wok-6.x rev 21202

updated command procedure get-LibreOffice
author Hans-G?nter Theisgen
date Sun Apr 07 07:44:57 2019 +0100 (2019-04-07)
parents aede45d8bcca
children adbdcada3730
files get-LibreOffice/receipt get-LibreOffice/stuff/get-LibreOffice
line diff
     1.1 --- a/get-LibreOffice/receipt	Sat Apr 06 17:02:36 2019 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/get-LibreOffice/receipt	Sun Apr 07 07:44:57 2019 +0100
     1.3 @@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
     1.4  # SliTaz package receipt.
     1.6  PACKAGE="get-LibreOffice"
     1.7 -VERSION="1.2"
     1.8 +VERSION="1.3"
     1.9  CATEGORY="office"
    1.10 +TAGS="office word excel ppt openoffice libreoffice"
    1.11  SHORT_DESC="Productivity suite."
    1.12  MAINTAINER="ben@seawolfsanctuary.com"
    1.13  LICENSE="GPL3"
    1.14 -WEB_SITE="http://www.documentfoundation.org"
    1.15 -TAGS="office word excel ppt openoffice libreoffice"
    1.16 +WEB_SITE="https://www.documentfoundation.org"
    1.18  # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
    1.19  genpkg_rules()
    1.20  {
    1.21  	mkdir -p $fs/usr/bin
    1.22 -	install -o root -g root -m755 stuff/get-LibreOffice $fs/usr/bin
    1.23 +	install -o root -g root -m755 \
    1.24 +		stuff/get-LibreOffice $fs/usr/bin
    1.25  	ln -s get-LibreOffice $fs/usr/bin/get-libreoffice
    1.26  }
     2.1 --- a/get-LibreOffice/stuff/get-LibreOffice	Sat Apr 06 17:02:36 2019 +0200
     2.2 +++ b/get-LibreOffice/stuff/get-LibreOffice	Sun Apr 07 07:44:57 2019 +0100
     2.3 @@ -1,238 +1,319 @@
     2.4  #!/bin/sh
     2.5 -# get-LibreOffice - install LibreOffice excl. KDE/Gnome integration & test suite.
     2.6 +# get-LibreOffice - create and install SliTaz package LibreOffice
     2.7 +# excluding KDE and GNOME integration and test suite.
     2.8  #
     2.9 -# (C) 2010 SliTaz - GNU General Public License v3.
    2.10 +# (C) 2019 SliTaz - GNU General Public License v3.
    2.11  # Author : Ben Arnold <ben@seawolfsanctuary.com>
    2.12  #    via : get-OpenOffice3 (Eric Joseph-Alexandre <erjo@slitaz.org>)
    2.13 +# modified by Hans-Günter Theisgen on 2019-04-07
    2.14  #
    2.16 -PACKAGE="LibreOffice"
    2.17 -URL="http://www.libreoffice.org"
    2.18 -ROOT="$1"
    2.19 +#	=== Initialisations ===
    2.20 +
    2.21 +PKGS_DB="/var/lib/tazpkg"	# packages database directory
    2.22 +PACKAGE="LibreOffice"		# package to create and install
    2.23 +CATEGORY="office"
    2.24 +SHORT_DESC="Productivity suite."
    2.25 +WEB_SITE="https://www.libreoffice.org"
    2.26 +LICENCE="MPL v2.0"
    2.27 +
    2.28  DIR="stable"
    2.29  SUFFIX="Linux_x86_rpm.tar.gz"
    2.30 -WGET_URL="http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/$DIR"
    2.31 +PREFIX="http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/$DIR"
    2.33 -VERSION="$(basename $(wget -O - $WGET_URL/ 2> /dev/null | \
    2.34 -	sed '/href=\"[0-9]/!d;s/.*href=\"//;s/[/\">].*//' | tail -1))"
    2.35 -if [ -z "$VERSION" ]; then
    2.36 -	echo "Can't detect an appropriate version. The version numbering or URL may have changed. Aborted."
    2.37 -	exit 0
    2.38 -fi
    2.39 -VER="${VERSION/\-/}" # without hyphens
    2.40 +DEPENDS="java6-jre cups"
    2.41 +EXCLUDE="kde|gnome|test"
    2.43 +# Declare functions check_root, status, ...
    2.44 +. /lib/libtaz.sh
    2.45 +# and make commandline options (if any) available as variables
    2.47 -TARBALL="LibreOffice_${VER}_${SUFFIX}"
    2.48 -
    2.49 -for LOC in ${LANG/_/-} ${LANG%_*}; do
    2.50 -	L_SUFFIX="Linux_x86_rpm_langpack_$LOC.tar.gz"
    2.51 -	L_TARBALL="LibreOffice_${VER}_${L_SUFFIX}"
    2.52 -	LANG_URL="$WGET_URL/${VERSION}/rpm/x86/${L_TARBALL}"
    2.53 -	busybox wget -s $LANG_URL 2> /dev/null || continue
    2.54 -	echo "Added $LANG ($LOC)."
    2.55 -	break
    2.56 -done
    2.57 -WGET_URL="$WGET_URL/${VERSION}/rpm/x86/${TARBALL}"
    2.58 -
    2.59 -CUR_DIR=$(pwd)
    2.60 -TEMP_DIR="/tmp/$PACKAGE.$$"
    2.61 -SOURCE_DIR="/tmp/src.$$"
    2.62 -EXCLUDE="kde|gnome|test"
    2.63 -LOG="/tmp/$(basename $0 .sh).log"
    2.64 -
    2.65 -
    2.66 -# Status function with color (supported by Ash).
    2.67 -status()
    2.68 +is_installed()
    2.69  {
    2.70 -	local CHECK=$?
    2.71 -	echo -en "\\033[70G[ "
    2.72 -	if [ $CHECK = 0 ]; then
    2.73 -		echo -en "\\033[1;33mOK"
    2.74 -	else
    2.75 -		echo -en "\\033[1;31mFailed"
    2.76 -	fi
    2.77 -	echo -e "\\033[0;39m ]"
    2.78 -	return $CHECK
    2.79 -}
    2.80 -
    2.81 -# Check if user is root to install, or remove packages.
    2.82 -check_root()
    2.83 -{
    2.84 -	if test $(id -u) != 0 ; then
    2.85 -		echo -e "\nYou must be root to run `basename $0` with this option."
    2.86 -		echo -e "Please use 'su' and root password to become super-user.\n"
    2.87 -		exit 0
    2.88 -	fi
    2.89 -}
    2.90 -
    2.91 -check_if_installed()
    2.92 -{
    2.93 -	 # Avoid reinstall
    2.94 -	 if [ -d $ROOT/var/lib/tazpkg/installed/$PACKAGE ];then
    2.95 +	 if [ -d $root$PKGS_DB/installed/$PACKAGE ]
    2.96 +	  then	#package is deemed to be installed
    2.97  	 	return 0
    2.98 -	 else
    2.99 +	  else
   2.100  	 	return 1
   2.101  	 fi
   2.102  }
   2.104 -# We need to be root
   2.105 +# Show available commandline options, if requested by --help
   2.106 +if [ "$help" = "yes" ]
   2.107 +	then
   2.108 +	echo "Available commandline options:
   2.109 +  $0
   2.110 +	--version=<version>
   2.111 +	--root=<path_to_root>
   2.112 +	--install=yes|no
   2.113 +	--keep=no|yes
   2.114 +	--srcdir=<directory_for_source_packages>
   2.115 +	--tmpdir=<directory_to_build-package>"
   2.116 +	exit
   2.117 +fi
   2.118 +
   2.119 +# Check for system administrator privileges
   2.120  check_root
   2.122 -# Check if package already installed
   2.123 -if (check_if_installed $PACKAGE); then
   2.124 +title "Package $PACKAGE will be build as SliTaz package and installed"
   2.125 +
   2.126 +# Fetch latest $DIR version, unless version is set by option --version
   2.127 +[ -z "$version" ] && version="latest"
   2.128 +
   2.129 +# Fetch language pack according to $LANG, unless otherwise set by option --lang
   2.130 +[ -z "$lang" ] && lang="automatic"
   2.131 +
   2.132 +# Install SliTaz package, unless inhibited by option --install=no
   2.133 +[ -z "$install" ] && install="yes"
   2.134 +
   2.135 +# Delete SliTaz package file $PACKAGE-$VERSION.tazpkg after installation,
   2.136 +# unless option --keep=yes is given
   2.137 +[ -z "$keep" ] && keep="no"
   2.138 +
   2.139 +# Directory for temporary files
   2.140 +[ -z "$tempdir" ] && TEMP_DIR="/tmp/get-$PACKAGE"
   2.141 +
   2.142 +# Directory for source archives
   2.143 +[ -z "$srcdir" ] && SOURCE_DIR="/tmp/src-$PACKAGE"
   2.144 +
   2.145 +# Logging file
   2.146 +LOG="/tmp/$(basename $0 .sh).log"
   2.147 +
   2.148 +cat <<EOT
   2.149 +Options in use:
   2.150 +  root            : $root/
   2.151 +  version         : $version
   2.152 +  lang            : $lang
   2.153 +  install package : $install
   2.154 +  keep tazpkg     : $keep
   2.155 +  source directory: $SOURCE_DIR
   2.156 +  build directory : $TEMP_DIR
   2.157 +
   2.158 +EOT
   2.159 +
   2.160 +separator; newline
   2.161 +
   2.162 +#	=== Remove package, if installed ===
   2.163 +if is_installed
   2.164 +  then
   2.165  	echo "$PACKAGE is already installed."
   2.166 -	[ -n "$ROOT" ] && exit 0
   2.167 -	echo -n "Would you like to remove and reinstall this package [y/n]? "
   2.168 +	[ -n "$root" ] && exit 0
   2.169 +	echo -n "Would you like to remove and reinstall this package [y/N]? "
   2.170  	read answer
   2.171  	case "$answer" in
   2.172 -	y|Y)
   2.173 -		tazpkg remove $PACKAGE ;;
   2.174 -	*)
   2.175 +	(y|Y)
   2.176 +		action "Removing installed version..."
   2.177 +		tazpkg remove $PACKAGE --root="$root/"
   2.178 +		[ ! is_installed ] &&
   2.179 +		die "Can't remove installed version. Exiting." ;;
   2.180 +	(*)
   2.181  		exit 0 ;;
   2.182  	esac
   2.183 -
   2.184  fi
   2.186 +#	=== Fetch archive file, if not existing ===
   2.188 -# Check if we have the tarball before.
   2.189 -if [ ! -f $SOURCE_DIR/$TARBALL ]; then
   2.190 -	echo "Downloading LibreOffice tarball (it's time to have a break)... "
   2.191 -	# Check if $SOURCE_DIR exist
   2.192 -	test -d $SOURCE_DIR || mkdir -p $SOURCE_DIR
   2.193 -	# Get the file.
   2.194 +if [ "$version" == "latest" ]
   2.195 +  then
   2.196 +	VERSION="$(basename $(wget -O - $PREFIX/ 2> /dev/null | \
   2.197 +	sed '/href=\"[0-9]/!d;s/.*href=\"//;s/[/\">].*//' | tail -1))"
   2.198 +	if [ -z "$VERSION" ]
   2.199 +	  then
   2.200 +		echo "Can't detect an appropriate version. The version numbering or URL may have changed. Exiting."
   2.201 +		exit 1
   2.202 +	fi
   2.203 +  else
   2.204 +	VERSION="$version"
   2.205 +fi
   2.206 +
   2.207 +VER="${VERSION/\-/}" # without hyphens
   2.208 +TARBALL="LibreOffice_${VER}_${SUFFIX}"
   2.209 +WGET_URL="$PREFIX/${VERSION}/rpm/x86/${TARBALL}"
   2.210 +
   2.211 +# Set LANG_URL to fetch language package
   2.212 +if [ "$lang" = "automatic" ]
   2.213 +  then	# use language from $LANG of running process
   2.214 +	for LOC in ${LANG/_/-} ${LANG%_*}
   2.215 +	  do
   2.216 +		L_SUFFIX="Linux_x86_rpm_langpack_$LOC.tar.gz"
   2.217 +		L_TARBALL="LibreOffice_${VER}_${L_SUFFIX}"
   2.218 +		LANG_URL="$PREFIX/${VERSION}/rpm/x86/${L_TARBALL}"
   2.219 +		busybox wget -s $LANG_URL 2> /dev/null || continue
   2.220 +		echo "Added language pack for $LANG ($LOC)."
   2.221 +		break
   2.222 +	  done
   2.223 +  else
   2.224 +	L_SUFFIX="Linux_x86_rpm_langpack_$lang.tar.gz"
   2.225 +	L_TARBALL="LibreOffice_${VER}_${L_SUFFIX}"
   2.226 +	LANG_URL="$PREFIX/${VERSION}/rpm/x86/${L_TARBALL}"
   2.227 +	busybox wget -s $LANG_URL 2> /dev/null &&
   2.228 +	echo "Added language pack for $lang."
   2.229 +fi
   2.230 +
   2.231 +CUR_DIR=$(pwd)
   2.232 +mkdir -p $TEMP_DIR
   2.233 +cd $TEMP_DIR
   2.234 +
   2.235 +if [ -f $SOURCE_DIR/$TARBALL ]
   2.236 +  then
   2.237 +	echo "Using existing archive file $TARBALL"
   2.238 +  else
   2.239 +	action "Fetching the archives..."
   2.240 +	newline
   2.241 +	# Check if $SOURCE_DIR exists
   2.242 +	[ -d $SOURCE_DIR ] || mkdir -p $SOURCE_DIR
   2.243  	wget -c $WGET_URL -O $SOURCE_DIR/$TARBALL
   2.244 -	if [ -n $L_TARBALL ] ; then # Are we localised?
   2.245 +	if [ -n $L_TARBALL ]	 # language pack required?
   2.246 +	  then
   2.247  		wget -c $LANG_URL -O $SOURCE_DIR/$L_TARBALL
   2.248  	fi
   2.249  	status
   2.250 -	
   2.251  fi
   2.253 -if [ ! -f $SOURCE_DIR/$TARBALL ]; then
   2.254 +if [ ! -f $SOURCE_DIR/$TARBALL ]
   2.255 +  then
   2.256  	rm -rf $SOURCE_DIR
   2.257 -	echo "Could not download $TARBALL. Exiting."
   2.258 +	echo "Could not get $TARBALL. Exiting."
   2.259  	exit 1
   2.260  fi
   2.262 -echo -n "Extracting files (this may take a while): "
   2.263 +#	=== Extract files from archives ===
   2.264 +action "Extracting the archives..."
   2.265 +newline
   2.266 +mkdir -p $TEMP_DIR
   2.267 +for TB in $TARBALL $L_TARBALL
   2.268 +  do
   2.269 +	tar xvzf $SOURCE_DIR/$TB -C $TEMP_DIR > $LOG 2>&1 ||
   2.270 +	(echo "Failed to extract $TB" ; exit 1)
   2.271 +  done
   2.273 -# Creates TEMP_DIR and extract tarball
   2.274 -mkdir -p $TEMP_DIR
   2.275 -for TB in $TARBALL $L_TARBALL ; do
   2.276 -	tar xvzf $SOURCE_DIR/$TB -C $TEMP_DIR > $LOG 2>&1 || \
   2.277 -	(echo "Failed to extract $TB" ; exit 1)
   2.278 -done 
   2.279 +#	=== Create SliTaz package ===
   2.281 -# Get version found in archive (often directory is still RC version when final is present)
   2.282 -ARCHIVED_VERSION=`cd $TEMP_DIR;find . -type d 2> /dev/null | grep LibreOffice | head -n 1 | sed 's/_/ /g' | awk '{print $2}'`
   2.283 -echo -n "(found v${ARCHIVED_VERSION})"
   2.284 +# Prepare metadata for SliTaz package
   2.286 -# Consolidate localisations into main package
   2.287 -if [ -n $L_TARBALL ] ; then # Are we localised?
   2.288 -	  TARBALL_NAME="${TARBALL/.tar.gz/}"
   2.289 +# Get version found in archive
   2.290 +# (often directory is still RC version when final is present)
   2.291 +VERSION_FROM_ARCHIVE=$(cd $TEMP_DIR;find . -type d 2> /dev/null \
   2.292 +	| grep LibreOffice | head -n 1 | sed 's/_/ /g' | awk '{print $2}')
   2.293 +echo -n "(found v${VERSION_FROM_ARCHIVE})"
   2.294 +
   2.295 +# Merge language pack into main package
   2.296 +if [ -n $L_TARBALL ]	# language pack required?
   2.297 +  then 
   2.298 +	TARBALL_NAME="${TARBALL/.tar.gz/}"
   2.299  	L_TARBALL_NAME="${L_TARBALL/.tar.gz/}"
   2.303  fi
   2.304  status
   2.306 -# Extracted pkg can be removed: Save RAM
   2.307 +# Extracted archives can be removed
   2.308  rm -rf $SOURCE_DIR
   2.310 -# Extract everything from RPMS
   2.312 +# Extract almost everything from RPMS directory
   2.313 +action "Extracting RPMs..."
   2.314 +newline
   2.316  for i in *.rpm
   2.317 -do
   2.318 -	if (! echo $i | egrep -qi $EXCLUDE); then
   2.319 +  do
   2.320 +	if (! echo $i | egrep -qi $EXCLUDE)
   2.321 +	  then
   2.322  		echo -n "."
   2.323  		(rpm2cpio $i | cpio -id >> $LOG 2>&1 ) && rm  -f $i
   2.324  	fi
   2.325 -done
   2.326 +  done
   2.327 +status
   2.329 -#rpm2cpio desktop-integration/*freedesktop*.rpm | cpio -id >> $LOG 2>&1
   2.330 -#rpm2cpio *freedesktop*.rpm | cpio -id >> $LOG 2>&1
   2.331 +# Move files to package tree $PACKAGE-$VERSION/fs/
   2.332 +action "Preparing package..."
   2.333 +mkdir -p $PACKAGE-$VERSION/fs/usr/lib/libreoffice
   2.334 +mkdir -p $PACKAGE-$VERSION/fs/usr/share
   2.336 -# extracted pkg can be removed: Save RAM
   2.337 -rm -f desktop-integration/*freedesktop*.rpm
   2.338 +# use mv instead of 'cp -a' to save space
   2.339 +mv opt/libreoffice*	$PACKAGE-$VERSION/fs/usr/lib
   2.340 +mv usr/share/mime	$PACKAGE-$VERSION/fs/usr/share
   2.341 +mv usr/share/icons	$PACKAGE-$VERSION/fs/usr/share
   2.342 +mv usr/bin		$PACKAGE-$VERSION/fs/usr
   2.344 -status
   2.345 -echo -n "Preparing package... "
   2.346 +# relocalised libexec directory
   2.347 +bin=$PACKAGE-$VERSION/fs/usr/bin/libreoffice${VERSION:0:3}
   2.348 +if [ -L $bin ]
   2.349 +	then
   2.350 +	  target=$(readlink $bin)
   2.351 +	  rm -f $bin
   2.352 +	  ln -s ${target/opt/usr\/lib\/libreoffice} $bin
   2.353 +	else
   2.354 +	  sed -i 's#/opt/#/usr/lib/libreoffice/#'  $bin
   2.355 +fi
   2.357 -# Make the package
   2.358 -mkdir -p $PACKAGE-$VERSION/fs/usr/lib/libreoffice  \
   2.359 -         $PACKAGE-$VERSION/fs/usr/share
   2.360 -
   2.361 -# use mv instead of 'cp -a' to save RAM
   2.362 -mv opt/libreoffice* $PACKAGE-$VERSION/fs/usr/lib
   2.363 -mv usr/share/mime $PACKAGE-$VERSION/fs/usr/share
   2.364 -mv usr/share/icons $PACKAGE-$VERSION/fs/usr/share
   2.365 -mv usr/bin $PACKAGE-$VERSION/fs/usr
   2.366 -
   2.367 -# relocalized libexec directory
   2.368 -bin=$(echo $PACKAGE-$VERSION/fs/usr/bin/libreoffice???)
   2.369 -if [ -L $bin ]; then
   2.370 -	target=$(readlink $bin)
   2.371 -	rm -f $bin
   2.372 -	ln -s ${target/opt/usr\/lib\/libreoffice} $bin
   2.373 -else
   2.374 -	sed -i 's#/opt/#/usr/lib/libreoffice/#'  $bin
   2.375 -fi	
   2.376 -
   2.377 -# Create receipt
   2.378 +# Create recipe for SliTaz package
   2.379  cat > $PACKAGE-$VERSION/receipt <<EOT
   2.380  # SliTaz package receipt.
   2.382  PACKAGE="$PACKAGE"
   2.383  VERSION="$VERSION"
   2.384 -CATEGORY="office"
   2.385 -SHORT_DESC="Productivity suite."
   2.386 -DEPENDS="java6-jre cups"
   2.387 -WEB_SITE="$URL"
   2.389 +TAGS="writer spreadsheet database"
   2.391 +LICENSE="$LICENCE"
   2.392 +WEB_SITE="$WEB_SITE"
   2.393 +DEPENDS="$DEPENDS"
   2.395  post_install()
   2.396  {
   2.397 -        ln -sf /usr/lib/libreoffice?* /usr/lib/libreoffice
   2.398 -        path_libreoffice=\$(find /usr/lib/libreoffice -name libreoffice*.*)
   2.399 +	ln -sf	/usr/lib/libreoffice?* \
   2.400 +		/usr/lib/libreoffice
   2.401 +	path_libreoffice=\$(find /usr/lib/libreoffice -name libreoffice*.*)
   2.403 -        # Remove links if exist
   2.404 -        rm -f /usr/share/applications/libreoffice-*
   2.405 +	# Remove links, if existing
   2.406 +	rm -f /usr/share/applications/libreoffice-*
   2.408 -        # Create links
   2.409 -        cd /usr/share/applications
   2.410 -        ln -sf \$path_libreoffice/share/xdg/base.desktop          libreoffice-base.desktop
   2.411 -        ln -sf \$path_libreoffice/share/xdg/impress.desktop       libreoffice-impress.desktop
   2.412 -        ln -sf \$path_libreoffice/share/xdg/writer.desktop        libreoffice-writer.desktop
   2.413 -        ln -sf \$path_libreoffice/share/xdg/calc.desktop          libreoffice-calc.desktop
   2.414 -        ln -sf \$path_libreoffice/share/xdg/math.desktop          libreoffice-math.desktop
   2.415 -        ln -sf \$path_libreoffice/share/xdg/draw.desktop          libreoffice-draw.desktop
   2.416 +	# Create links
   2.417 +	cd /usr/share/applications
   2.418 +	ln -sf \$path_libreoffice/share/xdg/base.desktop	\
   2.419 +		libreoffice-base.desktop
   2.420 +	ln -sf \$path_libreoffice/share/xdg/impress.desktop	\
   2.421 +		libreoffice-impress.desktop
   2.422 +	ln -sf \$path_libreoffice/share/xdg/writer.desktop	\
   2.423 +		libreoffice-writer.desktop
   2.424 +	ln -sf \$path_libreoffice/share/xdg/calc.desktop	\
   2.425 +		libreoffice-calc.desktop
   2.426 +	ln -sf \$path_libreoffice/share/xdg/math.desktop	\
   2.427 +		libreoffice-math.desktop
   2.428 +	ln -sf \$path_libreoffice/share/xdg/draw.desktop	\
   2.429 +		libreoffice-draw.desktop
   2.431 -        chmod +x \$path_libreoffice/share/xdg/*.desktop
   2.432 +	chmod +x \$path_libreoffice/share/xdg/*.desktop
   2.434          # If necessary, recreate links for soffice
   2.435 -        rm -f /usr/bin/soffice /usr/bin/libreoffice
   2.436 -        ln -sf \$path_libreoffice/program/soffice /usr/bin/libreoffice
   2.437 -        ln -sf \$path_libreoffice/program/soffice /usr/bin/soffice
   2.438 +	rm -f /usr/bin/soffice
   2.439 +	rm -f /usr/bin/libreoffice
   2.440 +	ln -sf \$path_libreoffice/program/soffice /usr/bin/libreoffice
   2.441 +	ln -sf \$path_libreoffice/program/soffice /usr/bin/soffice
   2.442  }
   2.444  post_remove()
   2.445  {
   2.446  	rm -f /usr/share/applications/libreoffice-*
   2.447  }
   2.448 +EOT
   2.450 -EOT
   2.451  status
   2.453 -# Pack
   2.454 +# Create the package
   2.455  tazpkg pack $PACKAGE-$VERSION
   2.457 -# Clean to save RAM memory
   2.458 +# Remove package tree
   2.459  rm -rf $PACKAGE-$VERSION
   2.461 -# Install pseudo package
   2.462 -tazpkg install $PACKAGE-$VERSION.tazpkg --root=$ROOT
   2.463 -case " $@ " in
   2.464 -*\ --k*) mv $PACKAGE-$VERSION.tazpkg $CUR_DIR ;;
   2.465 -esac
   2.466 +#	=== Install the SliTaz package ===
   2.467 +[ "$install" == "yes" ] &&
   2.468 +tazpkg install $PACKAGE-$VERSION.tazpkg --root="$root"
   2.470 -# Clean
   2.471 +#	=== Cleanup ===
   2.472 +# Preserve package file, if requested
   2.473 +[ "$keep" == "yes" ] && mv $PACKAGE-$VERSION.tazpkg $CUR_DIR
   2.474 +
   2.475 +# Remove temporary build directory
   2.476  cd $CUR_DIR
   2.477  rm -rf $TEMP_DIR