wok-current rev 24956

updated nano and nano-doc (4.8 -> 6.2)
author Hans-G?nter Theisgen
date Sat Apr 23 16:35:24 2022 +0100 (2022-04-23)
parents dd4fe41206e8 e197a1539e2e
children 50e835d951d8
line diff
     1.1 --- a/BootProg/stuff/bootex.asm	Sat Apr 23 16:34:46 2022 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/BootProg/stuff/bootex.asm	Sat Apr 23 16:35:24 2022 +0100
     1.3 @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
     1.4          pop     ds
     1.6          xor     ebx, ebx
     1.7 -        mov     [bx], dx                ; store BIOS boot drive number
     1.8 +        mov     [bx], dl                ; store BIOS boot drive number
    1.10          mov     esi, [bx(bpbRootDirCluster)] ; esi=cluster # of root dir
    1.12 @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
    1.13          mov     al, [es:di+bx]
    1.14          mov     [bx], al
    1.15          dec     bx
    1.16 -        jnz     CopyInfo
    1.17 +        jnz     CopyInfo		; keep BIOS boot drive number
    1.19  NotFileInfo:
    1.20          mov     al, 0c1h                ; EXFAT_ENTRY_FILE_NAME ?
    1.21 @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
    1.22          popf                            ; restore carry="not last sector" flag
    1.23          jc      RootDirReadContinue     ; continue to the next root dir cluster
    1.24  FindNameFailed:                         ; end of root directory (dir end reached)
    1.25 -        mov     dx, [bx]                ; restore BIOS boot drive number
    1.26 +        mov     dl, [bx]                ; restore BIOS boot drive number
    1.27          call    Error
    1.28          db      "File not found."
    1.29  FindNameFound:
    1.30 @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
    1.31          call    ReadCluster             ; read one more sector of the boot file
    1.32          sub     [bx+FileSize], ebp
    1.33          ja      FileReadContinue
    1.34 -        mov     dx, [bx]                ; restore BIOS boot drive number
    1.35 +        mov     dl, [bx]                ; restore BIOS boot drive number
    1.36          xor     ax, ax
    1.37          pop     bp
    1.39 @@ -370,11 +370,10 @@
    1.41          mov     esi, [es:si]                    ; esi=next cluster #
    1.43 -        xor     eax, eax
    1.44 -        inc     ax
    1.45 +        inc     dx
    1.46          mov     cl, [bx(bpbSectorPerClusterBits)]
    1.47 -        shl     eax, cl                         ; 10000h max (32MB cluster)
    1.48 -        xchg    eax, ecx
    1.49 +        shl     edx, cl                         ; 10000h max (32MB cluster)
    1.50 +        mov     ecx, edx
    1.51          xchg    eax, edi                        ; get cluster #-2
    1.52          mul     ecx
    1.54 @@ -408,18 +407,19 @@
    1.55          push    es
    1.56          push    bx
    1.57          push    bp                      ; sector count word = 1
    1.58 -        push    byte 16                 ; packet size byte = 16, reserved byte = 0
    1.59 +        mov     cx, 16
    1.60 +        push    cx                      ; packet size byte = 16, reserved byte = 0
    1.61  ReadSectorRetry:        
    1.62          mov     si, sp
    1.63          mov     ah, 42h                 ; ah = 42h = extended read function no.
    1.64 -        mov     dx, [bx]                ; restore BIOS boot drive number
    1.65 +        mov     dl, [bx]                ; restore BIOS boot drive number
    1.66          int     13h                     ; extended read sectors (DL, DS:SI)
    1.68          jnc     ReadSuccess
    1.70          xor     ax, ax
    1.71          int     13h                     ; reset drive (DL)
    1.72 -        loop    ReadSectorRetry         ; sector count retries (8 .. 65536)
    1.73 +        loop    ReadSectorRetry         ; up to 16 retries
    1.75          call    Error
    1.76          db      "Read error."
     2.1 --- a/firehol/receipt	Sat Apr 23 16:34:46 2022 +0100
     2.2 +++ b/firehol/receipt	Sat Apr 23 16:35:24 2022 +0100
     2.3 @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
     2.4  SHORT_DESC="A firewall for humans..."
     2.5  MAINTAINER="pascal.bellard@slitaz.org"
     2.6  LICENSE="GPL2"
     2.7 -WEB_SITE="https://firehol.org/"
     2.8 +WEB_SITE="https://github.com/firehol/firehol/"
    2.10  TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.xz"
    2.11  WGET_URL="https://github.com/firehol/firehol/releases/download/v$VERSION/$TARBALL"
     3.1 --- a/ipxe/stuff/bootloader.S	Sat Apr 23 16:34:46 2022 +0100
     3.2 +++ b/ipxe/stuff/bootloader.S	Sat Apr 23 16:35:24 2022 +0100
     3.3 @@ -23,13 +23,14 @@
     3.4  #define  BUGGY_CMDLINE		verify cmdline length		+2
     3.5  #define  VCPI			VCPI 4.0 support (386+)		+109
     3.6  #define  SHUTDOWNDOS		shutdown DOS services		+29
     3.7 +#define   CHK_DOS_INT19		do not trace bios		+12/13
     3.9  /* some contraints to reduce the code size */
    3.10  //#define FLOPPY_1440K_ONLY	1.44M floppies support only	-26
    3.11 -//#define FLOPPY_HAS_2_SIDES	hardcoded heads count to 2	-15
    3.12 +#define FLOPPY_HAS_2_SIDES	hardcoded heads count to 2	-15
    3.13  //#define NO_CMDLINE_SHRINK	remove heading spaces ?		-6-21
    3.14  //#define  NO_CMDLINE_FILE	remove @cmdline file support ?	-21
    3.15 -#define NO_DOTS			show progression dots ?		-5
    3.16 +//#define NO_DOTS		show progression dots ?		-5
    3.17  #ifndef BZIMAGE
    3.18  //#define TINY_ZIMAGE		system < 64Kb ?			-11
    3.19  //#define NO_MINSETUP		default setup (dos only) ?	-4
    3.20 @@ -74,6 +75,16 @@
    3.21  #ifdef ONLY8086
    3.22  	xorw	%si, %si
    3.23  	movw	%si, %ds
    3.24 +# ifdef CHK_DOS_INT19
    3.25 +	cmpb	$0xF0, 4*0x19+3(%si)
    3.26 +	jne	stepit
    3.27 +	popaw
    3.28 +	pushw	%es
    3.29 +	movw	$movesys, %si
    3.30 +	pushw	%si
    3.31 +	retf
    3.32 +stepit:
    3.33 +# endif
    3.34  	pushw	4+2(%si)
    3.35  	pushw	4(%si)
    3.36  	movw	$step19, 4(%si)
    3.37 @@ -82,6 +93,15 @@
    3.38  	pushl	$4
    3.39  	popw	%si
    3.40  	popw	%ds
    3.41 +# ifdef CHK_DOS_INT19
    3.42 +	cmpb	$0xF0, 4*0x19+3-4(%si)
    3.43 +	jne	stepit
    3.44 +	popaw
    3.45 +	pushw	%es
    3.46 +	pushw	$movesys
    3.47 +	retf
    3.48 +stepit:
    3.49 +# endif
    3.50  	pushl	(%si)
    3.51  	movl	$step19+(INITSEG<<16), (%si)
    3.52  #endif
    3.53 @@ -90,7 +110,11 @@
    3.54  	incb	%ah			# set TF
    3.55  	pushw	%ax
    3.56  	popfw
    3.57 +#ifdef ONLY8086
    3.58 +	ljmp	*4*0x19(%si)
    3.59 +#else
    3.60  	ljmp	*4*0x19-4(%si)
    3.61 +#endif
    3.62  .endm
    3.64  stacktop	= 0x9E00		# in 0x8000 .. 0xA000
    3.65 @@ -442,7 +466,6 @@
    3.66  # ifdef SHUTDOWNDOS
    3.67  	trace_int19
    3.68  # else
    3.69 -	lssw	%cs:EXEADRS(saved_ss_sp),%sp	
    3.70  	popaw
    3.71  	retf
    3.72  # endif
    3.73 @@ -649,10 +672,6 @@
    3.74  	.word	0x03FF
    3.75  idt_base:
    3.76  	.long	0
    3.77 -# ifndef SHUTDOWNDOS
    3.78 -saved_ss_sp:
    3.79 -	.word	stacktop-4-16-4,INITSEG
    3.80 -# endif
    3.81  #endif
    3.82  #ifdef ELKS
    3.83  	.org	0x1E3
     4.1 --- a/memtest-serial/receipt	Sat Apr 23 16:34:46 2022 +0100
     4.2 +++ b/memtest-serial/receipt	Sat Apr 23 16:35:24 2022 +0100
     4.3 @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
     4.4  MAINTAINER="pascal.bellard@slitaz.org"
     4.5  LICENSE="GPL2"
     4.6  WEB_SITE="http://www.memtest.org/"
     4.7 +WANTED="memtest"
     4.8  PROVIDE="memtest"
     4.9 -WANTED="memtest"
    4.11  # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
    4.12  genpkg_rules()
     5.1 --- a/memtest/stuff/bootloader.S	Sat Apr 23 16:34:46 2022 +0100
     5.2 +++ b/memtest/stuff/bootloader.S	Sat Apr 23 16:35:24 2022 +0100
     5.3 @@ -23,13 +23,14 @@
     5.4  #define  BUGGY_CMDLINE		verify cmdline length		+2
     5.5  #define  VCPI			VCPI 4.0 support (386+)		+109
     5.6  #define  SHUTDOWNDOS		shutdown DOS services		+29
     5.7 +#define   CHK_DOS_INT19		do not trace bios		+12/13
     5.9  /* some contraints to reduce the code size */
    5.10  //#define FLOPPY_1440K_ONLY	1.44M floppies support only	-26
    5.11  //#define FLOPPY_HAS_2_SIDES	hardcoded heads count to 2	-15
    5.12  //#define NO_CMDLINE_SHRINK	remove heading spaces ?		-6-21
    5.13  //#define  NO_CMDLINE_FILE	remove @cmdline file support ?	-21
    5.14 -//#define NO_DOTS		show progression dots ?		-5
    5.15 +#define NO_DOTS			show progression dots ?		-5
    5.16  #ifndef BZIMAGE
    5.17  //#define TINY_ZIMAGE		system < 64Kb ?			-11
    5.18  //#define NO_MINSETUP		default setup (dos only) ?	-4
    5.19 @@ -74,6 +75,16 @@
    5.20  #ifdef ONLY8086
    5.21  	xorw	%si, %si
    5.22  	movw	%si, %ds
    5.23 +# ifdef CHK_DOS_INT19
    5.24 +	cmpb	$0xF0, 4*0x19+3(%si)
    5.25 +	jne	stepit
    5.26 +	popaw
    5.27 +	pushw	%es
    5.28 +	movw	$movesys, %si
    5.29 +	pushw	%si
    5.30 +	retf
    5.31 +stepit:
    5.32 +# endif
    5.33  	pushw	4+2(%si)
    5.34  	pushw	4(%si)
    5.35  	movw	$step19, 4(%si)
    5.36 @@ -82,6 +93,15 @@
    5.37  	pushl	$4
    5.38  	popw	%si
    5.39  	popw	%ds
    5.40 +# ifdef CHK_DOS_INT19
    5.41 +	cmpb	$0xF0, 4*0x19+3-4(%si)
    5.42 +	jne	stepit
    5.43 +	popaw
    5.44 +	pushw	%es
    5.45 +	pushw	$movesys
    5.46 +	retf
    5.47 +stepit:
    5.48 +# endif
    5.49  	pushl	(%si)
    5.50  	movl	$step19+(INITSEG<<16), (%si)
    5.51  #endif
    5.52 @@ -90,7 +110,11 @@
    5.53  	incb	%ah			# set TF
    5.54  	pushw	%ax
    5.55  	popfw
    5.56 +#ifdef ONLY8086
    5.57 +	ljmp	*4*0x19(%si)
    5.58 +#else
    5.59  	ljmp	*4*0x19-4(%si)
    5.60 +#endif
    5.61  .endm
    5.63  stacktop	= 0x9E00		# in 0x8000 .. 0xA000
    5.64 @@ -442,7 +466,6 @@
    5.65  # ifdef SHUTDOWNDOS
    5.66  	trace_int19
    5.67  # else
    5.68 -	lssw	%cs:EXEADRS(saved_ss_sp),%sp	
    5.69  	popaw
    5.70  	retf
    5.71  # endif
    5.72 @@ -649,10 +672,6 @@
    5.73  	.word	0x03FF
    5.74  idt_base:
    5.75  	.long	0
    5.76 -# ifndef SHUTDOWNDOS
    5.77 -saved_ss_sp:
    5.78 -	.word	stacktop-4-16-4,INITSEG
    5.79 -# endif
    5.80  #endif
    5.81  #ifdef ELKS
    5.82  	.org	0x1E3
     6.1 --- a/mk-livestatus/receipt	Sat Apr 23 16:34:46 2022 +0100
     6.2 +++ b/mk-livestatus/receipt	Sat Apr 23 16:35:24 2022 +0100
     6.3 @@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
     6.4  SHORT_DESC="Nagios status broker module."
     6.5  MAINTAINER="erjo@slitaz.org"
     6.6  LICENSE="GPL2"
     6.7 -WEB_SITE="https://mathias-kettner.de/cms_livestatus.html"
     6.8 +#WEB_SITE="https://mathias-kettner.de/cms_livestatus.html"
     6.9 +WEB_SITE="https://github.com/tribe29/checkmk/"
    6.11  TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.gz"
    6.12  WGET_URL="https://mathias-kettner.de/download/$TARBALL"
     7.1 --- a/plop/stuff/bootloader.S	Sat Apr 23 16:34:46 2022 +0100
     7.2 +++ b/plop/stuff/bootloader.S	Sat Apr 23 16:35:24 2022 +0100
     7.3 @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
     7.4  #define  BUGGY_CMDLINE		verify cmdline length		+2
     7.5  #define  VCPI			VCPI 4.0 support (386+)		+109
     7.6  #define  SHUTDOWNDOS		shutdown DOS services		+29
     7.7 +#define   CHK_DOS_INT19		do not trace bios		+12/13
     7.9  /* some contraints to reduce the code size */
    7.10  //#define FLOPPY_1440K_ONLY	1.44M floppies support only	-26
    7.11 @@ -74,6 +75,16 @@
    7.12  #ifdef ONLY8086
    7.13  	xorw	%si, %si
    7.14  	movw	%si, %ds
    7.15 +# ifdef CHK_DOS_INT19
    7.16 +	cmpb	$0xF0, 4*0x19+3(%si)
    7.17 +	jne	stepit
    7.18 +	popaw
    7.19 +	pushw	%es
    7.20 +	movw	$movesys, %si
    7.21 +	pushw	%si
    7.22 +	retf
    7.23 +stepit:
    7.24 +# endif
    7.25  	pushw	4+2(%si)
    7.26  	pushw	4(%si)
    7.27  	movw	$step19, 4(%si)
    7.28 @@ -82,6 +93,15 @@
    7.29  	pushl	$4
    7.30  	popw	%si
    7.31  	popw	%ds
    7.32 +# ifdef CHK_DOS_INT19
    7.33 +	cmpb	$0xF0, 4*0x19+3-4(%si)
    7.34 +	jne	stepit
    7.35 +	popaw
    7.36 +	pushw	%es
    7.37 +	pushw	$movesys
    7.38 +	retf
    7.39 +stepit:
    7.40 +# endif
    7.41  	pushl	(%si)
    7.42  	movl	$step19+(INITSEG<<16), (%si)
    7.43  #endif
    7.44 @@ -90,7 +110,11 @@
    7.45  	incb	%ah			# set TF
    7.46  	pushw	%ax
    7.47  	popfw
    7.48 +#ifdef ONLY8086
    7.49 +	ljmp	*4*0x19(%si)
    7.50 +#else
    7.51  	ljmp	*4*0x19-4(%si)
    7.52 +#endif
    7.53  .endm
    7.55  stacktop	= 0x9E00		# in 0x8000 .. 0xA000
    7.56 @@ -442,7 +466,6 @@
    7.57  # ifdef SHUTDOWNDOS
    7.58  	trace_int19
    7.59  # else
    7.60 -	lssw	%cs:EXEADRS(saved_ss_sp),%sp	
    7.61  	popaw
    7.62  	retf
    7.63  # endif
    7.64 @@ -649,10 +672,6 @@
    7.65  	.word	0x03FF
    7.66  idt_base:
    7.67  	.long	0
    7.68 -# ifndef SHUTDOWNDOS
    7.69 -saved_ss_sp:
    7.70 -	.word	stacktop-4-16-4,INITSEG
    7.71 -# endif
    7.72  #endif
    7.73  #ifdef ELKS
    7.74  	.org	0x1E3
     8.1 --- a/prelink/receipt	Sat Apr 23 16:34:46 2022 +0100
     8.2 +++ b/prelink/receipt	Sat Apr 23 16:35:24 2022 +0100
     8.3 @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
     8.4  SHORT_DESC="ELF prelinking utility to speed up dynamic linking"
     8.5  MAINTAINER="devl547@gmail.com"
     8.6  LICENSE="GPL"
     8.7 -WEB_SITE="http://people.redhat.com/jakub/prelink/"
     8.8 +WEB_SITE="https://people.redhat.com/jakub/prelink/"
     8.9  TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.bz2"
    8.10  WGET_URL="http://people.redhat.com/jakub/$PACKAGE/$TARBALL"