wok-current view dummynet64/receipt @ rev 23790
updated youtube-dl (2019.11.05 -> 2020.05.08)
author | Hans-G?nter Theisgen |
date | Fri May 22 07:41:14 2020 +0100 (2020-05-22) |
parents | 8a51ff352615 |
children | 34e801e0eb52 |
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="dummynet64"
4 VERSION="20150115"
5 GITHASH="e717cdd4bef764a4aa7babedc54220b35b04c777"
6 CATEGORY="network"
7 SHORT_DESC="Network testing/emulation tool."
8 MAINTAINER="samuel_trassare@yahoo.com"
10 WEB_SITE="https://web.archive.org/web/20190131145449/http://info.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/dummynet/"
11 TARBALL="$VERSION-ipfw3.zip"
12 WGET_URL="https://github.com/luigirizzo/dummynet/archive/$GITHASH.zip"
13 PROVIDE="dummynet:linux64"
15 BUILD_DEPENDS="linux64-module-headers uclibc-cross-compiler-x86_64"
17 # Aufs enable chroot
18 AUFS_NOT_RAMFS="uclibc-cross-compiler-x86_64 is not compatible with aufs+tmpfs 8("
20 # Rules to configure and make the package.
21 compile_rules()
22 {
23 installed=/var/lib/tazpkg/installed
24 kvers=$(. $installed/linux64-module-headers/receipt ; echo $VERSION)
25 sed -i "s/WARN := -O1 -Wall -Werror/WARN := -O1 -Wall/" kipfw/Makefile
26 sed -i "s/uname -r/echo $kvers-slitaz64/" Makefile.inc
27 sed -i "/par = NULL/d;s|w_q = ((.*|/* & */|;s|double w_q;|/* & */|" \
28 ipfw/dummynet.c
29 sed -i "/altqptr =/d" ipfw/ipfw2.c
30 sed -i "/no-unused-but-set-variable/d" */Makefile
31 make
32 }
34 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
35 genpkg_rules()
36 {
37 mkdir -p $fs/usr/bin \
38 $fs/lib/modules/$kvers-slitaz/kernel/net
39 cp -a $src/ipfw/ipfw $fs/usr/bin
40 cp -a $src/kipfw-mod/ipfw_mod.ko $fs/lib/modules/$kvers-slitaz/kernel/net
41 }
43 # Post install/remove commands for Tazpkg.
44 post_install()
45 {
46 chroot "$1/" depmod -a ${EXTRAVERSION#_}-slitaz64
47 }
49 post_remove()
50 {
51 chroot "$1/" depmod -a ${EXTRAVERSION#_}-slitaz64
52 }