wok-current view cyrus-sasl-pam/receipt @ rev 25629

Mass updates for current
author Stanislas Leduc <shann@slitaz.org>
date Wed Oct 11 18:45:46 2023 +0000 (16 months ago)
parents e1e1678c5265
children 3ad63c8fc2f9
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="cyrus-sasl-pam"
4 VERSION="2.1.27"
5 CATEGORY="network"
6 SHORT_DESC="SASL authentication server using PAM."
7 MAINTAINER="pascal.bellard@slitaz.org"
9 WEB_SITE="https://www.cyrusimap.org/sasl"
11 SOURCE="cyrus-sasl"
13 WGET_URL="https://github.com/cyrusimap/cyrus-sasl/archive/$TARBALL"
15 PROVIDE="cyrus-sasl:pam"
16 DEPENDS="libcomerr3 libdb libkrb5 libldap openssl pam"
17 BUILD_DEPENDS="automake autoconf m4 libtool groff \
18 openldap-dev openssl-dev pam pam-dev"
20 # What is the latest version available today?
21 current_version()
22 {
23 wget -O - https://github.com/cyrusimap/cyrus-sasl/releases 2>/dev/null | \
24 sed '/archive.*tar/!d;s|.*/[a-z-]*\(.*\).tar.*|\1|;q'
25 }
27 # Rules to configure and make the package.
28 compile_rules()
29 {
30 ./autogen.sh
32 ./configure \
33 --prefix=/usr \
34 --infodir=/usr/share/info \
35 --with-ldap=/usr \
36 --with-pam=/usr \
37 --with-devrandom=/dev/urandom \
38 --mandir=/usr/share/man \
40 sed -i 's/WITH_DES/WITH_DES 1/' config.h
41 make -j1 &&
42 make -j1 DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install
43 }
45 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
46 genpkg_rules()
47 {
48 mkdir -p $fs/usr/lib/sasl2
49 mkdir -p $fs/var/state/saslauthd
51 cp -a $install/usr/sbin $fs/usr
52 cp -a $install/usr/lib/*.so* $fs/usr/lib
53 cp -a $install/usr/lib/sasl2/*.so* $fs/usr/lib/sasl2
54 cp -a ../$SOURCE/stuff/etc $fs
56 sed -i 's/shadow/pam/' $fs/etc/init.d/cyrus-sasl
57 }