wok-6.x view sharedance/receipt @ rev 13971

desktop-file-utils*: up (0.21)
author ernia <monghitri@aruba.it>
date Mon Feb 04 12:44:22 2013 +0000 (2013-02-04)
children 3b4e4318134e
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="sharedance"
4 VERSION="0.6"
5 CATEGORY="network"
6 SHORT_DESC="High-performance server to centralize ephemeral key/data."
7 MAINTAINER="erjo@slitaz.org"
8 WEB_SITE="http://sharedance.pureftpd.org/project/sharedance"
10 WGET_URL="http://download.pureftpd.org/pub/sharedance/$TARBALL"
12 DEPENDS="libevent"
13 BUILD_DEPENDS="libevent-dev"
15 # Rules to configure and make the package.
16 compile_rules()
17 {
18 ./configure $CONFIGURE_ARGS && make && make install
19 }
21 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
22 genpkg_rules()
23 {
24 cp -a $install/* $fs
25 }