wok-current view gettext-tools/receipt @ rev 18526

Separate "gettext-tools" from "gettext"; "poedit": check dependencies
author Aleksej Bobylev <al.bobylev@gmail.com>
date Tue Oct 27 00:47:37 2015 +0200 (2015-10-27)
children 22a186ed0584
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="gettext-tools"
4 VERSION="0.19.4"
5 CATEGORY="libs"
6 SHORT_DESC="GNU gettext tools to manage translations"
7 MAINTAINER="al.bobylev@gmail.com"
9 WEB_SITE="http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/"
11 DEPENDS="acl glib libgomp"
13 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
14 genpkg_rules()
15 {
16 mkdir -p \
17 $fs/usr/bin \
18 $fs/usr/lib
19 cp -a \
20 $install/usr/bin/msgfmt \
21 $install/usr/bin/msgmerge \
22 $install/usr/bin/xgettext \
23 $fs/usr/bin
24 cp -a \
25 $install/usr/lib/libgettextlib*.so* \
26 $install/usr/lib/libgettextsrc*.so* \
27 $fs/usr/lib
28 }