wok-current view visualboyadvance-gtk/stuff/visualboyadvance-gtk.desktop @ rev 16602

Remove python-piface* (work only with python3) but add libmcp23s17 + libpifacedigital C library and utility
author Christophe Lincoln <pankso@slitaz.org>
date Wed May 07 17:38:57 2014 +0200 (2014-05-07)
parents c1cd96feca64
line source
1 [Desktop Entry]
2 Name=Visual Boy Advance GTK+
3 Comment=An emulator for Gameboy and Gameboy Advance systems
4 Exec=/usr/bin/gvba
5 Icon=vba-64
6 Terminal=false
7 Type=Application
8 Categories=Game;
9 StartupNotify=false