wok-current view grsync/stuff/grsync.desktop @ rev 11393

Fix: polkit needs intltool to be compiled
author Antoine Bodin <gokhlayeh@slitaz.org>
date Sat Dec 10 05:13:50 2011 +0100 (2011-12-10)
parents 657a5d4aca5b
children 7f0fea8ad9f4
line source
1 [Desktop Entry]
2 Version=1.0
3 Encoding=UTF-8
4 Name=Grsync
5 Name[fr]=Synchroniser des fichiers
6 Name[it]=Sincronizza file
7 Exec=grsync
8 Icon=grsync.png
9 Terminal=false
10 Type=Application
11 Categories=Application;Network;