wok-6.x view connman/receipt @ rev 14356

python-couchdbkit, python-restclient: fix TARBALL
author Pascal Bellard <pascal.bellard@slitaz.org>
date Wed Apr 17 12:59:13 2013 +0200 (2013-04-17)
parents 4adde6975d35
children 0199371990b2
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="connman"
4 VERSION="1.12"
5 CATEGORY="network"
6 SHORT_DESC="Daemon for managing internet connections"
7 MAINTAINER="slaxemulator@gmail.com"
9 WEB_SITE="http://connman.net/"
10 WGET_URL="http://linux-kernel.uio.no/pub/linux/network/$PACKAGE/$TARBALL"
12 DEPENDS="glib dbus iptables gnutls libnl udev wpa_supplicant"
13 BUILD_DEPENDS="glib-dev dbus-dev iptables iptables-dev gnutls-dev libnl-dev \
14 openconnect udev-dev wpa_supplicant readline-dev ncursesw-dev openvpn bluez-dev"
16 # Rules to configure and make the package.
17 compile_rules()
18 {
19 # add dependency on libncurses.so,
20 sed -i 's/-lreadline/-lreadline -lncurses/' Makefile.in
21 cd $src
22 ./configure \
23 --prefix=/usr \
24 --sysconfdir=/etc \
25 --localstatedir=/var \
26 --infodir=/usr/share/info \
27 --mandir=/usr/share/man \
28 --disable-gtk-doc \
29 --disable-neard \
30 --enable-threads \
31 --enable-openconnect \
32 --enable-vpnc \
33 --enable-openvpn \
34 --enable-polkit \
35 --enable-client \
37 make && make DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install
38 }
40 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
41 genpkg_rules()
42 {
43 # dbus conf
44 mkdir -p $fs/etc
45 cp -a $install/etc/dbus-1 $fs/etc
46 # conman exec
47 mkdir -p $fs/usr
48 cp -a $install/usr/sbin $fs/usr
49 # libs
50 mkdir -p $fs/usr/lib/connman/plugins-vpn
51 cp -a $install/usr/lib/connman/plugins-vpn/*.so \
52 $fs/usr/lib/connman/plugins-vpn
53 # vpn scripts
54 mkdir -p $fs/usr/lib/connman/scripts
55 cp -a $install/usr/lib/connman/scripts $fs/usr/lib/connman
56 # init script
57 cp -a $stuff/etc $fs
58 }
60 # Pre and post remove commands for Tazpkg
61 post_install()
62 {
63 local root=$1
64 if ! grep -q ^CONNMAND_OPTIONS $root/etc/daemons.conf; then
65 echo '# Connman daemon options.' >> $root/etc/daemons.conf
66 echo 'CONNMAND_OPTIONS=""' >> $root/etc/daemons.conf
67 echo '' >> $root/etc/daemons.conf
68 fi
69 if [ -z "$root" ]; then
70 /etc/init.d/connmand start || continue
71 fi
72 }
74 pre_remove()
75 {
76 if [ -z "$1" ]; then
77 /etc/init.d/connmand stop
78 fi
79 }