wok-current rev 18741

Finish to remove redundant messages 'Processing * commands...'; KISS get-msttcorefonts; add get-msttcorefonts2
author Aleksej Bobylev <al.bobylev@gmail.com>
date Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200 (2015-12-25)
parents df142a9e8a30
children 6526589b64f8
files bzip2/receipt caja/receipt coreutils-character/receipt coreutils-command/receipt coreutils-context-system/receipt coreutils-context-working/receipt coreutils-directory/receipt coreutils-disk/receipt coreutils-file-attributes/receipt coreutils-file-sort/receipt coreutils-file-special/receipt coreutils-file-summarize/receipt coreutils-numeric/receipt coreutils-print/receipt cplay/receipt docbook-xml/receipt docbook-xsl/receipt engrampa/receipt get-flash-plugin/receipt get-flash-plugin/stuff/get-flash-plugin get-java6-jdk/stuff/get-java6-jdk get-java6-jre/stuff/get-java6-jre get-msttcorefonts/description.txt get-msttcorefonts/receipt get-msttcorefonts/stuff/get-msttcorefonts get-msttcorefonts2/description.txt get-msttcorefonts2/receipt get-msttcorefonts2/stuff/get-msttcorefonts2 get-realplayer/stuff/get-realplayer gnome-calculator/receipt grep/receipt gvfs-smb/receipt libmateweather/receipt lighttpd/receipt linux-libre/receipt linux64-aufs/receipt linux64/receipt marco/receipt mate-panel/receipt mate-system-monitor/receipt mk-livestatus/receipt mpd/receipt ndiswrapper-driver/receipt nginx-extras/receipt nvidia-96xx/receipt ocsinventory-agent/receipt partimage-pam/receipt partimage/receipt perl-core/receipt perl-thread/receipt perl/receipt rpm4/receipt scim/receipt snort-mysql/receipt spl/receipt sudo-pam/receipt transmission/receipt ttf-bitstream-vera/receipt vim-tiny/receipt vim/receipt which/receipt xz/receipt zsh/receipt
line diff
     1.1 --- a/bzip2/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/bzip2/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
     1.3 @@ -50,15 +50,6 @@
     1.4  	ln -s bzip2 bzcat
     1.5  }
     1.7 -# Remove Busybox symlinks before installing
     1.8 -pre_install()
     1.9 -{
    1.10 -	echo "Processing post-install commands..."
    1.11 -	rm -f $root/usr/bin/bunzip2
    1.12 -	rm -f $root/usr/bin/bzcat
    1.13 -	#rm -f $root/usr/bin/bzip2
    1.14 -}
    1.15 -
    1.16  # Restore Busybox symlinks upon removal
    1.17  post_remove()
    1.18  {
     2.1 --- a/caja/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
     2.2 +++ b/caja/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
     2.3 @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
     2.4  # Rules to configure and make the package.
     2.5  compile_rules()
     2.6  {
     2.7 -	./autogen.sh                           \
     2.8 +	./autogen.sh                       \
     2.9  		--prefix=/usr                  \
    2.10  		--libexecdir=/usr/lib/$PACKAGE \
    2.11  		--enable-introspection         \
    2.12 @@ -54,16 +54,3 @@
    2.13  	cp -a $install/usr/share/MateConf $fs/usr/share
    2.14  	cp -a $install/usr/share/glib-2.0 $fs/usr/share
    2.15  }
    2.16 -
    2.17 -# Post install/remove commands for Tazpkg.
    2.18 -post_install()
    2.19 -{
    2.20 -	echo "Processing post-install commands..."
    2.21 -	chroot "$1/" /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
    2.22 -}
    2.23 -
    2.24 -post_remove()
    2.25 -{ 
    2.26 -	echo "Processing post-remove commands..."
    2.27 -	chroot "$1/" /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
    2.28 -}
     3.1 --- a/coreutils-character/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
     3.2 +++ b/coreutils-character/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
     3.3 @@ -25,17 +25,6 @@
     3.4  	cp -a $install/usr/bin/unexpand $fs/usr/bin
     3.5  }
     3.7 -# Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg.
     3.8 -# We must remove all Busybox symlink before installing.
     3.9 -#
    3.10 -pre_install()
    3.11 -{
    3.12 -	echo "Processing pre-install commands..."
    3.13 -	echo -n "Removing all Busybox replaced utils... "
    3.14 -	rm -f "$1/usr/bin/tr" "$1/usr/bin/expand" "$1/usr/bin/unexpand"
    3.15 -	status
    3.16 -}
    3.17 -
    3.18  post_remove()
    3.19  {
    3.20  	ln -s /bin/busybox "$1/usr/bin/tr"
     4.1 --- a/coreutils-command/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
     4.2 +++ b/coreutils-command/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
     4.3 @@ -33,19 +33,6 @@
     4.4  	cp -a $install/usr/bin/chroot $fs/usr/sbin
     4.5  }
     4.7 -# Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg.
     4.8 -# We must remove all Busybox symlink before installing.
     4.9 -#
    4.10 -pre_install()
    4.11 -{
    4.12 -	echo "Processing pre-install commands..."
    4.13 -	echo -n "Removing all Busybox replaced utils... "
    4.14 -	rm -f "$1/bin/nice" "$1/bin/kill" "$1/bin/sleep"
    4.15 -	rm -f "$1/usr/bin/env" "$1/usr/bin/nohup" "$1/usr/bin/timeout"
    4.16 -	rm -f "$1/usr/sbin/chroot"
    4.17 -	status
    4.18 -}
    4.19 -
    4.20  post_remove()
    4.21  {
    4.22  	ln -s /bin/busybox "$1/bin/nice"
     5.1 --- a/coreutils-context-system/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
     5.2 +++ b/coreutils-context-system/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
     5.3 @@ -30,18 +30,6 @@
     5.4  	cp -a $install/usr/bin/uptime $fs/usr/bin
     5.5  }
     5.7 -# Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg.
     5.8 -# We must remove all Busybox symlink before installing.
     5.9 -#
    5.10 -pre_install()
    5.11 -{
    5.12 -	echo "Processing pre-install commands..."
    5.13 -	echo -n "Removing all Busybox replaced utils... "
    5.14 -	rm -f "$1/bin/date" "$1/bin/uname"
    5.15 -	rm -f "$1/usr/bin/hostid" "$1/usr/bin/uptime"
    5.16 -	status
    5.17 -}
    5.18 -
    5.19  post_remove()
    5.20  {
    5.21  	ln -s /bin/busybox "$1/bin/date"
     6.1 --- a/coreutils-context-working/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
     6.2 +++ b/coreutils-context-working/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
     6.3 @@ -28,18 +28,6 @@
     6.4  	cp -a $install/usr/bin/tty $fs/usr/bin
     6.5  }
     6.7 -# Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg.
     6.8 -# We must remove all Busybox symlink before installing.
     6.9 -#
    6.10 -pre_install()
    6.11 -{
    6.12 -	echo "Processing pre-install commands..."
    6.13 -	echo -n "Removing all Busybox replaced utils... "
    6.14 -	rm -f "$1/bin/pwd" "$1/bin/stty" "$1/bin/printenv"
    6.15 -	rm -f "$1/usr/bin/tty"
    6.16 -	status
    6.17 -}
    6.18 -
    6.19  post_remove()
    6.20  {
    6.21  	ln -s /bin/busybox "$1/bin/pwd"
     7.1 --- a/coreutils-directory/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
     7.2 +++ b/coreutils-directory/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
     7.3 @@ -28,17 +28,6 @@
     7.4  	cp -a $install/usr/bin/dircolors $fs/usr/bin
     7.5  }
     7.7 -# Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg.
     7.8 -# We must remove all Busybox symlink before installing.
     7.9 -#
    7.10 -pre_install()
    7.11 -{
    7.12 -	echo "Processing pre-install commands..."
    7.13 -	echo -n "Removing all Busybox replaced utils... "
    7.14 -	rm -f "$1/bin/ls" "$1/usr/bin/dir" "$1/usr/bin/vdir" "$1/usr/bin/dircolors"
    7.15 -	status
    7.16 -}
    7.17 -
    7.18  post_remove()
    7.19  {
    7.20  	ln -s /bin/busybox "$1/bin/ls"
     8.1 --- a/coreutils-disk/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
     8.2 +++ b/coreutils-disk/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
     8.3 @@ -29,18 +29,6 @@
     8.4  	cp -a $install/usr/bin/truncate $fs/usr/bin
     8.5  }
     8.7 -# Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg.
     8.8 -# We must remove all Busybox symlink before installing.
     8.9 -#
    8.10 -pre_install()
    8.11 -{
    8.12 -	echo "Processing pre-install commands..."
    8.13 -	echo -n "Removing all Busybox replaced utils... "
    8.14 -	rm -f "$1/bin/df" "$1/bin/stat" "$1/bin/sync"
    8.15 -	rm -f "$1/usr/bin/du"
    8.16 -	status
    8.17 -}
    8.18 -
    8.19  post_remove()
    8.20  {
    8.21  	ln -s /bin/busybox "$1/bin/df"
     9.1 --- a/coreutils-file-attributes/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
     9.2 +++ b/coreutils-file-attributes/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
     9.3 @@ -26,17 +26,6 @@
     9.4  	cp -a $install/usr/bin/touch $fs/bin
     9.5  }
     9.7 -# Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg.
     9.8 -# We must remove all Busybox symlink before installing.
     9.9 -#
    9.10 -pre_install()
    9.11 -{
    9.12 -	echo "Processing pre-install commands..."
    9.13 -	echo -n "Removing all Busybox replaced utils... "
    9.14 -	rm -f "$1/bin/chown" "$1/bin/chgrp" "$1/bin/chmod" "$1/bin/touch"
    9.15 -	status
    9.16 -}
    9.17 -
    9.18  post_remove()
    9.19  {
    9.20  	ln -s /bin/busybox "$1/bin/chown"
    10.1 --- a/coreutils-file-sort/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    10.2 +++ b/coreutils-file-sort/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    10.3 @@ -24,21 +24,10 @@
    10.4  	cp -a $install/usr/bin/shuf $fs/usr/bin
    10.5  	cp -a $install/usr/bin/uniq $fs/usr/bin
    10.6  	cp -a $install/usr/bin/comm $fs/usr/bin
    10.7 -	cp -a $install/usr/bin/ptx $fs/usr/bin
    10.8 +	cp -a $install/usr/bin/ptx  $fs/usr/bin
    10.9  	cp -a $install/usr/bin/tsort $fs/usr/bin
   10.10  }
   10.12 -# Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg.
   10.13 -# We must remove all Busybox symlink before installing.
   10.14 -#
   10.15 -pre_install()
   10.16 -{
   10.17 -	echo "Processing pre-install commands..."
   10.18 -	echo -n "Removing all Busybox replaced utils... "
   10.19 -	rm -f "$1/usr/bin/sort" "$1/usr/bin/uniq" "$1/usr/bin/comm"
   10.20 -	status
   10.21 -}
   10.22 -
   10.23  post_remove()
   10.24  {
   10.25  	ln -s /bin/busybox "$1/usr/bin/sort"
    11.1 --- a/coreutils-file-special/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    11.2 +++ b/coreutils-file-special/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    11.3 @@ -33,23 +33,12 @@
    11.4  	cp -a $install/usr/bin/unlink $fs/usr/bin
    11.5  }
    11.7 -# Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg.
    11.8 -# We must remove all Busybox symlink before installing.
    11.9 -#
   11.10 -pre_install()
   11.11 -{
   11.12 -	echo "Processing pre-install commands..."
   11.13 -	echo -n "Removing all Busybox replaced utils... "
   11.14 -	rm -f "$1/bin/ln" "$1/bin/mkdir" "$1/bin/mknod" "$1/bin/rmdir"
   11.15 -	rm -f "$1/usr/bin/mkfifo" "$1/usr/bin/readlink"
   11.16 -	status
   11.17 -}
   11.18 -
   11.19  pre_remove()
   11.20  {
   11.21  	# Need to handle the removal of ln
   11.22  	cp -a -fd "$1/bin/ln" "$1/bin/ln-coreutils"
   11.23  }
   11.24 +
   11.25  post_remove()
   11.26  {
   11.27  	# Restore ln
    12.1 --- a/coreutils-file-summarize/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    12.2 +++ b/coreutils-file-summarize/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    12.3 @@ -31,19 +31,6 @@
    12.4  	cp -a $install/usr/bin/sha512sum $fs/usr/bin
    12.5  }
    12.7 -# Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg.
    12.8 -# We must remove all Busybox symlink before installing.
    12.9 -#
   12.10 -pre_install()
   12.11 -{
   12.12 -	echo "Processing pre-install commands..."
   12.13 -	echo -n "Removing all Busybox replaced utils... "
   12.14 -	rm -f "$1/usr/bin/wc" "$1/usr/bin/sum" "$1/usr/bin/cksum" \
   12.15 -		"$1/usr/bin/md5sum" "$1/usr/bin/sha1sum" \
   12.16 -		"$1/usr/bin/sha256sum" "$1/usr/bin/sha512sum"
   12.17 -	status
   12.18 -}
   12.19 -
   12.20  post_remove()
   12.21  {
   12.22  	ln -s /bin/busybox "$1/usr/bin/wc"
    13.1 --- a/coreutils-numeric/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    13.2 +++ b/coreutils-numeric/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    13.3 @@ -24,17 +24,6 @@
    13.4  	cp -a $install/usr/bin/seq $fs/usr/bin
    13.5  }
    13.7 -# Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg.
    13.8 -# We must remove all Busybox symlink before installing.
    13.9 -#
   13.10 -pre_install()
   13.11 -{
   13.12 -	echo "Processing pre-install commands..."
   13.13 -	echo -n "Removing all Busybox replaced utils... "
   13.14 -	rm -f "$1/usr/bin/seq"
   13.15 -	status
   13.16 -}
   13.17 -
   13.18  post_remove()
   13.19  {
   13.20  	ln -s /bin/busybox "$1/usr/bin/seq"
    14.1 --- a/coreutils-print/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    14.2 +++ b/coreutils-print/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    14.3 @@ -27,18 +27,6 @@
    14.4  	cp -a $install/usr/bin/yes $fs/usr/bin
    14.5  }
    14.7 -# Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg.
    14.8 -# We must remove all Busybox symlink before installing.
    14.9 -#
   14.10 -pre_install()
   14.11 -{
   14.12 -	echo "Processing pre-install commands..."
   14.13 -	echo -n "Removing all Busybox replaced utils... "
   14.14 -	rm -f "$1/bin/echo"
   14.15 -	rm -f "$1/usr/bin/printf" "$1/usr/bin/yes"
   14.16 -	status
   14.17 -}
   14.18 -
   14.19  post_remove()
   14.20  {
   14.21  	ln -s /bin/busybox "$1/bin/echo"
    15.1 --- a/cplay/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    15.2 +++ b/cplay/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    15.3 @@ -37,9 +37,8 @@
    15.5  post_install()
    15.6  {
    15.7 -	echo "Processing post-install commands..."
    15.8 -	echo -n "Modprobing snd-pcm-oss for legacy volume controls..."
    15.9 +	newline
   15.10 +	action 'Modprobing snd-pcm-oss for legacy volume controls...'
   15.11  	[ "$1" ] || modprobe snd-pcm-oss
   15.12  	status
   15.13  }
   15.14 -
    16.1 --- a/docbook-xml/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    16.2 +++ b/docbook-xml/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    16.3 @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
    16.4  SHORT_DESC="A widely used XML scheme for writing documentation and help. (version 4.5)"
    16.5  MAINTAINER="slaxemulator@gmail.com"
    16.6  LICENSE="MIT"
    16.7 -TARBALL="${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}.zip"
    16.9  WEB_SITE="http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/"
   16.10  WGET_URL="http://www.docbook.org/xml/$VERSION/$TARBALL"
   16.12 @@ -15,11 +15,9 @@
   16.13  # Rules to configure and make the package.
   16.14  compile_rules()
   16.15  {
   16.16 -	cd $src
   16.17 -	mkdir -p $DESTDIR/usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-${VERSION}
   16.18 +	mkdir -p $DESTDIR/usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-$VERSION
   16.19  	cp -dRf docbook.cat *.dtd ent/ *.mod \
   16.20 -		$DESTDIR/usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-${VERSION}
   16.21 -
   16.22 +		$DESTDIR/usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-$VERSION
   16.23  }
   16.25  # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
   16.26 @@ -37,262 +35,262 @@
   16.27  	else
   16.28  		chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --create /etc/xml/docbook-xml
   16.29  	fi
   16.30 -	echo -n "Processing post-install commands..."
   16.32  	if [ "$1" ]; then
   16.33  		mv -f "$1/etc/resolv.conf" "$1/etc/recolv.conf.$$" 2> /dev/null
   16.34  		cp /etc/resolv.conf "$1/etc/resolv.conf"
   16.35  	fi
   16.36 -  # V4.1.2
   16.37 -  chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
   16.38 -    "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" \
   16.39 -    "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/docbookx.dtd" \
   16.40 -    "/etc//xml/docbook-xml"
   16.41 -  chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
   16.42 -    "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML CALS Table Model V4.1.2//EN" \
   16.43 -    "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/calstblx.dtd" \
   16.44 -    "/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
   16.45 -  chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
   16.46 -    "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML CALS Table Model V4.1.2//EN" \
   16.47 -    "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/calstblx.dtd" \
   16.48 -    "/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
   16.49 -  chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
   16.50 -    "-//OASIS//DTD XML Exchange Table Model 19990315//EN" \
   16.51 -    "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/soextblx.dtd" \
   16.52 -    "/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
   16.53 -  chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
   16.54 -    "-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook XML Information Pool V4.1.2//EN" \
   16.55 -    "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/dbpoolx.mod" \
   16.56 -    "/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
   16.57 -  chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
   16.58 -    "-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook XML Document Hierarchy V4.1.2//EN" \
   16.59 -    "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/dbhierx.mod" \
   16.60 -    "/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
   16.61 -  chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
   16.62 -    "-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook XML Additional General Entities V4.1.2//EN" \
   16.63 -    "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/dbgenent.mod" \
   16.64 -    "/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
   16.65 -  chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
   16.66 -    "-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook XML Notations V4.1.2//EN" \
   16.67 -    "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/dbnotnx.mod" \
   16.68 -    "/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
   16.69 -  chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
   16.70 -    "-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook XML Character Entities V4.1.2//EN" \
   16.71 -    "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/dbcentx.mod" \
   16.72 -    "/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
   16.73 -  chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "rewriteSystem" \
   16.74 -    "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2" \
   16.75 -    "file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-4.1.2" \
   16.76 -    "/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
   16.77 -  chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "rewriteURI" \
   16.78 -    "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2" \
   16.79 -    "file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-4.1.2" \
   16.80 -    "/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
   16.82 -  # V4.2
   16.83 -  chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
   16.84 -    "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN" \
   16.85 -    "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd" \
   16.86 -    "/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
   16.87 -  chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
   16.88 -    "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook CALS Table Model V4.2//EN" \
   16.89 -    "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/calstblx.dtd" \
   16.90 -    "/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
   16.91 -  chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
   16.92 -    "-//OASIS//DTD XML Exchange Table Model 19990315//EN" \
   16.93 -    "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/soextblx.dtd" \
   16.94 -    "/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
   16.95 -  chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
   16.96 -    "-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook Information Pool V4.2//EN" \
   16.97 -    "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/dbpoolx.mod" \
   16.98 -    "/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
   16.99 -  chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
  16.100 -    "-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook Document Hierarchy V4.2//EN" \
  16.101 -    "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/dbhierx.mod" \
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  16.405 +	chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
  16.406 +		"-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook Document Hierarchy V4.4//EN" \
  16.407 +		"http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.4/dbhierx.mod" \
  16.408 +		"/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
  16.409 +	chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
  16.410 +		"-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook Additional General Entities V4.4//EN" \
  16.411 +		"http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.4/dbgenent.mod" \
  16.412 +		"/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
  16.413 +	chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
  16.414 +		"-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook Notations V4.4//EN" \
  16.415 +		"http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.4/dbnotnx.mod" \
  16.416 +		"/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
  16.417 +	chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
  16.418 +		"-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook Character Entities V4.4//EN" \
  16.419 +		"http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.4/dbcentx.mod" \
  16.420 +		"/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
  16.421 +	chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "rewriteSystem" \
  16.422 +		"http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.4" \
  16.423 +		"file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-4.4" \
  16.424 +		"/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
  16.425 +	chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "rewriteURI" \
  16.426 +		"http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.4" \
  16.427 +		"file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-4.4" \
  16.428 +		"/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
  16.430 -  if [ -f "$1/etc/xml/catalog" ]; then
  16.431 -  	chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout /etc/xml/catalog
  16.432 -  else
  16.433 -  	chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --create /etc/xml/catalog
  16.434 -  fi
  16.435 -  chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "delegatePublic" \
  16.436 -    "-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook XML" \
  16.437 -    "file:///etc/xml/docbook-xml" \
  16.438 -    "/etc/xml/catalog"
  16.439 -  chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "delegatePublic" \
  16.440 -    "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML" \
  16.441 -    "file:///etc/xml/docbook-xml" \
  16.442 -    "/etc/xml/catalog"
  16.443 -  chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "delegateSystem" \
  16.444 -    "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/" \
  16.445 -    "file:///etc/xml/docbook-xml" \
  16.446 -    "/etc/xml/catalog"
  16.447 -  chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "delegateURI" \
  16.448 -    "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/" \
  16.449 -    "file:///etc/xml/docbook-xml" \
  16.450 -    "/etc/xml/catalog"
  16.451 -	if [ "$1" ]; then
  16.452 +	# V4.5
  16.453 +	chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
  16.454 +		"-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" \
  16.455 +		"http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd" \
  16.456 +		"/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
  16.457 +	chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
  16.458 +		"-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML CALS Table Model V4.5//EN" \
  16.459 +		"file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-4.5/calstblx.dtd" \
  16.460 +		"/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
  16.461 +	chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
  16.462 +		"-//OASIS//DTD XML Exchange Table Model 19990315//EN" \
  16.463 +		"file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-4.5/soextblx.dtd" \
  16.464 +		"/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
  16.465 +	chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
  16.466 +		"-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook XML Information Pool V4.5//EN" \
  16.467 +		"file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-4.5/dbpoolx.mod" \
  16.468 +		"/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
  16.469 +	chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
  16.470 +		"-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook XML Document Hierarchy V4.5//EN" \
  16.471 +		"file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-4.5/dbhierx.mod" \
  16.472 +		"/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
  16.473 +	chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
  16.474 +		"-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook XML HTML Tables V4.5//EN" \
  16.475 +		"file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-4.5/htmltblx.mod" \
  16.476 +		"/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
  16.477 +	chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
  16.478 +		"-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook XML Notations V4.5//EN" \
  16.479 +		"file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-4.5/dbnotnx.mod" \
  16.480 +		"/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
  16.481 +	chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
  16.482 +		"-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook XML Character Entities V4.5//EN" \
  16.483 +		"file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-4.5/dbcentx.mod" \
  16.484 +		"/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
  16.485 +	chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
  16.486 +		"-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook XML Additional General Entities V4.5//EN" \
  16.487 +		"file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-4.5/dbgenent.mod" \
  16.488 +		"/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
  16.489 +	chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "rewriteSystem" \
  16.490 +		"http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5" \
  16.491 +		"file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-4.5" \
  16.492 +		"/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
  16.493 +	chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "rewriteURI" \
  16.494 +		"http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5" \
  16.495 +		"file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-4.5" \
  16.496 +		"/etc/xml/docbook-xml"
  16.497 +
  16.498 +	if [ -f "$1/etc/xml/catalog" ]; then
  16.499 +		chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout /etc/xml/catalog
  16.500 +	else
  16.501 +		chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --create /etc/xml/catalog
  16.502 +	fi
  16.503 +
  16.504 +	chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "delegatePublic" \
  16.505 +		"-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook XML" \
  16.506 +		"file:///etc/xml/docbook-xml" \
  16.507 +		"/etc/xml/catalog"
  16.508 +	chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "delegatePublic" \
  16.509 +		"-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML" \
  16.510 +		"file:///etc/xml/docbook-xml" \
  16.511 +		"/etc/xml/catalog"
  16.512 +	chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "delegateSystem" \
  16.513 +		"http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/" \
  16.514 +		"file:///etc/xml/docbook-xml" \
  16.515 +		"/etc/xml/catalog"
  16.516 +	chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "delegateURI" \
  16.517 +		"http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/" \
  16.518 +		"file:///etc/xml/docbook-xml" \
  16.519 +		"/etc/xml/catalog"
  16.520 +	if [ -n "$1" ]; then
  16.521  		mv -f "$1/etc/resolv.conf.$$" "$1/etc/recolv.conf" 2> /dev/null
  16.522  	fi
  16.523  }
  16.525 -post_remove() 
  16.526 +post_remove()
  16.527  {
  16.528  	xmlcatalog --noout --del file:///etc/xml/docbook-xml "$1/etc/xml/catalog"
  16.529  }
  16.530 -
    17.1 --- a/docbook-xsl/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    17.2 +++ b/docbook-xsl/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    17.3 @@ -15,12 +15,11 @@
    17.4  # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
    17.5  genpkg_rules()
    17.6  {
    17.7 -	cd $src
    17.8  	pkgroot=$fs/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/$PACKAGE
    17.9  	install -dm755 $pkgroot/common
   17.10  	install -dm755 $pkgroot/params
   17.11  	install  -m755 VERSION $pkgroot
   17.12 -	
   17.13 +
   17.14  	for fn in xml xsl dtd ent; do
   17.15  		install -m644 common/*.${fn} $pkgroot/common/
   17.16  	done
   17.17 @@ -40,16 +39,15 @@
   17.18  # Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg.
   17.19  post_install()
   17.20  {
   17.21 -	echo -n "Processing post-install commands..."
   17.22 -	if [ "$1" ]; then
   17.23 -		mv -f "$1/etc/resolv.conf" "$1/etc/recolv.conf.$$" 2> /dev/null
   17.24 +	if [ -n "$1" ]; then
   17.25 +		mv -f "$1/etc/resolv.conf" "$1/etc/recolv.conf.$$" 2>/dev/null
   17.26  		cp /etc/resolv.conf "$1/etc/resolv.conf"
   17.27  	fi
   17.29  	# Create a /etc/xml/catalog file
   17.30  	if [ ! -d "$1/etc/xml" ]; then install -v -m755 -d "$1/etc/xml"; fi &&
   17.31  	if [ ! -f "$1/etc/xml/catalog" ]; then
   17.32 -    		chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --create /etc/xml/catalog
   17.33 +		chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --create /etc/xml/catalog
   17.34  	fi &&
   17.36  	chroot "$1/" xmlcatalog --noout --add "rewriteSystem" \
   17.37 @@ -71,13 +69,14 @@
   17.38  		"http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current" \
   17.39  		"/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/$PACKAGE/catalog.xml" \
   17.40  	/etc/xml/catalog
   17.41 -	
   17.42 +
   17.43  	# link nwalsh dir
   17.44  	cd "$1/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet"
   17.45 -		ln -s $PACKAGE nwalsh
   17.46 -	status
   17.47 -	if [ "$1" ]; then
   17.48 +	ln -s $PACKAGE nwalsh
   17.49 +
   17.50 +	if [ -n "$1" ]; then
   17.51  		mv -f "$1/etc/resolv.conf.$$" "$1/etc/recolv.conf" 2> /dev/null
   17.52  	fi
   17.53 +
   17.54 +	:
   17.55  }
   17.56 -
    18.1 --- a/engrampa/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    18.2 +++ b/engrampa/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    18.3 @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
    18.4  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    18.5  compile_rules()
    18.6  {
    18.7 -	./autogen.sh                           \
    18.8 +	./autogen.sh                       \
    18.9  		--prefix=/usr                  \
   18.10  		--libexecdir=/usr/lib/$PACKAGE \
   18.11  		--with-gtk=2.0                 \
   18.12 @@ -35,24 +35,11 @@
   18.13  	cp -a $install/usr/bin $fs/usr
   18.14  	cp -a $install/usr/lib $fs/usr
   18.15  	cp -a $install/usr/share/$PACKAGE/* $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE
   18.16 -	
   18.17 +
   18.18  	mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/applications
   18.19  	cp -a $install/usr/share/applications/* $fs/usr/share/applications
   18.20 -	
   18.21 +
   18.22  	mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/pixmaps
   18.23  	cp -a $install/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/*.png \
   18.24  		$fs/usr/share/pixmaps
   18.25  }
   18.26 -
   18.27 -# Post install/remove commands for Tazpkg.
   18.28 -post_install()
   18.29 -{
   18.30 -	echo "Processing post-install commands..."
   18.31 -	chroot "$1/" /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
   18.32 -}
   18.33 -
   18.34 -post_remove()
   18.35 -{ 
   18.36 -	echo "Processing post-remove commands..."
   18.37 -	chroot "$1/" /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
   18.38 -}
    19.1 --- a/get-flash-plugin/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    19.2 +++ b/get-flash-plugin/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    19.3 @@ -16,4 +16,3 @@
    19.4  	mkdir -p $fs/usr/bin
    19.5  	cp $stuff/get-flash-plugin $fs/usr/bin
    19.6  }
    19.7 -
    20.1 --- a/get-flash-plugin/stuff/get-flash-plugin	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    20.2 +++ b/get-flash-plugin/stuff/get-flash-plugin	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    20.3 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
    20.4  #!/bin/sh -e
    20.6 -[ -f /etc/slitaz/slitaz.conf ] && . /etc/slitaz/slitaz.conf
    20.7 -[ $INSTALLED ] || INSTALLED=/var/lib/tazpkg/installed
    20.8 +[ -f '/etc/slitaz/slitaz.conf' ] && . /etc/slitaz/slitaz.conf
    20.9 +[ -z "$INSTALLED" ] && INSTALLED='/var/lib/tazpkg/installed'
   20.11  PACKAGE="flash-plugin"
   20.12  WEB_SITE="http://www.adobe.com/products/flash/"
   20.13 @@ -9,23 +9,23 @@
   20.14  ROOT="$1"
   20.15  [ -d "$ROOT" ] || ROOT=""
   20.17 -if test $(id -u) != 0 ; then
   20.18 +if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then
   20.19  	echo -e "\nYou must be root to run `basename $0`."
   20.20  	echo -e "Please type 'su' and root password to become super-user.\n"
   20.21  	exit 0
   20.22  fi
   20.24 -if [ -d ${ROOT}${INSTALLED}/$PACKAGE ]; then
   20.25 -  [ -n "$ROOT" ] && exit 1
   20.26 -  tazpkg remove $PACKAGE
   20.27 -  [ -d $INSTALLED/$PACKAGE ] && exit 1
   20.28 +if [ -d $ROOT$INSTALLED/$PACKAGE ]; then
   20.29 +	[ -n "$ROOT" ] && exit 1
   20.30 +	tazpkg remove $PACKAGE
   20.31 +	[ -d $INSTALLED/$PACKAGE ] && exit 1
   20.32  fi
   20.34  TARBALL="install_flash_player_11_linux.i386.tar.gz"
   20.35 -URL=http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/licensing/linux/$TARBALL
   20.36 -TMP_DIR=/tmp/get-$PACKAGE-$$-$RANDOM
   20.37 +URL="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/licensing/linux/$TARBALL"
   20.38 +TMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d)"
   20.39  CUR_DIR=$(pwd)
   20.40 -mkdir -p $TMP_DIR && cd $TMP_DIR
   20.41 +cd $TMP_DIR
   20.42  busybox wget -O $TARBALL $URL
   20.44  if [ ! -f $TARBALL ]; then
   20.45 @@ -39,18 +39,18 @@
   20.46  # Install files
   20.47  chmod 755 libflashplayer.so
   20.48  chown root.root libflashplayer.so
   20.49 -dir=$PACKAGE-$VERSION/fs
   20.50 -mkdir -p $dir/usr/share/flash
   20.51 -mv libflashplayer.so $dir/usr/share/flash
   20.52 -mv usr/bin $dir/usr
   20.53 -mv usr/share/icons $dir/usr/share
   20.54 -mv usr/share/pixmaps $dir/usr/share
   20.55 +fs=$PACKAGE-$VERSION/fs
   20.56 +mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/flash
   20.57 +mv libflashplayer.so $fs/usr/share/flash
   20.58 +mv usr/bin $fs/usr
   20.59 +mv usr/share/icons $fs/usr/share
   20.60 +mv usr/share/pixmaps $fs/usr/share
   20.62  # Sanity Check: Reexport firefox libraries if they don't exist
   20.63  dir=$PACKAGE-$VERSION/fs/usr/lib
   20.64  mkdir -p $dir
   20.65  for i in /usr/lib/firefox/*.so ; do
   20.66 -  	[ -f $i ] && [ -z "`ls /usr/lib/$(basename $i)`" ] && ln -s $i $dir	
   20.67 +	[ -f $i ] && [ -z "$(ls /usr/lib/$(basename $i))" ] && ln -s $i $dir
   20.68  done
   20.70  # Create pseudo package
   20.71 @@ -67,24 +67,19 @@
   20.73  post_install()
   20.74  {
   20.75 -	echo -n "Processing post install commands..."
   20.76 - 
   20.77  	[ -d \$1/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins ] || mkdir -p \$1/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
   20.78  	ln -s /usr/share/flash/libflashplayer.so \$1/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
   20.79  	[ -d \$1/opt/google/chrome/plugins ] || mkdir -p \$1/opt/google/chrome/plugins
   20.80  	ln -s /usr/share/flash/libflashplayer.so \$1/opt/google/chrome/plugins/libgcflashplayer.so
   20.81  	[ -d \$1/usr/lib/opera/plugins ] || mkdir -p \$1/usr/lib/opera/plugins
   20.82  	ln -s /usr/share/flash/libflashplayer.so \$1/usr/lib/opera/plugins/libflashplayer.so
   20.83 -	status
   20.84  }
   20.86  post_remove()
   20.87  {
   20.88 -	echo -n "Processing post remove commands..."
   20.89  	rm -f \$1/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so
   20.90  	rm -f \$1/opt/google/chrome/plugins/libgcflashplayer.so
   20.91  	rm -f \$1/usr/lib/opera/plugins/libflashplayer.so
   20.92 -	status
   20.93  }
   20.94  EOT
   20.96 @@ -99,4 +94,4 @@
   20.98  # Clean
   20.99  cd $CUR_DIR
  20.100 -rm -rf $TMP_DIR
  20.101 +rm -rf "$TMP_DIR"
    21.1 --- a/get-java6-jdk/stuff/get-java6-jdk	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    21.2 +++ b/get-java6-jdk/stuff/get-java6-jdk	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    21.3 @@ -9,39 +9,41 @@
    21.4  VERSION="1.6.0_13"
    21.5  URL="http://raphaello.univ-fcomte.fr/ftp/java/Jdk"
    21.6  TARBALL="jdk-6u13-linux-i586.bin"
    21.7 -TEMP_DIR="/tmp/$PACKAGE.$$"
    21.8 +TEMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d)"
    21.9  ROOT="$1"
   21.11  # Check if we are root starting anything
   21.12 -if test $(id -u) != 0 ; then
   21.13 -	echo -e "\nYou must be root to run `basename $0`."
   21.14 +if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then
   21.15 +	echo -e "\nYou must be root to run $(basename $0)."
   21.16  	echo -e "Please type 'su' and root password to become super-user.\n"
   21.17 +	rm -rf "$TEMP_DIR"
   21.18  	exit 1
   21.19  fi
   21.21  # Avoid reinstall
   21.22  if [ -d $ROOT/var/lib/tazpkg/installed/$PACKAGE ]; then
   21.23  	echo -e "\n$PACKAGE package is already installed.\n"
   21.24 +	rm -rf "$TEMP_DIR"
   21.25  	exit 1
   21.26  fi
   21.28  # Check if java6-jre is installed 
   21.29  if [ -d $ROOT/var/lib/tazpkg/installed/java6-jre ]; then
   21.30  	echo -e "\njava6-jre must be uninstalled before install java6-jdk.\n"
   21.31 +	rm -rf "$TEMP_DIR"
   21.32  	exit 2
   21.33  fi
   21.36  # Create TEMP_DIR
   21.37  CUR_DIR=$(pwd)
   21.38 -test -d $TEMP_DIR || mkdir $TEMP_DIR
   21.39  cd $TEMP_DIR
   21.41  # Download the file
   21.42  test -f $TARBALL || wget $URL/$TARBALL
   21.43  if [ ! -f $TARBALL ]; then
   21.44  	cd $CUR_DIR
   21.45 -	rm -rf $TMP_DIR
   21.46 +	rm -rf "$TMP_DIR"
   21.47  	echo "Could not download $TARBALL. Exiting."
   21.48  	exit 1
   21.49  fi
   21.50 @@ -79,7 +81,6 @@
   21.52  post_install()
   21.53  {
   21.54 -	echo -n "Processing post install commands..."
   21.55  	cd /usr/lib/firefox*/plugins
   21.56  	ln -s /usr/lib/java/jdk\$VERSION/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so
   21.58 @@ -89,7 +90,6 @@
   21.59  	ln -s /usr/lib/java/jdk\$VERSION/bin/javac
   21.60  	ln -s /usr/lib/java/jdk\$VERSION/bin/javadoc
   21.61  	ln -s /usr/lib/java/jdk\$VERSION/bin/javap
   21.62 -	status
   21.63  }
   21.65  post_remove()
   21.66 @@ -110,10 +110,4 @@
   21.68  # Clean
   21.69  cd $CUR_DIR
   21.70 -rm -rf $TEMP_DIR
   21.71 -
   21.72 -
   21.73 -
   21.74 -
   21.75 -
   21.76 -
   21.77 +rm -rf "$TEMP_DIR"
    22.1 --- a/get-java6-jre/stuff/get-java6-jre	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    22.2 +++ b/get-java6-jre/stuff/get-java6-jre	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    22.3 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
    22.4 -#!/bin/sh 
    22.5 +#!/bin/sh
    22.6  # Get and install the SUN Java Runtime Environnement
    22.7  #
    22.8  # (C) 2007-2012 SliTaz - GNU General Public License v3.
    22.9 @@ -10,22 +10,24 @@
   22.10  SHORT_DESC="SUN Java Runtime."
   22.11  DEPENDS="xorg-libXtst"
   22.12  TARBALL="jre.bin"
   22.13 -TEMP_DIR="/tmp/$PACKAGE.$$"
   22.14 +TEMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d)"
   22.15  ROOT="$1"
   22.17  URL="$(wget -O - ${WEB_SITE}en/download/manual_v6.jsp | \
   22.18         sed '/self-extracting/!d;s/.*href="\([^"]*\).*/\1/;q')"
   22.20  # Check if we are root starting anything
   22.21 -if test $(id -u) != 0 ; then
   22.22 +if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then
   22.23  	echo -e "\nYou must be root to run `basename $0`."
   22.24  	echo -e "Please type 'su' and root password to become super-user.\n"
   22.25 +	rm -rf "$TEMP_DIR"
   22.26  	exit 1
   22.27  fi
   22.29  # Avoid reinstall
   22.30  if [ -d $ROOT/var/lib/tazpkg/installed/$PACKAGE ]; then
   22.31  	echo -e "\n$PACKAGE package is already installed.\n"
   22.32 +	rm -rf "$TEMP_DIR"
   22.33  	exit 1
   22.34  fi
   22.36 @@ -33,14 +35,13 @@
   22.38  # Create TEMP_DIR
   22.39  CUR_DIR=$(pwd)
   22.40 -test -d $TEMP_DIR || mkdir $TEMP_DIR
   22.41  cd $TEMP_DIR
   22.43  # Download the file
   22.44  test -f $TARBALL || wget $URL -O $TARBALL
   22.45  if [ ! -f $TARBALL ]; then
   22.46  	cd $CUR_DIR
   22.47 -	rm -rf $TEMP_DIR
   22.48 +	rm -rf "$TEMP_DIR"
   22.49  	echo "Could not download $TARBALL. Exiting."
   22.50  	exit 1
   22.51  fi
   22.52 @@ -79,13 +80,11 @@
   22.54  post_install()
   22.55  {
   22.56 -	echo -n "Processing post install commands..."
   22.57  	[ -d /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins ] || mkdir -p /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins 
   22.58  	ln -s /usr/lib/java/jre\$VERSION/lib/i386/libnpjp2.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
   22.60  	cd /usr/bin
   22.61  	ln -s /usr/lib/java/jre\$VERSION/bin/java 
   22.62 -	status
   22.63  }
   22.65  post_remove()
   22.66 @@ -109,4 +108,4 @@
   22.68  # Clean
   22.69  cd $CUR_DIR
   22.70 -rm -rf $TEMP_DIR
   22.71 +rm -rf "$TEMP_DIR"
    23.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    23.2 +++ b/get-msttcorefonts/description.txt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    23.3 @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
    23.4 +The TrueType core fonts for the web that was once available from
    23.5 +<http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fontpack/>. The package is constructed so
    23.6 +that the actual fonts are downloaded from Sourceforge's site at build time.
    23.7 +Therefore this package technically does not "redistribute" the fonts, it just
    23.8 +makes it easy to install them on a linux system.
    23.9 +
   23.10 +Fonts list:
   23.11 +
   23.12 +  * AndaleMono v. 2.0  
   23.13 +    *Digitized data copyright (C) 1993-1997 The Monotype Corporation. All rights
   23.14 +    reserved.*
   23.15 +  * Arial (Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic) v. 2.82  
   23.16 +    *Typeface (c) The Monotype Corporation plc. Data (c) The Monotype
   23.17 +    Corporation plc/Type Solutions Inc. 1990-1992. All Rights Reserved*
   23.18 +  * Arial Black v. 2.35  
   23.19 +    *Digitized data copyright The Monotype Corporation 1991-1995. All rights
   23.20 +    reserved. Arial is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation which may be
   23.21 +    registered in certain jurisdictions.*
   23.22 +  * Comic Sans MS (Regular, Bold) v. 2.10  
   23.23 +    *Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.*
   23.24 +  * Courier New (Regular, Bold) v. 2.82  
   23.25 +    *Typeface (c) The Monotype Corporation plc. Data (c) The Monotype
   23.26 +    Corporation plc/Type Solutions Inc. 1990-1994. All Rights Reserved*
   23.27 +  * Courier New (Italic, Bold Italic) v. 2.82  
   23.28 +    *Typeface (c) The Monotype Corporation plc. Data (c) The Monotype
   23.29 +    Corporation plc/Type Solutions Inc. 1990-1992. All Rights Reserved*
   23.30 +  * Georgia (Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic) v. 2.05  
   23.31 +    *Typeface and data copyright 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights
   23.32 +    Reserved.*
   23.33 +  * Impact v. 2.35  
   23.34 +    *Digitized data copyright (C) 1991-1996 The Monotype Corporation. All rights
   23.35 +    reserved. Impact is a trademark of Stephenson Blake (Holdings) Ltd.*
   23.36 +  * Tahoma v. 1.00  
   23.37 +    *Typeface and data copyright 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights
   23.38 +    Reserved.*
   23.39 +  * Times New Roman (Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic) v. 2.82  
   23.40 +    *Typeface (c) The Monotype Corporation plc. Data (c) The Monotype
   23.41 +    Corporation plc/Type Solutions Inc. 1990-1992. All Rights Reserved*
   23.42 +  * Trebuchet MS (Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic) v. 1.22  
   23.43 +    *Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.*
   23.44 +  * Verdana (Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic) v. 2.35  
   23.45 +    *Typeface and data (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved*
   23.46 +  * Webdings v. 1.03  
   23.47 +    *Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.*
    24.1 --- a/get-msttcorefonts/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    24.2 +++ b/get-msttcorefonts/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    24.3 @@ -10,9 +10,11 @@
    24.4  WEB_SITE="http://sourceforge.net/projects/corefonts"
    24.5  TAGS="utilities"
    24.7 +DEPENDS="cabextract"
    24.8 +
    24.9  # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
   24.10  genpkg_rules()
   24.11  {
   24.12 -    mkdir -p $fs/usr/bin
   24.13 -    cp stuff/get-msttcorefonts $fs/usr/bin
   24.14 +	mkdir -p $fs/usr/bin
   24.15 +	cp stuff/$PACKAGE $fs/usr/bin
   24.16  }
    25.1 --- a/get-msttcorefonts/stuff/get-msttcorefonts	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    25.2 +++ b/get-msttcorefonts/stuff/get-msttcorefonts	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    25.3 @@ -1,168 +1,52 @@
    25.4  #!/bin/sh
    25.6 +. /lib/libtaz.sh
    25.7 +
    25.8  PACKAGE="msttcorefonts"
    25.9 -VERSION="2.0"
   25.10 +VERSION="3.0"
   25.11  CUR_DIR=$(pwd)
   25.13 -ROOT=
   25.14 +TEMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d)"
   25.15 +ROOT="$1"
   25.17  # Check if we are root
   25.18 -if test $(id -u) != 0 ; then
   25.19 -    echo -e "\nYou must be root to run `basename $0`."
   25.20 -    echo -e "Please type 'su' and root password to become super-user.\n"
   25.21 -    exit 1
   25.22 -fi
   25.23 +check_root
   25.25 -# Avoid reinstall
   25.26 -if [ -d $ROOT/var/lib/tazpkg/installed/$PACKAGE ]; then
   25.27 -    echo -e "\n$PACKAGE package is already installed.\n"
   25.28 -    exit 1
   25.29 -fi
   25.30 +fontdir="$TEMP_DIR/$PACKAGE-$VERSION/fs/usr/share/fonts/truetype/$PACKAGE"
   25.31 +mkdir -p "$fontdir"
   25.32 +cd "$fontdir"
   25.34 -# Create a TEMP_DIR
   25.35 -mkdir -p $TEMP_DIR/downloads
   25.36 -cd $TEMP_DIR/downloads
   25.37 -
   25.38 -# this is the sourceforge mirrorlist as of 2006-04-30. If someone spots changes
   25.39 -# over at sourcforge, feel free to email me and I'll update the list
   25.40 -mirrors="easynews+heanet+superb-west+internap+switch+ufpr+surfnet+umn+kent+mesh+superb-east+jaist"
   25.41 -mirror_count=12
   25.42 -
   25.43 -andale32_md5="cbdc2fdd7d2ed0832795e86a8b9ee19a  andale32.exe"
   25.44 -arial32_md5="9637df0e91703179f0723ec095a36cb5  arial32.exe"
   25.45 -arialb32_md5="c9089ae0c3b3d0d8c4b0a95979bb9ff0  arialb32.exe"
   25.46 -comic32_md5="2b30de40bb5e803a0452c7715fc835d1  comic32.exe"
   25.47 -courie32_md5="4e412c772294403ab62fb2d247d85c60  courie32.exe"
   25.48 -georgi32_md5="4d90016026e2da447593b41a8d8fa8bd  georgi32.exe"
   25.49 -impact32_md5="7907c7dd6684e9bade91cff82683d9d7  impact32.exe"
   25.50 -times32_md5="ed39c8ef91b9fb80f76f702568291bd5  times32.exe"
   25.51 -trebuc32_md5="0d7ea16cac6261f8513a061fbfcdb2b5  trebuc32.exe"
   25.52 -webdin32_md5="230a1d13a365b22815f502eb24d9149b  webdin32.exe"
   25.53 -verdan32_md5="12d2a75f8156e10607be1eaa8e8ef120  verdan32.exe"
   25.54 -wd97vwr32_md5="efa72d3ed0120a07326ce02f051e9b42  wd97vwr32.exe"
   25.55 -
   25.56 -download_files="andale32.exe arial32.exe arialb32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe webdin32.exe verdan32.exe wd97vwr32.exe"
   25.57 -
   25.58 -failures=0
   25.59 -
   25.60 -set_mirror() {
   25.61 -	local r m
   25.62 -	r=`expr $RANDOM % $mirror_count + 1`
   25.63 -	m=`echo $mirrors |cut -d+ -f$r`
   25.64 -	mirror="http://${m}.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/"
   25.65 -}
   25.66 -
   25.67 -check_file() {
   25.68 -	matches=no
   25.69 -	if [ ! -r $1 ]
   25.70 -	then
   25.71 -		echo "$1 does not exist"
   25.72 -		return
   25.73 -	fi
   25.74 -	local variable_name=`basename $1 .exe`_md5
   25.75 -	local stored_checksum
   25.76 -	eval stored_checksum=\$$variable_name
   25.77 -	local computed_checksum=`md5sum $1`
   25.78 -	if [ "$stored_checksum" = "$computed_checksum" ]
   25.79 -	then
   25.80 -		matches=yes
   25.81 -	else
   25.82 -		rm $1
   25.83 -		matches=no
   25.84 -	fi
   25.85 -}
   25.86 -
   25.87 -download() {
   25.88 -	curl --retry 5 -H Pragma: -R -S -L -o "$2" $1$2
   25.89 -}
   25.90 -
   25.91 -# Download the file
   25.92 -set_mirror
   25.93 -
   25.94 -if [ ! -d /var/lib/tazpkg/installed/curl ]; then
   25.95 -    tazpkg get-install curl
   25.96 -fi
   25.97 -if [ ! -f /usr/bin/curl ]; then
   25.98 -    cd $CUR_DIR
   25.99 -    echo "Could not find curl. Exiting."
  25.100 -    exit
  25.101 -fi
  25.102 -
  25.103 -for f in $download_files
  25.104 -do
  25.105 -	check_file $f
  25.106 -	while [ $matches != yes ]
  25.107 -	do
  25.108 -		download $mirror $f
  25.109 -		check_file $f
  25.110 -		if [ $matches != yes ]
  25.111 -		then
  25.112 -			echo "failed to download $mirror$f"
  25.113 -			failures=`expr $failures + 1`
  25.114 -			if [ $failures -gt 5 ]
  25.115 -			then
  25.116 -				echo "failed to download too many times."
  25.117 -				exit
  25.118 -			fi
  25.119 -			set_mirror
  25.120 -		fi
  25.121 -	done
  25.122 +for filename in andale arial arialb comic courie georgi impact times trebuc verdan webdin wd97vwr; do
  25.123 +	busybox wget "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/corefonts/${filename}32.exe"
  25.124 +	cabextract -L ${filename}32.exe
  25.125 +	find "$fontdir" -type f -name '*.cab' -exec cabextract -L \{\} \;
  25.126 +	find "$fontdir" -type f ! -name '*.ttf' -delete
  25.127  done
  25.129 -# Extract fonts
  25.130 -if [ ! -d /var/lib/tazpkg/installed/cabextract ]; then
  25.131 -    tazpkg get-install cabextract
  25.132 -fi
  25.133 -if [ ! -f /usr/bin/cabextract ]; then
  25.134 -    cd $CUR_DIR
  25.135 -    echo "Could not find cabextract. Exiting."
  25.136 -    exit
  25.137 -fi
  25.138 -
  25.139 -cd $TEMP_DIR
  25.140 -rm -rf cab-contents && mkdir cab-contents
  25.141 -mkdir -p $PACKAGE-$VERSION/fs/usr/share/fonts/truetype/$PACKAGE/
  25.142 -
  25.143 -font_files="andale32.exe arial32.exe arialb32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe webdin32.exe verdan32.exe"
  25.144 -
  25.145 -for i in $font_files
  25.146 -do
  25.147 -	if [ -f downloads/$i ]
  25.148 -	then
  25.149 -		cabextract --lowercase --directory=cab-contents downloads/$i
  25.150 -	fi
  25.151 -	mv cab-contents/*.ttf $PACKAGE-$VERSION/fs/usr/share/fonts/truetype/$PACKAGE/
  25.152 -	rm -f cab-contents/*
  25.153 -done
  25.154 -
  25.155 -cabextract --lowercase --directory=cab-contents downloads/wd97vwr32.exe
  25.156 -cabextract --lowercase --directory=cab-contents cab-contents/viewer1.cab
  25.157 -mv cab-contents/*.ttf $PACKAGE-$VERSION/fs/usr/share/fonts/truetype/$PACKAGE/
  25.158 -rm -f cab-contents/*
  25.159 -
  25.160  cd $TEMP_DIR
  25.162 -cat > $PACKAGE-$VERSION/receipt << EOT
  25.163 +cat > $PACKAGE-$VERSION/receipt <<EOT
  25.164 +# SliTaz package receipt.
  25.165 +
  25.166  PACKAGE="$PACKAGE"
  25.167  VERSION="$VERSION"
  25.168  CATEGORY="non-free"
  25.169 -SHORT_DESC="TrueType core fonts for the web."
  25.170 -DEPENDS="fontconfig"
  25.171 +SHORT_DESC="Microsoft's TrueType core fonts"
  25.172 +MAINTAINER="rocky@slitaz.org"
  25.173 +LICENSE="non-free"
  25.174  WEB_SITE="http://sourceforge.net/projects/corefonts"
  25.175  TAGS="fonts"
  25.177 +DEPENDS="fontconfig"
  25.178 +
  25.179  # Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg.
  25.180  post_install()
  25.181  {
  25.182 -	local root
  25.183 -	root=\${1:-/}
  25.184 -	echo "Processing post-install commands..."
  25.185 -	chroot \$root/ /usr/bin/fc-cache /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts >/dev/null 2>&1
  25.186 +	chroot "\$1/" /usr/bin/fc-cache /usr/share/fonts/truetype/$PACKAGE
  25.187  }
  25.188  EOT
  25.190  # Pack
  25.191 -tazpkg pack $PACKAGE-$VERSION
  25.192 +tazpkg pack $PACKAGE-$VERSION gzip
  25.194  # Clean to save RAM memory
  25.195  rm -rf $PACKAGE-$VERSION
    26.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    26.2 +++ b/get-msttcorefonts2/description.txt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    26.3 @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
    26.4 +This installs the TrueType core fonts for the web that were once available from
    26.5 +<http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fontpack/> prior to 2002, and most recently
    26.6 +updated in the European Union Expansion Update circa May 2007, still available
    26.7 +on the Microsoft website. This also installs Microsoft's ClearType fonts, see
    26.8 +<http://www.microsoft.com/typography/ClearTypeFonts.mspx> for more info.
    26.9 +
   26.10 +With this package the actual font cab files are downloaded from a Sourceforge
   26.11 +project mirror and unpacked at install time. Therefore this package technically
   26.12 +does not "redistribute" the fonts. The fonts are then added to the core X fonts
   26.13 +system as well as the Xft font system.
   26.14 +
   26.15 +The TrueType core fonts for the web that was once available from
   26.16 +<http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fontpack/>. The package is constructed so
   26.17 +that the actual fonts are downloaded from Sourceforge's site at build time.
   26.18 +Therefore this package technically does not "redistribute" the fonts, it just
   26.19 +makes it easy to install them on a linux system.
   26.20 +
   26.21 +Fonts list:
   26.22 +
   26.23 +  * Arial (Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic) v. 3.06  
   26.24 +    *(c) 2006 The Monotype Corporation. All Rights Reserved.*
   26.25 +  * Times New Roman (Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic) v. 3.06  
   26.26 +    *(c) 2006 The Monotype Corporation. All Rights Reserved.*
   26.27 +  * Trebuchet MS (Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic) v. 5.00  
   26.28 +    *(c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.*
   26.29 +  * Verdana (Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic) v. 5.01  
   26.30 +    *(c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.*
   26.31 +
   26.32 +Extended fonts:
   26.33 +
   26.34 +  * Calibri (Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic) v. 1.02  
   26.35 +    *(c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.*
   26.36 +  * Cambria (Regular, Bold) v. 1.02  
   26.37 +    *(c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.*
   26.38 +  * Cambria (Italic, Bold Italic) v. 1.01  
   26.39 +    *(c) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.*
   26.40 +  * Cambria Math v. 1.02  
   26.41 +    *(c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.*
   26.42 +  * Candara (Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic) v. 1.01  
   26.43 +    *(c) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.*
   26.44 +  * Consolas (Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic) v. 1.00  
   26.45 +    *(c) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.*
   26.46 +  * Constantia (Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic) v. 1.01  
   26.47 +    *(c) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.*
   26.48 +  * Corbel (Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic) v. 1.01  
   26.49 +    *(c) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.*
    27.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    27.2 +++ b/get-msttcorefonts2/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    27.3 @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
    27.4 +# SliTaz package receipt.
    27.5 +
    27.6 +PACKAGE="get-msttcorefonts2"
    27.7 +VERSION="1.00"
    27.8 +CATEGORY="non-free"
    27.9 +SHORT_DESC="Updated Smart package of Microsoft Core fonts for the Web"
   27.10 +MAINTAINER="al.bobylev@gmail.com"
   27.11 +LICENSE="BSD"
   27.12 +WEB_SITE="http://sourceforge.net/projects/mscorefonts2"
   27.13 +TAGS="utilities"
   27.14 +
   27.15 +DEPENDS="cabextract"
   27.16 +
   27.17 +# Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
   27.18 +genpkg_rules()
   27.19 +{
   27.20 +	mkdir -p $fs/usr/bin
   27.21 +	cp stuff/get-msttcorefonts2 $fs/usr/bin
   27.22 +}
    28.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    28.2 +++ b/get-msttcorefonts2/stuff/get-msttcorefonts2	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    28.3 @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
    28.4 +#!/bin/sh
    28.5 +
    28.6 +. /lib/libtaz.sh
    28.7 +
    28.8 +PACKAGE="msttcorefonts2"
    28.9 +VERSION="1.0"
   28.10 +CUR_DIR=$(pwd)
   28.11 +TEMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d)"
   28.12 +ROOT="$1"
   28.13 +
   28.14 +# Check if we are root
   28.15 +check_root
   28.16 +
   28.17 +fontdir="$TEMP_DIR/$PACKAGE-$VERSION/fs/usr/share/fonts/truetype/$PACKAGE"
   28.18 +mkdir -p "$fontdir"
   28.19 +cd "$fontdir"
   28.20 +
   28.21 +for filename in EUupdate.EXE PowerPointViewer.exe; do
   28.22 +	busybox wget "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/mscorefonts2/$filename"
   28.23 +	cabextract -L $filename
   28.24 +	find "$fontdir" -type f -name '*.cab' -exec cabextract -L \{\} \;
   28.25 +	find "$fontdir" -type f ! \( -name '*.ttf' -o -name '*.ttc' \) -delete
   28.26 +done
   28.27 +
   28.28 +cd $TEMP_DIR
   28.29 +
   28.30 +cat > $PACKAGE-$VERSION/receipt <<EOT
   28.31 +# SliTaz package receipt.
   28.32 +
   28.33 +PACKAGE="$PACKAGE"
   28.34 +VERSION="$VERSION"
   28.35 +CATEGORY="non-free"
   28.36 +SHORT_DESC="Updated Microsoft's TrueType core fonts"
   28.37 +MAINTAINER="al.bobylev@gmail.com"
   28.38 +LICENSE="non-free"
   28.39 +WEB_SITE="http://sourceforge.net/projects/mscorefonts2/"
   28.40 +TAGS="fonts"
   28.41 +
   28.42 +DEPENDS="fontconfig"
   28.43 +
   28.44 +# Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg.
   28.45 +post_install()
   28.46 +{
   28.47 +	chroot "\$1/" /usr/bin/fc-cache /usr/share/fonts/truetype/$PACKAGE
   28.48 +}
   28.49 +EOT
   28.50 +
   28.51 +# Pack
   28.52 +tazpkg pack $PACKAGE-$VERSION gzip
   28.53 +
   28.54 +# Clean to save RAM memory
   28.55 +rm -rf $PACKAGE-$VERSION
   28.56 +
   28.57 +# Install pseudo package
   28.58 +yes y | tazpkg install $PACKAGE-$VERSION.tazpkg --root=$ROOT
   28.59 +
   28.60 +# Clean
   28.61 +cd $CUR_DIR
   28.62 +rm -rf $TEMP_DIR
    29.1 --- a/get-realplayer/stuff/get-realplayer	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    29.2 +++ b/get-realplayer/stuff/get-realplayer	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    29.3 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
    29.4 -#!/bin/sh 
    29.5 +#!/bin/sh
    29.7  # Get and install RealPlayer for Linux
    29.9 @@ -6,32 +6,32 @@
   29.10  VERSION="11"
   29.11  TARBALL="RealPlayer${VERSION}GOLD.bin"
   29.12  URL="http://www.real.com/realcom/R?href=http://forms.real.com/real/player/download.html?f=unix/$TARBALL"
   29.13 -CUR_DIR=$(pwd)
   29.14 -TEMP_DIR=/tmp/$PACKAGE-$VERSION-$$
   29.15 +CUR_DIR="$(pwd)"
   29.16 +TEMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d)"
   29.17  ROOT="$1"
   29.19  # Check if we are root
   29.20 -if test $(id -u) != 0 ; then
   29.21 -	echo -e "\nYou must be root to run `basename $0`."
   29.22 +if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then
   29.23 +	echo -e "\nYou must be root to run $(basename $0)."
   29.24  	echo -e "Please type 'su' and root password to become super-user.\n"
   29.25 +	rm -rf "$TEMP_DIR"
   29.26  	exit 1
   29.27  fi
   29.29  # Avoid reinstall
   29.30 -if [ -d $ROOT/var/lib/tazpkg/installed/$PACKAGE ]; then
   29.31 +if [ -d "$ROOT/var/lib/tazpkg/installed/$PACKAGE" ]; then
   29.32  	echo -e "\n$PACKAGE package is already installed.\n"
   29.33 +	rm -rf "$TEMP_DIR"
   29.34  	exit 1
   29.35  fi
   29.37 -# Create a TEMP_DIR
   29.38 -mkdir $TEMP_DIR
   29.39 -cd $TEMP_DIR
   29.40 +cd "$TEMP_DIR"
   29.42  # Download the file
   29.43 -wget $URL 
   29.44 +wget $URL
   29.45  if [ ! -f $TARBALL ]; then
   29.46  	cd $CUR_DIR
   29.47 -	rm -rf $TEMP_DIR
   29.48 +	rm -rf "$TEMP_DIR"
   29.49  	echo "Could not download $TARBALL. Exiting."
   29.50  	exit 1
   29.51  fi
   29.52 @@ -60,16 +60,12 @@
   29.54  post_install()
   29.55  {
   29.56 -	echo -n "Processing post install commands..."
   29.57  	ln -s /usr/lib/RealPlayer/mozilla/nphelix.so /usr/lib/firefox*/plugins
   29.58 -	status
   29.59  }
   29.61  post_remove()
   29.62  {
   29.63 -	echo -n "Processing post remove commands..."
   29.64  	rm -f /usr/lib/firefox*/plugins/nphelix.so
   29.65 -	status
   29.66  }
   29.67  EOT
   29.69 @@ -90,4 +86,4 @@
   29.71  # Clean
   29.72  cd $CUR_DIR
   29.73 -rm -rf $TEMP_DIR
   29.74 +rm -rf "$TEMP_DIR"
    30.1 --- a/gnome-calculator/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    30.2 +++ b/gnome-calculator/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    30.3 @@ -37,15 +37,3 @@
    30.4  	cp -a $install/usr $fs
    30.5  	rm -rf $fs/usr/share/locale
    30.6  }
    30.7 -
    30.8 -post_install()
    30.9 -{
   30.10 -	echo "Processing post-install commands..."
   30.11 -	chroot "$1/" /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
   30.12 -}
   30.13 -
   30.14 -post_remove()
   30.15 -{
   30.16 -	echo "Processing post-remove commands..."
   30.17 -	chroot "$1/" /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
   30.18 -}
    31.1 --- a/grep/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    31.2 +++ b/grep/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    31.3 @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
    31.4  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    31.5  compile_rules()
    31.6  {
    31.7 -	./configure $CONFIGURE_ARGS && 
    31.8 +	./configure $CONFIGURE_ARGS &&
    31.9  	make && make install
   31.10  }
   31.12 @@ -27,34 +27,9 @@
   31.13  	cp -a $install/usr/bin $fs/usr
   31.14  }
   31.16 -# Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg.
   31.17 -# We must remove all Busybox symlink before installing.
   31.18 -#
   31.19 -post_install()
   31.20 -{
   31.21 -	echo "Processing pre-install commands..."
   31.22 -	echo -n "Removing all Busybox replaced utils... "
   31.23 -	for i in grep egrep fgrep ; do
   31.24 -		bb="$1$(busybox grep bin/$i$ \
   31.25 -		   "$1"/var/lib/tazpkg/installed/busybox*/files.list | sed q)"
   31.26 -		readlink "$bb" 2> /dev/null | grep -q busybox || continue
   31.27 -		rm -f "$bb"
   31.28 -		ln -s /usr/bin/$i "$bb"
   31.29 -	done
   31.30 -	status
   31.31 -}
   31.32 -
   31.33  post_remove()
   31.34  {
   31.35 -	for i in grep egrep fgrep ; do
   31.36 -		bb="$1$(busybox grep bin/$i$ \
   31.37 -		   "$1"/var/lib/tazpkg/installed/busybox*/files.list | sed q)"
   31.38 -		rm -f "$bb"
   31.39 -		ln -s /bin/busybox "$bb"
   31.40 +	for i in grep egrep fgrep; do
   31.41 +		ln -sf /bin/busybox "/usr/bin/$bb"
   31.42  	done
   31.43  }
   31.44 -
   31.45 -pre_remove()
   31.46 -{
   31.47 -	post_remove
   31.48 -}
    32.1 --- a/gvfs-smb/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    32.2 +++ b/gvfs-smb/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    32.3 @@ -17,15 +17,3 @@
    32.4  {
    32.5  	. $WOK/gvfs/stuff/split
    32.6  }
    32.7 -
    32.8 -post_install()
    32.9 -{
   32.10 -	echo "Processing post-install commands..."
   32.11 -	chroot "$1/" /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
   32.12 -}
   32.13 -
   32.14 -post_remove()
   32.15 -{
   32.16 -	echo "Processing post-remove commands..."
   32.17 -	chroot "$1/" /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
   32.18 -}
    33.1 --- a/libmateweather/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    33.2 +++ b/libmateweather/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    33.3 @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
    33.4  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    33.5  compile_rules()
    33.6  {
    33.7 -	./autogen.sh                   \
    33.8 +	./autogen.sh               \
    33.9  		--prefix=/usr          \
   33.10  		--sysconfdir=/etc      \
   33.11  		--localstatedir=/var   \
   33.12 @@ -34,16 +34,3 @@
   33.13  	cp -a $install/usr/lib/*.so* $fs/usr/lib
   33.14  	cp -a $install/usr/share $fs/usr
   33.15  }
   33.16 -
   33.17 -# Post install/remove commands for Tazpkg.
   33.18 -post_install()
   33.19 -{
   33.20 -	echo "Processing post-install commands..."
   33.21 -	chroot "$1/" /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
   33.22 -}
   33.23 -
   33.24 -post_remove()
   33.25 -{ 
   33.26 -	echo "Processing post-remove commands..."
   33.27 -	chroot "$1/" /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
   33.28 -}
    34.1 --- a/lighttpd/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    34.2 +++ b/lighttpd/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    34.3 @@ -55,8 +55,7 @@
    34.5  	# Modules.
    34.6  	mkdir -p $fs/usr/lib/lighttpd
    34.7 -	for module in $BASE_MODULES
    34.8 -	do
    34.9 +	for module in $BASE_MODULES; do
   34.10  		cp $install/usr/lib/lighttpd/mod_${module}.so $fs/usr/lib/lighttpd
   34.11  		echo -n "Copying : mod_${module}.so" && status
   34.12  	done
   34.13 @@ -80,21 +79,21 @@
   34.14  # We stop the server by default in case of upgarde.
   34.15  pre_install()
   34.16  {
   34.17 -	echo "Processing pre-install commands..."
   34.18  	[ -f /etc/init.d/$PACKAGE ] && /etc/init.d/$PACKAGE stop
   34.19  	# Backup config file.
   34.20  	if [ -d "$1/etc/lighttpd" ]; then
   34.21  		cp -a "$1/etc/lighttpd" "$1/etc/lighttpd.bak"
   34.22  	fi
   34.23  }
   34.24 +
   34.25  post_install()
   34.26  {
   34.27 -	echo "Processing post-install commands..."
   34.28  	# Restore original config.
   34.29  	if [ -d "$1/etc/lighttpd.bak" ]; then
   34.30  		rm -rf "$1/etc/lighttpd"
   34.31  		mv "$1/etc/lighttpd.bak" "$1/etc/lighttpd"
   34.32  	fi
   34.33 +
   34.34  	# Just in case.
   34.35  	chown www.www "$1/var/log/$PACKAGE"
   34.36  	[ "$1" ] || netstat -ltn 2> /dev/null | grep -q :80 ||
    35.1 --- a/linux-libre/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    35.2 +++ b/linux-libre/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    35.3 @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
    35.4  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    35.5  compile_rules()
    35.6  {
    35.7 -	cd $src
    35.8  	# this is code to help update the kernel version faster
    35.9  	#for i in $(grep -l 'WANTED="linux-libre"' $WOK/*/receipt)
   35.10  	#do
   35.11 @@ -42,7 +41,7 @@
   35.12  		[ -d "$AUFSDIR" ] && rm -rf $AUFSDIR
   35.13  		tazwok get-src aufs --target=$AUFSDIR || { report close-bloc; return 1; }
   35.14  	fi
   35.15 -	
   35.16 +
   35.17  	echo "Copying Aufs files and patches..."
   35.18  	cp -a $AUFSDIR/Documentation $AUFSDIR/fs $AUFSDIR/include $src
   35.19  	cp -a $AUFSDIR/*.patch $stuff
   35.20 @@ -90,11 +89,11 @@
   35.21  	# Build bzImage without modules first
   35.22  	cp -f $stuff/$PACKAGE-$VERSION-slitaz.config .config
   35.23  	sed -i 's/CONFIG_MODULES=y/# CONFIG_MODULES is not set/' .config
   35.24 -	
   35.25 +
   35.26  	# We can't keep every driver in staging 
   35.27  	sed -i -e 's/^CONFIG_RTL8192/#&/' \
   35.28 -	       -e 's/^CONFIG_R8187SE/#&/' \
   35.29 -	       -e 's/^CONFIG_RT2870/#&/' .config
   35.30 +		-e 's/^CONFIG_R8187SE/#&/' \
   35.31 +		-e 's/^CONFIG_RT2870/#&/' .config
   35.32  	yes '' | make oldconfig
   35.33  	make $MAKEFLAGS bzImage || { report close-bloc; return 1; }
   35.34  	[ -d $DESTDIR ] || mkdir -p $DESTDIR
   35.35 @@ -114,14 +113,14 @@
   35.36  	[ -s arch/x86/boot/bzImage ] || { report close-bloc; return 1; }
   35.37  	mkdir -p $DESTDIR/boot 2> /dev/null
   35.38  	mv arch/x86/boot/bzImage $DESTDIR/boot/vmlinuz-$VERSION-slitaz
   35.39 -	
   35.40 +
   35.41  	[ ! -x /usr/bin/cook ] && report step "Compressing all modules"
   35.42 -	
   35.43 +
   35.44  	# Compress all modules.
   35.45  	$stuff/gztazmod.sh $DESTDIR/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz
   35.46  	ln System.map System.map-modules
   35.47  	ln Module.symvers Module.symvers-modules
   35.48 -	
   35.49 +
   35.50  	if [ ! -x /usr/bin/cook ]; then
   35.51  		report close-bloc
   35.52  	fi
   35.53 @@ -130,54 +129,52 @@
   35.54  # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
   35.55  genpkg_rules()
   35.56  {
   35.57 -    local path
   35.58 -    cp -a $install/boot $fs
   35.59 -    # Compress all modules.
   35.60 -    #$stuff/gztazmod.sh $install/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz
   35.61 -    path=$fs/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz/kernel
   35.62 -    mkdir -p $path
   35.63 -    cp -a $install/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz/mo* \
   35.64 +	local path
   35.65 +	cp -a $install/boot $fs
   35.66 +	# Compress all modules.
   35.67 +	#$stuff/gztazmod.sh $install/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz
   35.68 +	path=$fs/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz/kernel
   35.69 +	mkdir -p $path
   35.70 +	cp -a $install/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz/mo* \
   35.71  		$fs/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz
   35.72 -    # Get the base modules
   35.73 -    export src
   35.74 -    export _pkg
   35.75 -    mkdir $WOK/$PACKAGE/tmp
   35.76 -    $stuff/list_modules.sh \
   35.77 +	# Get the base modules
   35.78 +	export src
   35.79 +	export _pkg
   35.80 +	mkdir $WOK/$PACKAGE/tmp
   35.81 +	$stuff/list_modules.sh \
   35.82  	$(cat stuff/modules-$VERSION.list) > $WOK/$PACKAGE/tmp/modules.list
   35.83 -    while read module; do
   35.84 -    	dir=$(dirname $module)
   35.85 -    	[ -d $path/$dir ] || mkdir -p $path/$dir
   35.86 -        cp -a $install/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz/kernel/$module $path/$dir
   35.87 -    done < $WOK/$PACKAGE/tmp/modules.list
   35.88 -    # Remove unresolved links
   35.89 -    rm -f $fs/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz/build
   35.90 -    rm -f $fs/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz/source
   35.91 +	while read module; do
   35.92 +		dir=$(dirname $module)
   35.93 +		[ -d $path/$dir ] || mkdir -p $path/$dir
   35.94 +		cp -a $install/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz/kernel/$module $path/$dir
   35.95 +	done < $WOK/$PACKAGE/tmp/modules.list
   35.96 +	# Remove unresolved links
   35.97 +	rm -f $fs/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz/build
   35.98 +	rm -f $fs/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz/source
  35.100 -    # Pack all packages with a kernel module
  35.101 -    for i in $(cd $WOK; grep -l '^WANTED="linux-libre"' */receipt)
  35.102 -    do
  35.103 -	[ ! -d "$install/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz" ] && return 1
  35.104 -	cook ${i%/receipt}
  35.105 -    done
  35.106 -    
  35.107 -    # Check and echo any module in kernel .config that's not added to 
  35.108 -    # one of linux-* pkgs
  35.109 -    export PACKAGE
  35.110 -	$stuff/check_modules.sh 
  35.111 +	# Pack all packages with a kernel module
  35.112 +	for i in $(cd $WOK; grep -l '^WANTED="linux-libre"' */receipt); do
  35.113 +		[ ! -d "$install/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz" ] && return 1
  35.114 +		cook ${i%/receipt}
  35.115 +	done
  35.116 +
  35.117 +	# Check and echo any module in kernel .config that's not added to
  35.118 +	# one of linux-* pkgs
  35.119 +	export PACKAGE
  35.120 +	$stuff/check_modules.sh
  35.121  }
  35.123  # Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg.
  35.124  post_install()
  35.125  {
  35.126 -    echo "Processing post-install commands..."
  35.127 -    chroot "$1/" depmod -a $VERSION-slitaz
  35.128 -    # GRUB stuff.
  35.129 -    if [ -f "$1/boot/grub/menu.lst" ]; then
  35.130 -    	root_dev=`cat "$1/boot/grub/menu.lst" | grep root= | sed 's/.*root=\([^ ]*\).*/\1/' | head -n 1`
  35.131 -		grub_dev=`cat "$1/boot/grub/menu.lst" | grep "root (" | head -n 1`
  35.132 +	chroot "$1/" depmod -a $VERSION-slitaz
  35.133 +	# GRUB stuff.
  35.134 +	if [ -f "$1/boot/grub/menu.lst" ]; then
  35.135 +		root_dev=$(cat "$1/boot/grub/menu.lst" | grep root= | sed 's/.*root=\([^ ]*\).*/\1/' | head -n 1)
  35.136 +		grub_dev=$(cat "$1/boot/grub/menu.lst" | grep "root (" | head -n 1)
  35.137  		# Add new kernel entry in case of upgrade for installed system.
  35.138  		if ! grep -q $PACKAGE-$VERSION-slitaz "$1/boot/grub/menu.lst"; then
  35.139 -    		cat >> "$1/boot/grub/menu.lst" << EOT
  35.140 +			cat >> "$1/boot/grub/menu.lst" <<EOT
  35.142  title SliTaz GNU/Linux (Kernel $VERSION-slitaz)
  35.143  $grub_dev
  35.144 @@ -185,7 +182,7 @@
  35.145  EOT
  35.146  		fi
  35.147  		# Display information message.
  35.148 -    	cat <<EOT
  35.149 +		cat <<EOT
  35.150  ----
  35.151  GRUB is installed, these tree lines must be in your /boot/grub/menu.lst:
  35.153 @@ -194,6 +191,6 @@
  35.154  kernel /boot/vmlinuz-$VERSION-slitaz root=$root_dev
  35.155  ----
  35.156  EOT
  35.157 -    fi
  35.158 -    true
  35.159 +	fi
  35.160 +	true
  35.161  }
    36.1 --- a/linux64-aufs/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    36.2 +++ b/linux64-aufs/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    36.3 @@ -32,15 +32,15 @@
    36.4  		-e 's|CONFIG_AUFS_BR_RAMFS =.*|CONFIG_AUFS_BR_RAMFS = y|' \
    36.5  		-e 's|CONFIG_AUFS_INO_T_64 =.*|CONFIG_AUFS_INO_T_64 = y|' \
    36.6  		-e 's|CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG =.*|CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG =|' config.mk
    36.7 -		
    36.8 +
    36.9  	# The sed fixes are from gentoo portage build.
   36.10  	sed -i "s:aufs.ko usr/include/linux/aufs_type.h:aufs.ko:g" Makefile
   36.11  	sed -i "s:__user::g" include/linux/aufs_type.h
   36.12 -	
   36.13 +
   36.14  	# Linux 3.2.71 support
   36.15  	sed -i 's/d_u.d_child/d_child/' fs/aufs/dcsub.c fs/aufs/hnotify.c
   36.16  	sed -i 's/ d_alias/ d_u.d_alias/' fs/aufs/hnotify.c fs/aufs/export.c
   36.17 -	
   36.18 +
   36.19  	make -j 1 KDIR=/usr/src/linux
   36.20  	xz -f fs/aufs/aufs.ko
   36.21  }
   36.22 @@ -59,12 +59,10 @@
   36.23  # Post install/remove commands for Tazpkg.
   36.24  post_install()
   36.25  {
   36.26 -	echo "Processing post-install commands..."
   36.27  	chroot "$root/" depmod -a ${EXTRAVERSION#_}-slitaz64
   36.28  }
   36.30  post_remove()
   36.31  {
   36.32 -	echo "Processing post-remove commands..."
   36.33  	chroot "$root/" depmod -a ${EXTRAVERSION#_}-slitaz64
   36.34  }
    37.1 --- a/linux64/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    37.2 +++ b/linux64/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    37.3 @@ -18,55 +18,53 @@
    37.4  # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
    37.5  genpkg_rules()
    37.6  {
    37.7 -    local path
    37.8 -    install=$install/linux64
    37.9 -    src=$WOK/$PACKAGE/source/tmp
   37.10 -    cp -a $install/boot $fs
   37.11 -    path=$fs/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz64/kernel
   37.12 -    mkdir -p $path
   37.13 -    cp -a $install/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz64/mo* \
   37.14 +	local path
   37.15 +	install=$install/linux64
   37.16 +	src=$WOK/$PACKAGE/source/tmp
   37.17 +	cp -a $install/boot $fs
   37.18 +	path=$fs/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz64/kernel
   37.19 +	mkdir -p $path
   37.20 +	cp -a $install/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz64/mo* \
   37.21  		$fs/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz64
   37.23 -    # Get the base modules
   37.24 -    export src
   37.25 -    export install
   37.26 -    mkdir -p $WOK/$PACKAGE/source/tmp
   37.27 -    $wanted_stuff/list_modules.sh \
   37.28 +	# Get the base modules
   37.29 +	export src
   37.30 +	export install
   37.31 +	mkdir -p $WOK/$PACKAGE/source/tmp
   37.32 +	$wanted_stuff/list_modules.sh \
   37.33  	$(cat $stuff/modules64.list) > $WOK/$PACKAGE/source/tmp/modules.list
   37.34 -    while read module; do
   37.35 -    	dir=$(dirname $module)
   37.36 -    	[ -d $path/$dir ] || mkdir -p $path/$dir
   37.37 -        cp -a $install/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz64/kernel/$module $path/$dir
   37.38 -    done < $WOK/$PACKAGE/source/tmp/modules.list
   37.39 -    # Remove unresolved links
   37.40 -    rm -f $fs/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz64/build
   37.41 -    rm -f $fs/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz64/source
   37.42 -    # Cook all packages with a kernel module
   37.43 -    for i in $(cd $WOK; grep -l 'cook linux64$' */receipt)
   37.44 -    do
   37.45 -    	echo cook ${i%/receipt}
   37.46 -    done
   37.47 -    # Fixed modules.dep to use right path
   37.48 -    # saves 100kb of space too
   37.49 -    sed -i "s|$install||g" $fs/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz64/modules.dep
   37.50 -    sed -i "s|99.98.$VERSION-slitaz|$VERSION-slitaz|g" $fs/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz64/modules.dep
   37.51 -    # Check and echo any module in kernel .config that's not added to 
   37.52 -    # one of linux-* pkgs
   37.53 +	while read module; do
   37.54 +		dir=$(dirname $module)
   37.55 +		[ -d $path/$dir ] || mkdir -p $path/$dir
   37.56 +		cp -a $install/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz64/kernel/$module $path/$dir
   37.57 +	done < $WOK/$PACKAGE/source/tmp/modules.list
   37.58 +	# Remove unresolved links
   37.59 +	rm -f $fs/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz64/build
   37.60 +	rm -f $fs/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz64/source
   37.61 +	# Cook all packages with a kernel module
   37.62 +	for i in $(cd $WOK; grep -l 'cook linux64$' */receipt); do
   37.63 +		echo cook ${i%/receipt}
   37.64 +	done
   37.65 +	# Fixed modules.dep to use right path
   37.66 +	# saves 100kb of space too
   37.67 +	sed -i "s|$install||g" $fs/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz64/modules.dep
   37.68 +	sed -i "s|99.98.$VERSION-slitaz|$VERSION-slitaz|g" $fs/lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz64/modules.dep
   37.69 +	# Check and echo any module in kernel .config that's not added to 
   37.70 +	# one of linux-* pkgs
   37.71  	$wanted_stuff/check_modules.sh 2>&1 | grep -v files.list
   37.72  }
   37.74  # Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg.
   37.75  post_install()
   37.76  {
   37.77 -    echo "Processing post-install commands..."
   37.78 -    chroot "$root/" depmod -a $VERSION-slitaz64
   37.79 -    # GRUB stuff.
   37.80 -    if [ -f "$root/boot/grub/menu.lst" ]; then
   37.81 -    	root_dev=$(cat $root/boot/grub/menu.lst | grep root= | sed 's/.*root=\([^ ]*\).*/\1/' | head -n 1)
   37.82 +	chroot "$root/" depmod -a $VERSION-slitaz64
   37.83 +	# GRUB stuff.
   37.84 +	if [ -f "$root/boot/grub/menu.lst" ]; then
   37.85 +		root_dev=$(cat $root/boot/grub/menu.lst | grep root= | sed 's/.*root=\([^ ]*\).*/\1/' | head -n 1)
   37.86  		grub_dev=$(cat $root/boot/grub/menu.lst | grep "root (" | head -n 1)
   37.87  		# Add new kernel entry in case of upgrade for installed system.
   37.88  		if ! grep -q $PACKAGE-$VERSION-slitaz64 "$1/boot/grub/menu.lst"; then
   37.89 -    		cat >> "$1/boot/grub/menu.lst" << EOT
   37.90 +			cat >> "$1/boot/grub/menu.lst" <<EOT
   37.92  title SliTaz GNU/Linux (Kernel $VERSION-slitaz64)
   37.93  $grub_dev
   37.94 @@ -74,7 +72,7 @@
   37.95  EOT
   37.96  		fi
   37.97  		# Display information message.
   37.98 -    	cat <<EOT
   37.99 +		cat <<EOT
  37.100  ----
  37.101  GRUB is installed, these tree lines must be in your /boot/grub/menu.lst:
    38.1 --- a/marco/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    38.2 +++ b/marco/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    38.3 @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
    38.4  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    38.5  compile_rules()
    38.6  {
    38.7 -	./autogen.sh                   \
    38.8 +	./autogen.sh               \
    38.9  		--prefix=/usr          \
   38.10  		--sysconfdir=/etc      \
   38.11  		--localstatedir=/var   \
   38.12 @@ -40,15 +40,3 @@
   38.13  	cp -a $install/usr/share/themes	$fs/usr/share
   38.14  	cp -a $install/usr/lib/*.so* $fs/usr/lib
   38.15  }
   38.16 -
   38.17 -post_install()
   38.18 -{
   38.19 -	echo "Processing post-install commands..."
   38.20 -	chroot "$1/" /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
   38.21 -}
   38.22 -
   38.23 -post_remove()
   38.24 -{
   38.25 -	echo "Processing post-remove commands..."
   38.26 -	chroot "$1/" /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
   38.27 -}
    39.1 --- a/mate-panel/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    39.2 +++ b/mate-panel/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    39.3 @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
    39.4  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    39.5  compile_rules()
    39.6  {
    39.7 -	./autogen.sh                   \
    39.8 +	./autogen.sh               \
    39.9  		--prefix=/usr          \
   39.10  		--sysconfdir=/etc      \
   39.11  		--localstatedir=/var   \
   39.12 @@ -40,20 +40,8 @@
   39.13  	cp -a $install/usr/libexec $fs/usr
   39.14  	cp -a $install/usr/lib/*.so* $fs/usr/lib
   39.15  	rm -rf $install/usr/share/help
   39.16 -	
   39.17 +
   39.18  	# Autostart
   39.19 -        mkdir -p $fs/etc/xdg/autostart/
   39.20 +	mkdir -p $fs/etc/xdg/autostart/
   39.21  	cp -a $install/usr/share/applications/* $fs/etc/xdg/autostart/
   39.22  }
   39.23 -
   39.24 -post_install()
   39.25 -{
   39.26 -	echo "Processing post-install commands..."
   39.27 -	chroot "$1/" /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
   39.28 -}
   39.29 -
   39.30 -post_remove()
   39.31 -{
   39.32 -	echo "Processing post-remove commands..."
   39.33 -	chroot "$1/" /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
   39.34 -}
    40.1 --- a/mate-system-monitor/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    40.2 +++ b/mate-system-monitor/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    40.3 @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
    40.4  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    40.5  compile_rules()
    40.6  {
    40.7 -	./autogen.sh                           \
    40.8 +	./autogen.sh                       \
    40.9  		--prefix=/usr                  \
   40.10  		--libexecdir=/usr/lib/$PACKAGE \
   40.11  		--with-gtk=2.0                 \
   40.12 @@ -34,16 +34,3 @@
   40.13  	cp -a $install/usr/bin $fs/usr
   40.14  	cp -a $install/usr/share/glib-2.0 $fs/usr/share
   40.15  }
   40.16 -
   40.17 -# Post install/remove commands for Tazpkg.
   40.18 -post_install()
   40.19 -{
   40.20 -	echo "Processing post-install commands..."
   40.21 -	chroot "$1/" /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
   40.22 -}
   40.23 -
   40.24 -post_remove()
   40.25 -{ 
   40.26 -	echo "Processing post-remove commands..."
   40.27 -	chroot "$1/" /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
   40.28 -}
    41.1 --- a/mk-livestatus/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    41.2 +++ b/mk-livestatus/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    41.3 @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
    41.4  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    41.5  compile_rules()
    41.6  {
    41.7 -	cd $src
    41.8  	./configure &&
    41.9  	make && make -j1 install
   41.10  }
   41.11 @@ -31,9 +30,8 @@
   41.13  post_install()
   41.14  {
   41.15 -	echo "Processing post-install commands..."
   41.16  	# Modify nagios config
   41.17 -	cat <<EOT>> "$1/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg"
   41.18 +	cat >> "$1/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg" <<EOT
   41.19  broker_module=/usr/lib/mk-livestatus/livestatus.o /var/lib/nagios/rw/live
   41.20  event_broker_options=-1
   41.21  EOT
    42.1 --- a/mpd/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    42.2 +++ b/mpd/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    42.3 @@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
    42.4  DEPENDS="libid3tag libmad libogg libvorbis libsamplerate flac alsa-lib \
    42.5  audiofile faad2 lame sqlite libcurl glib libcrypto libwrap"
    42.6  BUILD_DEPENDS="alsa-lib-dev zlib-dev libid3tag-dev libsamplerate-dev \
    42.7 -libmad-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev flac-dev audiofile-dev faad2-dev 
    42.8 +libmad-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev flac-dev audiofile-dev faad2-dev \
    42.9  glib-dev lame-dev libwrap-dev curl-dev"
   42.11  # Handle SliTaz arch
   42.12  case "$SLITAZ_ARCH" in
   42.13 -	arm) 
   42.14 +	arm)
   42.15  		DEPENDS="alsa-lib zlib glib lame libmad libsamplerate libwrap \
   42.16  libogg libvorbis" ;;
   42.17  esac
   42.18 @@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
   42.19  # Rules to configure and make the package.
   42.20  compile_rules()
   42.21  {
   42.22 -	cd $src
   42.23  	sed -i 's/<stdbool.h>/&\n#include <stdio.h>/' src/decoder_api.h
   42.24  	./configure \
   42.25  		--disable-jack \
   42.26 @@ -60,10 +59,9 @@
   42.28  post_install()
   42.29  {
   42.30 -	echo "Processing post-install commands..." 
   42.31 -
   42.32 +	newline
   42.33  	# Drop root priviledges and enable pid file
   42.34 -	echo -n "Enabling mpd.conf..."
   42.35 +	action 'Enabling mpd.conf...'
   42.36  	cd $root/etc
   42.37  	sed -i 's/#music_directory/music_directory/; \
   42.38  	s/#playlist_directory/playlist_directory/; \
   42.39 @@ -72,9 +70,9 @@
   42.40  	s/#user				"nobody"/user				"tux"/; \
   42.41  	s/#bind_to_address		"any"/bind_to_address			"localhost"/' mpd.conf 
   42.42  	status
   42.43 -	
   42.44 +
   42.45  	# Make mpd directories and files
   42.46 -	echo -n "Enabling mpd files and directories..."
   42.47 +	action 'Enabling mpd files and directories...'
   42.48  	mkdir $root/etc/skel/music
   42.49  	mkdir -p $root/etc/skel/.mpd/playlists
   42.50  	touch $root/etc/skel/.mpd/mpd.log
   42.51 @@ -82,4 +80,3 @@
   42.52  	cp -f $root/etc/mpd.conf /etc/skel/.mpd
   42.53  	status
   42.54  }
   42.55 -	
    43.1 --- a/ndiswrapper-driver/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    43.2 +++ b/ndiswrapper-driver/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    43.3 @@ -27,21 +27,9 @@
    43.4  {
    43.5  	EXTRAVERSION=_${kvers}
    43.6  	mkdir -p $fs/usr/sbin $fs/sbin $fs/lib/modules/${kvers}-slitaz/kernel/misc
    43.7 -	
    43.8 -	# Install utilities	
    43.9 +
   43.10 +	# Install utilities
   43.11  	install -o root -m 0755 $src/utils/loadndisdriver $fs/sbin/
   43.12  	install -o root -m 0644 $src/driver/ndiswrapper.ko.xz \
   43.13  		$fs/lib/modules/${kvers}-slitaz/kernel/misc/ndiswrapper.ko.xz
   43.14  }
   43.15 -
   43.16 -post_install()
   43.17 -{
   43.18 -	echo "Processing post-install commands..."
   43.19 -	chroot "$root/" depmod -a ${EXTRAVERSION#_}-slitaz
   43.20 -}
   43.21 -
   43.22 -post_remove()
   43.23 -{
   43.24 -	echo "Processing post-remove commands..."
   43.25 -	chroot "$root/" depmod -a ${EXTRAVERSION#_}-slitaz
   43.26 -}
    44.1 --- a/nginx-extras/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    44.2 +++ b/nginx-extras/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    44.3 @@ -20,9 +20,8 @@
    44.4  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    44.5  compile_rules()
    44.6  {
    44.7 -	cd $src
    44.8 -
    44.9 -	./configure --prefix=/usr \
   44.10 +	./configure \
   44.11 +		--prefix=/usr \
   44.12  		--conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf \
   44.13  		--pid-path=/var/run/nginx.pid \
   44.14  		--lock-path=/var/lock/nginx.lock \
   44.15 @@ -60,47 +59,49 @@
   44.16  	make &&
   44.17  	make DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install
   44.19 -		# not yet available - perftools dep lib
   44.20 -		#--with-google_perftools_module \
   44.21 +	# not yet available - perftools dep lib
   44.22 +	#--with-google_perftools_module \
   44.23  }
   44.25  # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
   44.26  # On SliTaz Lighttpd runs as user/group : www/www or 80/80.
   44.27  genpkg_rules()
   44.28  {
   44.29 -        cp -a $install/* $fs/
   44.30 -        rm -rf $fs/usr/html
   44.31 -        cp -a stuff/* $fs
   44.32 -        sed -i 's/#user  nobody;/user  www;/' $fs/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
   44.33 +	cp -a $install/* $fs/
   44.34 +	rm -rf $fs/usr/html
   44.35 +	cp -a stuff/* $fs
   44.36 +	sed -i 's/#user  nobody;/user  www;/' $fs/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
   44.37  }
   44.39  # Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg.
   44.40  # We stop the server by default in case of upgarde.
   44.41  pre_install()
   44.42  {
   44.43 -        echo "Processing pre-install commands..."
   44.44 -        [ -f /etc/init.d/$PACKAGE ] && /etc/init.d/$PACKAGE stop
   44.45 -        # Backup config file.
   44.46 -        if [ -d "$1/$CONFIG_FILES" ]; then
   44.47 +	[ -f /etc/init.d/$PACKAGE ] && /etc/init.d/$PACKAGE stop
   44.48 +	# Backup config file.
   44.49 +	if [ -d "$1/$CONFIG_FILES" ]; then
   44.50  		cp -a "$1/$CONFIG_FILES" "$1/$CONFIG_FILES.bak"
   44.51 -        fi
   44.52 +	fi
   44.53  }
   44.54 +
   44.55  post_install()
   44.56  {
   44.57 -        echo "Processing post-install commands..."
   44.58 -        mkdir -p /var/spool/nginx
   44.59 -        # Restore original config.
   44.60 -        if [ -d "$1/$CONFIG_FILES.bak" ]; then
   44.61 +	mkdir -p /var/spool/nginx
   44.62 +
   44.63 +	# Restore original config.
   44.64 +	if [ -d "$1/$CONFIG_FILES.bak" ]; then
   44.65  		rm -rf "$1/$CONFIG_FILES"
   44.66  		mv "$1/$CONFIG_FILES.bak" "$1/$CONFIG_FILES"
   44.67 -        fi
   44.68 -        # Just in case.
   44.69 -        chown www.www "$1/var/log/$PACKAGE"
   44.70 -        if [ -z "$1" ]; then
   44.71 -		for i in apache lighttpd ; do
   44.72 +	fi
   44.73 +
   44.74 +	# Just in case.
   44.75 +	chown www.www "$1/var/log/$PACKAGE"
   44.76 +	if [ -z "$1" ]; then
   44.77 +		for i in apache lighttpd; do
   44.78  			[ -f /etc/init.d/$i ] && /etc/init.d/$i stop
   44.79  		done
   44.80  		/etc/init.d/$PACKAGE start
   44.81 -        fi
   44.82 -        true
   44.83 +	fi
   44.84 +
   44.85 +	:
   44.86  }
    45.1 --- a/nvidia-96xx/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    45.2 +++ b/nvidia-96xx/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    45.3 @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
    45.4  	make SYSSRC="/usr/src/linux" module 2>&1 | sed s'/ERROR:/error:/' &&
    45.5  	xz nvidia.ko
    45.6  }
    45.7 -	
    45.8 +
    45.9  # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
   45.10  genpkg_rules()
   45.11  {
   45.12 @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
   45.14  	mkdir -p $fs/usr/share $fs/usr/lib/X11 $fs/usr/share/licenses/$PACKAGE
   45.15  	mkdir -p $fs/lib/modules/$kvers-slitaz/kernel/drivers/video
   45.16 -	mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/doc/$PACKAGE 
   45.17 -	
   45.18 +	mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/doc/$PACKAGE
   45.19 +
   45.20  	# Compress and install module
   45.21  	cp $src/usr/src/nv/nvidia.ko.xz \
   45.22  	$fs/lib/modules/$kvers-slitaz/kernel/drivers/video/
   45.23 @@ -53,55 +53,43 @@
   45.24  	cp -a $src/usr/X11R6/lib/* $fs/usr/lib/X11	
   45.26  	# Links
   45.27 -	for i in `find $fs -iname *.so*`; do
   45.28 -		ln -s `basename $i` `dirname $i`/`basename ${i/so.${VERSION}/so/}`
   45.29 -		ln -s `basename $i` `dirname $i`/`basename ${i/so.${VERSION}/so.1/}`
   45.30 +	for i in $(find $fs -iname *.so*); do
   45.31 +		ln -s $(basename $i) $(dirname $i)/$(basename ${i/so.${VERSION}/so/})
   45.32 +		ln -s $(basename $i) $(dirname $i)/$(basename ${i/so.${VERSION}/so.1/})
   45.33  	done
   45.34  }
   45.36  pre_install()
   45.37  {
   45.38 -	echo ""
   45.39 -	echo -e "\033[1m PROPRIETARY LICENSE:\033[0m $2"
   45.40 -	echo "================================================================================"
   45.41 -	echo "You are installing a package with proprietary license."
   45.42 -	echo "You must accept the license."
   45.43 -    echo "================================================================================"
   45.44 -    echo ""
   45.45 +	title 'PROPRIETARY LICENSE'
   45.46 +	echo 'You are installing a package with proprietary license.'
   45.47 +	echo 'You must accept the license.'
   45.48 +	footer
   45.49  }
   45.51  post_install()
   45.52  {
   45.53 -	echo "Processing post-install commands..."
   45.54 +	newline
   45.55  	chroot "$1/" depmod -a ${EXTRAVERSION#_}-slitaz
   45.57  	# correct .desktop file file
   45.58  	sed -i 's:__UTILS_PATH__/::' "$1/usr/share/applications/nvidia-settings.desktop"
   45.59  	sed -i 's:__PIXMAP_PATH__/::' "$1/usr/share/applications/nvidia-settings.desktop"
   45.61 -	echo ""
   45.62 -	echo -e "\033[1m NVIDIA LICENSE INFORMATION:\033[0m $2"
   45.63 -	echo "================================================================================"
   45.65  	echo "For installing this package, you have to accept the $PACKAGE license."
   45.66 -	echo "The license is stored in /usr/share/licenses/$PACKAGE "    
   45.67 +	echo "The license is stored in /usr/share/licenses/$PACKAGE "
   45.68  	echo -n "Would you like to read the license (y/N) : "; read anser
   45.69 -	if [ "$anser" = "y" ]; then
   45.70 -		cat /usr/share/licenses/"$PACKAGE"/LICENSE | more	
   45.71 -		echo "" 		
   45.72 +	if [ "$anser" == 'y' ]; then
   45.73 +		more /usr/share/licenses/"$PACKAGE"/LICENSE
   45.74 +		echo
   45.75  	fi
   45.76 -	echo "================================================================================"
   45.77 +	separator
   45.78  	echo -n "Do you accept the license (y/N) : "; read anser
   45.79 -	if [ "$anser" = "N" ]; then
   45.80 -		echo "You did not accept the license, Removing the pkg."	
   45.81 -		tazpkg remove "$PACKAGE"		
   45.82 +	if [ "$anser" == 'N' ]; then
   45.83 +		echo "You did not accept the license, Removing the pkg."
   45.84 +		tazpkg remove "$PACKAGE"
   45.85  	fi
   45.86 -
   45.87 -}
   45.88 -
   45.89 -post_remove()
   45.90 -{
   45.91 -	echo "Processing post-remove commands..."
   45.92 -	depmod -a
   45.93  }
   45.95  TAZBB_NO_INSTALL="because this is not hardware neutral"
    46.1 --- a/ocsinventory-agent/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    46.2 +++ b/ocsinventory-agent/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    46.3 @@ -20,9 +20,7 @@
    46.4  {
    46.5  	cp $stuff/Slitaz.pm $src/lib/Ocsinventory/Agent/Backend/OS/Linux/Distro/NonLSB
    46.6  	cp $stuff/Tazpkg.pm $src/lib/Ocsinventory/Agent/Backend/OS/Generic/Packaging
    46.7 -	
    46.8 -	cd $src
    46.9 -	
   46.10 +
   46.11  	# don't run postinstall script
   46.12  	rm -f run-postinst
   46.13  	for p in $stuff/ocsinventory-agent-
   46.14 @@ -31,7 +29,7 @@
   46.15  		patch -p1 -i $p || return 1
   46.16  		touch done.$(basename $p)
   46.17  	done
   46.18 -	perl Makefile.PL 
   46.19 +	perl Makefile.PL
   46.20  	rm -f run-postinst
   46.21  	make && make DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install
   46.22  }
   46.23 @@ -42,13 +40,12 @@
   46.24  	mkdir -p $fs/usr \
   46.25  		$fs/etc/ocsinventory-agent \
   46.26  		$fs/var/lib/ocsinventory-agent
   46.27 -		
   46.28 +
   46.29  	cp -a $install/usr/bin $fs/usr
   46.30  	cp -a $install/usr/lib $fs/usr
   46.31  }
   46.33  post_install(){
   46.34 -	echo "Processing post-install commands..."
   46.35  	cat > "$1/etc/ocsinventory-agent/ocsinventory-agent.cfg" <<EOT
   46.36  basevardir=/var/lib/ocsinventory-agent
   46.37  server=http://localhost/ocsinventory
   46.38 @@ -60,4 +57,3 @@
   46.39  		touch "$1/var/lib/dpkg/status"
   46.40  	fi
   46.41  }
   46.42 -
    47.1 --- a/partimage-pam/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    47.2 +++ b/partimage-pam/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    47.3 @@ -20,10 +20,13 @@
    47.4  {
    47.5  	sed -i 's/gzFile \*m_gzImageFile/gzFile m_gzImageFile/' src/client/imagefile.h
    47.6  	sed -i 's/(gzFile \*) gzdopen/gzdopen/' src/client/imagefile.cpp
    47.7 -	./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-pam \
    47.8 -	 --sysconfdir=/etc \
    47.9 -	 --infodir=/usr/share/info \
   47.10 -	 --mandir=/usr/share/man $CONFIGURE_ARGS &&
   47.11 +	./configure \
   47.12 +		--prefix=/usr \
   47.13 +		--enable-pam \
   47.14 +		--sysconfdir=/etc \
   47.15 +		--infodir=/usr/share/info \
   47.16 +		--mandir=/usr/share/man \
   47.17 +		$CONFIGURE_ARGS &&
   47.18  	make &&
   47.19  	make DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install
   47.20  }
   47.21 @@ -40,28 +43,28 @@
   47.23  post_install()
   47.24  {
   47.25 -	echo "Processing post install commands..."
   47.26 +	newline
   47.27  	echo "Adding user/group partimag..."
   47.28  	chroot "$1/" adduser -S -H -D partimag
   47.30  	echo "Setting permissions for config files"
   47.31  	chmod 0600 "$1"/etc/partimaged/*
   47.32  	chroot "$1/" chown partimag.partimag "$1"/etc/partimaged/*	
   47.33 -	
   47.34 -	echo " Creating image files directory"
   47.35 +
   47.36 +	echo "Creating image files directory"
   47.37  	chroot "$1/" install -g partimag -o partimag -m 0755 -d "$1/var/lib/partimaged"
   47.38 -	
   47.39 +
   47.40  	echo ""
   47.41  	echo -e "\nTo starts $SOURCE server you can run :\n"
   47.42 -   	echo "/etc/init.d/partimaged start"
   47.43 -   	echo -e "Or add partimaged to RUN_DAEMONS in /etc/rcS.conf\n"
   47.44 +	echo "/etc/init.d/partimaged start"
   47.45 +	echo -e "Or add partimaged to RUN_DAEMONS in /etc/rcS.conf\n"
   47.46  }
   47.48  post_remove()
   47.49  {
   47.50  	chroot "$1/" deluser partimag
   47.51  	chroot "$1/" delgroup partimag
   47.52 -	
   47.53 +
   47.54  	if [ -f "$1/etc/paritimaged" ]; then
   47.55  		rm -rf "$1/etc/partimaged"
   47.56  	fi
    48.1 --- a/partimage/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    48.2 +++ b/partimage/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    48.3 @@ -15,13 +15,14 @@
    48.5  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    48.6  compile_rules()
    48.7 -{	
    48.8 +{
    48.9  	sed -i 's/gzFile \*m_gzImageFile/gzFile m_gzImageFile/' src/client/imagefile.h
   48.10  	sed -i 's/(gzFile \*) gzdopen/gzdopen/' src/client/imagefile.cpp
   48.11 -	./configure --prefix=/usr \
   48.12 -	 --sysconfdir=/etc \
   48.13 -	 --infodir=/usr/share/info \
   48.14 -	 --mandir=/usr/share/man $CONFIGURE_ARGS &&
   48.15 +	./configure \
   48.16 +		--prefix=/usr \
   48.17 +		--sysconfdir=/etc \
   48.18 +		--infodir=/usr/share/info \
   48.19 +		--mandir=/usr/share/man $CONFIGURE_ARGS &&
   48.20  	make &&
   48.21  	make DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install
   48.22  }
   48.23 @@ -38,28 +39,28 @@
   48.25  post_install()
   48.26  {
   48.27 -	echo "Processing post install commands..."
   48.28 +	echo
   48.29  	echo "Adding user/group partimag..."
   48.30  	chroot "$1/" adduser -S -H -D partimag
   48.32  	echo "Setting permissions for config files"
   48.33  	chmod 0600 "$1"/etc/partimaged/*
   48.34  	chroot "$1/" chown partimag.partimag "$1"/etc/partimaged/*	
   48.35 -	
   48.36 -	echo " Creating image files directory"
   48.37 +
   48.38 +	echo "Creating image files directory"
   48.39  	chroot "$1/" install -g partimag -o partimag -m 0755 -d "$1/var/lib/partimaged"
   48.40 -	
   48.41 +
   48.42  	echo ""
   48.43  	echo -e "\nTo starts $PACKAGE server you can run :\n"
   48.44 -   	echo "/etc/init.d/partimaged start"
   48.45 -   	echo -e "Or add partimaged to RUN_DAEMONS in /etc/rcS.conf\n"
   48.46 +	echo "/etc/init.d/partimaged start"
   48.47 +	echo -e "Or add partimaged to RUN_DAEMONS in /etc/rcS.conf\n"
   48.48  }
   48.50  post_remove()
   48.51  {
   48.52  	chroot "$1/" deluser partimag
   48.53  	chroot "$1/" delgroup partimag
   48.54 -	
   48.55 +
   48.56  	if [ -f "$1/etc/paritimaged" ]; then
   48.57  		rm -rf "$1/etc/partimaged"
   48.58  	fi
    49.1 --- a/perl-core/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    49.2 +++ b/perl-core/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    49.3 @@ -25,6 +25,5 @@
    49.4  #
    49.5  pre_install()
    49.6  {
    49.7 -	echo "Processing pre-install commands..."
    49.8  	rm -f "$1/usr/bin/perl"
    49.9  }
    50.1 --- a/perl-thread/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    50.2 +++ b/perl-thread/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    50.3 @@ -36,6 +36,5 @@
    50.4  #
    50.5  pre_install()
    50.6  {
    50.7 -	echo "Processing pre-install commands..."
    50.8  	rm -f "$1/usr/bin/perl"
    50.9  }
    51.1 --- a/perl/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    51.2 +++ b/perl/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    51.3 @@ -66,6 +66,5 @@
    51.4  #
    51.5  pre_install()
    51.6  {
    51.7 -	echo "Processing pre-install commands..."
    51.8  	rm -f "$1/usr/bin/perl"
    51.9  }
    52.1 --- a/rpm4/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    52.2 +++ b/rpm4/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    52.3 @@ -22,14 +22,14 @@
    52.4  {
    52.5  	cd $src
    52.6  	CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I/usr/include/nspr -I/usr/include/nss" ./configure \
    52.7 -	--prefix=/usr  \
    52.8 -	 --infodir=/usr/share/info \
    52.9 -	 --with-selinux=no \
   52.10 -	 --with-lua=no \
   52.11 -	 --with-dmalloc=no \
   52.12 -	 --with-efence=no \
   52.13 -	 --with-external-db \
   52.14 -	 --mandir=/usr/share/man $CONFIGURE_ARGS &&
   52.15 +		--prefix=/usr  \
   52.16 +		--infodir=/usr/share/info \
   52.17 +		--with-selinux=no \
   52.18 +		--with-lua=no \
   52.19 +		--with-dmalloc=no \
   52.20 +		--with-efence=no \
   52.21 +		--with-external-db \
   52.22 +		--mandir=/usr/share/man $CONFIGURE_ARGS &&
   52.23  	make $MAKEFLAGS &&
   52.24  	make DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install
   52.25  }
   52.26 @@ -37,7 +37,8 @@
   52.27  # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
   52.28  genpkg_rules()
   52.29  {
   52.30 -	mkdir -p $fs/usr/bin \
   52.31 +	mkdir -p \
   52.32 +		$fs/usr/bin \
   52.33  		$fs/usr/lib \
   52.34  		$fs/var/lib/rpm \
   52.35  		$fs/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES \
   52.36 @@ -45,7 +46,7 @@
   52.37  		$fs/usr/src/redhat/RPMS \
   52.38  		$fs/usr/src/redhat/SPECS \
   52.39  		$fs/usr/src/redhat/SRPMS
   52.40 -		
   52.41 +
   52.42  	cp -a $install/usr/bin $fs/usr
   52.43  	cp -a $install/bin/* $fs/usr/bin
   52.44  	cp -a $install/usr/lib/*.so* $fs/usr/lib
   52.45 @@ -54,26 +55,25 @@
   52.47  post_install()
   52.48  {
   52.49 -	echo "Processing post install commands..."
   52.50 -	cmd=`readlink $root/bin/rpm`
   52.51 -    if [ ! "$cmd" = "/usr/bin/rpm" ]; then
   52.52 -        echo ""
   52.53 -        echo "**** Actual RPM link : $cmd"
   52.54 -        echo ""
   52.55 -        echo -n "Do you want rpm  for /bin/rpm (Y/n) ? : "; read -t 30 anser
   52.56 -        if [ "$anser" != "n" ]; then
   52.57 -            echo ""
   52.58 -            echo -n "Removing rpm link to make a new one pointing on /usr/bin/rpm..."
   52.59 -            rm $root/bin/rpm && ln -sf $root/usr/bin/rpm $root/bin/rpm
   52.60 -            status
   52.61 -        else
   52.62 -            echo ""
   52.63 -            echo "Leaving /bin/rpm to : $cmd"
   52.64 -        fi
   52.65 -    fi
   52.66 -                
   52.67 -    # Building rpm database.
   52.68 -	$root/usr/bin/rpm --initdb --quiet
   52.69 +	cmd=$(readlink $root/bin/rpm)
   52.70 +	if [ "$cmd" != '/usr/bin/rpm' ]; then
   52.71 +		echo ''
   52.72 +		echo "**** Actual RPM link : $cmd"
   52.73 +		echo ''
   52.74 +		echo -n 'Do you want rpm for /bin/rpm (Y/n) ? : '; read -t 30 anser
   52.75 +		if [ "$anser" != 'n' ]; then
   52.76 +			echo ''
   52.77 +			action 'Removing rpm link to make a new one pointing on /usr/bin/rpm...'
   52.78 +			rm $root/bin/rpm && ln -sf $root/usr/bin/rpm $root/bin/rpm
   52.79 +			status
   52.80 +		else
   52.81 +			echo ''
   52.82 +			echo "Leaving /bin/rpm to : $cmd"
   52.83 +		fi
   52.84 +	fi
   52.85 +
   52.86 +	# Building rpm database.
   52.87 +	$1/usr/bin/rpm --initdb --quiet
   52.88  }
   52.90  pre_remove()
   52.91 @@ -85,10 +85,10 @@
   52.93  post_remove()
   52.94  {
   52.95 -	echo "Processing post remove commands..."
   52.96  	cmd=$(readlink "$1/bin/rpm")
   52.97 -    	if [ ! "$cmd" = "/bin/rpm" ]; then
   52.98 -		echo -n "Restore applets from busybox..."
   52.99 +	if [ "$cmd" != '/bin/rpm' ]; then
  52.100 +		newline
  52.101 +		action 'Restore applets from busybox...'
  52.102  		ln -sf /bin/busybox "$1/bin/rpm"
  52.103  		ln -sf /bin/busybox "$1/usr/bin/rpm2cpio"
  52.104  		status
    53.1 --- a/scim/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    53.2 +++ b/scim/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    53.3 @@ -15,47 +15,49 @@
    53.4  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    53.5  compile_rules()
    53.6  {
    53.7 -    cd $src
    53.8 -    while read file; do
    53.9 -        [ -f done.$file ] && continue
   53.10 -        echo "Apply $file..."
   53.11 -        patch -p1 < $stuff/$file || return 1
   53.12 -        touch done.$file
   53.13 -    done <<EOT
   53.14 +	while read file; do
   53.15 +		[ -f done.$file ] && continue
   53.16 +		echo "Apply $file..."
   53.17 +		patch -p1 -i $stuff/$file || return 1
   53.18 +		touch done.$file
   53.19 +	done <<EOT
   53.20  scim-glibc-2.10.patch
   53.21  EOT
   53.22 -    ./configure --prefix=/usr \
   53.23 -        --sysconfdir=/etc \
   53.24 -        --with-x \
   53.25 -        --with-gtk-im-module-dir=$(ls -d /usr/lib/gtk-2*/2*/immodules/) \
   53.26 -        --mandir=/usr/share/man \
   53.27 -        --infodir=/usr/share/info \
   53.28 -        $CONFIGURE_ARGS 2>&1 | grep -v po/POTFILES &&
   53.29 -    make $MAKEFLAGS &&
   53.30 -    make DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install
   53.31 +
   53.32 +	./configure \
   53.33 +		--prefix=/usr \
   53.34 +		--sysconfdir=/etc \
   53.35 +		--with-x \
   53.36 +		--with-gtk-im-module-dir=$(ls -d /usr/lib/gtk-2*/2*/immodules/) \
   53.37 +		--mandir=/usr/share/man \
   53.38 +		--infodir=/usr/share/info \
   53.39 +		$CONFIGURE_ARGS 2>&1 | grep -v po/POTFILES &&
   53.40 +	make $MAKEFLAGS &&
   53.41 +	make DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install
   53.42  }
   53.44  # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
   53.45  genpkg_rules()
   53.46  {
   53.47 -    mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/pixmaps
   53.48 -    cp -a $install/etc $fs/
   53.49 -    cp -a $install/usr/bin $fs/usr
   53.50 -    cp -a $install/usr/lib $fs/usr
   53.51 -    cp -a $install/usr/share/scim $fs/usr/share
   53.52 -    cp $install/usr/share/pixmaps/scim-setup.png $fs/usr/share/pixmaps
   53.53 -    find $fs/usr/lib -name '*.la' -exec rm {} \;
   53.54 -    find $fs/usr/lib -name '*.a' -exec rm {} \;
   53.55 -    rm -rf $fs/usr/lib/pkgconfig
   53.56 -    chmod +x $fs/usr/bin/scim-setup
   53.57 +	mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/pixmaps
   53.58 +	cp -a $install/etc $fs/
   53.59 +	cp -a $install/usr/bin $fs/usr
   53.60 +	cp -a $install/usr/lib $fs/usr
   53.61 +	cp -a $install/usr/share/scim $fs/usr/share
   53.62 +	cp $install/usr/share/pixmaps/scim-setup.png $fs/usr/share/pixmaps
   53.63 +	find $fs/usr/lib -name '*.la' -exec rm {} \;
   53.64 +	find $fs/usr/lib -name '*.a' -exec rm {} \;
   53.65 +	rm -rf $fs/usr/lib/pkgconfig
   53.66 +	chmod +x $fs/usr/bin/scim-setup
   53.67  }
   53.69  post_install()
   53.70  {
   53.71 -    echo "Processing post-install commands..."
   53.72 -    echo -n "Updating gtk.immodules... "
   53.73 -    chroot "$1/" /usr/bin/gtk-query-immodules-2.0 > $1/etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules
   53.74 -    echo "done."
   53.75 +	newline
   53.76 +	action 'Updating gtk.immodules... '
   53.77 +	chroot "$1/" /usr/bin/gtk-query-immodules-2.0 > $1/etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules
   53.78 +	status
   53.79 +
   53.80  cat <<EOT
   53.81  In order to start scim and use chinese after boot time,
   53.82  add the following code to your autostart.sh(openbox):
   53.83 @@ -73,5 +75,5 @@
   53.85  post_remove()
   53.86  {
   53.87 -    /usr/bin/gtk-query-immodules-2.0 > /etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules
   53.88 +	/usr/bin/gtk-query-immodules-2.0 > /etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules
   53.89  }
    54.1 --- a/snort-mysql/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    54.2 +++ b/snort-mysql/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    54.3 @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
    54.4  WEB_SITE="http://www.snort.org/"
    54.5  WGET_URL="http://www.snort.org/downloads/1207"
    54.6  DEPENDS="pcre libdnet libdaq libmysqlclient"
    54.7 -BUILD_DEPENDS="pcre-dev libpcap-dev libdaq-dev libdnet-dev wget zlib-dev mysql-dev flex"
    54.8 +BUILD_DEPENDS="pcre-dev libpcap-dev libdaq-dev libdnet-dev wget zlib-dev \
    54.9 +mysql-dev flex"
   54.11  # Rules to configure and make the package.
   54.12  compile_rules()
   54.13 @@ -30,23 +31,23 @@
   54.14  # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
   54.15  genpkg_rules()
   54.16  {
   54.17 -	mkdir -p $fs/usr/lib \
   54.18 +	mkdir -p \
   54.19 +		$fs/usr/lib \
   54.20  		$fs/etc/snort/rules \
   54.21  		$fs/usr/share/snort/schemas \
   54.22 -		$fs/var/log/snort 
   54.23 -		
   54.24 +		$fs/var/log/snort
   54.25 +
   54.26  	cp -a $install/usr/bin $fs/usr
   54.27  	cp -a $install/usr/lib/snort_dynamic* $fs/usr/lib
   54.28 -	
   54.29 +
   54.30  	cp -a $src/etc/*.conf* $fs/etc/snort
   54.31  	cp -a $src/etc/*.map $fs/etc/snort
   54.32  	cp -a $src/schemas/create_mysql  $fs/usr/share/snort/schemas
   54.33 -	
   54.34 +
   54.35  	# Remove unwanted files
   54.36  	rm -f $fs/usr/lib/*/*.*a
   54.37  }
   54.39 -
   54.40  # Post install commands
   54.41  post_install()
   54.42  {
   54.43 @@ -54,43 +55,43 @@
   54.44  	local db_pass=snort
   54.45  	local db_schema=/usr/share/snort/create_mysql
   54.47 -	echo "Processing post install commands..."
   54.48 +	newline
   54.50  	# addgroup snort if needed
   54.51 -    if ! grep -q snort "$1/etc/group"; then
   54.52 -        echo -n "Adding group Snort..."
   54.53 -        chroot "$1/" /bin/addgroup snort
   54.54 -        status
   54.55 -    fi
   54.56 -    # adduser snort if needed
   54.57 -    if ! grep -q 'snort:' "$1/etc/passwd"; then
   54.58 -        echo -n "Adding user Snort..."
   54.59 -        chroot "$1/" /bin/adduser -s /bin/false -h /dev/null \
   54.60 -            -g "Snort Daemon user" -H -D -S -G snort snort
   54.61 -        status
   54.62 -    fi
   54.63 +	if ! grep -q snort "$1/etc/group"; then
   54.64 +		action 'Adding group snort...'
   54.65 +		chroot "$1/" /bin/addgroup snort
   54.66 +		status
   54.67 +	fi
   54.68 +	# adduser snort if needed
   54.69 +	if ! grep -q 'snort:' "$1/etc/passwd"; then
   54.70 +		action 'Adding user snort...'
   54.71 +		chroot "$1/" /bin/adduser -s /bin/false -h /dev/null \
   54.72 +			-g "Snort Daemon user" -H -D -S -G snort snort
   54.73 +		status
   54.74 +	fi
   54.75  	chroot "$1/" chown snort.snort /var/log/snort 
   54.77  	# Create database
   54.78 -        if [ -z "$1" ]; then
   54.79 -                if ( ! mysqladmin -s ping > /dev/null ); then
   54.80 -                        echo "Starting MySQL server"
   54.81 -                        ( /etc/init.d/mysql start ; status  ) || exit
   54.82 -                        sleep 4 #let the mysql daemon start
   54.83 -                fi
   54.84 -                if ( ! mysql -u root -Be 'show databases' | grep -q $db_name ); then
   54.85 -                        echo -n "Create $db_name database"
   54.86 -                        mysql -Be "create database $db_name" ; 
   54.87 -                        # We suppose that user does not exist.
   54.88 -                        # It may be false.
   54.89 -                        echo  -n "Create user $db_user with password $db_pass"
   54.90 -                        mysql -Be "grant all privileges on glpi.* to $db_user@'localhost'
   54.91 -                                identified by '$db_pass'" ; status
   54.92 -                        # At last create the database for package
   54.93 -                        echo -n "Create $db_name database schema."
   54.94 -                        mysql -u $db_user -p${db_pass} $db_name < $db_schema ; status
   54.95 -
   54.96 -                fi
   54.97 -
   54.98 -        fi
   54.99 +	if [ -z "$1" ]; then
  54.100 +		if ( ! mysqladmin -s ping > /dev/null ); then
  54.101 +			echo 'Starting MySQL server'
  54.102 +			( /etc/init.d/mysql start ; status  ) || exit
  54.103 +			sleep 4 #let the mysql daemon start
  54.104 +		fi
  54.105 +		if ( ! mysql -u root -Be 'show databases' | grep -q $db_name ); then
  54.106 +			action 'Create $db_name database'
  54.107 +			mysql -Be "create database $db_name"
  54.108 +			status
  54.109 +			# We suppose that user does not exist.
  54.110 +			# It may be false.
  54.111 +			action 'Create user $db_user with password $db_pass'
  54.112 +			mysql -Be "grant all privileges on glpi.* to $db_user@'localhost' identified by '$db_pass'"
  54.113 +			status
  54.114 +			# At last create the database for package
  54.115 +			action 'Create $db_name database schema.'
  54.116 +			mysql -u $db_user -p${db_pass} $db_name < $db_schema
  54.117 +			status
  54.118 +		fi
  54.119 +	fi
  54.120  }
    55.1 --- a/spl/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    55.2 +++ b/spl/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    55.3 @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
    55.4  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    55.5  compile_rules()
    55.6  {
    55.7 -	cd $src
    55.8  	./configure --prefix=/usr \
    55.9  		--mandir=/usr/share/man \
   55.10  		--with-linux=/usr/src/linux \
   55.11 @@ -33,16 +32,3 @@
   55.12  	cp -a $install/usr/sbin $fs/usr
   55.13  	cp -a $install/lib $fs
   55.14  }
   55.15 -
   55.16 -# Post install/remove commands for Tazpkg.
   55.17 -post_install()
   55.18 -{
   55.19 -	echo "Processing post-install commands..."
   55.20 -	chroot "$root/" depmod -a ${EXTRAVERSION#_}-slitaz
   55.21 -}
   55.22 -
   55.23 -post_remove()
   55.24 -{
   55.25 -	echo "Processing post-remove commands..."
   55.26 -	chroot "$root/" depmod -a ${EXTRAVERSION#_}-slitaz
   55.27 -}
    56.1 --- a/sudo-pam/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    56.2 +++ b/sudo-pam/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    56.3 @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
    56.4  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    56.5  compile_rules()
    56.6  {
    56.7 -	cd $src
    56.8  	./configure \
    56.9  		--sysconfdir=/etc \
   56.10  		--with-pam \
   56.11 @@ -42,7 +41,6 @@
   56.13  pre_install()
   56.14  {
   56.15 -	echo "Processing pre-install commands..."
   56.16  	if [ -f "$1/etc/sudoers.bak" ]; then
   56.17  		cp "$1/etc/sudoers" "$1/etc/sudoers.bak"
   56.18  	fi
   56.19 @@ -50,7 +48,6 @@
   56.21  post_install()
   56.22  {
   56.23 -	echo "Processing post-install commands..."
   56.24  	if [ -f "$1/etc/sudoers.bak" ]; then
   56.25  		rm -f "$1/etc/sudoers"
   56.26  		mv "$1/etc/sudoers.bak" "$1/etc/sudoers"
   56.27 @@ -58,9 +55,9 @@
   56.28  		chown root.root "$1/etc/sudoers"
   56.29  		chmod 0440 "$1/etc/sudoers"
   56.30  	fi
   56.31 -}                        
   56.32 +}
   56.34  pre_remove()
   56.35  {
   56.36 -	tazpkg get-install  ${PACKAGE%-pam}
   56.37 +	tazpkg get-install ${PACKAGE%-pam}
   56.38  }
    57.1 --- a/transmission/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    57.2 +++ b/transmission/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    57.3 @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
    57.4  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    57.5  compile_rules()
    57.6  {
    57.7 -	cd $src
    57.8  	touch third-party/miniupnp/VERSION
    57.9  	CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections \
   57.10  	-Wl,--gc-sections"
   57.11 @@ -47,11 +46,4 @@
   57.12  {
   57.13  	rm -f "$1/usr/bin/transmission-gtk"
   57.14  	rm -f "$1/usr/share/applications/${PACKAGE}-gtk.desktop"
   57.15 -	chroot "$1/" /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
   57.16  }
   57.17 -
   57.18 -post_remove()
   57.19 -{
   57.20 -        echo "Processing post-remove commands..."
   57.21 -        chroot "$1/" /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
   57.22 -}        
    58.1 --- a/ttf-bitstream-vera/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    58.2 +++ b/ttf-bitstream-vera/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    58.3 @@ -15,15 +15,14 @@
    58.4  # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
    58.5  genpkg_rules()
    58.6  {
    58.7 -	mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera	
    58.8 -    cp -a $src/*.ttf $fs/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera
    58.9 -    rm $fs/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/VeraMoB*
   58.10 -    rm $fs/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/VeraMoIt*
   58.11 +	mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera
   58.12 +	cp -a $src/*.ttf $fs/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera
   58.13 +	rm $fs/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/VeraMoB*
   58.14 +	rm $fs/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/VeraMoIt*
   58.15  }
   58.17  # Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg.
   58.18  post_install()
   58.19  {
   58.20 -  echo "Processing post-install commands..."
   58.21 -  chroot "$1/" /usr/bin/fc-cache
   58.22 +	chroot "$1/" /usr/bin/fc-cache
   58.23  }
    59.1 --- a/vim-tiny/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    59.2 +++ b/vim-tiny/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    59.3 @@ -24,20 +24,20 @@
    59.4  	# define the place for the global vimrc file (set to /etc/vim/vimrc)
    59.5  	# (patch from Arch Linux PKGBUILD)
    59.6  	sed -i 's|^.*\(#define SYS_VIMRC_FILE\).*$|\1 "/etc/vim/vimrc"|' $src/src/feature.h
    59.7 -	
    59.8 +
    59.9  	./configure --prefix=/usr \
   59.10 -	 --cache-file=$PWD/config.cache \
   59.11 -	 --infodir=/usr/share/info \
   59.12 -	 --with-features=tiny \
   59.13 -	 --with-x=no \
   59.14 -	 --disable-gui \
   59.15 -         --enable-multibyte \
   59.16 -	 --with-vim-name=$PACKAGE \
   59.17 -	 --disable-acl \
   59.18 -	 --disable-motif-check \
   59.19 -	 --disable-athena-check \
   59.20 -	 --mandir=/usr/share/man $CONFIGURE_ARGS && 
   59.21 -	 
   59.22 +		--cache-file=$PWD/config.cache \
   59.23 +		--infodir=/usr/share/info \
   59.24 +		--with-features=tiny \
   59.25 +		--with-x=no \
   59.26 +		--disable-gui \
   59.27 +		--enable-multibyte \
   59.28 +		--with-vim-name=$PACKAGE \
   59.29 +		--disable-acl \
   59.30 +		--disable-motif-check \
   59.31 +		--disable-athena-check \
   59.32 +		--mandir=/usr/share/man $CONFIGURE_ARGS &&
   59.33 +
   59.34  	make VIMRCLOC=/etc/vim VIMRUNTIMEDIR=/usr/share/vim/vim73 MAKE="make -e" &&
   59.35  	make DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install
   59.36  	mkdir -p $DESTDIR/etc/vim
   59.37 @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
   59.38  genpkg_rules()
   59.39  {
   59.40  	mkdir -p $fs/usr/share $fs/etc
   59.41 -	
   59.42 +
   59.43  	cp -a $install/usr/bin $fs/usr
   59.44  	cp -a $install/usr/share/vim $fs/usr/share
   59.45  	cp -a $install/etc/vim $fs/etc
   59.46 @@ -57,28 +57,26 @@
   59.48  post_install()
   59.49  {
   59.50 -    echo "Processing post-install commands..."
   59.51 -    cmd=$(readlink "$1/bin/vi")
   59.52 -    if [ ! "$cmd" = "/usr/bin/vim" ]; then
   59.53 -        echo ""
   59.54 -        echo "**** Actual VI link : $cmd"
   59.55 -        echo ""
   59.56 -        echo -n "Do you want vim  for /bin/vi (y/N) ? : "; read -t 30 anser
   59.57 -        if [ "$anser" == "y" ]; then
   59.58 -            echo ""
   59.59 -            echo -n "Removing vi link to make a new one pointing on /usr/bin/vim..."
   59.60 -            rm "$1/bin/vi" && ln -sf /usr/bin/vim-tiny "$1/bin/vi"
   59.61 -            status
   59.62 -        else
   59.63 -            echo ""
   59.64 -            echo "Leaving /bin/vi to : $cmd"
   59.65 -        fi
   59.66 -    fi
   59.67 +	cmd=$(readlink "$1/bin/vi")
   59.68 +	if [ "$cmd" != '/usr/bin/vim' ]; then
   59.69 +		echo ''
   59.70 +		echo "**** Actual VI link : $cmd"
   59.71 +		echo ''
   59.72 +		echo -n 'Do you want vim  for /bin/vi (y/N) ? : '; read -t 30 anser
   59.73 +		if [ "$anser" == 'y' ]; then
   59.74 +			echo ''
   59.75 +			action 'Removing vi link to make a new one pointing on /usr/bin/vim...'
   59.76 +			rm "$1/bin/vi" && ln -sf /usr/bin/vim-tiny "$1/bin/vi"
   59.77 +			status
   59.78 +		else
   59.79 +			echo ''
   59.80 +			echo "Leaving /bin/vi to : $cmd"
   59.81 +		fi
   59.82 +	fi
   59.83  }
   59.85  post_remove()
   59.86  {
   59.87  	# restore previous symlink
   59.88 -	echo "Processing post-remove commands..."
   59.89  	ln -sf /bin/busybox "$1/bin/vi"
   59.90  }
    60.1 --- a/vim/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    60.2 +++ b/vim/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    60.3 @@ -23,18 +23,19 @@
    60.4  	# define the place for the global vimrc file (set to /etc/vim/vimrc)
    60.5  	# (patch from Arch Linux PKGBUILD)
    60.6  	sed -i 's|^.*\(#define SYS_VIMRC_FILE\).*$|\1 "/etc/vim/vimrc"|' $src/src/feature.h
    60.7 -	
    60.8 -	./configure --prefix=/usr \
    60.9 -	 --cache-file=$PWD/config.cache \
   60.10 -	 --infodir=/usr/share/info \
   60.11 -	 --with-features=normal \
   60.12 -	 --with-x=no \
   60.13 -	 --disable-gui \
   60.14 - 	 --enable-multibyte \
   60.15 -	 --disable-motif-check \
   60.16 -	 --disable-athena-check \
   60.17 -	 --mandir=/usr/share/man $CONFIGURE_ARGS && 
   60.18 -	 
   60.19 +
   60.20 +	./configure \
   60.21 +		--prefix=/usr \
   60.22 +		--cache-file=$PWD/config.cache \
   60.23 +		--infodir=/usr/share/info \
   60.24 +		--with-features=normal \
   60.25 +		--with-x=no \
   60.26 +		--disable-gui \
   60.27 +		--enable-multibyte \
   60.28 +		--disable-motif-check \
   60.29 +		--disable-athena-check \
   60.30 +		--mandir=/usr/share/man $CONFIGURE_ARGS &&
   60.31 +
   60.32  	make VIMRCLOC=/etc/vim VIMRUNTIMEDIR=/usr/share/vim/vim73 MAKE="make -e" &&
   60.33  	make DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install
   60.34  	mkdir -p $DESTDIR/etc/vim
   60.35 @@ -53,28 +54,26 @@
   60.37  post_install()
   60.38  {
   60.39 -    echo "Processing post-install commands..."
   60.40 -    cmd=$(readlink "$1/bin/vi")
   60.41 -    if [ ! "$cmd" = "/usr/bin/vim" ]; then
   60.42 -        echo ""
   60.43 -        echo "**** Actual VI link : $cmd"
   60.44 -        echo ""
   60.45 -        echo -n "Do you want vim  for /bin/vi (y/N) ? : "; read -t 30 anser
   60.46 -        if [ "$anser" == "y" ]; then
   60.47 -            echo ""
   60.48 -            echo -n "Removing vi link to make a new one pointing on /usr/bin/vim..."
   60.49 -            rm "$1/bin/vi" && ln -sf /usr/bin/vim "$1/bin/vi"
   60.50 -            status
   60.51 -        else
   60.52 -            echo ""
   60.53 -            echo "Leaving /bin/vi to : $cmd"
   60.54 -        fi
   60.55 -    fi
   60.56 +	cmd=$(readlink "$1/bin/vi")
   60.57 +	if [ "$cmd" != '/usr/bin/vim' ]; then
   60.58 +		echo ''
   60.59 +		echo "**** Actual VI link : $cmd"
   60.60 +		echo ''
   60.61 +		echo -n 'Do you want vim  for /bin/vi (y/N) ? : '; read -t 30 anser
   60.62 +		if [ "$anser" == 'y' ]; then
   60.63 +			echo ''
   60.64 +			echo -n 'Removing vi link to make a new one pointing on /usr/bin/vim...'
   60.65 +			rm "$1/bin/vi" && ln -sf /usr/bin/vim "$1/bin/vi"
   60.66 +			status
   60.67 +		else
   60.68 +			echo ''
   60.69 +			echo "Leaving /bin/vi to : $cmd"
   60.70 +		fi
   60.71 +	fi
   60.72  }
   60.74  post_remove()
   60.75  {
   60.76  	# restore previous symlink
   60.77 -	echo "Processing post-remove commands..."
   60.78  	ln -sf /bin/busybox "$1/bin/vi"
   60.79  }
    61.1 --- a/which/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    61.2 +++ b/which/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    61.3 @@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
    61.4  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    61.5  compile_rules()
    61.6  {
    61.7 -	cd $src
    61.8  	./configure \
    61.9  		--prefix=/usr \
   61.10  		--infodir=/usr/share/info \
   61.11 @@ -31,18 +30,7 @@
   61.12  	cp -a $install/usr/bin $fs/usr
   61.13  }
   61.15 -# Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg.
   61.16 -# We must remove all Busybox symlink before installing.
   61.17 -#
   61.18 -pre_install()
   61.19 -{
   61.20 -	echo "Processing pre-install commands..."
   61.21 -	echo -n "Removing all Busybox replaced utils... "
   61.22 -	rm -f "$1/usr/bin/which"
   61.23 -	status
   61.24 -}
   61.25 -
   61.26  post_remove()
   61.27  {
   61.28  	ln -s /bin/busybox /usr/bin/which
   61.29 -}
   61.30 \ No newline at end of file
   61.31 +}
    62.1 --- a/xz/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    62.2 +++ b/xz/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    62.3 @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
    62.4  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    62.5  compile_rules()
    62.6  {
    62.7 -	cd $src
    62.8  	./configure \
    62.9  		--enable-dynamic=yes \
   62.10  		--enable-small \
   62.11 @@ -32,25 +31,4 @@
   62.12  {
   62.13  	mkdir -p $fs/usr/bin $fs/usr/lib
   62.14  	cp -a $install/usr/bin/xz $fs/usr/bin
   62.15 -	#cp $stuff/lzma $fs/usr/bin
   62.16 -	#ln -s lzma $fs/usr/bin/unlzma
   62.17 -	#ln -s lzma $fs/usr/bin/lzcat
   62.18  }
   62.19 -
   62.20 -# Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg.
   62.21 -# We must remove all Busybox symlink before installing.
   62.22 -#
   62.23 -#pre_install()
   62.24 -#{
   62.25 -#	echo "Processing pre-install commands..."
   62.26 -#	echo -n "Removing all Busybox replaced utils... "
   62.27 -#	rm -f "$1/usr/bin/unlzma"
   62.28 -#	rm -f "$1/usr/bin/lzcat"
   62.29 -#	status
   62.30 -#}
   62.31 -
   62.32 -#post_remove()
   62.33 -#{
   62.34 -#	ln -s /bin/busybox "$1/usr/bin/unlzma"
   62.35 -#	ln -s /bin/busybox "$1/usr/bin/lzcat"
   62.36 -#}
    63.1 --- a/zsh/receipt	Wed Dec 23 22:04:20 2015 +0100
    63.2 +++ b/zsh/receipt	Fri Dec 25 15:23:46 2015 +0200
    63.3 @@ -28,14 +28,14 @@
    63.5  # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
    63.6  genpkg_rules()
    63.7 -{	
    63.8 +{
    63.9  	cp -a $install/bin $fs
   63.11  	# Config files.
   63.12 -	#
   63.13 +
   63.14  	mkdir $fs/etc
   63.15  	cp $stuff/example.zshrc $fs/etc/zshrc
   63.16 -	
   63.17 +
   63.18  	#no way around this... gen_package will not automatically copy these
   63.19  	mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/zsh
   63.20  	cp -r $install/usr/share/zsh/functions $fs/usr/share/zsh
   63.21 @@ -48,21 +48,20 @@
   63.22  #
   63.23  post_install()
   63.24  {
   63.25 -	echo "Processing post-install commands..."
   63.26  	sh=$(readlink "$1/bin/sh")
   63.27 -	if [ ! "$sh" = "/bin/zsh" ]; then
   63.28 -		echo ""
   63.29 +	if [ "$sh" != '/bin/zsh' ]; then
   63.30 +		echo ''
   63.31  		echo "**** Actual SH link : $sh"
   63.32 -		echo ""
   63.33 -		echo -n "Do you want Zsh for /bin/sh (y/N) ? : "
   63.34 +		echo ''
   63.35 +		echo -n 'Do you want Zsh for /bin/sh (y/N) ? : '
   63.36  		read -t 30 answer < /dev/tty
   63.37 -		if [ "$answer" == "y" ]; then
   63.38 -			echo ""
   63.39 -			echo -n "Removing sh link to make a new one pointing on /bin/zsh..."
   63.40 +		if [ "$answer" == 'y' ]; then
   63.41 +			echo ''
   63.42 +			action 'Removing sh link to make a new one pointing on /bin/zsh...'
   63.43  			rm "$1/bin/sh" && ln -s /bin/zsh "$1/bin/sh"
   63.44  			status
   63.45  		else
   63.46 -			echo ""
   63.47 +			echo ''
   63.48  			echo "Leaving /bin/sh to : $sh"
   63.49  		fi
   63.50  	fi
   63.51 @@ -71,9 +70,6 @@
   63.52  # Restore a valid sh link if needed.
   63.53  pre_remove()
   63.54  {
   63.55 -        sh=$(readlink "$1/bin/sh")
   63.56 -        if [ ! "$sh" = "busybox" ]; then
   63.57 -                rm "$1/bin/sh" &&
   63.58 -                ln -s /bin/busybox "$1/bin/sh"
   63.59 -        fi
   63.60 +	sh=$(readlink "$1/bin/sh")
   63.61 +	[ "$sh" != 'busybox' ] && ln -sf /bin/busybox "$1/bin/sh"
   63.62  }