wok-current rev 24022

linld: basic iso9660 support
author Pascal Bellard <pascal.bellard@slitaz.org>
date Sun Mar 14 19:55:20 2021 +0000 (2021-03-14)
parents 010fc15e8b9d
children 526688f99354
files busybox/stuff/busybox-1.31.config-static linld/stuff/src/COMMON.H linld/stuff/src/CRTL.ASM linld/stuff/src/ISO9660.CPP linld/stuff/src/ISO9660.H linld/stuff/src/ISOSTATE.INC linld/stuff/src/JUMP.ASM linld/stuff/src/LINK.CMD linld/stuff/src/LINLD.CPP linld/stuff/src/LOAD.CPP linld/stuff/src/MEMCPY32.ASM linld/stuff/src/VCPI.ASM linld/stuff/src/_BEG.ASM linld/stuff/src/pipehole.awk
line diff
     1.1 --- a/busybox/stuff/busybox-1.31.config-static	Sat Mar 06 18:53:34 2021 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/busybox/stuff/busybox-1.31.config-static	Sun Mar 14 19:55:20 2021 +0000
     1.3 @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
     1.4  # CONFIG_OD is not set
     1.5  # CONFIG_PASTE is not set
     1.6  # CONFIG_PRINTENV is not set
     1.7 -# CONFIG_PRINTF is not set
     1.8 +CONFIG_PRINTF=y
     1.9  CONFIG_PWD=y
    1.10  # CONFIG_READLINK is not set
    1.12 @@ -441,7 +441,7 @@
    1.13  # CONFIG_FEATURE_FIND_MTIME is not set
    1.14  # CONFIG_FEATURE_FIND_MMIN is not set
    1.15  # CONFIG_FEATURE_FIND_PERM is not set
    1.16 -# CONFIG_FEATURE_FIND_TYPE is not set
    1.19  # CONFIG_FEATURE_FIND_XDEV is not set
    1.20  # CONFIG_FEATURE_FIND_MAXDEPTH is not set
    1.21 @@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@
    1.22  # CONFIG_ASH_IDLE_TIMEOUT is not set
    1.23  # CONFIG_ASH_MAIL is not set
    1.24  # CONFIG_ASH_ECHO is not set
    1.25 -# CONFIG_ASH_PRINTF is not set
    1.27  # CONFIG_ASH_TEST is not set
    1.28  # CONFIG_ASH_HELP is not set
    1.29  # CONFIG_ASH_GETOPTS is not set
     2.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/COMMON.H	Sat Mar 06 18:53:34 2021 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/COMMON.H	Sun Mar 14 19:55:20 2021 +0000
     2.3 @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
     2.4  //#define WITH_XMM_ALLOC	add himem.sys driver
     2.5  //#define LARGE_ZIMAGE	may load system in high memory temporarily 
     2.6  //#define INT15_E820	add int15/eax=E820 driver
     2.7 -//#define BASIC_ISO9660	non rockridge support
     2.8 +//#define RAW_ISO9660	raw filename support with ';1' or '.' trailers
     2.9 +#define BASIC_ISO9660	non rockridge support
    2.10  #define ROCKRIDGE	iso 9660 posix name support
    2.11  #define ISO9660		iso= support
    2.12  #define QUICK_BOOT	/q bypass shutdown hack, /v keeps v86
    2.13 @@ -18,9 +19,6 @@
    2.14  /* End of the optional features */
    2.16  #ifdef ISOHOOK
    2.17 -#ifndef ISO9660
    2.18 -#define ISO9660
    2.19 -#endif
    2.20  #ifndef ROCKRIDGE
    2.21  #define ROCKRIDGE
    2.22  #endif
    2.23 @@ -28,6 +26,11 @@
    2.24  #define CPU64
    2.25  #endif
    2.26  #endif
    2.27 +#if defined(ROCKRIDGE) || defined(BASIC_ISO9660) || defined(RAW_ISO9660)
    2.28 +#ifndef ISO9660
    2.29 +#define ISO9660
    2.30 +#endif
    2.31 +#endif
    2.33  // This file is distributed under GPL
    2.34  //
    2.35 @@ -92,6 +95,8 @@
    2.37  extern u8 pm_low;
    2.39 +extern u8 buf4k[4096];
    2.40 +
    2.41  extern u32 far *initrd_desc;
    2.42  #define cmdline		(cmdstr[0])
    2.43  #define kernel_name	(cmdstr[1])
     3.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/CRTL.ASM	Sat Mar 06 18:53:34 2021 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/CRTL.ASM	Sun Mar 14 19:55:20 2021 +0000
     3.3 @@ -34,17 +34,14 @@
     3.5          segment _BSS byte public use16 'BSS'
     3.7 -	ifdef ISO9660
     3.8 -		include	"isostate.inc"
     3.9 -		public	_isostate
    3.10 -_isostate	isostate	<?>
    3.11 -		org	$-7
    3.12 -	endif
    3.13 -	global	buf4k:byte
    3.14 -label	buf4k	byte
    3.15 -_xfer_buf	db	4096	dup (?)
    3.16 -filecnt		db	?		; in fact 0 minus file count...
    3.17 -nextfilename	dw	?
    3.18 +		ifdef	ISO9660
    3.19 +		global	_buf2k:byte
    3.20 +label	_buf2k	byte
    3.21 +		db	2048	dup (?)
    3.22 +		endif
    3.23 +		global	_buf4k:byte
    3.24 +label	_buf4k	byte
    3.25 +		db	4096	dup (?)
    3.27          ends    _BSS
    3.29 @@ -110,7 +107,7 @@
    3.30                  mov	ax,3d00h		; read-only+compatibility
    3.31  	else
    3.32                  mov	ah,3dh			; read-only+compatibility
    3.33 -                mov	dx,bx
    3.34 +                mov	dx,bx			; open(DS:DX=filename,al=access,cl=attributes)
    3.35  	endif
    3.36  		;mov	cl,0			; attribute mask
    3.37  		call	dos
    3.38 @@ -135,6 +132,10 @@
    3.39  		ret
    3.41  	ifdef ISO9660
    3.42 +
    3.43 +		include	"isostate.inc"
    3.44 +		extrn	_isostate:isostate
    3.45 +
    3.46  ;***************************************************************
    3.47  ;_fastcall int:C open(bx:const char* name, int flags=O_RDONLY);
    3.48  ;_fastcall int:C openargs(bx:const char* name, int flags=O_RDONLY);
    3.49 @@ -182,7 +183,7 @@
    3.51          global  close:near			; close(ax)
    3.52  close:
    3.53 -		mov	bh,3Eh
    3.54 +		mov	bh,3Eh			; close(BX:handle)
    3.55  	ifdef ISO9660
    3.56  		mov	cx,[_isostate.fd]
    3.57  		jcxz	dosbx
    3.58 @@ -232,7 +233,7 @@
    3.59  		pop	bx
    3.60  	endif
    3.61  readfd:
    3.62 -                mov	ah,3Fh
    3.63 +                mov	ah,3Fh			; read(BX=handle,DS:DX=to,CX=count)
    3.64                  ;jcxz	fail
    3.65  dos:
    3.66                  int	21h
    3.67 @@ -274,14 +275,14 @@
    3.68  ;***************************************************************
    3.69  	proc	@readmenu$qv near
    3.71 -		mov	dx,18
    3.72 +		mov	dx,20
    3.73  		xor	cx,cx
    3.74  		call	seeksetpos0		; filepos = 0
    3.75 -		mov	dx,offset _isostate.filemod
    3.76 -		; //magic = x->filemod;
    3.77 -		mov	cl,10
    3.78 -		call	readfd ; // read x->filemod + x->fileofs & x->filesize
    3.79 -		mov	bx,offset _isostate.fileofs
    3.80 +		mov	dx,offset _isostate.fileofs
    3.81 +		mov	cl,8
    3.82 +		push	dx
    3.83 +		call	readfd ; // read x->fileofs & x->filesize
    3.84 +		pop	bx
    3.85  		; x->fileofs = 0x7FF0 - (x->filesize &= 0xFFFF);
    3.86  		mov	ax,7FF0h
    3.87  		cwd
    3.88 @@ -335,9 +336,9 @@
    3.90  		call	isolseek		; filepos = 0
    3.91  		jc	fail
    3.92 -		mov	dh,10
    3.93 -		mov	ax,offset _isostate.buffer
    3.94 -		jmp	@read$dxaxbx		; read(fd,buffer,2560+)
    3.95 +		mov	cx,2048
    3.96 +		mov	dx,offset _buf2k
    3.97 +		jmp	readfd			; read(fd,buf2k,2048)
    3.99          endp    @isoreadsector$qpxul
   3.100  	endif
   3.101 @@ -394,9 +395,11 @@
   3.102                  inc	bx
   3.103  		xchg	ax,bx
   3.104                  xor	dl,[bx]			; dl ^= *a++
   3.105 +	    ifndef RAW_ISO9660
   3.106  		ifndef  ROCKRIDGE
   3.107  		and	dl,0dfh			; case insensitive
   3.108  		endif
   3.109 +	    endif
   3.110  		jne	fail			; return -1
   3.111                  inc	bx
   3.112  		or	dl,dl			; clear C
   3.113 @@ -947,7 +950,7 @@
   3.114  		else
   3.115  		les	ax,[dword di]
   3.116  		endif
   3.117 -		mov	cx,offset _xfer_buf
   3.118 +		mov	cx,offset _buf4k
   3.119  storepage:					; storepage(edx,cx)
   3.120  		ifndef	NO386
   3.121  		push	0
   3.122 @@ -1066,7 +1069,7 @@
   3.123  		xchg	ax,cx
   3.124  @@szok:
   3.125  		jcxz	image_done
   3.126 -		lea	dx,[di+_xfer_buf]
   3.127 +		lea	dx,[di+_buf4k]
   3.128  		mov	bx,[(image_himem si).fd]
   3.129  		call	@read$cxdxbx
   3.130  		jb	image_done
   3.131 @@ -1083,7 +1086,7 @@
   3.132  @@fill:
   3.133  		test	al,3
   3.134  		je	@@filled
   3.135 -		mov	[di+_xfer_buf],dl
   3.136 +		mov	[di+_buf4k],dl
   3.137  		inc	di
   3.138  		inc	ax
   3.139  		jmp	@@fill
     4.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/ISO9660.CPP	Sat Mar 06 18:53:34 2021 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/ISO9660.CPP	Sun Mar 14 19:55:20 2021 +0000
     4.3 @@ -11,10 +11,13 @@
     4.4  { \
     4.5  	extern void isoreadrootsector(void); \
     4.6  	isoreadrootsector(); \
     4.7 -	setdirpage(x->dirpage, (* (unsigned long *) (isostate.buffer + 0x9E))); \
     4.8 -	x->dirsize = filesize2dirsize(* (unsigned long *) (isostate.buffer + 0xA6)); \
     4.9 +	setdirpage(x->dirpage, (* (unsigned long *) (buf2k + 0x9E))); \
    4.10 +	x->dirsize = filesize2dirsize(* (unsigned long *) (buf2k + 0xA6)); \
    4.11  }
    4.13 +#ifdef RAW_ISO9660
    4.14 +#define BASIC_ISO9660
    4.15 +#endif
    4.16  #if !defined(BASIC_ISO9660) && !defined(ROCKRIDGE)
    4.17  #define BASIC_ISO9660
    4.18  #endif
    4.19 @@ -24,25 +27,27 @@
    4.21  	struct isostate *x=&isostate;
    4.23 -	p = x->buffer;
    4.24 +	p = buf2k;
    4.25  	if (x->curpos >= SECTORSZ || * (short *) (p + x->curpos) == 0) {
    4.26 +		x->curpos = 0;
    4.27  		if ((x->curdirsize =- DIRSECTORSZ) < 0) return -1;
    4.28  		isoreadsector(&x->curdirofs);	// x->filepos = 0
    4.29  		//x->curdirofs += SECTORSZ;
    4.30  		*(int *)((char *) &x->curdirofs+1) += SECTORSZ/256;
    4.31 -		x->curpos = 0;
    4.32  	}
    4.33  	p += x->curpos;
    4.34  	x->fileofs = (* (unsigned long *) (p + 2)) << SECTORBITS;
    4.35  	if ((x->entrysize = * (short *) p) == 0) {
    4.36  		return -1;
    4.37  	}
    4.38 -	x->filemod = 0x81ED; if (p[25] & 2) ((char *)&(x->filemod))[1] = 0x41;
    4.39 +#ifdef CHECKISOFILETYPE
    4.40 +	x->c = p[25];
    4.41 +#endif
    4.42  	register char *s;
    4.43  	x->filesize = * (unsigned long *) (p + 10);
    4.44  	s = ".."+1-p[33];
    4.45  #ifdef ROCKRIDGE
    4.46 -	p = x->buffer + 34 + ((p[32] + x->curpos) & -2);
    4.47 +	p = buf2k + 34 + ((p[32] + x->curpos) & -2);
    4.48  	x->curpos += x->entrysize;
    4.49  	do {
    4.50  		register len = p[2];
    4.51 @@ -52,19 +57,21 @@
    4.52  			goto found;
    4.53  		}
    4.54  		p += len;
    4.55 -	} while (x->buffer + x->curpos - 3 >= p);
    4.56 +	} while (buf2k - 3 + x->curpos >= p);
    4.57  #endif
    4.58  #ifdef BASIC_ISO9660
    4.59  # ifdef ROCKRIDGE
    4.60 -	p = x->buffer + 32 + x->curpos - x->entrysize;
    4.61 +	p = buf2k + 32 + x->curpos - x->entrysize;
    4.62  # else
    4.63  	x->curpos += x->entrysize;
    4.64  	p += 32;
    4.65  # endif
    4.66  	if (((* (short *) p) & 0xFEFF) -1 != 0) {
    4.67  		s = p + 1; p += *p;
    4.68 -		if (* (short *) (p-1) != 0x313B) p+=2; // no ;1 to remove
    4.69 +# ifndef RAW_ISO9660
    4.70 +		if (* (short *) (p-1) == 0x313B) p-=2; // remove ;1
    4.71  		if (*p != '.') p++;
    4.72 +# endif
    4.73  		*p = 0;
    4.74  	}
    4.75  #endif
    4.76 @@ -92,12 +99,12 @@
    4.78  	s = (char *) x->filename2open;
    4.79  	if (*s == '/') {
    4.80 +		isoroot();
    4.81 +		//if (strncmp(buf2k+1,"CD001",5) == -1) return -1;
    4.82 +		//if (*(int*)(buf2k+1) != 0x4443) return -1;
    4.83 +  next:
    4.84  		s++;
    4.85 -		isoroot();
    4.86 -		//if (strncmp(x->buffer+1,"CD001,5) == -1) return -1;
    4.87 -		//if (*(int*)(x->buffer+1) != 0x4443) return -1;
    4.88  	}
    4.89 -  next:
    4.90  	name = s;
    4.91  	do s++; while (*s && *s != '/');
    4.92  	c = *s; *s = 0;
    4.93 @@ -125,12 +132,14 @@
    4.94  #endif
    4.95  		if (strcmp(i, n) != -1) break;
    4.96  	} while (1);
    4.97 -	*s++ = c;
    4.98 -#define IS_DIR(x)( (*((char*) &x + 1) & (char)0676) == (char)0)
    4.99 -	if (IS_DIR(x->filemod)) {
   4.100 +	*s = c;
   4.101 +	if (c) {
   4.102 +#ifdef CHECKISOFILETYPE
   4.103 +		if ((x->c & 2) == 0) return -1;
   4.104 +#endif
   4.105  		cpytodirpage(x->dirpage, x->fileofs);
   4.106  		x->dirsize = filesize2dirsize(x->filesize);
   4.107 -		if (c) goto next;
   4.108 +		goto next;
   4.109  	}
   4.110  	isolseek(&x->fileofs);
   4.111  	return x->fd;
     5.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/ISO9660.H	Sat Mar 06 18:53:34 2021 +0000
     5.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/ISO9660.H	Sun Mar 14 19:55:20 2021 +0000
     5.3 @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
     5.4  	unsigned curpos;
     5.5  	char *filename2open;
     5.6  	int fd;
     5.7 -	unsigned short filemod;
     5.8  	unsigned long fileofs;
     5.9  	unsigned long filesize;
    5.10  	unsigned long filepos;
    5.11 @@ -19,18 +18,16 @@
    5.12  typedef unsigned dirpagetype;
    5.13  	dirpagetype dirpage;           
    5.14  	unsigned long curdirofs;
    5.15 +	char _64bits;
    5.16 +	char c;
    5.17  	int entrysize;
    5.18  	const char *tmp;
    5.19 -	char c;
    5.20 -	char _64bits;
    5.21  #define SECTORSZ 2048
    5.22  #define SECTORBITS 11
    5.23 -	char buffer[SECTORSZ+512];	// RR overflow
    5.24  } isostate;
    5.25  #define isofd isostate.fd
    5.26  #define	isofileofs isostate.fileofs
    5.27  #define	isofilesize isostate.filesize
    5.28 -#define	isofilemod isostate.filemod
    5.29  #define	isofilename isostate.filename
    5.30  extern _fastcall void isolseek(const unsigned long *offset);
    5.31  extern _fastcall int isoreadsector(const unsigned long *offset);
    5.32 @@ -38,4 +35,5 @@
    5.33  extern int isoreaddir(void);
    5.34  #define isolabel() do { isofileofs=0x8028; isofilesize=32; } while (0)
    5.35  #define setiso(x) (isostate.fd = open(x))
    5.36 +extern u8 buf2k[2048];
    5.37  #endif
     6.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/ISOSTATE.INC	Sat Mar 06 18:53:34 2021 +0000
     6.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/ISOSTATE.INC	Sun Mar 14 19:55:20 2021 +0000
     6.3 @@ -4,19 +4,19 @@
     6.4  curpos		dw	?		; 0	unsigned curpos;
     6.5  filename2open	dw	?		; 2	char *filename2open;
     6.6  fd		dw	?		; 4	int fd;
     6.7 -filemod		dw	?		; 6	unsigned short filemod;
     6.8 -fileofs		dd	?		; 8	unsigned long fileofs;
     6.9 -filesize	dd	?		;12	unsigned long filesize;
    6.10 -filepos		dd	?		;16	unsigned long filepos;
    6.11 -filename	dw	?		;20	char *filename;
    6.12 -curdirsize	dw	?		;22	dirsizetype curdirsize;
    6.13 -dirsize		dw	?		;24	dirsizetype dirsize;
    6.14 -dirpape		dw	?		;26	unsigned short dirpage;
    6.15 -curdirofs	dd	?		;28	unsigned long curdirofs;
    6.16 +fileofs		dd	?		; 6	unsigned long fileofs;
    6.17 +filesize	dd	?		;10	unsigned long filesize;
    6.18 +filepos		dd	?		;14	unsigned long filepos;
    6.19 +filename	dw	?		;18	char *filename;
    6.20 +curdirsize	dw	?		;20	dirsizetype curdirsize;
    6.21 +dirsize		dw	?		;22	dirsizetype dirsize;
    6.22 +dirpape		dw	?		;24	unsigned short dirpage;
    6.23 +curdirofs	dd	?		;26	unsigned long curdirofs;
    6.24 +_64bits		db	?		;30	char _64bits;
    6.25  ;overlap
    6.26 +c		db	?		;31	char c;
    6.27  entrysize	dw	?		;32	int entrysize;
    6.28  tmp		dw	?		;34	const char *tmp;
    6.29 -c		db	?		;36	char c;
    6.30 -_64bits		db	?		;37	char _64bits;
    6.31 -buffer		db	?		;38	char buffer[2048+512];
    6.32  ends		isostate		; } isostate;
    6.33 +
    6.34 +ISOSTATE_OVERLAP	=	5
     7.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/JUMP.ASM	Sat Mar 06 18:53:34 2021 +0000
     7.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/JUMP.ASM	Sun Mar 14 19:55:20 2021 +0000
     7.3 @@ -289,8 +289,6 @@
     7.5          endp    _boot_kernel
     7.7 -movedend:
     7.8 -
     7.9          ends    _TEXT
    7.11          end
     8.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/LINK.CMD	Sat Mar 06 18:53:34 2021 +0000
     8.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/LINK.CMD	Sun Mar 14 19:55:20 2021 +0000
     8.3 @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
     8.4 -_beg.obj linld.obj memtop.obj memcpy32.obj jump.obj vcpi.obj xmm.obj a20.obj crtl.obj load.obj himem.obj iso9660.obj _end.obj, linld
     8.5 +_beg.obj linld.obj jump.obj memtop.obj memcpy32.obj vcpi.obj xmm.obj a20.obj crtl.obj load.obj himem.obj iso9660.obj _end.obj, linld
     9.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/LINLD.CPP	Sat Mar 06 18:53:34 2021 +0000
     9.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/LINLD.CPP	Sun Mar 14 19:55:20 2021 +0000
     9.3 @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
     9.4  extern char bzimagestr[];
     9.5  const char* cmdstr[4] = {"auto",bzimagestr,NULL,NULL};
     9.6  #ifdef QUICK_BOOT
     9.7 -u32 cmdnum[7];
     9.8 +extern u32 cmdnum[7];
     9.9  #else
    9.10 -u32 cmdnum[5];
    9.11 +extern u32 cmdnum[5];
    9.12  #endif
    9.14  inline void syntax() {
    9.15 @@ -44,7 +44,6 @@
    9.16      );
    9.17  }
    9.19 -extern char buf_cmdline[128];
    9.20  int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    9.22      (void) argc;
    9.23 @@ -76,17 +75,25 @@
    9.24              kernel_name=*argv;
    9.25  	    continue;
    9.26  	}
    9.27 -	*clp = (const char *) buf_cmdline + 1;
    9.28 -	strcatb((const char *) buf_cmdline,*argv);
    9.29 +	*clp = (const char *) heap_top +1;
    9.30 +	strcatb((const char *) heap_top,*argv);
    9.31      } while (*++argv);
    9.32      puts(*clp);
    9.33 +    asm{
    9.34 +	xchg	ax,bx
    9.35 +	mov	bx,offset _heap_top
    9.36 +	cmp	ax,[bx]
    9.37 +	jc	skip
    9.38 +	mov	[bx],ax
    9.39 +    }
    9.40 +skip:
    9.41  #ifdef ISO9660
    9.42      if (isofile) setiso(isofile);
    9.43  #endif
    9.44      set_cmdline(*clp);
    9.45      load_kernel();
    9.46      load_initrd();
    9.47 -    boot_kernel();
    9.48 +    //boot_kernel();
    9.50      // Let compiler be happy
    9.51      return _AX;
    10.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/LOAD.CPP	Sat Mar 06 18:53:34 2021 +0000
    10.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/LOAD.CPP	Sun Mar 14 19:55:20 2021 +0000
    10.3 @@ -116,9 +116,6 @@
    10.4  #else
    10.5  #define topseg() 0x9000
    10.6  #endif
    10.7 -static u16 rm_size;
    10.8 -static u8* rm_buf;	// @ = @rm_size + 2, see A20.ASM
    10.9 -struct image_himem imgs[2];
   10.11  void load_kernel() {
    11.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/MEMCPY32.ASM	Sat Mar 06 18:53:34 2021 +0000
    11.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/MEMCPY32.ASM	Sun Mar 14 19:55:20 2021 +0000
    11.3 @@ -231,6 +231,9 @@
    11.5          endp    memcpy32
    11.7 +		global	movedend:near
    11.8 +movedend:
    11.9 +
   11.10          ends    _TEXT
   11.12          end
    12.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/VCPI.ASM	Sat Mar 06 18:53:34 2021 +0000
    12.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/VCPI.ASM	Sun Mar 14 19:55:20 2021 +0000
    12.3 @@ -160,8 +160,8 @@
    12.4                  sub     edi,edx
    12.5                  mov     al,3            ;add present+writable bits
    12.6                  mov     [bx+di],eax     ;stuff it into pagedir[0]
    12.7 -                push    ds
    12.8 -                pop     es              ;es:di->page0,es:di+1000h->pagedir
    12.9 +                ;push    ds
   12.10 +                ;pop     es              ;es:di->page0,es:di+1000h->pagedir
   12.11                          ;page directory will use only one entry (4 bytes):
   12.12                          ;cr3 => pagedir => page0  => ########
   12.13                          ;      (1 entry)  (1024   => #  4M  #
    13.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/_BEG.ASM	Sat Mar 06 18:53:34 2021 +0000
    13.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/_BEG.ASM	Sun Mar 14 19:55:20 2021 +0000
    13.3 @@ -8,6 +8,38 @@
    13.4                  %nomacs
    13.6  	include	"common.inc"
    13.7 +	include "himem.inc"
    13.8 +	include	"isostate.inc"
    13.9 +
   13.10 +	ifdef	QUICK_BOOT
   13.11 +CMDNUMCNT	=	7
   13.12 +	else
   13.13 +CMDNUMCNT	=	5
   13.14 +	endif
   13.15 +
   13.16 +	macro	alloc_isostate
   13.17 +		public	_isostate
   13.18 +_isostate	isostate	<?>
   13.19 +		org	$-ISOSTATE_OVERLAP
   13.20 +	endm
   13.21 +
   13.22 +	macro	alloc_image
   13.23 +rm_size		dw	?		; _imgs-4
   13.24 +rm_buf		dw	?		; _imgs-2
   13.25 +		global	_imgs:byte
   13.26 +label	_imgs	byte
   13.27 +img_kernel	image_himem	?
   13.28 +img_initrd	image_himem	?
   13.29 +	endm
   13.30 +
   13.31 +	macro	alloc_misc
   13.32 +		global	_cmdnum:word
   13.33 +label   _cmdnum	word
   13.34 +		dd	CMDNUMCNT	dup(?)
   13.35 +
   13.36 +		global	_himem_buf:dword
   13.37 +_himem_buf	dd	?
   13.38 +	endm
   13.40                  p8086
   13.42 @@ -34,6 +66,14 @@
   13.44          segment _BSS byte public use16 'BSS'
   13.46 +	ifdef ISO9660
   13.47 +		ifndef	VCPI
   13.48 +		alloc_isotate
   13.49 +		else
   13.50 +room_for_isostate	=	1
   13.51 +		endif
   13.52 +	endif
   13.53 +
   13.54  		ifdef	ISOHOOK
   13.55  	extrn	_big_cmdline:byte
   13.56  		db	254 dup(?)
   13.57 @@ -45,11 +85,27 @@
   13.58  _cpu386		db	?
   13.59  		ifdef	CPU64
   13.60  		org	$-1
   13.61 -		endif
   13.62 -		ifdef	CPU64
   13.63          global  _cpu_features:dword
   13.64  _cpu_features	dd	?
   13.65 +room_for_image	=	1
   13.66 +		else
   13.67 +		alloc_image
   13.68  		endif
   13.69 +
   13.70 +		ifndef	BSS_OVERLAP_BOOT
   13.71 +
   13.72 +		ifdef	room_for_isostate
   13.73 +		alloc_isostate
   13.74 +		endif
   13.75 +
   13.76 +		ifdef	room_for_image
   13.77 +		alloc_image
   13.78 +		endif
   13.79 +
   13.80 +		alloc_misc
   13.81 +
   13.82 +		endif
   13.83 +
   13.84          ends    _BSS
   13.86          segment _TEXT byte public use16 'CODE'
   13.87 @@ -67,11 +123,6 @@
   13.88  ;***************************************************************
   13.89  		mov	sp,offset stktop
   13.90  		mov	bx, 0F000h	; cld ; cli & empty string
   13.91 -		org	$-4-2
   13.92 -		global	_himem_buf:dword
   13.93 -_himem_buf	dd	?
   13.94 -		global	_buf_cmdline:word
   13.95 -_buf_cmdline	dw	?		; 128 bytes, must start with 00
   13.96  		mov	si,offset _bss_start
   13.97  clearbss:
   13.98  		mov	[si],bl		; clear bss + heap
   13.99 @@ -128,8 +179,10 @@
  13.100  		ifdef	VCPI
  13.101  ; Check whether it is safe to call 67h
  13.102  		xor	eax,eax
  13.103 -                mov     es,ax
  13.104 -                cmp     [dword es:67h*4],eax
  13.105 +		push	ds
  13.106 +                mov     ds,ax
  13.107 +                cmp     [dword 67h*4],eax
  13.108 +		pop	ds
  13.109                  je      no_vcpi
  13.110                  mov     ah,0DEh		; check for vcpi present
  13.111                  int     67h
  13.112 @@ -187,11 +240,6 @@
  13.113  ;***************************************************************
  13.114  ; build argv & argc
  13.115  ;***************************************************************
  13.116 -		extrn	_bss_end:word
  13.117 -		mov	di,offset _bss_end
  13.118 -		global	_heap_top
  13.119 -		org	$-2
  13.120 -_heap_top	dw	?
  13.121                  mov	si,80h
  13.122  		ifdef	ISOHOOK
  13.123                  mov	bx,offset _big_cmdline
  13.124 @@ -212,6 +260,41 @@
  13.125  		endif
  13.126  		xchg	ax,bx
  13.127                  mov	[bx+si],bh		; set eos
  13.128 +
  13.129 +;***************************************************************
  13.130 +
  13.131 +		ifdef	BSS_OVERLAP_BOOT
  13.132 +		mov	al,0
  13.133 +		mov	di,100h
  13.134 +		mov	cx,offset clean-100h
  13.135 +
  13.136 +		org	$-(CMDNUMCNT*4)-4
  13.137 +
  13.138 +		ifdef	room_for_image
  13.139 +		org	$-2-2-(2*size image_himem)
  13.140 +		endif
  13.141 +
  13.142 +		ifdef	room_for_isostate
  13.143 +		org	$+ISOSTATE_OVERLAP-size isostate
  13.144 +		alloc_isostate
  13.145 +		endif
  13.146 +
  13.147 +		ifdef	room_for_image
  13.148 +		alloc_image
  13.149 +		endif
  13.150 +
  13.151 +		alloc_misc
  13.152 +clean:
  13.153 +		rep
  13.154 +		  stosb
  13.155 +		endif
  13.156 +
  13.157 +;***************************************************************
  13.158 +		extrn	_bss_end:word
  13.159 +		mov	di,offset _bss_end
  13.160 +		global	_heap_top
  13.161 +		org	$-2
  13.162 +_heap_top	dw	?
  13.163  		;xor	dx,dx
  13.164                  ;push	dx			; envp (already cleared)
  13.165                  ;mov	[word di],dx		; argv[0] = 0 (idem)
    14.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/pipehole.awk	Sat Mar 06 18:53:34 2021 +0000
    14.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/pipehole.awk	Sun Mar 14 19:55:20 2021 +0000
    14.3 @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
    14.4  	if (file == "" && /debug	S/) { file=$3; gsub(/\"/,"",file) }
    14.5  	if (/debug	S/) print "	%PAGESIZE 1000"
    14.6  	 if (file == "linld.cpp") {
    14.7 +#print "			linld=" islinld " ;" $0
    14.8  	if (/\[si/ || /si,/ || /,si/) sub(/si/,"di")
    14.9  	else if (/\[di/ || /di,/ || /,di/) sub(/di/,"si")
   14.10  	if (/add	di,2/) $0="	scasw	; " $0
   14.11 @@ -24,6 +25,7 @@
   14.12  	if (islinld==3 && /bx,word ptr/) { print "; " $0; next }
   14.13  	if (/fileexist\$qpxzc/) islinld=4
   14.14  	if (islinld==4) {
   14.15 +		if (/DGROUP:_heap_top/) next
   14.16  		if (/ax,-1/) {
   14.17  			print "	inc	ax"
   14.18  			print "	mov	ax,word ptr [di]"
   14.19 @@ -46,6 +48,14 @@
   14.20  		print "	mov	bx,word ptr [si+6]"
   14.21  		$0="	or	bx,bx"
   14.22  	}
   14.23 +	if (/heap_top \+1;/) islinld=6
   14.24 +	if (islinld==6) {
   14.25 +		sub(/ax/,"bx")
   14.26 +		if (/strcatb/) {
   14.27 +			print "	dec	bx"
   14.28 +			islinld=4
   14.29 +		}
   14.30 +	}
   14.31  	 } # file == "linld.cpp"
   14.32  	 if (file == "himem.cpp") {
   14.33  	if (/sp,bp/ || /pop	bp/ || /enter/ || /leave/) next
   14.34 @@ -243,52 +253,54 @@
   14.35  	}
   14.36  	 } # file == "load.cpp"
   14.37  	 if (file == "iso9660.cpp") {
   14.38 -	if (/ptr \[si\+8\],/) { si="si"; di="di" }
   14.39 -	if (/ptr \[di\+8\],/) { si="di"; di="si" }
   14.40 -	if (/leave/ || /enter/ || /bp-2/ || /bp,sp/ || /push	bp/ || /sub	sp,/) next
   14.41 -	if (/ptr \[.i\+10\],dx/) next
   14.42 -	if (/ptr \[.i\+8\],ax/) next
   14.43 -	if (/ptr \[.i\+8\],eax/) next
   14.44 +	if (/di,offset DGROUP:_buf2k/) { si="si"; di="di" }
   14.45 +	if (/si,offset DGROUP:_buf2k/) { si="di"; di="si" }
   14.46 +	if (/leave/ || /enter/ || /bp/ || /sub	sp,/) next
   14.47 +	if (/ptr \[.i\+8\],dx/) next
   14.48 +	if (/ptr \[.i\+6\],ax/) next
   14.49 +	if (/ptr \[.i\+6\],eax/) next
   14.50  	if (/x,word ptr \[.i\+32\]/) next
   14.51 +#print "			iso=" isiso " ;" $0
   14.52  	if (/add	word ptr \[.i\],ax/) sub(/ax/,"cx")
   14.53 -	if (/ax,word ptr \[si\+24\]/) sub(/mov	ax,/,"les	ax,d")
   14.54 -	if (/ax,word ptr \[si\+26\]/) next
   14.55 -	if (/word ptr \[si\+29\],ax/) sub(/ax/,"es")
   14.56 -	if (/\[si\],-1/) $0="	not	word ptr [si]"
   14.57 +	if (/ax,word ptr \[si\+22\]/) sub(/mov	ax,/,"les	ax,d")
   14.58 +	if (/ax,word ptr \[si\+24\]/) next
   14.59 +	if (/word ptr \[si\+27\],ax/) sub(/ax/,"es")
   14.60  	sub(/di,word ptr DGROUP:_isostate\+2/,"di,word ptr [si+2]")
   14.61 -	if (/p = x->buffer \+ 32 \+ x->curpos/) isiso=21
   14.62 -#print "iso=" isiso " ; " $0
   14.63 +	if (/p = buf2k \+ 32 \+ x->curpos/) isiso=21
   14.64 +	sub(/-257/,"-257	; clear C")
   14.65  	if (isiso == 21) { # ISO9660.LST
   14.66 -		if (/si,ax/) next
   14.67 -		if (/ax,70/) {
   14.68 -			print "	lea	si,[bx+3+32]"
   14.69 -			$0="	sub	si,cx"
   14.70 -		}
   14.71 +		if (/si,ax/) $0="	sub	si,cx"
   14.72 +		sub(/ax,/,"si,")
   14.73  		if (/# else/) isiso=0
   14.74  	}
   14.75 -	if (/cx,si/) isiso=20
   14.76 +	if (/cx,si/) {
   14.77 +		if (isiso == 0) print "	inc	" di
   14.78 +		isiso=20
   14.79 +	}
   14.80  	if (isiso == 20) { # ISO9660.LST
   14.81  		if (/bx,dx/) {
   14.82  			isiso=12
   14.83  			next
   14.84  		}
   14.85 +		if (/inc	cx/) next
   14.86  		if (/al,byte ptr/) $0="	;inc	ax"
   14.87 -		sub(/\[si-1\]/,"[si]")
   14.88 -		if (/p != .\./) print "	inc	" di "	; see ;inc ax"
   14.89 -		if (/i],0/) sub(/,0/,",ah")
   14.90 +		if (/i],0/) {
   14.91 +			sub(/,0/,",ah	; clear C")
   14.92 +			sub(/mov/,"and")
   14.93 +		}
   14.94  		sub(/cx/,"dx")
   14.95  		if (/filename = s;/) {
   14.96  			isiso=0
   14.97  		}
   14.98  	}
   14.99  	if (isiso == 19) { # ISO9660.LST
  14.100 -		if (/short @2@282/) $0="	jc	restoreC"
  14.101 -		if (/si\+34/ || /ax,dx/ || /ax,di/ || /cmp	ax,-1/ || /sub	ax,/) next
  14.102 +		if (/short @2@310/) $0="	jc	restoreC"
  14.103 +		if (/si\+32/ || /ax,dx/ || /ax,di/ || /cmp	ax,-1/ || /sub	ax,/) next
  14.104  		sub(/dx,/,"ax,")
  14.105 -		if (/ax,word ptr \[si\+20\]/) sub(/ax/,"bx")
  14.106 +		if (/ax,word ptr \[si\+18\]/) sub(/ax/,"bx")
  14.107  		if (/bx,offset/) sub(/bx/,"ax")
  14.108  		if (/short @2@282/) sub(/je/,"jnc")
  14.109 -		if (/\[si\+37\],0/) sub(/,0/,",ch")
  14.110 +		if (/\[si\+35\],0/) sub(/,0/,",ch")
  14.111  		if (/@strcmp\$qpxzct1/) {
  14.112  			print
  14.113  			print "restoreC:"
  14.114 @@ -296,71 +308,75 @@
  14.115  			isiso=1
  14.116  		}
  14.117  	}
  14.118 -	if (/ax,-8/) { isiso=18; next }
  14.119  	if (isiso == 18) { # ISO9660.LST
  14.120 -		if (/ax,ax/) { isiso=0;next }
  14.121 -		sub(/mov/,"sub")
  14.122 -		sub(/,ax/,",8")
  14.123 +		if (/endif/) isiso=1
  14.124  	}
  14.125  	if (isiso == 17) { # ISO9660.LST
  14.126 -		if (/inc	di/) $0="; " $0
  14.127 -		if (/_isostate\+205/) {
  14.128 +		if (/si\+22/) {
  14.129 +			print "next:"
  14.130 +			print "	mov	word ptr [si+24],bx"
  14.131  			print
  14.132 -			$0="	jmp	setdirofsnsz"
  14.133 +			isiso=0
  14.134 +		}	
  14.135 +		if (/_buf2k\+167/) {
  14.136 +			print
  14.137 +			$0=""
  14.138  		}
  14.139  		else sub(/ax/,"bx")
  14.140 -		if (/si\+24/) isiso=0
  14.141  		if (/,bx/) next
  14.142  		if (/isoreadrootsector/) {
  14.143  			print
  14.144 -			print "	xor	word ptr [si+39],17475	; clear C"
  14.145 -			$0="	jne	returnNotC"
  14.146 +			print "	mov	ax,word ptr [_buf2k+1]"
  14.147 +			print "	xor	ax,17475	; clear C, CD"
  14.148 +			print	"jne_returnNotC:"
  14.149 +			print	"	cmc"
  14.150 +			$0="	jne	returnC"
  14.151  		}
  14.152  	}
  14.153 -	if (/cpytodirpage.x->dirpage/) isiso=16
  14.154 +	if (/if \(c\)/) isiso=16
  14.155  	if (isiso == 16) { # ISO9660.LST
  14.156 -		if (/filesize2dirsize/) {
  14.157 -			print "	mov	bx,word ptr [si+9]"
  14.158 -			print "	mov	ax,word ptr [si+13]"
  14.159 -			print "setdirofsnsz:"
  14.160 -			print "	inc	di"
  14.161 -			print "	mov	word ptr [si+26],bx"
  14.162 +		if (/cmp/) {
  14.163 +			print "	mov	bx,word ptr [si+7]"
  14.164 +			print "	mov	ax,word ptr [si+11]"
  14.165 +			print "	dec	cx"
  14.166 +			print "	jns	next"
  14.167  		}
  14.168 -		if (/ax,/ || /si\+13/ || /si\+26/) next
  14.169 -		if (/si\+24/) isiso=1
  14.170 +		if (/isolseek/) isiso=1
  14.171 +		else if (! /;/) next
  14.172  	}
  14.173  	if (/found:/) isiso=15
  14.174  	if (isiso != 15 && /si,offset DGROUP:_isostate/) $0=";" $0
  14.175  	if (isiso == 15) { # ISO9660.LST
  14.176  		if (/xor/) {
  14.177 -			print	"	stc"
  14.178 -			print	"returnNotC:"
  14.179 -			print	"	cmc"
  14.180  			print	"returnC:"
  14.181  			print	"	sbb	ax,ax"
  14.182  			print	"return:"
  14.183  			next
  14.184  		}
  14.185 -		if (/i\+20\],cx/) sub(/cx/,"dx")
  14.186 -		if (/@1@422:/ || /bp$/ || /bp,sp/ || /sp,2/) next
  14.187 +		if (/i\+18\],cx/) sub(/cx/,"dx")
  14.188 +		if (/@1@422:/) next
  14.189  		if (/\[di\],47/) isiso=17
  14.190  	}
  14.191 -	if (/short @1@142/) { isiso=14; next }
  14.192  	if (isiso == 14) { # ISO9660.LST
  14.193 -		if (/ax,-1/) next
  14.194 +		if (/ax,/ || /jge/) next
  14.195 +		sub(/mov/,"sub")
  14.196 +		sub(/,ax/,",8")
  14.197  		if (/jmp/) {
  14.198 -			print	"	JUMPS"
  14.199 -			print	"	jb	returnC"
  14.200 -			$0="	NOJUMPS"
  14.201 +			print	"	;JUMPS"
  14.202 +			print	"	jb	returnCXZC"
  14.203 +			$0="	;NOJUMPS"
  14.204 +			isiso=0
  14.205  		}
  14.206  	}
  14.207 -	if (/p = x->buffer \+ 34/) isiso=13
  14.208 +	if (/p = buf2k \+ 34/) isiso=13
  14.209  	if (isiso == 13) { # ISO9660.LST
  14.210  		if (/cbw/) $0="	;cbw"
  14.211  		if (/i,.i/) $0="	xchg	ax,bx"
  14.212 -		if (/i,ax/) $0="	lea	" di ",[bx+" si "+72]"
  14.213 -		if (/i,72/ || /word ptr \[.i\+32\]/) next
  14.214 -		if (/register len/) isiso=12
  14.215 +		if (/i,ax/) $0="	xchg	ax," di 
  14.216 +		if (/i,70/ || /word ptr \[.i\+32\]/) next
  14.217 +		if (/register len/) {
  14.218 +			isiso=12
  14.219 +		}
  14.220  	}
  14.221  	if (isiso == 12) { # ISO9660.LST
  14.222  		if (/.i\+2/) sub(/al/,"bl")
  14.223 @@ -373,25 +389,28 @@
  14.224  		if (/while/) isiso=120
  14.225  	}
  14.226  	if (isiso == 120) { # ISO9660.LST
  14.227 -		sub(/ax,/,"bx,")
  14.228 +		sub(/ax/,"bx")
  14.229 +		if (/cmp	bx,/) $0="	cmp	" di ",bx"
  14.230 +		sub(/jae/,"jb")
  14.231  		if (/endif/) isiso=0
  14.232  	}
  14.233  	if (/curpos >= SECT/) isiso=10
  14.234  	if (isiso == 10) { # ISO9660.LST
  14.235 -		if (/cmp/) {
  14.236 +		if (/,2048/) {
  14.237 +			print "	xor	cx,cx"
  14.238  			sub(/cmp	/,"mov	bx,")
  14.239  			sub(/i.*/,"i]")
  14.240  			print
  14.241  			$0="	cmp	bh,2048/256"
  14.242  		}
  14.243 -		if (/mov/) {
  14.244 -			isiso=0
  14.245 -			next
  14.246 -		}
  14.247 +		if (/DGROUP:_buf2k\[bx\],0/) $0="	cmp	word ptr [bx+" di "],cx"
  14.248 +		sub(/,0/,",cx")
  14.249 +		if (/\[.i\],cx/) isiso=14
  14.250 +		else if (/mov/) next
  14.251  	}
  14.252  	if (/<< SECTORBITS/) isiso=9
  14.253  	if (isiso == 9) { # ISO9660.LST
  14.254 -	if (/dx,/) next
  14.255 +		if (/dx,/) next
  14.256  		sub(/mov	ax,/,"les	ax,d")
  14.257  		if (/^	call/) {
  14.258  			print "	extrn	N_LXLSH@ES:near"
  14.259 @@ -405,53 +424,60 @@
  14.260  		sub(/mov	dx,/,"les	dx,d")
  14.261  		sub(/\],ax/,"],es")
  14.262  		sub(/cx,/,"dx,")
  14.263 -		if (/filemod/) isiso=0
  14.264 +		if (/sub/) isiso=0
  14.265  	}
  14.266  	if (/entrysize =/) isiso=5
  14.267  	if (isiso == 5) { # ISO9660.LST
  14.268  		if (/ax,ax/) next
  14.269 -		if (/word ptr \[.i\+32\],ax/) next
  14.270 +		if (/word ptr \[.i\+3.\],ax/) next
  14.271  		sub(/ax/,"cx")
  14.272  		sub(/je/,"jcxz")
  14.273  		if (/jcxz/) {
  14.274  			hold=0
  14.275  			print	s
  14.276 -			sub(/@1@114/,"returnNotC")
  14.277 +			print "	stc"
  14.278 +			print "returnCXZC:"
  14.279 +			sub(/@1@1../,"returnC")
  14.280  			print
  14.281 -			if (is386) $0="	mov	dword ptr [" si "+8],eax"
  14.282 +			if (is386) $0="	mov	dword ptr [" si "+6],eax"
  14.283  			else {
  14.284 -				print "	mov	word ptr [" si "+10],dx"
  14.285 -				$0="	mov	word ptr [" si "+8],ax"
  14.286 +				print "	mov	word ptr [" si "+8],dx"
  14.287 +				$0="	mov	word ptr [" si "+6],ax"
  14.288  			}
  14.289  		}
  14.290  		if (/return/) isiso=0
  14.291  	}
  14.292  	if (/do s\+\+; while/) isiso=3
  14.293  	if (isiso == 3) { # ISO9660.LST
  14.294 +		if (/do \{/) print "while1:"
  14.295  		sub(/cmp	byte ptr \[.i\]/,"sub	al")
  14.296  		if (/inc	/) { r=$2; print; next }
  14.297  		if (/al,0/) print "	mov	al,[" r "]"
  14.298  		if (/al,byte ptr \[/) next
  14.299  		if (/byte ptr \[.*\],0/) next
  14.300 +		if (/byte ptr \[si\+31\],al/) next
  14.301  	}
  14.302  	if (/ptr .isoreaddir/) isiso=1
  14.303  	if (isiso == 1) { # ISO9660.LST
  14.304 +		if (/xor/) isiso=18
  14.305  		if (/n = name;/) {
  14.306  			isiso=19
  14.307  			print "	xchg	ax,cx"
  14.308  			print "	xchg	cl,byte ptr [di]	; c"
  14.309  		}
  14.310 -		if (/short @2@366/) sub(/jne/,"jnc")
  14.311 -		if (/short @2@282/) sub(/je/,"jc")
  14.312 -		if (/short @2@562/) sub(/@2@562/,"returnNotC")
  14.313 +		sub(/jne/,"jnc")
  14.314 +		if (/short @2@450/) $0="	jc	returnC"
  14.315 +		if (/je/) $0="	jc	while1"
  14.316 +		if (/short @2@562/) sub(/@2@562/,"jne_returnNotC")
  14.317 +		if (/jmp/) $0="	jmp	jne_returnNotC"
  14.318  		if (/ax,word ptr \[si\+4\]/) $0="	xchg	ax,bx	; " $0
  14.319 -		if (/\[di\],al/) next
  14.320 -		if (/@2@310/) next
  14.321 +		if (/\[di\],al/ || /al,byte ptr/) next
  14.322 +		if (/@2@338/) next
  14.323  		if (/ax,-1/) next
  14.324  		if (/inc	di/ || /@@0/) next
  14.325 -		if (/@2@142$/) { print "	inc	di"; sub(/jmp/,"loop") }
  14.326 +		if (/@2@142$/) print "	inc	di"
  14.327  	}
  14.328 -	if (/i\+36\]/) next
  14.329 +	if (/i\+34\]/) next
  14.330  	sub(/di,offset DGROUP:_isostate/,"di,si")
  14.331  	 } # file == "iso9660.cpp"
  14.332  	if (wascall) {
  14.333 @@ -785,7 +811,7 @@
  14.334  	}
  14.335  	if (afterjmp) print ";" $0
  14.336  	else print
  14.337 -	if (/^	jmp	/ || /^	call	near ptr _boot_kernel/ ||
  14.338 +	if (/^	jmp	/ || /boot_kernel\(\);/ ||
  14.339  	    /^	call	near ptr @die\$qpxzc/ ||
  14.340  	    /^	call	near ptr @exit\$qv/) afterjmp=1
  14.341  }