wok-6.x view slitaz-i18n-extra/stuff/locale-pack.conf @ rev 16901

libwebkit-video: void line
author Xander Ziiryanoff <psychomaniak@xakep.ru>
date Tue Jul 15 03:12:58 2014 +0300 (2014-07-15)
parents 9b8c793c4f22
children c4a0ea5aa3e5
line source
2 # Packages LC_MESSAGES included in the extra locale pack (abiword, blender and
3 # mplayer don't use standard /usr/share/locale, abi have all translation include).
4 EXTRA_PKGS="glibc gimp xine-ui gnumeric sylpheed gftp geany pidgin xchat \
5 inkscape"
7 # List of all extra locale pack (locale-xx-extra)
8 LOCALE_PACK="ar cs da de el es fr hu id it pl pt pt_BR ru sl sv zh_CN zh_TW"