wok-current view waterline/receipt @ rev 24009

linux-zram: typo (again)
author Pascal Bellard <pascal.bellard@slitaz.org>
date Fri Jan 29 17:07:10 2021 +0000 (2021-01-29)
parents 911eba0b2038
children 34e801e0eb52
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="waterline"
4 VERSION="ed8ddef"
5 CATEGORY="x-window"
6 SHORT_DESC="A lightweight framework for desktop widgets and applets"
7 MAINTAINER="psychomaniak@xakep.ru"
9 WEB_SITE="https://github.com/sde-gui/waterline"
11 WGET_URL="http://git.make-linux.org/sde/$PACKAGE.git/snapshot/$TARBALL"
12 TAGS="desktop panel taskbar"
14 DEPENDS="libsde-utils-jansson libsde-utils-x11"
15 BUILD_DEPENDS="automake libtool gtk+-dev jansson-dev libsde-utils \
16 libsde-utils-x11 libsde-utils-jansson libsde-utils-gtk \
17 xorg-libXcomposite-dev menu-cache-dev alsa-lib-dev"
18 # libsde-utils-dev libsde-utils-x11-dev libsde-utils-jansson-dev libsde-utils-gtk-dev
20 # Rules to configure and make the package.
21 compile_rules()
22 {
23 rm -rf $src/.git
24 sed 's/lxsession-logout/tazbox logout/' -i src/defaultapplications.c
25 ./autogen.sh || return 1
26 ./configure \
27 --prefix=/usr \
28 --libexec=/usr/lib \
29 --sysconfdir=/etc \
30 --localstatedir=/var \
31 --disable-static \
32 --disable-maintainer-mode \
33 --enable-silent-rules \
35 make &&
36 make install
37 }
39 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
40 genpkg_rules()
41 {
42 cp -a $install/* $fs
43 mkdir -p $fs/etc/xdg/autostart
44 cat > $fs/etc/xdg/autostart/waterline.desktop <<EOT
45 [Desktop Entry]
46 Type=Application
47 Name=Waterline Desktop panel
48 Exec=waterline
49 EOT
50 rm -rf $fs/usr/include
51 rm -rf $fs/usr/lib/pkgconfig
52 rm -r $fs/usr/lib/waterline/internals/*.la
53 }