wok-6.x rev 25477

icedtea6-jdk: find output to variable
author Hans-G?nter Theisgen
date Thu Oct 13 17:53:47 2022 +0100 (2022-10-13)
parents 362a5a98467f
children 58d8bc17643a
files icedtea6-jdk/receipt
line diff
     1.1 --- a/icedtea6-jdk/receipt	Thu Oct 13 16:28:13 2022 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/icedtea6-jdk/receipt	Thu Oct 13 17:53:47 2022 +0100
     1.3 @@ -7,20 +7,19 @@
     1.4  SHORT_DESC="A Free Software harness for OpenJDK."
     1.5  MAINTAINER="rcx@zoominternet.net"
     1.6  LICENSE="GPL2"
     1.7 +WEB_SITE="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IcedTea"
     1.8  TARBALL="$SOURCE-$VERSION.tar.gz"
     1.9 -WEB_SITE="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IcedTea"
    1.10  WGET_URL="http://icedtea.wildebeest.org/download/source/$TARBALL"
    1.12 -DEPENDS="icedtea6-jre xorg xorg-libXtst xorg-libXp cups"
    1.13 -BUILD_DEPENDS="gcc+gcj autoconf automake m4 diffutils gawk cups-dev wget cpio \
    1.14 -coreutils-file-special coreutils-file-summarize alsa-lib-dev file patch perl \
    1.15 -zip unzip findutils  bzip2 tar glib-dev fastjar rhino ecj apache-ant jpeg-dev \
    1.16 -xalan-xerces-j gtk+-dev giflib-dev libpng-dev xorg-dev xorg-libXtst-dev \
    1.17 -xorg-libXp-dev xorg-dev-proto nss nss-dev jdk6-jaxws jdk6-jaxp jdk6-jaf \
    1.18 -openjdk-6-src"
    1.19 +DEPENDS="cups icedtea6-jre xorg xorg-libXp xorg-libXtst"
    1.20 +BUILD_DEPENDS="alsa-lib-dev apache-ant autoconf automake bzip2 coreutils-file-special
    1.21 +	coreutils-file-summarize cups-dev diffutils ecj fastjar file findutils gawk
    1.22 +	gcc+gcj giflib-dev glib-dev gtk+-dev jdk6-jaxws jdk6-jaxp jdk6-jaf jpeg-dev
    1.23 +	libpng-dev m4 nss nss-dev openjdk-6-src patch perl rhino tar unzip xorg-dev
    1.24 +	xorg-dev-proto xorg-libXp-dev xorg-libXtst-dev xalan-xerces-j zip"
    1.26  # Note to icedtea6 updaters,
    1.27 -# You should check version into receipts:
    1.28 +# You should check versions in receipts:
    1.29  # * jdk6-jaxws (version: $openjdk_version)
    1.30  # * jdk6-jaxp (version: $openjdk_version)
    1.31  # * jdk6-jaf (version: $openjdk_version)
    1.32 @@ -29,8 +28,8 @@
    1.33  openjdk_version="b20"
    1.34  openjdk_date="21_jun_2010"
    1.35  EXTRA_SOURCE_FILES="jdk6-jaxws-$openjdk_version.zip \
    1.36 -jdk6-jaxp-$openjdk_version.zip jdk6-jaf-$openjdk_version.zip \
    1.37 -openjdk-6-src-$openjdk_version-$openjdk_date.tar.gz"
    1.38 +	jdk6-jaxp-$openjdk_version.zip jdk6-jaf-$openjdk_version.zip \
    1.39 +	openjdk-6-src-$openjdk_version-$openjdk_date.tar.gz"
    1.41  current_version()
    1.42  {
    1.43 @@ -51,12 +50,15 @@
    1.44  	local ECJ_VERSION
    1.45  	ECJ_VERSION="3.6"
    1.47 -	find $src -name '*akefile*' \; | xargs sed -i sed -i 's|uname -m|echo i486|' 
    1.48 +	makefiles=$(find $src -name '*akefile*')
    1.49 +	echo $makefiles | xargs sed -i 's|uname -m|echo i486|' 
    1.50  	cd $src
    1.51  	mkdir drops
    1.52 -	sed -i -e 's/mkdir -p drops/true/' -e 's/ jar xf/ fastjar xf/'  Makefile*
    1.53 -	
    1.54 -	# Check than all sources files are available, or exit.
    1.55 +	sed -i	-e 's/mkdir -p drops/true/' \
    1.56 +		-e 's/ jar xf/ fastjar xf/' \
    1.57 +		Makefile*
    1.58 +
    1.59 +	# Check then if all sources files are available, or exit.
    1.60  	REPO=http://icedtea.wildebeest.org/download/drops
    1.61  	if [ -x /usr/bin/cook ]; then
    1.62  		for i in jdk6-jaxws jdk6-jaxp jdk6-jaf; do