wok-6.x view sylpheed/stuff/applications/sylpheed-compose.desktop @ rev 14054

virtualbox-ose: splitted in virtualbox-ose for slitaz hosts and virtualbox-ose-guestutils for slitaz guests, can't get it to work without reboot
author ernia <monghitri@aruba.it>
date Tue Feb 19 20:23:53 2013 +0000 (2013-02-19)
parents 8c6c253c8c4d
line source
1 [Desktop Entry]
2 Version=1.0
3 Encoding=UTF-8
4 Name=Sylpheed Compose
5 GenericName=Compose a mail
6 GenericName[fr]=Composer un mail
7 Exec=sylpheed --compose
8 Icon=sylpheed
9 Type=Application
10 Categories=Application;Network;