wok-current view openerp-client/stuff/openerp-client.desktop @ rev 10726

libtaz: Don't need to check /usr/bin/hg anymore. Best to get the tag 1.1.2 version. May need to delete the slitaz-dev-tools-1.1.2.tar.bz2 source on tank to make sure we have the tag version.
author Christopher Rogers <slaxemulator@gmail.com>
date Sat May 28 20:44:37 2011 +0000 (2011-05-28)
line source
1 [Desktop Entry]
2 Encoding=UTF-8
3 Name=OpenERP GUI Client
4 Icon=openerp-client
5 Exec=openerp-client
6 Type=Application
7 Categories=Office;