wok-6.x view dargui/receipt @ rev 24464

created recipes for dargui and dargui-lang
author Hans-G?nter Theisgen
date Thu Feb 17 11:06:13 2022 +0100 (2022-02-17)
children 535c806240cc
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="dargui"
4 VERSION="1.0" # last 32 bit version
5 CATEGORY="system-tools"
6 TAGS="backup gui"
7 SHORT_DESC="Graphical frontend for dar."
8 MAINTAINER="maintainer@slitaz.org"
10 WEB_SITE="https://dargui.sourceforge.net"
12 TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION-32bit.tar.gz"
15 SUGGESTED="dargui-lang"
16 DEPENDS="at bash dar gtk+ xterm"
17 BUILD_DEPENDS="gettext-tools"
19 # Rules to configure and make the package.
20 compile_rules()
21 {
22 mkdir -p $install/usr/share/locale
23 for pofile in $src/locales/*.po
24 do
25 lang=${pofile%.*} # remove suffix
26 lang=${lang##*.} # remove prefix
27 mkdir -p $install/usr/share/locale/$lang/LC_MESSAGES
28 msgfmt $pofile -o $install/usr/share/locale/$lang/LC_MESSAGES/$(basename ${pofile%.*.po}).mo
29 done
30 }
32 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
33 genpkg_rules()
34 {
35 mkdir -p $fs/usr/bin
36 mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/dargui
38 cp -a $src/dargui $fs/usr/bin
39 cp -a $src/scripts/* $fs/usr/share/dargui
40 cp -a $src/applications $fs/usr/share
41 cp -a $src/pixmaps $fs/usr/share
42 }