wok-6.x view linux-dialup/receipt @ rev 19073

Fix: (Picozu the HTML5 online image editor.)
author Leonardo Laporte <hackdorte@sapo.pt>
date Sat Apr 23 01:13:53 2016 -0300 (2016-04-23)
parents db5b03f42dd9
children ffc20f9bd49f
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="linux-dialup"
4 VERSION="3.2.71"
5 CATEGORY="base-system"
6 SHORT_DESC="The Linux kernel dial-up modules."
7 MAINTAINER="domcox@slitaz.org"
9 DEPENDS="linux"
10 WANTED="linux"
11 WEB_SITE="http://www.kernel.org/"
13 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
14 genpkg_rules()
15 {
16 local path
17 path=lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz/kernel
18 mkdir -p $fs/$path
19 export src install
20 $wanted_stuff/list_modules.sh drivers/tty/serial/serial_cs.ko.xz \
21 drivers/usb/serial drivers/net/usb/hso.ko.xz | \
22 while read module; do
23 dir=$path/$(dirname $module)
24 [ -d $fs/$dir ] || mkdir -p $fs/$dir
25 cp -a $install/$path/$module $fs/$dir
26 done
28 for i in $(cat $wanted_stuff/modules.list); do
29 if [ -f $fs/$path/$i ]; then
30 rm -f $fs/$path/$i
31 fi
32 done
33 }
35 # Post install/remove commands for Tazpkg.
36 post_install()
37 {
38 chroot "$root/" depmod -a $VERSION-slitaz
39 }
41 post_remove()
42 {
43 chroot "$root/" depmod -a $VERSION-slitaz
44 }