wok-6.x view rox-filer/stuff/rox-filer.desktop @ rev 8723

Temp fix waiting sources on mirror for some taz tools, make tank able to cook last version with older tools
author Antoine Bodin <gokhlayeh@slitaz.org>
date Fri Feb 18 19:05:02 2011 +0100 (2011-02-18)
line source
1 [Desktop Entry]
2 Encoding=UTF-8
3 Name=rox-filer
4 Name[fr]=gestionnaire de fichiers rox
5 Exec=rox-filer %F
6 Icon=pcmanfm
7 StartupNotify=true
8 Type=Application
9 Terminal=false
10 MimeType=x-directory/normal;inode/directory;
11 Categories=Application;System;Utility;Core;GTK;