wok-current rev 9144

Made checkers download sources for archive.
author Christopher Rogers <slaxemulator@gmail.com>
date Sun Mar 06 14:37:35 2011 +0000 (2011-03-06)
parents 50f89a1e4792
children 939faf82cfc2
files checkers/receipt
line diff
     1.1 --- a/checkers/receipt	Sun Mar 06 14:13:29 2011 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/checkers/receipt	Sun Mar 06 14:37:35 2011 +0000
     1.3 @@ -5,18 +5,29 @@
     1.4  CATEGORY="games"
     1.5  SHORT_DESC="Checkers game in javascript"
     1.6  MAINTAINER="pascal.bellard@slitaz.org"
     1.7 +TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.lzma"
     1.8  WEB_SITE="http://thierry.franquin.free.fr/jeudame/Dames.htm"
    1.10  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    1.11  compile_rules()
    1.12  {
    1.13 -	mkdir $src
    1.14 +	
    1.15 +	if [ -f $SOURCES_REPOSITORY/$TARBALL ]; then
    1.16 +		unlzma -c $SOURCES_REPOSITORY/$TARBALL | tar xf -
    1.17 +	else
    1.18 +		mkdir -p $src/$PACKAGE-$VERSION
    1.19 +		for i in Dames.htm black.gif gray.gif \
    1.20 +			 me1k.gif me2k.gif you1k.gif you2k.gif \
    1.21 +			 me1.gif me2.gif you1.gif you2.gif ; do
    1.22 +			[ -s $i ] || wget -O $src/$PACKAGE-$VERSION/$i $(dirname $WEB_SITE)/$i
    1.23 +		done
    1.24 +		cd $src
    1.25 +		tar -c * | lzma e $SOURCES_REPOSITORY/$TARBALL -si
    1.26 +		mv $PACKAGE-$VERSION/* .
    1.27 +		rm -rf $PACKAGE-$VERSION
    1.28 +	fi
    1.29 +		
    1.30  	cd $src
    1.31 -	for i in Dames.htm black.gif gray.gif \
    1.32 -		 me1k.gif me2k.gif you1k.gif you2k.gif \
    1.33 -		 me1.gif me2.gif you1.gif you2.gif ; do
    1.34 -		[ -s $i ] || wget $(dirname $WEB_SITE)/$i
    1.35 -	done
    1.36  	grep -qs Dames_htm_smartbutton1 Dames.htm || return 0
    1.37  	sed -i  -e 's|TITLE>.*</TITLE|TITLE>Checkers</TITLE|' \
    1.38  		-e 's|background="nth_brown_bg.gif" ||' \