wok-6.x view linux/stuff/bootloader.sh @ rev 12557

linux: update bootloader.sh
author Pascal Bellard <pascal.bellard@slitaz.org>
date Sat Apr 28 13:25:47 2012 +0200 (2012-04-28)
parents cfdc7a358251
children 48a3c0a87ff7
line source
1 #!/bin/sh
2 #
3 # This script creates a floppy image set from a linux bzImage and can merge
4 # a cmdline and/or one or more initramfs.
5 # The total size can not exceed 15M because INT 15H function 87H limitations.
6 #
7 # (C) 2009 Pascal Bellard - GNU General Public License v3.
9 usage()
10 {
11 cat <<EOT
12 Usage: $0 bzImage [--prefix image_prefix]
13 [--format 1200|1440|1680|1920|2880|... ] [--mem mb]
14 [--rdev device] [--video mode] [--flags rootflags] [--tracks cnt]
15 [--cmdline 'args'] [--dont-edit-cmdline] [--no-syssize-fix]
16 [--address-initrd address] [--initrd initrdfile]...
18 Default values: --format 1440 --tracks 80 --rdev /dev/fd0 --prefix floppy. --mem 16
20 Example:
21 $0 /boot/bzImage --rdev /dev/ram0 --video -3 --cmdline 'rw lang=fr_FR kmap=fr-latin1 laptop autologin' --initrd /boot/rootfs.gz --initrd ./myconfig.gz
22 EOT
23 exit 1
24 }
26 KERNEL=""
27 INITRD=""
28 ADRSRD=""
30 PREFIX="floppy."
31 FORMAT="1440"
32 RDEV=""
33 VIDEO=""
34 FLAGS=""
35 TRACKS="80"
36 MEM="16"
37 NOEDIT=""
39 DEBUG=""
40 while [ -n "$1" ]; do
41 case "${1/--/-}" in
42 -c*) CMDLINE="$2"; shift;;
43 -i*) INITRD="$INITRD $2"; shift;;
44 -a*) ADRSRD="$2"; shift;;
45 -h*) HEAP="$2"; shift;;
46 -l*) LOADERTYPE="$2"; shift;;
47 -p*) PREFIX="$2"; shift;;
48 -fl*)FLAGS="$2"; shift;; # 1 read-only, 0 read-write
49 -f*) FORMAT="$2"; shift;;
50 -m*) MEM="$(echo $2 | sed 's/[^0-9]//g')"; shift;;
51 -r*) RDEV="$2"; shift;;
52 -v*) VIDEO="$2"; shift;; # -3 .. n
53 -t*) TRACKS="$2"; shift;; # likely 81 .. 84
54 -n*) NOSYSSIZEFIX="1";;
55 -debug) DEBUG="1";;
56 -d*) NOEDIT="1";;
57 *) KERNEL="$1";;
58 esac
59 shift
60 done
61 [ -n "$KERNEL" -a -f "$KERNEL" ] || usage
62 while [ -L "$KERNEL" ]; do KERNEL="$(readlink "$KERNEL")"; done
63 if [ $(( $FORMAT % $TRACKS )) -ne 0 ]; then
64 echo "Invalid track count for format $FORMAT."
65 usage
66 fi
67 [ 0$MEM -lt 4 ] && MEM=4
68 [ $MEM -gt 16 ] && MEM=16
70 ddq() { dd $@ 2> /dev/null; }
72 patch()
73 {
74 echo -en $(echo ":$2" | sed 's/:/\\x/g') | \
75 ddq bs=1 conv=notrunc of=$3 seek=$((0x$1))
76 [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo "patch $1 $2 $4" 1>&2
77 }
79 # usage: store bits offset data file
80 store()
81 {
82 n=$3; for i in $(seq 8 8 $1); do
83 printf '\\\\x%02X' $(($n & 255))
84 n=$(($n >> 8))
85 done | xargs echo -en | ddq bs=1 conv=notrunc of=$4 seek=$(($2))
86 [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && printf "store%d(%03X) = %0$(($1/4))X %s\n" $1 $2 $3 "$5" 1>&2
87 }
89 # usage: getlong offset file
90 getlong()
91 {
92 ddq if=$2 bs=1 skip=$(($1)) count=4 | hexdump -e '"" 1/4 "%d" "\n"'
93 }
95 error()
96 {
97 echo $@ 1>&2
98 rm -f $bs
99 exit 1
100 }
102 floppyset()
103 {
104 # bzImage offsets
105 SetupSzOfs=497
106 FlagsOfs=498
107 VideoModeOfs=506
108 RootDevOfs=508
109 Magic=0x202
110 RamfsAdrOfs=0x218
111 RamfsLenOfs=0x21C
113 # boot+setup address
114 SetupBase=0x90000
116 bs=/tmp/bs$$
118 # Get and patch boot sector
119 # See http://hg.slitaz.org/wok/file/66e38bd6a132/linux/stuff/linux-header.u
120 [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo "Read bootsector..." 1>&2
121 ddq if=$KERNEL bs=512 count=1 of=$bs
123 [ $(( $(getlong 0x1FE $bs) & 0xFFFF )) -eq 43605 ] ||
124 error "Not bootable"
126 uudecode <<EOT | ddq of=$bs conv=notrunc
127 begin-base64 644 -
128 /L+4nWgAkBeJ/BYHMcC5HgDzq1sfD6Gg8X1AxXd4BlexBvOlFh9kZo9HeMZF
130 zRCwCM0QTuhZATwIdAOIBK05NigCdPDoMgE8CnXgiHz+W4nm/0gQxkAVk4Dz
131 CHX0u/QBoRUCsQVmix9mS2bT60NoAAgHv4AAiXwTiUQbAfjR7yn7nHMCAd9Q
132 V1ZTMdvongBbXlmGzbSHFgfNFVidd9ChGQK7HAKxCTlEG3K6l80T6gAAIJCw
133 RijIvtgB6MoAXesjgPkTcgQ4wXdrgP4CcgQ45ndsYIH9AAZ0KgZSUVOWtAJQ
135 mDn4cgKJ+FC0As0TlV5YWnKglUGO6YDHAk90S0519IzplTjBdT+IyP7GsQE4
137 OmT+depGCOR15WHrkbAxLAO0DrsHAM0QPA1088OwDejv/6wIwHX4w79sBLFb
138 ZAINuA0BZDoNdArNFnT0mM0WjudHw1g6AEluc2VydCBkaXNrIDEHDQA=
139 ====
140 EOT
141 # Get setup
142 setupsz=$(( $(getlong $SetupSzOfs $bs) & 0xFF ))
143 if [ $setupsz -eq 0 ]; then
144 setupsz=4
145 store 8 $SetupSzOfs $setupsz $bs "setup size $setupsz"
146 fi
147 [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo "Read setup ($setupsz sectors) ..." 1>&2
148 ddq if=$KERNEL bs=512 skip=1 count=$setupsz >> $bs
150 Version=$(( $(getlong 0x206 $bs) & 0xFFFF ))
151 [ $(getlong $Magic $bs) -ne 1400005704 ] && Version=0
152 feature=""
153 while read prot kern info ; do
154 [ $Version -lt $((0x$prot)) ] && continue
155 feature="features $prot starting from kernel $kern "
156 done <<EOT
157 200 1.3.73 kernel_version, bzImage, initrd, loadflags/type_of_loader
158 201 1.3.76 heap_end_ptr
159 202 2.4.0 new cmdline
160 204 2.6.14 long syssize
161 EOT
162 [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && printf "Protocol %X $feature\n" $Version 1>&2
164 # Old kernels need bootsector patches to disable rescent features
165 while read minversion maxversion offset bytes rem; do
166 [ $Version -gt $(( 0x$maxversion )) ] && continue
167 [ $Version -lt $(( 0x$minversion )) ] && continue
168 patch $offset $bytes $bs "$rem"
169 done <<EOT
170 000 1FF 08D B8:00:01 force zImage (movw \$0x100, %ax)
171 000 1FF 0CB EB:0B skip initrd code
172 000 201 01E EB:1E:00:00:00:00 room for the cmdline magic
173 000 201 036 BE:00:00:E8:76:01:EB:0A:06:57:B1:06:F3:A5:EB:DE code in cmdline magic moved
174 000 1FF 039 90:90:90 no kernel version
175 000 201 04B 22:00 old cmdline ptr 1
176 000 201 06D 22:00 old cmdline ptr 2
177 000 203 1F6 00:00 syssize32
178 200 FFF 210 FF type_of_loader=FF
179 201 FFF 224 00:9B heap_end_ptr
180 EOT
181 if [ $Version -lt 514 ]; then
182 version_string=$((0x200 + ($(getlong 0x20E $bs) & 65535) ))
183 store 16 0x0037 $version_string $bs version_string
184 fi
185 if [ $Version -ge 512 -a $(getlong 0x214 $bs) -ge $((0x100000)) ]; then
186 patch 211 81 $bs loadflags=can_use_heap+loadhigh
187 patch 09D 10 $bs LOADSEG=0x1000
188 patch 0A0 00:01 $bs LOADSZ=0x10000
189 fi
190 [ -n "$CMDLINE" ] || patch 04D EB $bs "No cmdline"
191 [ -n "$NOEDIT" ] && patch 059 0D:46:EB:14 $bs 'mov CR,%al ; inc %si; jmp putal'
192 [ 1$TRACKS -ne 180 ] && store 8 0x171 $TRACKS $bs TRACKS
194 [ -n "$FLAGS" ] && store 16 $FlagsOfs $FLAGS $bs FLAGS
195 [ -n "$VIDEO" ] && store 16 $VideoModeOfs $VIDEO $bs VIDEO
196 [ -n "$RDEV" ] || case "$FORMAT" in
197 1200) RDEV=0x0208 ;;
198 1440) RDEV=0x021C ;;
199 2880) RDEV=0x0220 ;;
200 *) RDEV=0x0200 ;;
201 esac
202 while [ -L "$RDEV" ]; do RDEV="$(readlink "$RDEV")"; done
203 [ -b "$RDEV" ] && RDEV=$(stat -c '0x%02t%02T' $RDEV 2> /dev/null)
204 store 16 $RootDevOfs $RDEV $bs RDEV
206 # Store cmdline after setup
207 if [ -n "$CMDLINE" ]; then
208 echo -n "$CMDLINE" | ddq bs=512 count=1 conv=sync >> $bs
209 CmdlineOfs=0x9E00 # Should be in 0x8000 .. 0xA000
210 ArgPtrOfs=0x228
211 ArgPtrVal=$(( $SetupBase + $CmdlineOfs ))
212 if [ $Version -lt 514 ]; then
213 ArgPtrOfs=0x0020
214 ArgPtrVal=$(( 0xA33F + ($CmdlineOfs << 16) ))
215 fi
216 store 32 $ArgPtrOfs $ArgPtrVal $bs "Cmdline '$CMDLINE'"
217 fi
219 # Compute initramfs size (protocol >= 2.00)
220 [ $Version -lt 512 ] && INITRD=""
221 initrdlen=0
223 INITRDALIGN=0x1000
224 for i in $( echo $INITRD | sed 's/,/ /' ); do
225 [ -s "$i" ] || continue
226 while [ -L "$i" ]; do i="$(readlink $i)"; done
227 size=$(( ($(stat -c %s "$i") + $INITRDPAD - 1) & -$INITRDPAD ))
228 [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo "initrd $i $size " 1>&2
229 initrdlen=$(( $initrdlen + $size ))
230 [ -n "$ADRSRD" ] || ADRSRD=$(( (($MEM * 0x100000) - $initrdlen) & -$INITRDALIGN ))
231 store 32 $RamfsAdrOfs $(( $ADRSRD )) $bs initrd adrs
232 store 32 $RamfsLenOfs $initrdlen $bs initrdlen
233 done
235 [ -n "$NOSYSSIZEFIX" ] || store 32 0x1F4 \
236 $(( ($(stat -c %s $KERNEL)+15)/16 - ($setupsz+1)*32)) $bs fix system size
238 # Output boot sector + setup + cmdline
239 ddq if=$bs
241 # Output kernel code
242 syssz=$(( ($(getlong 0x1F4 $bs)+31)/32 ))
243 cat $KERNEL /dev/zero | ddq bs=512 skip=$(( $setupsz+1 )) count=$syssz
245 # Output initramfs
246 for i in $( echo $INITRD | sed 's/,/ /' ); do
247 [ -s "$i" ] || continue
248 ddq if=$i
249 padding=$(( $INITRDPAD - ($(stat -c %s $i) % $INITRDPAD) ))
250 [ $padding -eq $INITRDPAD ] || ddq if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=$padding
251 done
253 # Cleanup
254 rm -f $bs
255 }
257 if [ "$FORMAT" == "0" ]; then # unsplitted
258 floppyset > $PREFIX
259 PAD=$(( 512 - ($(stat -c %s $PREFIX) % 512) ))
260 [ $PAD -ne 512 ] && ddq if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=$PAD >> $PREFIX
261 exit
262 fi
263 floppyset | split -b ${FORMAT}k /dev/stdin floppy$$
264 i=1
265 ls floppy$$* 2> /dev/null | while read file ; do
266 output=$PREFIX$(printf "%03d" $i)
267 cat $file /dev/zero | ddq bs=1k count=$FORMAT conv=sync of=$output
268 echo $output
269 rm -f $file
270 i=$(( $i + 1 ))
271 done