wok-6.x rev 13755

author border
date Wed Jan 02 23:28:05 2013 -0500 (2013-01-02)
parents 2f557044d140 d8b4a8ab0632
children 5b84cc8c4002
line diff
     1.1 --- a/clamtk/receipt	Wed Jan 02 23:24:27 2013 -0500
     1.2 +++ b/clamtk/receipt	Wed Jan 02 23:28:05 2013 -0500
     1.3 @@ -19,8 +19,9 @@
     1.4  	install -Dm755  $src/clamtk $fs/usr/bin/clamtk
     1.6  	# libs
     1.7 +	PERL_VER=$(grep ^VERSION= $WOK/perl/receipt | cut -d "=" -f2 | sed -e 's/"//g')
     1.8  	for n in $src/lib/* ; do
     1.9 -		install -Dm644 $n $fs/usr/share/perl5/site_perl/ClamTk/`basename $n`
    1.10 +		install -Dm644 $n $fs/usr/lib/perl5/$PERL_VER/ClamTk/`basename $n`
    1.11  	done
    1.13  	#localization
     2.1 --- a/syslinux/stuff/iso2exe/README	Wed Jan 02 23:24:27 2013 -0500
     2.2 +++ b/syslinux/stuff/iso2exe/README	Wed Jan 02 23:28:05 2013 -0500
     2.3 @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
     2.4  - text	 	launch SliTaz in RAM with text mode
     2.5  - install	SliTaz UMSDOS like installation
     2.7 -If the prognam name includes one of the supported modes, the according mode is
     2.8 +If the program name includes one of the supported modes, the according mode is
     2.9  assumed. Example 'C:\> slitazlive.exe' starts SliTaz in RAM with graphics.
     3.1 --- a/xpad/receipt	Wed Jan 02 23:24:27 2013 -0500
     3.2 +++ b/xpad/receipt	Wed Jan 02 23:28:05 2013 -0500
     3.3 @@ -1,22 +1,23 @@
     3.4  # SliTaz package receipt.
     3.6  PACKAGE="xpad"
     3.7 -VERSION="4.0"
     3.8 +VERSION="4.1"
     3.9  CATEGORY="utilities"
    3.10 -SHORT_DESC="Desktop note pad using GTK+ toolkit."
    3.11 +SHORT_DESC="Sticky note application for X"
    3.12  MAINTAINER="pankso@slitaz.org"
    3.13 -DEPENDS="gtk+ xorg-libXdamage xorg-libSM"
    3.14 -BUILD_DEPENDS="pkg-config intltool"
    3.15 +WEB_SITE="https://launchpad.net/xpad"
    3.16  TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.bz2"
    3.17 -WEB_SITE="http://xpad.sourceforge.net/"
    3.18 -WGET_URL="http://launchpad.net/xpad/trunk/4.0/+download/$TARBALL"
    3.19 -HANDBOOK_URL='http://www.slitaz.org/doc/handbook/utilities.html#xpad'
    3.20 +WGET_URL="https://launchpad.net/xpad/trunk/$VERSION/+download/$TARBALL"
    3.21 +HANDBOOK_URL="http://www.slitaz.org/doc/handbook/utilities.html#xpad"
    3.22 +
    3.23 +DEPENDS="gtk+ util-linux-uuid xorg-libICE xorg-libSM"
    3.24 +BUILD_DEPENDS="gtk+-dev xorg-libSM-dev wget"
    3.26  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    3.27  compile_rules()
    3.28  {
    3.29 -	cd $src
    3.30 -	./configure $CONFIGURE_ARGS && 
    3.31 +	sed -i '/#include <glib\/glist.h>/d' src/xpad-undo.c
    3.32 +	./configure $CONFIGURE_ARGS &&
    3.33  	make && make install
    3.34  }
     4.1 --- a/xpad/stuff/xpad.desktop	Wed Jan 02 23:24:27 2013 -0500
     4.2 +++ b/xpad/stuff/xpad.desktop	Wed Jan 02 23:28:05 2013 -0500
     4.3 @@ -1,13 +1,31 @@
     4.4  [Desktop Entry]
     4.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
     4.6 -Name=Xpad Sticky Notes
     4.7 -Name[zh_CN]=桌面笔记本
     4.8 -Name[fr]=Feuille de notes Xpad
     4.9 -Name[pt]=Xpad Anotações
    4.10 -Name[zh_TW]=Xpad 自粘性便條
    4.11 +Name=Xpad
    4.12 +GenericName=Sticky Notes
    4.13 +GenericName[da]=Selvklæbende noter
    4.14 +GenericName[de]=Klebezettel
    4.15 +GenericName[es]=Notas pegajosas
    4.16 +GenericName[fr]=Notes autocollantes
    4.17 +GenericName[hu]=Ragadós jegyzetek
    4.18 +GenericName[it]=Note Adesive
    4.19 +GenericName[ru]=Cтикеры
    4.20 +GenericName[sv]=Klistriga anteckningar
    4.21 +GenericName[zh_CN]=自粘性备注
    4.22 +GenericName[zh_TW]=自粘性便條
    4.23 +Comment=Jot down notes for later
    4.24 +Comment[da]=Krads noter ned til senere brug
    4.25 +Comment[de]=Notizen für später notieren
    4.26 +Comment[es]=Anotar más tarde
    4.27 +Comment[fr]=Garder les notes pour plus tard
    4.28 +Comment[hu]=Jegyzetek felvitele későbbi használatra
    4.29 +Comment[it]=Prendi delle note per più tardi
    4.30 +Comment[pt]=Anotar para mais tarde
    4.31 +Comment[ru]=Заметки/стикеры на вашем рабочем столе
    4.32 +Comment[sv]=Plita ner anteckningar för senare användning
    4.33 +Comment[zh_CN]=简要记录备注以备日后使用
    4.34 +Comment[zh_TW]=大略記下備註以供之後使用
    4.35  Exec=xpad
    4.36 +Icon=xpad
    4.37  Terminal=false
    4.38 -Icon=xpad
    4.39  StartupNotify=true
    4.40  StartupWMClass=xpad
    4.41  Type=Application