wok-4.x view busybox/receipt @ rev 7674

Fixed linux. Need to make folder PWD/_pkg before adding bzImage to it. Also i'm force copying kernel config file now so we have the right config. It is copyed twice so its needed and doesn't hunt anything i think.
author Christopher Rogers <slaxemulator@gmail.com>
date Thu Dec 16 17:16:06 2010 +0000 (2010-12-16)
parents 1a1bfecb4881
children 040555bd4620
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="busybox"
4 VERSION="1.17.4"
5 CATEGORY="base-system"
6 SHORT_DESC="Busybox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities."
7 MAINTAINER="pascal.bellard@slitaz.org"
8 DEPENDS="slitaz-base-files glibc-base"
9 BUILD_DEPENDS="bzip2 pam pam-dev uclibc-cross-compiler-i486"
11 WEB_SITE="http://www.busybox.net/"
12 WGET_URL="http://www.busybox.net/downloads/$TARBALL"
13 CONFIG_FILES="/etc/dnsd.conf /etc/inetd.conf /etc/udhcpd.conf /etc/resolv.conf"
15 # Rules to configure and make the package.
16 compile_rules()
17 {
18 cd $src
19 while read file; do
20 [ -f done.$file ] && continue
21 echo "Apply $file..."
22 patch -p1 < ../stuff/$PACKAGE-$VERSION-$file || return 1
23 touch done.$file
24 done <<EOT
25 cpio-mkdir.u
26 tar.u
27 stat.u
28 ris.u
29 depmod.u
30 zmodules.u
31 usage.u
32 printable.u
33 cmdline.u
34 EOT
35 cp ../stuff/$PACKAGE-$VERSION.config .config
36 make oldconfig
37 if [ "$(gcc --version | awk '{ print $3; exit }')" == "4.5.0" ]; then
38 # "CFLAGS=-O0" is a workaround for GCC 4.5.0 (sed crash)
39 # "CFLAGS=-fno-tree-pta" may be a workaround for GCC 4.5.0 (sed garbage)
40 make -j 4 "CFLAGS=-O0" && make "CFLAGS=-O0" install
41 else
42 make -j 4 && make install
43 fi
44 echo "Chmod 4755 on busybox binary..."
45 chmod 4755 _install/bin/busybox
46 sed -i 's/# CONFIG_PAM is not set/CONFIG_PAM=y/' .config
47 make oldconfig
48 if [ "$(gcc --version | awk '{ print $3; exit }')" == "4.5.0" ]; then
49 # "CFLAGS=-O0" is a workaround for GCC 4.5.0 (sed crash)
50 # "CFLAGS=-fno-tree-pta" may be a workaround for GCC 4.5.0 (sed garbage)
51 make -j 4 "CFLAGS=-O0"
52 else
53 make -j 4
54 fi
55 mv busybox busybox-pam
56 chmod 4755 busybox-pam
57 cp ../stuff/$PACKAGE-$VERSION.config-static .config
58 make oldconfig
59 make -j 4
60 mv busybox busybox-static
61 chmod 4755 busybox-static
62 }
64 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
65 genpkg_rules()
66 {
67 cp -a $src/_install/* $fs
68 mkdir -p $fs/etc/init.d
69 # Busybox config files.
70 cp stuff/busybox.conf $fs/etc
71 chmod 600 $fs/etc/busybox.conf
72 cp stuff/dnsd.conf $fs/etc
73 cp stuff/udhcpd.conf $fs/etc
74 touch $fs/etc/resolv.conf
75 cp stuff/inetd.conf $fs/etc
76 cp stuff/daemon $fs/etc/init.d
77 for i in crond dnsd ftpd httpd inetd klogd ntpd syslogd telnetd tftpd \
78 udhcpd zcip ; do
79 grep -qi config_$i=y $src/.config &&
80 ln -s daemon $fs/etc/init.d/$i
81 done
82 cp stuff/init $fs
83 rm $fs/linuxrc
84 mkdir -p $fs/etc/modprobe.d
85 # Udhcpc stuff.
86 mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/udhcpc
87 cp stuff/udhcp.script $fs/usr/share/udhcpc/default.script
88 chmod +x $fs/usr/share/udhcpc/default.script
89 # ZeroConf stuff.
90 cp stuff/zcip.script $fs/etc
91 # Httpd stuff.
92 cp stuff/httpd_helper.sh $fs/usr/bin
93 chmod +x $fs/usr/bin/httpd_helper.sh
94 # .desktop stuff
95 mkdir -p $fs/usr/share
96 cp -a stuff/applications $fs/usr/share
97 }
99 # Force glibc-2.7 reinstall if 2.3.6 still in use.
100 pre_install()
101 {
102 local i
103 cp -a /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf-busybox-install
104 if grep -q 'VERSION="2.3.6"' /var/lib/tazpkg/installed/glibc-base/receipt; then
105 tazpkg get-install glibc-base --forced
106 fi
107 answer=""
108 for i in $(cat $1$INSTALLED/$PACKAGE/files.list); do
109 [ -f $1$i ] || continue
110 case "$i" in
111 /bin/busybox) continue ;;
112 *bin/*) ;;
113 *) continue ;;
114 esac
115 if [ -z "$answer" ]; then
116 echo -n "Keep installed GNU utilities ? "
117 read -t 30 answer # by default: keep
118 case "$answer" in
119 n*|N*) break;;
120 *) answer="Y";;
121 esac
122 fi
123 cp -a $1$i $1$i-busybox-install
124 done
125 }
127 post_install()
128 {
129 local i
130 [ -f /etc/resolv.conf-busybox-install ] &&
131 mv -f /etc/resolv.conf-busybox-install /etc/resolv.conf
132 while read i ; do
133 [ -f $1$i-busybox-install ] || continue
134 mv $1$i-busybox-install $1$i
135 done < $1$INSTALLED/$PACKAGE/files.list
136 chmod 4755 $1/bin/busybox
137 sed -i "s@vcsa2txt.*\$@busybox conspy -d | sed 's/ *\$//;/^\$/d;/^Processi\\\\|^.witchi/,\$!d' > /var/log/boot.log@" $1/etc/init.d/rcS
138 }