wok-current view libQtHelp/receipt @ rev 10665

xbill: Fixed deps and bdeps. I think. It needs Xm/Xm.h file and lesstif-dev has it.
author Christopher Rogers <slaxemulator@gmail.com>
date Fri May 27 03:44:32 2011 +0000 (2011-05-27)
parents 492d81d36df5
children 68ec33732967
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="libQtHelp"
4 VERSION="4.7.3"
5 CATEGORY="development"
6 SHORT_DESC="Qt help Library"
7 MAINTAINER="allan316@gmail.com"
8 DEPENDS="libQtGui libQtClucene libQtSql libQtXml"
9 WEB_SITE="http://qt.nokia.com/"
10 WANTED="qt4"
11 SOURCE="qt-everywhere-opensource-src"
13 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
14 genpkg_rules()
15 {
16 mkdir -p $fs/usr/lib
17 cp -a $_pkg/usr/lib/libQtHelp.so* $fs/usr/lib
18 }