wok-current rev 12327

wxpython: Fixed package so we have python files. Some packages that build with wxpython need this in order to build.
author Christopher Rogers <slaxemulator@gmail.com>
date Thu Apr 19 08:05:49 2012 +0000 (2012-04-19)
parents 32a88a6f5f4f
children 79766a97e4a1
files wxpython-dev/receipt wxpython/receipt wxpython/stuff/wxpython-cairo.patch
line diff
     1.1 --- a/wxpython-dev/receipt	Thu Apr 19 08:01:45 2012 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/wxpython-dev/receipt	Thu Apr 19 08:05:49 2012 +0000
     1.3 @@ -13,10 +13,6 @@
     1.4  # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
     1.5  genpkg_rules()
     1.6  {
     1.7 -	mkdir -p $fs/usr/bin $fs/usr/lib $fs/usr/share
     1.8 -	cp -a $_pkg/usr/bin/wx-config $fs/usr/bin
     1.9 -	cp -a $_pkg/usr/lib/wx $fs/usr/lib
    1.10 +	mkdir -p $fs/usr
    1.11  	cp -a $_pkg/usr/include $fs/usr
    1.12 -	cp -a $_pkg/usr/share/aclocal $fs/usr/share
    1.13 -	cp -a $_pkg/usr/share/bakefile $fs/usr/share
    1.14  }
     2.1 --- a/wxpython/receipt	Thu Apr 19 08:01:45 2012 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/wxpython/receipt	Thu Apr 19 08:05:49 2012 +0000
     2.3 @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
     2.4  CATEGORY="x-window"
     2.5  SHORT_DESC="GUI toolkit for the Python programming language."
     2.6  MAINTAINER="pankso@slitaz.org"
     2.7 -DEPENDS="python gtk+"
     2.8 -BUILD_DEPENDS="python-dev gtk+-dev"
     2.9 +DEPENDS="python wxWidgets"
    2.10 +BUILD_DEPENDS="python-dev wxWidgets-dev mesa-dev"
    2.11  SOURCE="wxPython"
    2.12  TARBALL="$SOURCE-src-$VERSION.tar.bz2"
    2.13  WEB_SITE="http://www.wxpython.org/"
    2.14 @@ -16,17 +16,30 @@
    2.15  compile_rules()
    2.16  {
    2.17      cd $src
    2.18 +    mv wxPython/wx/tools/Editra/editra wxPython/wx/tools/Editra/Editra
    2.19      ./configure \
    2.20 +	--with-gtk=2 \
    2.21 +	--with-opengl \
    2.22 +	--enable-unicode \
    2.23 +	--with-regex=sys \
    2.24 +	--with-libpng=sys \
    2.25 +	--with-libxpm=sys \
    2.26 +	--with-libjpeg=sys \
    2.27 +	--with-libtiff=sys \
    2.28 +	--disable-precomp-headers \
    2.29      	--without-sdl \
    2.30      	$CONFIGURE_ARGS &&
    2.31 -    make $MAKEFLAGS &&
    2.32 -    make DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install
    2.33 +    make $MAKEFLAGS
    2.34 +    cd $src/wxPython
    2.35 +    python -Np2 -i $stuff/wxpython-cairo.patch
    2.36 +    python setup.py WXPORT=gtk2 UNICODE=1 build
    2.37 +    python setup.py WXPORT=gtk2 UNICODE=1 install --root=$DESTDIR
    2.38  }
    2.40  # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
    2.41  genpkg_rules()
    2.42  {
    2.43 -	mkdir -p $fs/usr/bin $fs/usr/lib
    2.44 -	cp -a $_pkg/usr/bin/wxrc* $fs/usr/bin
    2.45 -	cp -a $_pkg/usr/lib/*.so* $fs/usr/lib
    2.46 +	mkdir -p $fs/usr/lib
    2.47 +	cp -a $_pkg/usr/bin $fs/usr
    2.48 +	cp -a $_pkg/usr/lib/python* $fs/usr/lib
    2.49  }
     3.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/wxpython/stuff/wxpython-cairo.patch	Thu Apr 19 08:05:49 2012 +0000
     3.3 @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
     3.4 +--- wxPython/trunk/wx/lib/wxcairo.py	2011/08/25 18:50:02	68894
     3.5 ++++ wxPython/trunk/wx/lib/wxcairo.py	2011/09/22 00:30:25	69181
     3.6 +@@ -401,6 +401,48 @@
     3.7 +                                                       ctypes.py_object)),
     3.8 +             ('Check_Status', ctypes.PYFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int))]
     3.9 +
    3.10 ++    # This structure is known good with pycairo 1.10.0. The keep adding stuff
    3.11 ++    # to the middle of the structure instead of only adding to the end!
    3.12 ++    elif cairo.version_info < (1,11):
    3.13 ++        _fields_ = [
    3.14 ++            ('Context_Type', ctypes.py_object),
    3.15 ++            ('Context_FromContext', ctypes.PYFUNCTYPE(ctypes.py_object,
    3.16 ++                                                      ctypes.c_void_p,
    3.17 ++                                                      ctypes.py_object,
    3.18 ++                                                      ctypes.py_object)),
    3.19 ++            ('FontFace_Type', ctypes.py_object),
    3.20 ++            ('ToyFontFace_Type', ctypes.py_object),  #** new in 1.8.4
    3.21 ++            ('FontFace_FromFontFace', ctypes.PYFUNCTYPE(ctypes.py_object, ctypes.c_void_p)),
    3.22 ++            ('FontOptions_Type', ctypes.py_object),
    3.23 ++            ('FontOptions_FromFontOptions', ctypes.PYFUNCTYPE(ctypes.py_object, ctypes.c_void_p)),
    3.24 ++            ('Matrix_Type', ctypes.py_object),
    3.25 ++            ('Matrix_FromMatrix', ctypes.PYFUNCTYPE(ctypes.py_object, ctypes.c_void_p)),
    3.26 ++            ('Path_Type', ctypes.py_object),
    3.27 ++            ('Path_FromPath', ctypes.PYFUNCTYPE(ctypes.py_object, ctypes.c_void_p)),
    3.28 ++            ('Pattern_Type', ctypes.py_object),
    3.29 ++            ('SolidPattern_Type', ctypes.py_object),
    3.30 ++            ('SurfacePattern_Type', ctypes.py_object),
    3.31 ++            ('Gradient_Type', ctypes.py_object),
    3.32 ++            ('LinearGradient_Type', ctypes.py_object),
    3.33 ++            ('RadialGradient_Type', ctypes.py_object),
    3.34 ++            ('Pattern_FromPattern', ctypes.PYFUNCTYPE(ctypes.py_object, ctypes.c_void_p,
    3.35 ++                                                      ctypes.py_object)), #** changed in 1.8.4
    3.36 ++            ('ScaledFont_Type', ctypes.py_object),
    3.37 ++            ('ScaledFont_FromScaledFont', ctypes.PYFUNCTYPE(ctypes.py_object, ctypes.c_void_p)),
    3.38 ++            ('Surface_Type', ctypes.py_object),
    3.39 ++            ('ImageSurface_Type', ctypes.py_object),
    3.40 ++            ('PDFSurface_Type', ctypes.py_object),
    3.41 ++            ('PSSurface_Type', ctypes.py_object),
    3.42 ++            ('SVGSurface_Type', ctypes.py_object),
    3.43 ++            ('Win32Surface_Type', ctypes.py_object),
    3.44 ++            ('Win32PrintingSurface_Type', ctypes.py_object),
    3.45 ++            ('XCBSurface_Type', ctypes.py_object),
    3.46 ++            ('XlibSurface_Type', ctypes.py_object),
    3.47 ++            ('Surface_FromSurface', ctypes.PYFUNCTYPE(ctypes.py_object,
    3.48 ++                                                      ctypes.c_void_p,
    3.49 ++                                                      ctypes.py_object)),
    3.50 ++            ('Check_Status', ctypes.PYFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int))]
    3.51 ++
    3.52 +
    3.53 + def _loadPycairoAPI():
    3.54 +     global pycairoAPI