wok-current view xvkbd/receipt @ rev 23980

linld: fix isoboot/cpuhaslm
author Pascal Bellard <pascal.bellard@slitaz.org>
date Fri Nov 20 11:26:49 2020 +0000 (2020-11-20)
parents f17d3e9b8ddc
children 318701ea94ca
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="xvkbd"
4 VERSION="4.1"
5 CATEGORY="x-window"
6 SHORT_DESC="Virtual (graphical) keyboard program for X Window System."
7 MAINTAINER="paul@slitaz.org"
9 WEB_SITE="http://t-sato.in.coocan.jp"
12 WGET_URL="https://sources.voidlinux.org/$PACKAGE-$VERSION/$TARBALL"
14 DEPENDS="xorg-libXaw xorg-libXaw3d xorg-libXp xorg-libXtst"
15 BUILD_DEPENDS="xorg-imake xorg-libXaw-dev xorg-libXaw3d-dev xorg-libXp-dev
16 xorg-libXtst-dev xorg-xproto"
18 # Rules to configure and make the package.
19 compile_rules()
20 {
21 # delete Xaw3d
22 sed -i '/#define XAW3D/d' Imakefile
23 xmkmf &&
24 sed -i 's/\$(DESTDIR) \$(SHAREDIR)/$(DESTDIR)$(SHAREDIR)/' Makefile
25 make
26 mkdir -p $install/usr/share/X11
27 make install
29 # Add .desktop file
30 mkdir -p $install/usr/share/applications
31 cp $stuff/usr/share/applications/xvkbd.desktop \
32 $install/usr/share/applications
34 # Add icon
35 mkdir -p $install/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps
36 cp $stuff/usr/share/pixmaps/xvkbd.png \
37 $install/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps
39 mkdir -p $install/etc/X11/app-defaults
40 cp $stuff/etc/X11/app-defaults/XVkbd-russian \
41 $install/etc/X11/app-defaults
43 }
45 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
46 genpkg_rules()
47 {
48 cp -a $install/* $fs
49 rm -fr $fs/usr/lib
50 }
52 post_install()
53 {
54 # .Xdefaults file
55 lang=$(echo $LANG | awk '{FS="_"} {print $1}')
56 find "$1/home" -maxdepth 2 -name ".Xdefaults" > /tmp/listeXdefaults
57 while read line
58 do
59 if ! grep -q "Xvkbd settings" $line
60 then
61 cat >> $line << EOT
63 ! Xvkbd settings
64 !
65 xvkbd*Font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--0-0-75-75-c-0-iso8859-1
66 EOT
67 echo "xvkbd.Layout : $lang" >> $line
68 fi
69 done </tmp/listeXdefaults
71 rm -f /tmp/listeXdefaults
72 }