wok-6.x view potamus/receipt @ rev 22372

kivy: added build dependencies
author Hans-G?nter Theisgen
date Tue Nov 26 17:42:45 2019 +0100 (2019-11-26)
parents f3e5f6a3ef9a
children 241fb98cab1c
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="potamus"
4 VERSION="17"
5 CATEGORY="multimedia"
6 TAGS="music audio player mp3 ogg flac"
7 SHORT_DESC="Unbloated and easy to use GTK+ Audio player."
8 MAINTAINER="pankso@slitaz.org"
10 WEB_SITE="http://offog.org/code/potamus/"
13 WGET_URL="http://offog.org/files/$TARBALL"
15 DEPENDS="alsa-lib gtk+ libglade libmad libogg libsamplerate libvorbis"
16 BUILD_DEPENDS="alsa-lib-dev gtk+-dev libglade-dev libmad-dev \
17 libogg-dev libsamplerate-dev libvorbis-dev"
19 HOST_ARCH="i486 arm"
21 # Handle arch install
22 case "$SLTAZ_ARCH" in
23 i?86) DEPENDS="$DEPENDS flac" ;;
24 esac
26 # Handle cross compilation.
27 case "$ARCH" in
28 i?86) BUILD_DEPENDS="$BUILD_DEPENDS flac-dev"
29 export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,--copy-dt-needed-entries -lm" ;;
30 arm*) ARCH_ARGS="--disable-input-flac" ;;
31 esac
33 # Rules to configure and make the package.
34 compile_rules()
35 {
36 # libmad for MP3
37 ./configure \
38 --disable-input-modplug \
39 --disable-input-audiofile \
40 --disable-input-opus \
41 --disable-output-ao \
42 --disable-output-jack \
44 make &&
45 make install &&
46 sed -i s'/Name=.*/Name=Potamus Audio Player/' \
47 ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/applications/*.desktop
48 }
50 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
51 genpkg_rules()
52 {
53 mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/pixmaps
55 cp -a $install/usr/bin $fs/usr
56 cp -a $install/usr/share/${PACKAGE} $fs/usr/share
57 cp -a $install/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/*/${PACKAGE}.png \
58 $fs/usr/share/pixmaps
59 }