/sbin/
17 cp -a stuff/nomadbox $fs/usr/sbin/
19 mkdir $fs/etc
20 cp -a stuff/nomad.conf $fs/etc/
21 }