wok-6.x view lgi/receipt @ rev 20620
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author | Pascal Bellard <pascal.bellard@slitaz.org> |
date | Mon Dec 31 11:54:16 2018 +0100 (2018-12-31) |
parents | |
children | d915ef6e3b53 |
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="lgi"
4 VERSION="0.7.2"
5 CATEGORY="development"
6 SHORT_DESC="Dynamic Lua binding to GObject libraries using GObject-Introspection"
7 MAINTAINER="al.bobylev@gmail.com"
9 WEB_SITE="https://github.com/pavouk/lgi"
11 WGET_URL="https://github.com/pavouk/lgi/archive/$VERSION.tar.gz"
13 DEPENDS="glib gobject-introspection lua"
14 BUILD_DEPENDS="gobject-introspection-dev lua-dev wget"
15 # add "cairo-dev gtk+-dev" for `make check`
17 # Rules to configure and make the package.
18 compile_rules()
19 {
20 # fix paths
21 sed -i 's|/usr/local|/usr|g;s|5.1|5.2|g;s|51|52|g' \
22 $src/lgi/Makefile $src/lgi/core.lua $src/lgi/core.c
23 # `make check` after `make` produces error
24 make &&
25 make PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR=$install install
26 }
28 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
29 genpkg_rules()
30 {
31 cp -a $install/* $fs
32 }