wok-6.x rev 23223

hplip: inserted include statement
author Hans-G?nter Theisgen
date Mon Mar 23 15:59:35 2020 +0100 (2020-03-23)
parents aee21a8acd49
children f8abbc235871
files hplip/receipt
line diff
     1.1 --- a/hplip/receipt	Mon Mar 23 15:38:43 2020 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/hplip/receipt	Mon Mar 23 15:59:35 2020 +0100
     1.3 @@ -3,35 +3,39 @@
     1.4  PACKAGE="hplip"
     1.5  VERSION="3.12.11" 
     1.6  CATEGORY="system-tools"
     1.7 +TAGS="printer driver printing"
     1.8  SHORT_DESC="Drivers for HP DeskJet, OfficeJet, Photosmart, Business Inkjet and some LaserJet"
     1.9  MAINTAINER="jozee@slitaz.org"
    1.10  LICENSE="GPL2"
    1.11 +WEB_SITE="http://hplipopensource.com"
    1.12 +
    1.13  TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.gz"
    1.14 -WEB_SITE="http://hplipopensource.com"
    1.16 -TAGS="printer driver printing"
    1.17 +
    1.18  BUGS="Unable to delete hplip.desktop from $fs.  Using hack in post_install."
    1.20  DEPENDS="ghostscript python cups dbus-python libusb jpeg tiff sane-backends \
    1.21 -libgphoto2 libexif gcc-lib-base libltdl libv4l net-snmp PyQt-x11-gpl pygobject"
    1.22 +	libgphoto2 libexif gcc-lib-base libltdl libv4l net-snmp PyQt-x11-gpl pygobject"
    1.23  BUILD_DEPENDS="ghostscript-dev dbus-python-dev sane-backends-dev \
    1.24 -sane-backends libexif-dev libgphoto2-dev Qt4-dev libgphoto2 pkg-config libusb-dev \
    1.25 -jpeg-dev cups-dev dbus-dev tiff-dev python python-dev dbus-python net-snmp-dev \
    1.26 -libtool"
    1.27 +	sane-backends libexif-dev libgphoto2-dev Qt4-dev libgphoto2 pkg-config libusb-dev \
    1.28 +	jpeg-dev cups-dev dbus-dev tiff-dev python python-dev dbus-python net-snmp-dev \
    1.29 +	libtool"
    1.31  # Rules to configure and make the package. --prefix=/usr 
    1.32  compile_rules()
    1.33  {
    1.34 -	cd $src
    1.35 -
    1.36  	# fix build with cups 1.6 - FC hplip-ipp-accessors.patch
    1.37  	patch -Np1 -i $stuff/cups-1.6-buildfix.diff
    1.39 -	./configure  \
    1.40 -		--prefix=/usr \
    1.41 -		--sysconfdir=/etc \
    1.42 -		--disable-doc-build \
    1.43 -		--enable-qt4 \
    1.44 +	# 3.12.11
    1.45 +	sed -i '46i#include <cups/ppd.h>' \
    1.46 +		prnt/hpijs/hpcupsfax.cpp
    1.47 +
    1.48 +	./configure			\
    1.49 +		--prefix=/usr		\
    1.50 +		--sysconfdir=/etc	\
    1.51 +		--disable-doc-build	\
    1.52 +		--enable-qt4		\
    1.53  		$CONFIGURE_ARGS &&
    1.54  	make &&
    1.55  	make DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install
    1.56 @@ -40,30 +44,31 @@
    1.57  # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
    1.58  genpkg_rules()
    1.59  {
    1.60 -	mkdir -p $fs/etc $fs/usr/lib $fs/usr/share
    1.61 +	mkdir -p $fs/etc
    1.62 +	mkdir -p $fs/usr/lib
    1.63 +	mkdir -p $fs/usr/share
    1.65 -	cp -a $install/etc   $fs
    1.66 -	cp -a $install/usr/bin $fs/usr
    1.67 -	cp -a $install/usr/lib/cups $fs/usr/lib
    1.68 -	cp -a $install/usr/lib/python* $fs/usr/lib
    1.69 -	cp -a $install/usr/lib/sane $fs/usr/lib
    1.70 -	cp -a $install/usr/lib/*so* $fs/usr/lib
    1.71 -	cp -a $install/usr/share/cups \
    1.72 -		   $install/usr/share/hplip \
    1.73 -		   $install/usr/share/ppd \
    1.74 -		   $fs/usr/share
    1.75 +	cp -a $install/etc		$fs
    1.76 +	cp -a $install/usr/bin		$fs/usr
    1.77 +	cp -a $install/usr/lib/cups	$fs/usr/lib
    1.78 +	cp -a $install/usr/lib/python*	$fs/usr/lib
    1.79 +	cp -a $install/usr/lib/sane	$fs/usr/lib
    1.80 +	cp -a $install/usr/lib/*so*	$fs/usr/lib
    1.81 +	cp -a $install/usr/share/cups	$fs/usr/share
    1.82 +	cp -a $install/usr/share/hplip	$fs/usr/share
    1.83 +	cp -a $install/usr/share/ppd	$fs/usr/share
    1.85  	# compress non-zipped ppd files
    1.86  	find $fs/usr/share/ppd/HP -name "*.ppd" -exec gzip -n9 {} \;
    1.88 -	# make sure hp-toolbox exist
    1.89 +	# make sure hp-toolbox exists
    1.90  	ln -sf ../share/hplip/toolbox.py $fs/usr/bin/hp-toolbox	
    1.92  	# remove autostart of hp-daemon
    1.93 -	rm -rf $fs/etc/sane.d
    1.94 +	rm -rf				$fs/etc/sane.d
    1.96  	# remove xdg
    1.97 -	rm -rf $fs/etc/xdg
    1.98 +	rm -rf				$fs/etc/xdg
    1.99  }
   1.101  post_install()