wok-4.x view linux/receipt @ rev 397

Linux: remove invalid links
author Pascal Bellard <pascal.bellard@slitaz.org>
date Mon Mar 10 14:46:29 2008 +0000 (2008-03-10)
parents 60102f5f62dd
children cd99ec381938
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="linux"
5 CATEGORY="base-system"
6 SHORT_DESC="The Linux kernel and modules."
7 MAINTAINER="pascal.bellard@slitaz.org"
9 WEB_SITE="http://www.kernel.org/"
10 WGET_URL="http://www.eu.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/$TARBALL"
12 # Rules to configure and make the package.
13 compile_rules()
14 {
15 cd $src
16 # lzma and boot patch from pascal
17 patch -p1 < ../stuff/boot-kernel.u
18 patch -p1 < ../stuff/$PACKAGE-lzma-$VERSION.u
19 patch -p1 < ../stuff/decompress_unlzma.u
20 make mrproper
21 cp ../stuff/$PACKAGE-$VERSION-slitaz.config .config
22 patch -p1 < ../stuff/config-acpi-$VERSION.u
23 patch -p1 < ../stuff/linux-utf8-$VERSION.u
24 patch -p1 < ../stuff/config-ieee1394-$VERSION.u
25 patch -p1 < ../stuff/linux-lzma-export.u
26 patch -p1 < ../stuff/config-tun-$VERSION.u
27 make oldconfig
28 make bzImage
29 make modules
30 make INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$PWD/_pkg modules_install
31 }
34 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
35 genpkg_rules()
36 {
37 mkdir $fs/boot
38 cp -a $src/arch/x86/boot/bzImage $fs/boot/vmlinuz-$VERSION-slitaz
39 cp -a $_pkg/* $fs
40 # Compress all modules.
41 # Package module-init-tools is compiled with zlib support.
42 #
43 ./stuff/gztazmod.sh $fs/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz
44 # Remove unresolved links
45 rm -f $fs/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz/build
46 rm -f $fs/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz/source
47 }
49 # Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg.
50 # GRUB stuf.
51 post_install()
52 {
53 echo "Processing post-install commands..."
54 echo "----"
55 echo "If you have GRUB installed, you can add tree lines to boot SliTaz."
56 echo "Example /boot/grub/menu.lst"
57 echo -e "
58 title SliTaz GNU/Linux (Kernel $VERSION-slitaz)
59 root(hd0,0)
60 kernel /boot/vmlinuz-$VERSION-slitaz root=/dev/hda1 vga=771\n"
61 echo "----"
62 }