wok-current view dooble/receipt @ rev 17091

dooble: clean $fs
author Xander Ziiryanoff <psychomaniak@xakep.ru>
date Thu Aug 28 01:42:21 2014 +0200 (2014-08-28)
parents 206afe8cf521
children 1c8a8c24e47e
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="dooble"
4 VERSION="1.48"
5 CATEGORY="web"
6 SHORT_DESC="Private mode only (almost) worst Qt webkit browser. With builtin fm & xterm."
7 MAINTAINER="psychomaniak@xakep.ru"
9 WEB_SITE="http://dooble.sourceforge.net"
11 WGET_URL="$SF_MIRROR/$PACKAGE/files/Dooble.d.tar.gz"
13 DEPENDS="libQtCore libQtDBus libQtGui libQtNetwork libQtScript libQtSql \
14 libQtXml libQtWebkit cacerts xdg-utils"
15 BUILD_DEPENDS="wget cacerts Qt4-dev qmake libgcrypt-dev sqlite-dev"
16 SUGGESTED="libQtWebkit-video"
18 # Rules to configure and make the package.
19 compile_rules()
20 {
21 srcdir="$src/trunk/browser" ; cd $srcdir
22 find . -regex '.*\(win32\|osx64\|icns\).*' -exec ls -l {} \; -delete
23 sed -i 's|local/dooble/do|bin/do|g' dooble.desktop
24 qmake PREFIX="/usr/" $PACKAGE.pro
25 make && make INSTALL_ROOT=$install install
26 rm -rf $install/usr/local/$PACKAGE/D${PACKAGE:1}
27 mkdir -p $install/usr/share $install/usr/bin $install/usr/lib
28 install $srcdir/libSpotOn/libspoton.so $install/usr/lib
29 install $srcdir/D${PACKAGE:1} $install/usr/bin
30 rm -rf $srcdir/temp $srcdir/T* $srcdir/D${PACKAGE:1}
31 mv $install/usr/local/$PACKAGE $install/usr/share/
32 rm $install/usr/share/$PACKAGE/Icons/AxB/dooble.ico
33 cd $install/usr/share/$PACKAGE && rm -rf Tab Images
34 ln -s Translations ../../local/$PACKAGE/translations
35 }
37 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
38 genpkg_rules()
39 {
40 cp -a $install/* $fs ; rm -rf $fs/home $fs/usr/local
41 cd $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE ; ln -s ../../bin/D${PACKAGE:1} D${PACKAGE:1}
42 cd $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/Icons ; rm -rf 64x64 nuovext nuvola black-and-white && ln -s faience nuovext
43 cd $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/Translations ; find . -size -44k -delete
44 mv $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$PACKAGE.sh $fs/usr/bin/ && cd $fs/usr/bin
45 sed -i 's|local/dooble/Dooble|bin/Dooble|g' $PACKAGE.sh
46 sed -i 's|cd /usr/local/dooble|cd /usr/share/dooble|g' $PACKAGE.sh
47 sed -i 's/fusion/ /g' $PACKAGE.sh
48 cd $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE ; cat>'Dooble.ini' << EOT
49 [General]
50 iconSet=/usr/share/dooble/Icons/faience/configuration.cfg
51 desktopBackground=/usr/share/images/slitaz-background.jpg
53 [settingsWindow]
54 homeUrl=file:/usr/share/webhome/index.html
55 fixedWebFont="Fixed,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0"
56 p2pUrl=qrc:/search_c.html
57 showAuthentication=false
59 [mainWindow]
60 searchName=DuckDuckGo
61 EOT
63 }
65 post_install()
66 {
67 for i in $(ls $1/home 2> /dev/null); do
68 [ -f /home/$i/.dooble/Dooble/Dooble.ini ] && continue
69 mkdir -p $1/home/$i/.dooble/Dooble
70 cp $1/usr/share/dooble/Dooble.ini $1/home/$i/.dooble/Dooble
71 rm $1/home/$i/.local/share/applications/dooble.desktop
72 chroot $1/ chown -R $i.users /home/$i/.dooble
73 done
74 }
76 post_remove()
77 {
78 echo -n "Removing configuration files..."
79 rm -rf /home/*/.dooble
80 status
81 }