wok-6.x view inkscape/receipt @ rev 6513

Fixed depend problem if you have GConf-dev in build_depends in clean chroot.
author Christopher Rogers <slaxemulator@gmail.com>
date Sat Oct 02 05:06:16 2010 +0000 (2010-10-02)
parents cf6a9a593ece
children 3fd80d62508c
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="inkscape"
4 VERSION="0.47"
5 CATEGORY="graphics"
6 SHORT_DESC="Vector drawing application."
7 MAINTAINER="pankso@slitaz.org"
8 DEPENDS="gc gtk+ libxslt libsigc++ glibmm gtkmm libxml2 libpng popt \
9 xorg-libXdamage gsl aspell libgiomm lcms gtkspell libgomp poppler gcc-lib-base"
10 BUILD_DEPENDS="gc-dev gtk+-dev libxslt-dev libsigc++-dev glibmm-dev \
11 gtkmm-dev popt-dev libgiomm-dev gsl gsl-dev lcms-dev gtkspell-dev \
12 cairomm-dev libboost-dev"
14 WEB_SITE="http://www.inkscape.org/"
16 TAGS="image vector editor svg"
18 # Rules to configure and make the package.
19 compile_rules()
20 {
21 cd $src
22 sed -i -e '\|^packaging/autopackage/default\.apspec$|d' configure.ac
23 # InkBoard is now disabled by default, --enable-inkboard now exists
25 # Fix build with gcc45
26 # http://launchpadlibrarian.net/39366738/inkscape-0.47-gcc45.patch
27 patch -p1 < ../stuff/inkscape-0.47-gcc45.patch || exit 1
29 ./configure \
30 --prefix=/usr \
31 --mandir=/usr/share/man \
33 make &&
34 make DESTDIR=$PWD/_pkg install
35 }
37 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
38 genpkg_rules()
39 {
40 mkdir -p $fs/usr/share
41 cp -a $_pkg/usr/bin $fs/usr
43 # Copy all Inkscape files and remove tutorials (19,2 Mb) + misc files
44 cp -a $_pkg/usr/share/inkscape $fs/usr/share
45 rm -rf $fs/usr/share/inkscape/clipart
46 rm -rf $fs/usr/share/inkscape/tutorials
47 rm -rf $fs/usr/share/inkscape/examples
48 rm -rf $fs/usr/share/inkscape/screens/keys*
49 }