- busybox, uclibc-cross-compiler-i486: update bdeps again....2012-02-27, by Pascal Bellard
- gst-plugins-good: update bdeps2012-02-27, by Pascal Bellard
- busybox: update bdeps2012-02-27, by Pascal Bellard
- Down perl-compress-raw-bzip2 (2.049)2012-02-27, by Pascal Bellard
- vanessa_adt: fix genpkg_rules2012-02-27, by Pascal Bellard
- vanessa_socket: fix genpkg_rules2012-02-27, by Pascal Bellard
- perl-http-message: Sync with wok-tank.2012-02-27, by Christopher Rogers
- Add perl-lwp-mediatypes.2012-02-27, by Christopher Rogers
- perl-http-date: Sync with wok-tank.2012-02-27, by Christopher Rogers
- perl-html-parser: Sync with wok-tank.2012-02-27, by Christopher Rogers
- perl-encode-locale: Sync with wok-tank.2012-02-27, by Christopher Rogers
- perl-digest-md5: Sync with wok-tank.2012-02-27, by Christopher Rogers
- Add: perl-parser2012-02-27, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Add: perl-http-message2012-02-27, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Add: perl-http-date2012-02-27, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Add: perl-ecnode-locale2012-02-27, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Add: perl-digest-md52012-02-27, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: perl-libwww (6.04)2012-02-27, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: perl-compress-raw* (2.051)2012-02-27, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- U: phpmyadmin(, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- mysql: improve initscript2012-02-27, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: dokuwiki (2012.01.25)2012-02-27, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- dolibarr: Imporove recepit. Update database schema2012-02-27, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- uclibc-i486: disable post_install2012-02-26, by Pascal Bellard
- uclibc-cross-compiler*: update deps2012-02-26, by Pascal Bellard
- uclibc-i486: add post_install2012-02-26, by Pascal Bellard
- fcitx-zm: add WEB_SITE2012-02-26, by Pascal Bellard
- awesome: update bdeps2012-02-26, by Pascal Bellard
- libftdi: update bdeps2012-02-26, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: thunderbird to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: seamonkey to, by Christopher Rogers
- firefox-langpack-*: Updated all to, by Christopher Rogers
- firefox: Updated WANTED packages to, by Christopher Rogers
- Down: libpng to 1.2.47. This is a Security Fix. Don't update to 1.5.9 until after slitaz 4.0 release. Too much stuff will have to patch.2012-02-25, by Christopher Rogers
- ncmpcpp: up (0.5.8) and chown fix2012-02-25, by Paul Issott
- mpd: chown fix2012-02-25, by Paul Issott
- Up: lighttpd (1.4.30) - Security fix2012-02-25, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: libpng (1.5.9) - Security fix2012-02-25, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: openssl (1.0.0g) - Security fix (A malicious TLS client can send an invalid set of GOST parameters)2012-02-25, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: firefox (10.0.2) - Security fix (libpng integer overflow)2012-02-25, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: libvorbis (1.3.3) - Security fix(possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted Ogg Vorbis file)2012-02-25, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up slitaz-configs (4.8) - New Openbox and GTK theme2012-02-25, by Christophe Lincoln
- nvidia-173xx: update deps2012-02-25, by Richard Dunbar
- sdcc: fix cp -u2012-02-25, by Pascal Bellard
- Up atm-tools (2.5.2)2012-02-25, by Pascal Bellard
- sdcc: fix cmdlex.cc2012-02-25, by Pascal Bellard
- gnumeric: back to 1.10.17 - It was fine for last 3 months, now build on my local system with updated chroot and last pkgs from mirror2012-02-25, by Christophe Lincoln
- syslinux: fix ifmem.c (again)2012-02-25, by Pascal Bellard
- syslinux: fix ifmem.c2012-02-25, by Pascal Bellard
- ppp: build rp-pppoe.so (again)2012-02-25, by Pascal Bellard
- ppp: build rp-pppoe.so (again)2012-02-25, by Pascal Bellard
- ppp: build rp-pppoe.so (again)2012-02-25, by Pascal Bellard
- ppp: build rp-pppoe.so2012-02-25, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: gtk+ to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: phpmyadmin (, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Add: dolibarr2012-02-25, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: squid-langpack (3.1.19)2012-02-25, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: squid, squid-auth-helpers (3.1.19)2012-02-25, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: squidclamav (5.7)2012-02-25, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: glpi(0.80.7)2012-02-25, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- fixed typo2012-02-24, by Samuel Trassare
- evince: added desktop file, description; clicking help goes to www2012-02-24, by Samuel Trassare
- up graphviz dev and doc (2.28.0)2012-02-24, by Samuel Trassare
- up graphviz (2.28.0)2012-02-24, by Samuel Trassare
- Down gnumeric (0.8.16) 0.8.17 references gtk+-3. Removed unrecognized option from goffice2012-02-24, by Samuel Trassare