wok-6.x view fpm2/stuff/fpm2.desktop @ rev 6291

Up: pixman to 0.18.4 again. Added --enable-gtk=no so there are no gtk tests. Added xorg-libXrandr to gtk+ depends. Need for post_install to work.
author Christopher Rogers <slaxemulator@gmail.com>
date Wed Sep 15 20:05:28 2010 +0000 (2010-09-15)
parents 56ed34c0b944
children 0e66561b013b
line source
1 [Desktop Entry]
2 Encoding=UTF-8
3 Name=Figaro's Password Manager
4 Comment=Figaro's Password manager with GTK2 GUI
5 Exec=fpm2
6 Icon=application-certificate
7 Terminal=false
8 Type=Application
9 Categories=GTK;Utility;