wok-current rev 13821

[A-e]*/*.desktop files: sort (for easy reading), add translations (from web + my ru), verify (using desktop-file-validate), fix. To be continued...
author Aleksej Bobylev <al.bobylev@gmail.com>
date Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000 (2013-01-07)
parents fbc8a4625f8a
children 4dc7a5c23e3c
files QtDesigner/stuff/qtassistant.desktop QtDesigner/stuff/qtdesigner.desktop QtDesigner/stuff/qtlinguist.desktop R/stuff/R.desktop abiword/stuff/abiword.desktop adie/stuff/adie.desktop airstrike/stuff/airstrike.desktop alsa-tools-echomixer/stuff/applications/echomixer.desktop alsa-tools-envy24control/stuff/applications/envy24control.desktop alsa-tools-rmedigicontrol/stuff/applications/rmedigicontrol.desktop alsa-utils/stuff/applications/alsamixer.desktop alsaplayer/stuff/alsaplayer.desktop amule/stuff/amule.desktop aqualung/stuff/aqualung.desktop assaultcube/stuff/assaultcube.desktop asunder/stuff/asunder.desktop aterm/stuff/aterm.desktop bastet/stuff/bastet.desktop bc/stuff/bc.desktop beaver/stuff/beaver.desktop beneath-a-steel-sky/stuff/beneath.desktop blender/stuff/blender.desktop boinc/stuff/applications/boincmgr.desktop btanks/stuff/btanks.desktop busybox/stuff/applications/httpd.desktop busybox/stuff/applications/vi.desktop bygfoot/stuff/share/applications/bygfoot.desktop bzflag/stuff/bzflag.desktop calculator/stuff/calculator.desktop celestia/stuff/celestia.desktop cgoban/stuff/cgoban.desktop chemtool/stuff/chemtool.desktop childsplay/stuff/childsplay.desktop clex/stuff/clex.desktop compiz/stuff/xsessions/compiz.desktop cssed/stuff/cssed.desktop ctorrent-dnh/stuff/applications/torrentbox.desktop cups/stuff/cups.desktop dialog/stuff/dialog.desktop diggerjs/stuff/usr/share/applications/boulder.desktop diggerjs/stuff/usr/share/applications/digger.desktop diggerjs/stuff/usr/share/applications/gnome.desktop dillo/stuff/dillo.desktop distccmon-gui/stuff/distccmon-gui.desktop dolibarr/stuff/applications/dolibarr.desktop dosbox/stuff/dosbox.desktop eboard/stuff/eboard.desktop eduke32/stuff/eduke32.desktop electricsheep/stuff/electricsheep.desktop emelfm2/stuff/emelfm2.desktop epdfview-cups/stuff/epdfview.desktop epdfview/stuff/epdfview.desktop evince/stuff/evince.desktop extrema/stuff/extrema.desktop
line diff
     1.1 --- a/QtDesigner/stuff/qtassistant.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/QtDesigner/stuff/qtassistant.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
     1.3 @@ -1,9 +1,36 @@
     1.4  [Desktop Entry]
     1.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
     1.6 +Type=Application
     1.7 +Name=Qt Assistant
     1.8 +Name[bs]=Qt Asistent
     1.9 +Name[cs]=Qt asistent
    1.10 +Name[de]=Qt-Assistent
    1.11 +Name[el]=Βοηθός Qt
    1.12 +Name[es]=Asistente Qt
    1.13 +Name[pt]=Assistente do Qt
    1.14 +Name[pt_BR]=Assistente Qt
    1.15 +Name[ru]=Помощник Qt
    1.16 +Name[sl]=Pomočnik za Qt
    1.17 +Name[zh_CN]=Qt 助手
    1.18 +Name[zh_TW]=Qt 助理
    1.19 +GenericName=Qt Document Browser
    1.20 +GenericName[bs]=Preglednik QT dokumenata
    1.21 +GenericName[cs]=Prohlížeč dokumentace
    1.22 +GenericName[da]=Dokumentfremviser
    1.23 +GenericName[de]=Dokumentbrowser
    1.24 +GenericName[el]=Προβολέας εγγράφων
    1.25 +GenericName[es]=Navegador de documentos
    1.26 +GenericName[fr]=Explorateur de documentation Qt
    1.27 +GenericName[hu]=Dokumentumböngésző
    1.28 +GenericName[it]=Visualizzatore di documenti
    1.29 +GenericName[pt]=Navegador de Documentos
    1.30 +GenericName[pt_BR]=Navegador de Documentos
    1.31 +GenericName[ru]=Программа просмотра документов
    1.32 +GenericName[sl]=Pregledovalnik dokumentov
    1.33 +GenericName[sv]=Dokumentbläddrare
    1.34 +GenericName[zh_CN]=文档浏览器
    1.35 +GenericName[zh_TW]=文件閱讀器
    1.36  Exec=/usr/bin/assistant
    1.37 -Name=Qt Assistant
    1.38 -GenericName=Qt Document Browser
    1.39  Icon=assistant
    1.40  Terminal=false
    1.41 -Type=Application
    1.42 -Categories=Application;Development;Documentation
    1.43 +Categories=Development;Documentation;
    1.44 +X-KDE-StartupNotify=true
     2.1 --- a/QtDesigner/stuff/qtdesigner.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
     2.2 +++ b/QtDesigner/stuff/qtdesigner.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
     2.3 @@ -1,9 +1,35 @@
     2.4  [Desktop Entry]
     2.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
     2.6 +Type=Application
     2.7 +Name=Qt Designer
     2.8 +Name[cs]=Qt designer
     2.9 +Name[de]=Qt-Designer
    2.10 +Name[es]=Diseñador Qt
    2.11 +Name[it]=Designer Qt
    2.12 +Name[ru]=Qt Дизайнер
    2.13 +Name[sl]=Snovalnik Qt
    2.14 +Name[sv]=Qt designer
    2.15 +Name[zh_CN]=Qt 设计器
    2.16 +Name[zh_TW]=Qt 設計師
    2.17 +GenericName=Interface Designer
    2.18 +GenericName[bs]=Qt alat za dizajniranje interfejsa
    2.19 +GenericName[cs]=Návrhář rozhraní
    2.20 +GenericName[da]=Grænsefladedesigner
    2.21 +GenericName[de]=Schnittstellen-Designer
    2.22 +GenericName[el]=Σχεδιασμός Περιβάλλοντων
    2.23 +GenericName[es]=Diseñador de interfaces
    2.24 +GenericName[fr]=Concepteur d'interface
    2.25 +GenericName[hu]=grafikus felülettervező
    2.26 +GenericName[it]=Disegnatore di interfacce
    2.27 +GenericName[pt]=Editor de Interfaces
    2.28 +GenericName[pt_BR]=Criador da Interface
    2.29 +GenericName[ru]=Редактор интерфейса приложений Qt
    2.30 +GenericName[sl]=Snovalnik vmesnikov
    2.31 +GenericName[sv]=Gränssnittseditor
    2.32 +GenericName[zh_CN]=界面设计程序
    2.33 +GenericName[zh_TW]=界面設計師
    2.34  Exec=/usr/bin/designer
    2.35  Icon=designer
    2.36 -Name=Qt Designer
    2.37  StartupNotify=false
    2.38  Terminal=false
    2.39 -Type=Application
    2.40 -Categories=Application;Development;
    2.41 +Categories=Development;
    2.42 +MimeType=application/x-designer;
     3.1 --- a/QtDesigner/stuff/qtlinguist.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
     3.2 +++ b/QtDesigner/stuff/qtlinguist.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
     3.3 @@ -1,10 +1,34 @@
     3.4  [Desktop Entry]
     3.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
     3.6 +Type=Application
     3.7 +Name=Qt Linguist
     3.8 +Name[de]=Qt-Linguist
     3.9 +Name[es]=Lingüista Qt
    3.10 +Name[pt_BR]=Lingüista 
    3.11 +Name[ru]=Qt Лингвист
    3.12 +Name[sl]=Jezikoslovec Qt
    3.13 +Name[sv]=Qt linguist
    3.14 +Name[zh_CN]=Qt 语言家
    3.15 +Name[zh_TW]=Qt 語言學家
    3.16 +GenericName=Translation Tool
    3.17 +GenericName[bs]=Alat za prevođenje
    3.18 +GenericName[cs]=Překladatelský nástroj
    3.19 +GenericName[da]=Oversættelsesværktøj
    3.20 +GenericName[de]=Übersetzungsprogramm
    3.21 +GenericName[el]=Εργαλείο μεταφράσεων
    3.22 +GenericName[es]=Herramienta de traducción
    3.23 +GenericName[fr]=Outil de traduction
    3.24 +GenericName[hu]=Fordítássegítő
    3.25 +GenericName[it]=Strumento per le traduzioni
    3.26 +GenericName[pt]=Ferramenta de Tradução
    3.27 +GenericName[pt_BR]=Ferramenta de Tradução
    3.28 +GenericName[ru]=Переводчик для Qt
    3.29 +GenericName[sl]=Orodje za prevajanje
    3.30 +GenericName[sv]=Översättningsverktyg
    3.31 +GenericName[zh_CN]=翻译工具
    3.32 +GenericName[zh_TW]=翻譯工具
    3.33  Exec=/usr/bin/linguist
    3.34 -Name=Qt Linguist
    3.35 -GenericName=Translation Tool
    3.36 -MimeType=application/x-linguist
    3.37 +Icon=linguist
    3.38  Terminal=false
    3.39 -Type=Application
    3.40 -Icon=linguist
    3.41 -Categories=Application;Development;
    3.42 +Categories=Development;
    3.43 +MimeType=application/x-linguist;
    3.44 +X-KDE-StartupNotify=true
     4.1 --- a/R/stuff/R.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
     4.2 +++ b/R/stuff/R.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
     4.3 @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
     4.4  [Desktop Entry]
     4.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
     4.6 +Type=Application
     4.7  Name=R
     4.8 -Comment= programming language for statistical computing
     4.9 +Comment=Programming language for statistical computing
    4.10  Exec=terminal -e R
    4.11  Icon=R
    4.12 -Type=Application
    4.13  Categories=Development;
     5.1 --- a/abiword/stuff/abiword.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
     5.2 +++ b/abiword/stuff/abiword.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
     5.3 @@ -1,37 +1,22 @@
     5.4  [Desktop Entry]
     5.5 -Exec=abiword
     5.6 +Type=Application
     5.7 +Name=AbiWord
     5.8 +GenericName=Word Processor
     5.9 +GenericName[es]=Procesador de textos
    5.10 +GenericName[fr]=Traitement de texte
    5.11 +GenericName[ru]=Текстовый процессор
    5.12 +Comment=AbiWord Word Processor
    5.13 +Comment[da]=AbiWord tekstbehandlingsprogram
    5.14 +Comment[de]=AbiWord Textverarbeitung
    5.15 +Comment[es]=Procesador de textos Abiword
    5.16 +Comment[fr]=Traitement de texte AbiWord
    5.17 +Comment[pt]=Processador de Texto Abiword
    5.18 +Comment[ru]=Текстовый процессор AbiWord
    5.19 +Comment[sv]=Ordbehandlaren Abiword
    5.20 +Comment[zh_CN]=AbiWord Office文档编辑器
    5.21 +Exec=abiword %F
    5.22  Icon=abiword
    5.23  Terminal=false
    5.24 -Type=Application
    5.25 -Categories=Application;Office;WordProcessor;GNOME;GTK;X-Red-Hat-Base;
    5.26 +Categories=Office;WordProcessor;
    5.27  StartupNotify=true
    5.28 -Encoding=UTF-8
    5.29 -X-Desktop-File-Install-Version=0.9
    5.30  MimeType=application/x-abiword;text/x-abiword;text/x-xml-abiword;text/plain;application/msword;application/rtf;application/vnd.plain;application/xhtml+xml;text/html;application/x-crossmark;application/docbook+xml;application/x-t602;application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text;application/vnd.sun.xml.writer;application/vnd.stardivision.writer;text/vnd.wap.wml;application/wordperfect6;application/wordperfect5.1;
    5.31 -Name=AbiWord
    5.32 -GenericName=Word Processor
    5.33 -Comment=AbiWord Word Processor
    5.34 -Name[de]=Textverarbeitung
    5.35 -Comment[de]=AbiWord Textverarbeitung
    5.36 -Name[nb]=Tekstbehandling
    5.37 -Comment[nb]=AbiWord Tekstbehandling
    5.38 -Name[nl]=Tekstverwerker
    5.39 -Comment[nl]=AbiWord tekstverwerker
    5.40 -Name[nn]=Tekstbehandling
    5.41 -Comment[nn]=AbiWord Tekstbehandling
    5.42 -Name[no]=Tekstbehandler
    5.43 -Comment[no]=AbiWord Tekstbehandler
    5.44 -Name[pt]=Processador de Texto
    5.45 -Comment[pt]=AbiWord Processador de Texto
    5.46 -Name[es]=Procesador de textos Abiword
    5.47 -GenericName[es]=Procesador de textos
    5.48 -Comment[es]=Procesador de textos Abiword
    5.49 -Name[fr]=Traitement de texte AbiWord
    5.50 -GenericName[fr]=Traitement de texte
    5.51 -Comment[fr]=Traitement de texte de Gnome Office
    5.52 -Name[pl]=Edytor tekstu AbiWord
    5.53 -Comment[pl]=Edytor tekstu AbiWord
    5.54 -Name[ja]=AbiWord ワードプロセッサ
    5.55 -Comment[ja]=AbiWord ワードプロセッサ
    5.56 -Name[zh_CN]=AbiWord Office文档编辑器
    5.57 -Comment[zh_CN]=AbiWord Office文档编辑器
     6.1 --- a/adie/stuff/adie.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
     6.2 +++ b/adie/stuff/adie.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
     6.3 @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
     6.4  [Desktop Entry]
     6.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
     6.6 +Type=Application
     6.7  Name=Adie Text editor
     6.8  Name[fr]=Editeur de texte Adie
     6.9 +Name[ru]=Текстовый редактор Adie
    6.10  Name[zh_CN]=Adie文本编辑器
    6.11  Exec=adie %f
    6.12  Icon=adie
    6.13 -Type=Application
    6.14 -MimeType=text/plain
    6.15  Categories=Utility;TextEditor;
    6.16 +MimeType=text/plain;
     7.1 --- a/airstrike/stuff/airstrike.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
     7.2 +++ b/airstrike/stuff/airstrike.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
     7.3 @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
     7.4  [Desktop Entry]
     7.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
     7.6 +Type=Application
     7.7  Name=Airstrike
     7.8  Comment=Battle Air
     7.9  Exec=/usr/bin/airstrike
    7.10  Icon=/usr/share/airstrike/data/zeppelin-right.png
    7.11 -Type=Application
    7.12 -Categories=Application;Game;
    7.13 \ No newline at end of file
    7.14 +Categories=Game;
    7.15 \ No newline at end of file
     8.1 --- a/alsa-tools-echomixer/stuff/applications/echomixer.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
     8.2 +++ b/alsa-tools-echomixer/stuff/applications/echomixer.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
     8.3 @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
     8.4  [Desktop Entry]
     8.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
     8.6 -Name=Echoaudio Control tool
     8.7  Type=Application
     8.8 +Name=Echomixer
     8.9 +GenericName=Echoaudio soundcard tool
    8.10 +Comment=Mixer and GUI control utility for Echo Digital Audio sound cards
    8.11  Exec=echomixer
    8.12  Icon=audio-x-generic
    8.13  Categories=AudioVideo;Audio;
     9.1 --- a/alsa-tools-envy24control/stuff/applications/envy24control.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
     9.2 +++ b/alsa-tools-envy24control/stuff/applications/envy24control.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
     9.3 @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
     9.4  [Desktop Entry]
     9.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
     9.6 -Name=Envy24 Control tool
     9.7  Type=Application
     9.8 +Name=Envy24 Control
     9.9 +GenericName=Envy24 Control Utility
    9.10 +Comment=Mixer and GUI control utility for Envy24-based sound cards
    9.11  Exec=envy24control
    9.12  Icon=audio-x-generic
    9.13  Categories=AudioVideo;Audio;
    10.1 --- a/alsa-tools-rmedigicontrol/stuff/applications/rmedigicontrol.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    10.2 +++ b/alsa-tools-rmedigicontrol/stuff/applications/rmedigicontrol.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    10.3 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
    10.4  [Desktop Entry]
    10.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    10.6 +Type=Application
    10.7  Name=RME Digi Control tool
    10.8 -Type=Application
    10.9 +Comment=Control RME Digi32 and RME Digi96 soundcards
   10.10  Exec=rmedigicontrol
   10.11  Icon=audio-x-generic
   10.12  Categories=AudioVideo;Audio;
    11.1 --- a/alsa-utils/stuff/applications/alsamixer.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    11.2 +++ b/alsa-utils/stuff/applications/alsamixer.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    11.3 @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
    11.4  [Desktop Entry]
    11.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    11.6 +Type=Application
    11.7  Name=Alsamixer Volume mixer
    11.8  Name[fr]=Mixer de volumes Alsamixer
    11.9 +Name[ru]=Микшер громкости Alsamixer
   11.10  Name[zh_CN]=Alsamixer 音量控制
   11.11 -Type=Application
   11.12 -Exec=xterm -e alsamixer
   11.13 +Exec=alsamixer
   11.14 +Terminal=true
   11.15  Icon=audio-x-generic
   11.16  Categories=AudioVideo;Audio;
    12.1 --- a/alsaplayer/stuff/alsaplayer.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    12.2 +++ b/alsaplayer/stuff/alsaplayer.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    12.3 @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
    12.4  [Desktop Entry]
    12.5 -Version=1.0
    12.6 +Type=Application
    12.7  Name=Alsaplayer Audio Player
    12.8  Name[fr]=Lecteur audio Alsaplayer 
    12.9  Name[pt]=Alsaplayer Reprodutor de Áudio
   12.10 +Name[ru]=Аудио проигрыватель Alsaplayer
   12.11  Name[zh_CN]=Alsaplayer 音乐播放器
   12.12  Comment=Versatile audio player for the Audio Linux Sound Architecture
   12.13 -Comment[fr]=lecteur audio versatile pour Audio Linux Sound Architecture aka ALSA
   12.14 +Comment[fr]=Lecteur audio versatile pour Audio Linux Sound Architecture aka ALSA
   12.15  Comment[zh_CN]=Alsaplayer音乐播放器
   12.16  Exec=alsaplayer
   12.17  Icon=alsaplayer
   12.18 -Type=Application
   12.19 +Categories=AudioVideo;Audio;Player;
   12.20  MimeType=audio/x-scpls;audio/x-mpegurl;audio/mpegurl;audio/mp3;audio/x-mp3;audio/mpeg;audio/x-mpeg;audio/x-wav;audio/ogg+vorbis;audio/ogg;application/flac;
   12.21 -Categories=AudioVideo;Audio;Player;
    13.1 --- a/amule/stuff/amule.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    13.2 +++ b/amule/stuff/amule.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    13.3 @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
    13.4  [Desktop Entry]
    13.5 +Type=Application
    13.6  Name=aMule P2P Client
    13.7  Name[fr]=Client P2P aMule
    13.8 +Name[ru]=Клиент P2P aMule
    13.9  Name[zh_CN]=aMule 电骡
   13.10  Exec=amule
   13.11  Icon=amule
   13.12  Terminal=false
   13.13 -Type=Application
   13.14  Categories=Network;P2P;
    14.1 --- a/aqualung/stuff/aqualung.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    14.2 +++ b/aqualung/stuff/aqualung.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    14.3 @@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
    14.4  [Desktop Entry]
    14.5 -
    14.6 +Type=Application
    14.7  Name=Aqualung Audio Player
    14.8  Name[fr]=Lecteur audio Aqualung
    14.9  Name[pt]=Aqualung Reprodutor de Áudio
   14.10 +Name[ru]=Аудио проигрыватель Aqualung
   14.11  Name[zh_CN]=Aqualung 音频播放器
   14.12 +GenericName=Music Player
   14.13 +GenericName[de]=Musik-Wiedergabe
   14.14 +GenericName[ru]=Музыкальный проигрыватель
   14.15  Exec=aqualung
   14.16  Icon=aqualung
   14.17 -Type=Application
   14.18 +Categories=AudioVideo;Audio;Player;
   14.19  MimeType=audio/x-scpls;audio/x-mpegurl;audio/mpegurl;audio/mp3;audio/x-mp3;audio/mpeg;audio/x-mpeg;audio/x-wav;audio/ogg+vorbis;audio/ogg;application/flac;
   14.20 -Categories=AudioVideo;Audio;Player;
    15.1 --- a/assaultcube/stuff/assaultcube.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    15.2 +++ b/assaultcube/stuff/assaultcube.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    15.3 @@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
    15.4  [Desktop Entry]
    15.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    15.6 -Exec=assaultcube
    15.7 -Icon=assaultcube
    15.8  Type=Application
    15.9 -Terminal=false
   15.10 -MultipleArgs=false
   15.11  Name=AssaultCube
   15.12  Name[zh_CN]=反恐突击
   15.13  GenericName=Realistic Multiplayer FPS
   15.14  GenericName[zh_CN]=第一人称射击游戏
   15.15 -MimeType=text/html
   15.16 +Exec=assaultcube
   15.17 +Icon=assaultcube
   15.18 +Terminal=false
   15.19 +X-MultipleArgs=false
   15.20 +MimeType=text/html;
   15.21  StartupNotify=false
   15.22  Categories=Game;ActionGame;
    16.1 --- a/asunder/stuff/asunder.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    16.2 +++ b/asunder/stuff/asunder.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    16.3 @@ -1,13 +1,21 @@
    16.4  [Desktop Entry]
    16.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    16.6 +Type=Application
    16.7  Name=Asunder CD Ripper
    16.8  Name[fr]=Extracteur de CD Asunder
    16.9  Name[pt]=Asunder Ripador de CD
   16.10 +Name[ru]=CD-риппер Asunder
   16.11  Name[zh_CN]=Asunder CD提取工具
   16.12 -Comment=An application to save tracks from an Audio CD as WAV, MP3, OGG, and/or FLAC.
   16.13 +GenericName=Audio CD Ripper
   16.14 +GenericName[de]=Ein graphischer CD-Ripper und Encoder
   16.15 +GenericName[fr]=Extracteur de CD audio
   16.16 +GenericName[hu]=Audió CD Ripper és Tömörítő
   16.17 +GenericName[ru]=Экстрактор аудио CD
   16.18 +Comment=An application to save tracks from an Audio CD as WAV, MP3, OGG, FLAC, and/or Wavpack.
   16.19 +Comment[de]=Oberfläche zur Erstellung von Audio-Dateien
   16.20 +Comment[hu]=Egy alkalmazás ami az Audió CD-n lévő sávokat lementi, MP3, OGG, FLAC és/vagy Wavpack formátumba.
   16.21 +Comment[ru]=Приложение, сохраняющее дорожки аудио CD как WAV, MP3, OGG, FLAC и Wavpack.
   16.22 +Comment[sv]=Ett program för att spara spår från en ljudskiva som WAV, MP3, OGG och/eller FLAC.
   16.23  Comment[zh_CN]=一个可以把CD音轨保存成WAV、MP3、OGG或FLAC的程序
   16.24  Exec=asunder
   16.25  Icon=asunder
   16.26 -Type=Application
   16.27  Categories=AudioVideo;Audio;
   16.28 -
    17.1 --- a/aterm/stuff/aterm.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    17.2 +++ b/aterm/stuff/aterm.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    17.3 @@ -1,9 +1,31 @@
    17.4  [Desktop Entry]
    17.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    17.6 +Type=Application
    17.7  Name=ATerm Terminal
    17.8 -Name[fr]=Terminal Aterm
    17.9 +Name[cs]=Terminál ATerm
   17.10 +Name[de]=Aterm-Terminal
   17.11 +Name[el]=Τερματικό ATerm
   17.12 +Name[fr]=Terminal ATerm
   17.13 +Name[it]=Terminale ATerm
   17.14 +Name[ru]=Терминал ATerm
   17.15  Name[zh_CN]=ATerm终端
   17.16 +Name[zh_TW]=ATerm終端機
   17.17 +GenericName=Terminal Program
   17.18 +GenericName[bs]=Terminalni program
   17.19 +GenericName[cs]=Terminálový program
   17.20 +GenericName[da]=Terminalprogram
   17.21 +GenericName[de]=Terminal-Programm
   17.22 +GenericName[el]=Πρόγραμμα τερματικού
   17.23 +GenericName[es]=Programa de terminal
   17.24 +GenericName[fr]=Terminal
   17.25 +GenericName[hu]=Parancsértelmező
   17.26 +GenericName[it]=Programma terminale
   17.27 +GenericName[pt]=Programa de Terminal
   17.28 +GenericName[pt_BR]=Terminal
   17.29 +GenericName[ru]=Терминал
   17.30 +GenericName[sl]=Terminalski program
   17.31 +GenericName[sv]=Terminalprogram
   17.32 +GenericName[zh_CN]=终端程序
   17.33 +GenericName[zh_TW]=終端機程式
   17.34  Exec=aterm
   17.35  Icon=xterm
   17.36 -Type=Application
   17.37 -Categories=Utility;Terminal;
   17.38 +Categories=Utility;X-Terminal;
    18.1 --- a/bastet/stuff/bastet.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    18.2 +++ b/bastet/stuff/bastet.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    18.3 @@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
    18.4  [Desktop Entry]
    18.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    18.6 -Name=Bastet Tetris
    18.7 +Type=Application
    18.8 +Name=Bastard Tetris
    18.9 +Name[ru]=Подлый тетрис
   18.10  GenericName=Tetris clone
   18.11 -Type=Application
   18.12 +GenericName[ru]=Клон тетриса
   18.13  Comment=Play to bastard tetris
   18.14 -Terminal=false
   18.15 -Exec=xterm -e bastet
   18.16 +Comment[ru]=Сыграйте в подлый тетрис
   18.17 +Exec=bastet
   18.18 +Terminal=true
   18.19  Icon=bastet
   18.20 -Categories=Application;Game;
   18.21 -
   18.22 +Categories=Game;
    19.1 --- a/bc/stuff/bc.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    19.2 +++ b/bc/stuff/bc.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    19.3 @@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
    19.4  [Desktop Entry]
    19.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    19.6 +Type=Application
    19.7  Name=Bc Calculator
    19.8  Name[fr]=Bc Calculatrice
    19.9 +Name[ru]=Калькулятор Bc
   19.10  Name[zh_CN]=Bc计算器
   19.11  Comment=Texte mode Calculator
   19.12  Comment[fr]=Calculatrice en mode texte
   19.13 +Comment[ru]=Консольный калькулятор
   19.14  Comment[zh_CN]=命令行模式的计算器
   19.15 -Exec=xterm -e bc
   19.16 +Exec=bc
   19.17 +Terminal=true
   19.18  Icon=accessories-calculator
   19.19 -Terminal=false
   19.20 -Type=Application
   19.21  Categories=Utility;
    20.1 --- a/beaver/stuff/beaver.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    20.2 +++ b/beaver/stuff/beaver.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    20.3 @@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
    20.4  [Desktop Entry]
    20.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    20.6 +Type=Application
    20.7  Name=Beaver Code Editor
    20.8  Name[fr]=Editeur de code Beaver
    20.9 +Name[ru]=Редактор кода Beaver
   20.10  Name[zh_CN]=Beaver代码编辑器
   20.11  Exec=beaver %F
   20.12 +Icon=beaver
   20.13  Terminal=false
   20.14 -Icon=beaver
   20.15 -MimeType=text/*
   20.16  StartupNotify=true
   20.17 -Type=Application
   20.18 -Categories=Application;Development;
   20.19 +Categories=Development;
   20.20  MimeType=text/plain;text/x-chdr;text/x-csrc;text/x-c++hdr;text/x-c++src;text/x-java;text/x-perl;text/x-python;application/x-php;application/x-httpd-php*;application/xml;text/html;text/css;text/x-sql;text/x-diff;
    21.1 --- a/beneath-a-steel-sky/stuff/beneath.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    21.2 +++ b/beneath-a-steel-sky/stuff/beneath.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    21.3 @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
    21.4  [Desktop Entry]
    21.5 +Type=Application
    21.6  Name=Beneath A Steel Sky
    21.7  Name[zh_CN]=钢空之下
    21.8  Comment=2D point-and-click science fiction thriller
    21.9  Comment[zh_CN]=2D 科幻惊悚冒险游戏
   21.10  Exec=scummvm -f -p /usr/games/bass sky
   21.11  Icon=scummvm
   21.12 +StartupNotify=false
   21.13  Terminal=false
   21.14 -Type=Application
   21.15  Categories=Game;AdventureGame;
   21.16 -StartupNotify=false
    22.1 --- a/blender/stuff/blender.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    22.2 +++ b/blender/stuff/blender.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    22.3 @@ -1,8 +1,35 @@
    22.4  [Desktop Entry]
    22.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    22.6 +Type=Application
    22.7  Name=Blender 3D creation suite
    22.8 +Name[es]=Indice
    22.9 +Name[fr]=Blender modeleur 3D
   22.10 +Name[ru]=Редактор 3D-моделей Blender
   22.11  Name[zh_CN]=Blender-3D制作套装
   22.12 +GenericName=3D Modeler/Renderer
   22.13 +GenericName[cs]=Modelář 3D scén
   22.14 +GenericName[da]=3D Modelerer/Fremviser
   22.15 +GenericName[de]=3D-Modeler/Renderer
   22.16 +GenericName[el]=3D Μοντελοποιητής/Αποτυπωτής
   22.17 +GenericName[es]=Modelador de escenas 3D
   22.18 +GenericName[fr]=Logiciel d'animation et de modélisation 3D
   22.19 +GenericName[hu]=3D-s modellező
   22.20 +GenericName[it]=Modellatore e render 3D
   22.21 +GenericName[pt]=Modelador/Rasterizador 3D
   22.22 +GenericName[pt_BR]=Modelador/Renderizador 3D
   22.23 +GenericName[ru]=3D рендерер/моделер
   22.24 +GenericName[sl]=3D Modelirnik scen/upodabljalnik
   22.25 +GenericName[sv]=3D-modellering/uppritning
   22.26 +GenericName[zh_CN]=3D 建模/渲染器
   22.27 +GenericName[zh_TW]=3D 場景繪製程式
   22.28 +Comment=Create and edit 3D models and animations
   22.29 +Comment[da]=Et program til 3d-modelering
   22.30 +Comment[de]=3D Modellierung, Animation und Rendering
   22.31 +Comment[es]=Un programa de 3D
   22.32 +Comment[fr]=Création et édition d'objets 3D et animations
   22.33 +Comment[ru]=Создание и редактирование трёхмерных моделей и анимаций
   22.34  Exec=blender
   22.35 +Terminal=false
   22.36  Icon=blender
   22.37 -Type=Application
   22.38 -Categories=Graphics;
   22.39 +X-MultipleArgs=false
   22.40 +Categories=Graphics;3DGraphics;
   22.41 +MimeType=application/blender;application/x-blender;
    23.1 --- a/boinc/stuff/applications/boincmgr.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    23.2 +++ b/boinc/stuff/applications/boincmgr.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    23.3 @@ -1,7 +1,17 @@
    23.4  [Desktop Entry]
    23.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    23.6 +Type=Application
    23.7  Name=BOINC Manager
    23.8 +Name[ru]=Менеджер BOINC
    23.9 +GenericName=BOINC monitor and control utility
   23.10 +GenericName[cs]=Monitorovací a ovládací nástroj pro BOINC
   23.11 +GenericName[de]=BOINC Überwachungs- und Kontrollprogramm
   23.12 +GenericName[pt]=Monitorização BOINC e utilitário de controlo
   23.13 +GenericName[ru]=Утилита мониторинга и управления BOINC
   23.14 +Comment=Configure or monitor a BOINC core client
   23.15 +Comment[cs]=Monitoruje a nastavuje klienta BOINC
   23.16 +Comment[de]=BOINC Basis Client konfigurieren oder überwachen
   23.17 +Comment[pt]=Configurar ou monitorizar o cliente básico do BOINC
   23.18 +Comment[ru]=Настройка и мониторинг базового клиента BOINC
   23.19  Exec=subox boincmgr --clientdir=/usr/bin --datadir=/var/lib/boinc
   23.20  Icon=boincmgr
   23.21 -Type=Application
   23.22 -Categories=System;Application;
   23.23 +Categories=System;Monitor;GTK;
    24.1 --- a/btanks/stuff/btanks.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    24.2 +++ b/btanks/stuff/btanks.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    24.3 @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
    24.4  [Desktop Entry]
    24.5  Type=Application
    24.6 -Version=1.0
    24.7  Name=Battle Tanks!
    24.8 +Name[ru]=Боевые танки!
    24.9  Name[zh_CN]=战斗坦克!
   24.10 -Comment= A 2D arcade tank battle!
   24.11 +Comment=Fast 2D tank arcade game with multiplayer and split-screen modes
   24.12 +Comment[ru]=Быстрая 2D танковая аркада с режимами мультиплеера и сплит-экран
   24.13  Comment[zh_CN]=2D街机坦克游戏!
   24.14  Icon=btanks
   24.15  Exec=btanks
    25.1 --- a/busybox/stuff/applications/httpd.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    25.2 +++ b/busybox/stuff/applications/httpd.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    25.3 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
    25.4  [Desktop Entry]
    25.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    25.6 +Type=Application
    25.7  Name=Local Web Server
    25.8 +Name[ru]=Локальный веб-сервер
    25.9  Exec=browser http://localhost/
   25.10  Icon=text-html
   25.11 -Type=Application
   25.12  Categories=Network;
    26.1 --- a/busybox/stuff/applications/vi.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    26.2 +++ b/busybox/stuff/applications/vi.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    26.3 @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
    26.4  [Desktop Entry]
    26.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    26.6 +Type=Application
    26.7  Name=Vi Text Editor
    26.8  Name[fr]=Editeur de texte Vi
    26.9 -Exec=terminal vi
   26.10 +Name[ru]=Текстовый редактор Vi
   26.11 +Exec=vi
   26.12 +Terminal=true
   26.13  Icon=text-editor
   26.14 -Type=Application
   26.15 -Categories=Application;Development;
   26.16 +Categories=Development;
    27.1 --- a/bygfoot/stuff/share/applications/bygfoot.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    27.2 +++ b/bygfoot/stuff/share/applications/bygfoot.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    27.3 @@ -1,7 +1,17 @@
    27.4  [Desktop Entry]
    27.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    27.6 +Type=Application
    27.7  Name=Bygfoot
    27.8 +GenericName=Football Management Game
    27.9 +GenericName[ru]=Футбольный менеджер
   27.10 +Comment=A simple and addictive GTK2 football manager
   27.11 +Comment[da]=En enkel og vanedannende GTK2-fodboldmanager
   27.12 +Comment[de]=Ein einfacher Fußballmanager mit Suchtgefahr
   27.13 +Comment[es]=Un manager de futbol en GTK simple y adictivo
   27.14 +Comment[fr]=Un jeux de manager de football simple et accrocheur
   27.15 +Comment[nl]=Een simpele en verslavende GTK2 voetbal manager
   27.16 +Comment[ru]=Простой, но увлекательный футбольный менеджер
   27.17 +Comment[sv]=En enkel och vanebildande fotbollsmanager för GTK2
   27.18  Exec=/usr/games/bygfoot
   27.19 -Icon=kuser
   27.20 -Type=Application
   27.21 -Categories=Game;
   27.22 +Terminal=false
   27.23 +Icon=/usr/share/bygfoot/support_files/pixmaps/bygfoot_icon.png
   27.24 +Categories=Game;SportsGame;
    28.1 --- a/bzflag/stuff/bzflag.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    28.2 +++ b/bzflag/stuff/bzflag.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    28.3 @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
    28.4  [Desktop Entry]
    28.5 +Type=Application
    28.6  Name=BZFlag
    28.7  GenericName=Tank Battle Game
    28.8  Comment=Battle enemy tanks
    28.9 +Comment[ru]=Танковое сражение 3D от первого лица
   28.10  Exec=bzflag
   28.11  Icon=bzflag
   28.12 -Type=Application
   28.13 -Categories=Game;ActionGame;3DGraphics;
   28.14 +Categories=Game;ActionGame;
    29.1 --- a/calculator/stuff/calculator.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    29.2 +++ b/calculator/stuff/calculator.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    29.3 @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
    29.4  [Desktop Entry]
    29.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    29.6 +Type=Application
    29.7  Name=Fox Calculator
    29.8  Name[fr]=Calculatrice Fox
    29.9 +Name[ru]=Калькулятор Fox
   29.10  Name[zh_CN]=Fox计算器
   29.11  Exec=calculator
   29.12 +Terminal=false
   29.13  Icon=calculator
   29.14 -Terminal=false
   29.15 -Type=Application
   29.16 -Categories=Utility
   29.17 +Categories=Utility;
    30.1 --- a/celestia/stuff/celestia.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    30.2 +++ b/celestia/stuff/celestia.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    30.3 @@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
    30.4  [Desktop Entry]
    30.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    30.6 -Version=1.4.0
    30.7  Type=Application
    30.8 -Exec=celestia
    30.9 +Name=Celestia
   30.10 +GenericName=Space Simulator
   30.11 +GenericName[ru]=Симулятор космоса
   30.12 +Comment=Explore the Universe in this detailed space simulation
   30.13 +Comment[ru]=Исследуйте вселенную в детальном симуляторе космоса
   30.14 +Exec=celestia %f
   30.15  Icon=celestia
   30.16 -X-GNOME-DocPath=
   30.17  Terminal=false
   30.18 -Name=Celestia
   30.19 -Comment=Space Simulator
   30.20  StartupNotify=true
   30.21 -Categories=Education;Astronomy;Science;
   30.22 +Categories=Astronomy;Education;
   30.23 +MimeType=application/x-celestia-script;
    31.1 --- a/cgoban/stuff/cgoban.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    31.2 +++ b/cgoban/stuff/cgoban.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    31.3 @@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
    31.4  [Desktop Entry]
    31.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    31.6 +Type=Application
    31.7  Name=Cgoban
    31.8  GenericName=GO Game GUI
    31.9  Comment=A board game GUI for Go
   31.10 +Comment[ru]=Графический интерфейс настольной игры Го
   31.11  Exec=cgoban
   31.12 +Terminal=false
   31.13  Icon=applications-internet
   31.14 -Terminal=false
   31.15 -Type=Application
   31.16 -Version=1.9.14
   31.17 -Categories=Application;GTK;GNOME;Game;BoardGame;
   31.18  StartupNotify=true
   31.19 +Categories=Game;BoardGame;
   31.20  MimeType=application/x-go-sgf;text/sgf;text/x-sgf;
    32.1 --- a/chemtool/stuff/chemtool.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    32.2 +++ b/chemtool/stuff/chemtool.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    32.3 @@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
    32.4  [Desktop Entry]
    32.5 +Type=Application
    32.6  Name=Chemtool
    32.7  Comment=Molecules 2D drawing
    32.8 -Name[cs_CZ.ISO8859-2]=Chemtool
    32.9 -Name[fr_FR]=Chemtool
   32.10 -Comment[cs_CZ.ISO8859-2]=Editor molekul
   32.11 -Comment[de_DE.ISO8859-1]=Molekleditor
   32.12 -Comment[fr_FR.ISO8859-1]=Editeur de molcules
   32.13 -Exec=chemtool 
   32.14 +Comment[cs]=Editor molekul
   32.15 +Comment[de]=Moleküleditor
   32.16 +Comment[fr]=Editeur de molécules
   32.17 +Comment[ru]=Редактор молекул
   32.18 +Exec=chemtool %f
   32.19  Icon=chemtool
   32.20  Terminal=false
   32.21 -MultipleArgs=false
   32.22 -Type=Application
   32.23 -Categories=Education;Science;Chemistry;Physics;
   32.24 +Categories=Education;Chemistry;
   32.25 +MimeType=application/x-chemtool;
    33.1 --- a/childsplay/stuff/childsplay.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    33.2 +++ b/childsplay/stuff/childsplay.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    33.3 @@ -1,8 +1,33 @@
    33.4  [Desktop Entry]
    33.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    33.6 -Name=Childsplay Activities
    33.7 +Type=Application
    33.8 +Name=Childsplay
    33.9 +Name[el]=Παιδικό παιγνίδι
   33.10  Name[fr]=Activités Childsplay
   33.11 +GenericName=Educational child game
   33.12 +GenericName[da]=Undervisningsbørnespil
   33.13 +GenericName[de]=Lernspiel für Kinder
   33.14 +GenericName[el]=Εκπαιδευτικά παιδικά παιγνίδια
   33.15 +GenericName[es]=Juego educativo para niños
   33.16 +GenericName[hu]=Oktatási gyermekjáték
   33.17 +GenericName[it]=Gioco educativo per bambini
   33.18 +GenericName[pt]=Jogo infantil educativo
   33.19 +GenericName[pt_BR]=Jogos educativos infantis
   33.20 +GenericName[ru]=Детская познавательная игра
   33.21 +GenericName[sv]=Pedagogiska barn spel
   33.22 +Comment=Suite of educational games for young children
   33.23 +Comment[da]=Programpakke af undervisningsspil for små børn
   33.24 +Comment[de]=Lernspielsuite für kleine Kinder
   33.25 +Comment[el]=Σουίτα εκπαιδευτικών παιγνιδιών για μικρά παιδιά
   33.26 +Comment[es]=Conjunto de juegos educativos para niños
   33.27 +Comment[fr]=Suite de jeux éducatifs pour jeunes enfants
   33.28 +Comment[hu]=Oktatási játékok fiatal gyerekeknek
   33.29 +Comment[it]=Suite di giochi educativi per i bambini
   33.30 +Comment[pt]=Pacote de jogos educativos para crianças
   33.31 +Comment[pt_BR]=Suíte de jogos educativos para crianças pequenas
   33.32 +Comment[ru]=Набор познавательных игр для малышей
   33.33 +Comment[sv]=Svit av pedagogiska spel för mindre barn
   33.34  Exec=childsplay
   33.35 +Terminal=false
   33.36  Icon=childsplay
   33.37 -Type=Application
   33.38 -Categories=Application;Game;
   33.39 +Categories=Game;KidsGame;
   33.40 +StartupNotify=false
    34.1 --- a/clex/stuff/clex.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    34.2 +++ b/clex/stuff/clex.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    34.3 @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
    34.4  [Desktop Entry]
    34.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    34.6 +Type=Application
    34.7  Name=Clex File Manager
    34.8 -Exec=xterm -e clex
    34.9 +Name[ru]=Файловый менеджер Clex
   34.10 +Exec=clex
   34.11 +Terminal=true
   34.12  Icon=clex
   34.13 -Type=Application
   34.14  Categories=System;
    35.1 --- a/compiz/stuff/xsessions/compiz.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    35.2 +++ b/compiz/stuff/xsessions/compiz.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    35.3 @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
    35.4  [Desktop Entry]
    35.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    35.6  Type=XSession
    35.7  Name=Compiz 3D Desktop
    35.8  Name[fr]=Bureau 3D Compiz
    35.9 +Name[ru]=Рабочий стол 3D Compiz
   35.10  Exec=compiz-session
    36.1 --- a/cssed/stuff/cssed.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    36.2 +++ b/cssed/stuff/cssed.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    36.3 @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
    36.4  [Desktop Entry]
    36.5 +Type=Application
    36.6  Name=CSSed
    36.7  Comment=CSS Editor
    36.8 +Comment[ru]=Редактор CSS
    36.9  Exec=/usr/bin/cssed
   36.10  Icon=cssed
   36.11  Terminal=false
   36.12 -Type=Application
   36.13 -Categories=Application;Development;
   36.14  StartupNotify=false
   36.15 +Categories=Development;
    37.1 --- a/ctorrent-dnh/stuff/applications/torrentbox.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    37.2 +++ b/ctorrent-dnh/stuff/applications/torrentbox.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    37.3 @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
    37.4  [Desktop Entry]
    37.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    37.6 +Type=Application
    37.7  Name=cTorrent Download
    37.8  Name[fr]=Télécharger des torrents
    37.9 +Name[ru]=Загрузка торрентов cTorrent
   37.10  Exec=torrentbox
   37.11  Icon=other
   37.12 -Type=Application
   37.13  Categories=Network;
    38.1 --- a/cups/stuff/cups.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    38.2 +++ b/cups/stuff/cups.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    38.3 @@ -1,19 +1,28 @@
    38.4  [Desktop Entry]
    38.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    38.6 -Exec=browser http://localhost:631/
    38.7 -Icon=cups
    38.8 +Type=Application
    38.9  Name=Manage Printing
   38.10 +Name[ca]=Gestor d'impressió
   38.11  Name[de]=Druckerverwaltung
   38.12  Name[es]=Administrar impresión
   38.13  Name[fr]=Gestionnaire d'impression
   38.14 +Name[id]=Manajemen Pencetakan
   38.15  Name[it]=Gestione stampa
   38.16 +Name[ru]=Настройка печати
   38.17 +Name[sv]=Hantera skrivare
   38.18 +Name[zh_CN]=打印管理
   38.19  Name[zh_TW]=印表管理
   38.20 -Name[zh_CN]=打印管理
   38.21  Comment=CUPS Web Interface
   38.22 +Comment[de]=CUPS Webinterface
   38.23  Comment[es]=Interfaz Web de CUPS
   38.24  Comment[fr]=Interface Web de CUPS
   38.25 +Comment[id]=Antarmuka Web CUPS
   38.26  Comment[it]=Interfaccia web di CUPS
   38.27 +Comment[ru]=Веб-интерфейс CUPS
   38.28 +Comment[sv]=CUPS webb-gränssnitt
   38.29 +Comment[zh_CN]=CUPS网页界面
   38.30 +Comment[zh_TW]=CUPS 網頁介面
   38.31 +Exec=browser http://localhost:631/
   38.32 +Icon=cups
   38.33 +Terminal=false
   38.34  StartupNotify=false
   38.35 -Terminal=false
   38.36 -Type=Application
   38.37 -Categories=Application;System;
   38.38 +Categories=Settings;
   38.39 \ No newline at end of file
    39.1 --- a/dialog/stuff/dialog.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    39.2 +++ b/dialog/stuff/dialog.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    39.3 @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
    39.4  [Desktop Entry]
    39.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    39.6 +Type=Application
    39.7  Name=Dialog Example
    39.8  Name[pt]=Exemplos do Dialog
    39.9 +Name[ru]=Пример диалога
   39.10  Name[zh_CN]=对话框示例
   39.11 -Exec=xterm -e dialog --title " Title " --msgbox "Message box" 8 60
   39.12 +Exec=dialog --title " Title " --msgbox "Message box" 8 60
   39.13 +Terminal=true
   39.14  Icon=utilities-terminal
   39.15 -Type=Application
   39.16  Categories=Development;
    40.1 --- a/diggerjs/stuff/usr/share/applications/boulder.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    40.2 +++ b/diggerjs/stuff/usr/share/applications/boulder.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    40.3 @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
    40.4  [Desktop Entry]
    40.5  Type=Application
    40.6  Name=Boulder
    40.7 +Comment=BoulderDash game
    40.8 +Comment[ru]=Игра BoulderDash
    40.9  Exec=browser file:///usr/share/diggerjs/boulder.html
   40.10  Icon=other
   40.11  Terminal=false
   40.12  Categories=Game;
   40.13 -Comment=BoulderDash game
    41.1 --- a/diggerjs/stuff/usr/share/applications/digger.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    41.2 +++ b/diggerjs/stuff/usr/share/applications/digger.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    41.3 @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
    41.4  [Desktop Entry]
    41.5  Type=Application
    41.6  Name=Digger
    41.7 +Comment=Digger game
    41.8 +Comment[ru]=Игра Digger
    41.9  Exec=browser file:///usr/share/diggerjs/digger.html
   41.10  Icon=other
   41.11  Terminal=false
   41.12  Categories=Game;
   41.13 -Comment=Digger game
    42.1 --- a/diggerjs/stuff/usr/share/applications/gnome.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    42.2 +++ b/diggerjs/stuff/usr/share/applications/gnome.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    42.3 @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
    42.4  [Desktop Entry]
    42.5  Type=Application
    42.6  Name=Gnome digger
    42.7 +Comment=Gnome xdigger game
    42.8 +Comment[ru]=Игра Gnome digger
    42.9  Exec=browser file:///usr/share/diggerjs/gnome.html
   42.10  Icon=other
   42.11  Terminal=false
   42.12  Categories=Game;
   42.13 -Comment=Gnome xdigger game
    43.1 --- a/dillo/stuff/dillo.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    43.2 +++ b/dillo/stuff/dillo.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    43.3 @@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
    43.4  [Desktop Entry]
    43.5 +Type=Application
    43.6  Name=Dillo Web Browser
    43.7  Name[de]=Netznavigator Dillo
    43.8  Name[fr]=Navigateur Web Dillo
    43.9  Name[pt_PT]=Navegador Web Dillo
   43.10 -Type=Application
   43.11 -Categories=Network;
   43.12 -MimeType=text/html;application/xhtml+xml;
   43.13 +Name[ru]=Браузер Dillo
   43.14 +GenericName=Web Browser
   43.15 +GenericName[ru]=Веб-браузер
   43.16 +Comment=Very small and fast GUI web browser
   43.17 +Comment[ru]=Очень маленький и быстрый графический веб-браузер
   43.18  Exec=dillo %u
   43.19  Icon=dillo
   43.20  Terminal=false
   43.21 +Categories=Network;WebBrowser;
   43.22 +StartupNotify=true
   43.23 +MimeType=text/html;text/xml;application/xhtml+xml;text/mml;application/x-xpinstall;
    44.1 --- a/distccmon-gui/stuff/distccmon-gui.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    44.2 +++ b/distccmon-gui/stuff/distccmon-gui.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    44.3 @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
    44.4  [Desktop Entry]
    44.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    44.6 +Type=Application
    44.7  Name=Distcc Monitor
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    44.9  Icon=distccmon-gui
   44.10 -Type=Application
   44.11 +StartupNotify=true
   44.12  Categories=Development;
   44.13 -StartupNotify=true
    45.1 --- a/dolibarr/stuff/applications/dolibarr.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    45.2 +++ b/dolibarr/stuff/applications/dolibarr.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    45.3 @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
    45.4  [Desktop Entry]
    45.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    45.6 +Type=Application
    45.7  Name=Dolibarr ERP/CRM
    45.8  Name[fr]=Dolibarr PGI/GRC
    45.9 +Exec=browser http://localhost/dolibarr/
   45.10  Icon=dolibarr
   45.11 -Exec=browser http://localhost/dolibarr/
   45.12 -Type=Application
   45.13  Categories=Office;
    46.1 --- a/dosbox/stuff/dosbox.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    46.2 +++ b/dosbox/stuff/dosbox.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    46.3 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
    46.4  [Desktop Entry]
    46.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    46.6 +Type=Application
    46.7  Name=DOSbox Emulator
    46.8 +Name[ru]=Эмулятор DOSbox
    46.9  Exec=dosbox
   46.10  Icon=dosbox
   46.11 -Type=Application
   46.12 -Categories=Application;System;
   46.13 +Categories=System;
    47.1 --- a/eboard/stuff/eboard.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    47.2 +++ b/eboard/stuff/eboard.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    47.3 @@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
    47.4  [Desktop Entry]
    47.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    47.6 +Type=Application
    47.7  Name=eboard
    47.8  GenericName=Chess board Game GUI
    47.9  Exec=eboard
   47.10  Icon=eboard
   47.11  Terminal=false
   47.12 -Type=Application
   47.13 -Version=0.2.0
   47.14 -Categories=Application;GTK;GNOME;Game;BoardGame;
   47.15  StartupNotify=true
   47.16 +Categories=Game;BoardGame;
    48.1 --- a/eduke32/stuff/eduke32.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    48.2 +++ b/eduke32/stuff/eduke32.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    48.3 @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
    48.4  [Desktop Entry]
    48.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    48.6 +Type=Application
    48.7  Name=EDuke32
    48.8  Comment=Duke Nukem 3D for Linux
    48.9 +Comment[ru]=Duke Nukem 3D для Linux
   48.10  Exec=eduke32
   48.11  Icon=eduke32
   48.12 -Type=Application
   48.13 -Categories=Application;Game;
   48.14 +Categories=Game;
    49.1 --- a/electricsheep/stuff/electricsheep.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    49.2 +++ b/electricsheep/stuff/electricsheep.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    49.3 @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
    49.4  [Desktop Entry]
    49.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    49.6 +Type=Application
    49.7  Name=ElectricSheep
    49.8  Comment=Electric Sheep is a distributed screen-saver that harnesses idle computers into a render farm with the purpose of animating and evolving artificial life-forms.
    49.9  Exec=electricsheep
   49.10 +Icon=electricsheep
   49.11 +Terminal=false
   49.12  StartupNotify=false
   49.13 -Terminal=false
   49.14 -Icon=electricsheep
   49.15 -Type=Application
   49.16 -Categories=Graphics
   49.17 +Categories=Graphics;
    50.1 --- a/emelfm2/stuff/emelfm2.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    50.2 +++ b/emelfm2/stuff/emelfm2.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    50.3 @@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
    50.4  [Desktop Entry]
    50.5 -Version=1.0
    50.6  Type=Application
    50.7  Name=emelFM2 File manager
    50.8 -Name[fr]=Gestionnaire de fichiers emelFM2 
    50.9 +Name[fr]=Gestionnaire de fichiers emelFM2
   50.10 +Name[ru]=Файловый менеджер emelFM2
   50.11  Name[zh_CN]=emelFM2文件管理工具
   50.12 -GenericName=2-pane file manager
   50.13 +GenericName=File manager
   50.14 +Comment=2-pane file manager
   50.15 +Comment[fr]=2-panneaux gestionnaire de fichiers
   50.16 +Comment[de]=2-Fenster Dateimanager
   50.17 +Comment[ru]=Двухпанельный файловый менеджер
   50.18  Exec=emelfm2
   50.19  Icon=emelfm2
   50.20 -Categories=System;
   50.21 +StartupNotify=false
   50.22 +Categories=System;FileTools;FileManager;
    51.1 --- a/epdfview-cups/stuff/epdfview.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    51.2 +++ b/epdfview-cups/stuff/epdfview.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    51.3 @@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
    51.4  [Desktop Entry]
    51.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
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    51.7  Name=ePDFView PDF Viewer
    51.8  Name[es]=ePDFView Visor PDF
    51.9  Name[fr]=ePDFView Visionneur PDF
   51.10 -Name[zh_CN]=ePDFView-PDF浏览器
   51.11 +Name[pt]=ePDFView Visualizador de PDF
   51.12 +Name[ru]=Просмотрщик PDF ePDFView
   51.13 +Name[zh_CN]=PDF浏览器
   51.14 +GenericName=PDF viewer
   51.15 +GenericName[es]=Visor PDF
   51.16  Comment=Lightweight PDF document viewer
   51.17  Comment[es]=Visor de documentos PDF ligero
   51.18  Comment[fr]=Visionneur de documents PDF léger
   51.19 -Comment[zh_CN]=ePDFView-PDF浏览器
   51.20 +Comment[ru]=Быстрая программа для просмотра файлов PDF
   51.21 +Comment[zh_CN]=轻量级PDF浏览器
   51.22  Exec=epdfview %f
   51.23  Icon=epdfview
   51.24 -MimeType=application/pdf
   51.25  Terminal=false
   51.26 -Type=Application
   51.27 -Categories=Office;
   51.28 +Categories=Viewer;Office;
   51.29 +MimeType=application/pdf;
    52.1 --- a/epdfview/stuff/epdfview.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    52.2 +++ b/epdfview/stuff/epdfview.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    52.3 @@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
    52.4  [Desktop Entry]
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    52.7  Name=ePDFView PDF Viewer
    52.8  Name[es]=ePDFView Visor PDF
    52.9  Name[fr]=ePDFView Visionneur PDF
   52.10  Name[pt]=ePDFView Visualizador de PDF
   52.11 +Name[ru]=Просмотрщик PDF ePDFView
   52.12  Name[zh_CN]=PDF浏览器
   52.13 +GenericName=PDF viewer
   52.14 +GenericName[es]=Visor PDF
   52.15  Comment=Lightweight PDF document viewer
   52.16  Comment[es]=Visor de documentos PDF ligero
   52.17  Comment[fr]=Visionneur de documents PDF léger
   52.18 +Comment[ru]=Быстрая программа для просмотра файлов PDF
   52.19  Comment[zh_CN]=轻量级PDF浏览器
   52.20  Exec=epdfview %f
   52.21  Icon=epdfview
   52.22 -MimeType=application/pdf
   52.23  Terminal=false
   52.24 -Type=Application
   52.25 -Categories=Office;
   52.26 +Categories=Viewer;Office;
   52.27 +MimeType=application/pdf;
    53.1 --- a/evince/stuff/evince.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    53.2 +++ b/evince/stuff/evince.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    53.3 @@ -1,150 +1,42 @@
    53.4  [Desktop Entry]
    53.5 +Type=Application
    53.6  Name=Document Viewer
    53.7 -Name[af]=Dokumentbekyker
    53.8 -Name[ar]=عارض المستندات
    53.9 -Name[as]=ডকুমেন্ট প্ৰদৰ্শন ব্যৱস্থা
   53.10 -Name[ast]=Visor de Documentos
   53.11 -Name[be]=Праглядальнік дакумэнтаў
   53.12 -Name[be@latin]=Ahladalnik dakumentaŭ
   53.13 -Name[bg]=Преглед на документи
   53.14 -Name[bn]=নথি প্রদর্শক
   53.15 -Name[bn_IN]=ডকুমেন্ট প্রদর্শন ব্যবস্থা
   53.16 -Name[br]=Lenner teulioù
   53.17 -Name[ca]=Visualitzador de documents
   53.18 -Name[ca@valencia]=Visualitzador de documents
   53.19  Name[cs]=Prohlížeč dokumentů
   53.20 -Name[cy]=Gwelydd Dogfennau
   53.21  Name[da]=Dokumentfremviser
   53.22  Name[de]=Dokumentenbetrachter
   53.23 -Name[dz]=ཡིག་ཆ་མཐོང་བྱེད།
   53.24  Name[el]=Εφαρμογή προβολής εγγράφων
   53.25 -Name[en@shaw]=𐑛𐑪𐑒𐑿𐑥𐑩𐑯𐑑 𐑝𐑿𐑼
   53.26 -Name[en_CA]=Document Viewer
   53.27 -Name[en_GB]=Document Viewer
   53.28 -Name[eo]=Dokumentrigardilo
   53.29  Name[es]=Visor de documentos
   53.30 -Name[et]=Dokumendinäitaja
   53.31 -Name[eu]=Dokumentu ikustailea
   53.32 -Name[fa]=نمایشگر نوشتار
   53.33 -Name[fi]=Asiakirjakatselin
   53.34  Name[fr]=Visionneur de documents
   53.35 -Name[ga]=Amharcán Cáipéisí
   53.36 -Name[gl]=Visualizador de documentos
   53.37 -Name[gu]=દસ્તાવેજ દર્શક
   53.38 -Name[he]=מציג מסמכים
   53.39 -Name[hi]=लेखपत्र प्रदर्शक
   53.40  Name[hu]=Dokumentummegjelenítő
   53.41  Name[id]=Penampil Dokumen
   53.42  Name[it]=Visualizzatore documenti
   53.43 -Name[ja]=ドキュメント・ビューア
   53.44 -Name[ka]=დოკუმენტების მნახველი
   53.45 -Name[kk]=Құжаттарды қараушысы
   53.46 -Name[kn]=ದಸ್ತಾವೇಜು ವೀಕ್ಷಕ
   53.47 -Name[ko]=문서 보기
   53.48 -Name[ks]=कागजात वुछनुक
   53.49 -Name[ku]=Nîşanderê Belgeyan
   53.50 -Name[lt]=Dokumentų peržiūros programa
   53.51 -Name[lv]=Dokumentu skatītājs
   53.52 -Name[mai]=दस्ताबेज प्रदर्शक
   53.53 -Name[mg]=Mpaneho tahirin-kevitra
   53.54 -Name[mk]=Прегледувач за документи
   53.55 -Name[ml]=രേഖാദര്‍ശിനി
   53.56 -Name[mn]=Баримт бичиг үзүүлэгч
   53.57 -Name[mr]=दस्तऐवज दर्शक
   53.58 -Name[ms]=Pemapar Dokumen
   53.59 -Name[nb]=Dokumentvisning
   53.60 -Name[nds]=Dokumentkieker
   53.61 -Name[ne]=कागजात दृश्यक
   53.62 -Name[nl]=Documentenviewer
   53.63 -Name[nn]=Dokumentframsynar
   53.64 -Name[oc]=Visualizaire de documents
   53.65 -Name[or]=ଦଲିଲ ପ୍ରଦର୍ଶକ
   53.66 -Name[pa]=ਡੌਕੂਮੈਂਟ ਦਰਸ਼ਕ
   53.67 -Name[pl]=Przeglądarka dokumentów
   53.68 -Name[ps]=لاسوند ليدانی
   53.69  Name[pt]=Visualizador de Documento
   53.70  Name[pt_BR]=Visualizador de Documentos
   53.71 -Name[ro]=Vizualizator de documente
   53.72  Name[ru]=Просмотр документов
   53.73 -Name[si]=ලේඛන දසුන
   53.74 -Name[sk]=Prehliadač dokumentov
   53.75  Name[sl]=Pregledovalnik dokumentov
   53.76 -Name[sq]=Shikues dokumentesh
   53.77 -Name[sr]=Прегледач докумената
   53.78 -Name[sr@latin]=Pregledač dokumenata
   53.79  Name[sv]=Dokumentvisare
   53.80 -Name[ta]=ஆவண காட்டி
   53.81 -Name[te]=పత్ర దర్శిని
   53.82 -Name[th]=โปรแกรมดูเอกสาร
   53.83 -Name[tr]=Belge Görüntüleyici
   53.84 -Name[uk]=Перегляд документів
   53.85 -Name[vi]=Bộ xem tài liệu
   53.86 -Name[wa]=Håyneu di documints
   53.87  Name[zh_CN]=文档查看器
   53.88 -Name[zh_HK]=文件檢視器
   53.89  Name[zh_TW]=文件檢視器
   53.90  Comment=View multi-page documents
   53.91 -Comment[ar]=اعرض المستندات متعددة الصفحات
   53.92 -Comment[ast]=Ver documentos multipáxina
   53.93 -Comment[bg]=Преглед на документи с много страници
   53.94 -Comment[bn]=বহুপৃষ্ঠা সম্বলিত নথি প্রদর্শন
   53.95 -Comment[ca]=Visualitzeu documents multi-pàgina
   53.96 -Comment[ca@valencia]=Visualitzeu documents multi-pàgina
   53.97  Comment[cs]=Zobrazovat dokumenty po více stránkách
   53.98  Comment[da]=Vis dokumenter med flere sider
   53.99  Comment[de]=Mehrseitige Dokumente anzeigen
  53.100  Comment[el]=Προβολή εγγράφων πολλαπλών σελίδων
  53.101 -Comment[en@shaw]=𐑝𐑿 𐑥𐑩𐑤𐑑𐑰-𐑐𐑱𐑡 𐑛𐑪𐑒𐑿𐑥𐑩𐑯𐑑𐑕
  53.102 -Comment[en_GB]=View multi-page documents
  53.103  Comment[es]=Vea documentos multipágina
  53.104 -Comment[et]=Mitmeleheküljeliste dokumentide vaatamine
  53.105 -Comment[eu]=Ikusi orrialde anitzeko dokumentuak
  53.106 -Comment[fi]=Katsele monisivuisia asiakirjoja
  53.107  Comment[fr]=Afficher des documents multipages
  53.108 -Comment[gl]=Ver documentos de varias páxinas
  53.109 -Comment[gu]=ઘણા-પાનાનાં દસ્તાવેજો જુઓ
  53.110 -Comment[he]=הצגת מסמכים מרובי עמודים
  53.111  Comment[hu]=Többoldalas dokumentumok megjelenítése
  53.112  Comment[id]=Melihat dokumen multihalaman
  53.113  Comment[it]=Visualizza documenti multi-pagina
  53.114 -Comment[ja]=複数ページのドキュメントを表示します
  53.115 -Comment[kk]=Көппарақты құжаттарды қарау
  53.116 -Comment[kn]=ಬಹು-ಪುಟದ ದಸ್ತಾವೇಜನ್ನು ವೀಕ್ಷಿಸು
  53.117 -Comment[ko]=다중 페이지 문서를 봅니다
  53.118 -Comment[lt]=Peržiūrėti kelių puslapių dokumentams
  53.119 -Comment[lv]=Skatīt lasāmus dokumentus
  53.120 -Comment[mn]=Олон хуудаст баримт бичиг үзэх
  53.121 -Comment[ms]=Paparkan 
  53.122 -Comment[nb]=Vis dokumenter med mange sider
  53.123 -Comment[nl]=Documenten weergeven
  53.124 -Comment[nn]=Vis dokument med mange sider
  53.125 -Comment[pa]=ਮਲਟੀ-ਪੇਜ਼ ਡੌਕੂਮੈਂਟ ਵੇਖੋ
  53.126 -Comment[pl]=Wyświetlanie wielostronicowych dokumentów
  53.127  Comment[pt]=Visualizar documentos multi-páginas
  53.128  Comment[pt_BR]=Visualize documentos de múltiplas páginas
  53.129 -Comment[ro]=Vizualizați documente cu mai multe pagini
  53.130  Comment[ru]=Просмотр многостраничных документов
  53.131  Comment[sl]=Poglejte večstranske dokumente
  53.132 -Comment[sr]=Прегледајте вишестраничне документе
  53.133 -Comment[sr@latin]=Pregledajte višestranične dokumente
  53.134  Comment[sv]=Visa dokument med flera sidor
  53.135 -Comment[ta]=பல பக்க ஆவணங்களை பார்வையிடு
  53.136 -Comment[th]=ดูเอกสารแบบหลายหน้า
  53.137 -Comment[uk]=Перегляд багатосторінкових документів
  53.138  Comment[zh_CN]=查看多页文档
  53.139 -Comment[zh_HK]=顯示多頁文件
  53.140  Comment[zh_TW]=顯示多頁文件
  53.141 -TryExec=evince
  53.142  Exec=evince %U
  53.143 +Icon=evince
  53.144  StartupNotify=true
  53.145  Terminal=false
  53.146 -Type=Application
  53.147 -Icon=evince
  53.148 -NoDisplay=false
  53.149 -X-GNOME-DocPath=
  53.150 -X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Bugzilla=GNOME
  53.151 -X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Product=evince
  53.152 -X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Component=BugBuddyBugs
  53.153 -X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Version=2.32.0
  53.154 -Categories=GNOME;GTK;Office;VectorGraphics;Viewer;
  53.155 +Categories=Office;Viewer;
  53.156  MimeType=application/pdf;application/x-bzpdf;application/x-gzpdf;image/tiff;
    54.1 --- a/extrema/stuff/extrema.desktop	Sun Jan 06 21:18:32 2013 +0100
    54.2 +++ b/extrema/stuff/extrema.desktop	Mon Jan 07 01:07:44 2013 +0000
    54.3 @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
    54.4  [Desktop Entry]
    54.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
    54.6 -Name=Extrema analysis tool
    54.7 +Type=Application
    54.8 +Name=eXtrema
    54.9  Name[zh_CN]=极值分析工具
   54.10 +Comment=Visualization and Data Analysis Tool
   54.11 +Comment[ru]=Визуализация и анализ данных
   54.12  Exec=extrema
   54.13  Icon=extrema
   54.14  Terminal=false
   54.15 -Type=Application
   54.16 -Categories=Office;
   54.17 +Categories=Science;Math;