- Up: fltk, fltk-dev, fltk-doc to 1.1.10. I removed one of the patches since its not need anymore. Added --enable-threads so cinepaint can build.2010-10-07, by Christopher Rogers
- Added openexr. Openexr library for EXR images.2010-10-07, by Christopher Rogers
- Added ilmbase. Ilmthread is a thread abstraction libary for use with OpenEXR.2010-10-07, by Christopher Rogers
- Added ftgl. OpenGL libarary to use arbitrary fonts.2010-10-07, by Christopher Rogers
- Added pwgen. A password generator.2010-10-07, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: qjackctl to, by Christopher Rogers
- Added warzone2100. A 3D realtime strategy game on a future Earth.2010-10-07, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: quesoglc, quesoglc-dev to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: physfs, physfs-dev to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: libidn, libidn-dev to 1.19.2010-10-07, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: fuse, fuse-dev to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: mysql to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: mhash, mhash-dev to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: libtool to 2.4.2010-10-07, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: make to 3.82.2010-10-07, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: ntfs-3g, ntfs-3g-dev to 2010.10.2.2010-10-07, by Christopher Rogers