wok-current rev 8851

Updated tazwikiss to use slitaz-dev-tools.
author Christopher Rogers <slaxemulator@gmail.com>
date Fri Feb 25 00:13:56 2011 +0000 (2011-02-25)
parents 051b9519756a
children b5a5fbb61181
files tazwikiss/receipt tazwikiss/stuff/usr/share/applications/tazwikiss.desktop tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/config-de.sh tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/config-fr.sh tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/config.sh tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/index.sh tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/pages/Accueil.txt tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/pages/Aide.txt tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/pages/AideTables.txt tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/pages/Help.txt tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/pages/HelpTables.txt tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/pages/Welcome.txt tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/plugins/wkp_ListPlugins.sh tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/plugins/wkp_Rss.sh tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/plugins/wkp_Tables.sh tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/style.css tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/template.html
line diff
     1.1 --- a/tazwikiss/receipt	Fri Feb 25 00:11:56 2011 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/tazwikiss/receipt	Fri Feb 25 00:13:56 2011 +0000
     1.3 @@ -1,17 +1,21 @@
     1.4  # SliTaz package receipt.
     1.6  PACKAGE="tazwikiss"
     1.7 -VERSION="0.3"
     1.8 +VERSION="1.0"
     1.9  CATEGORY="office"
    1.10  SHORT_DESC="Tiny SliTaz Wiki"
    1.11  MAINTAINER="pascal.bellard@slitaz.org"
    1.12 +BUILD_DEPENDS="mercurial"
    1.13 +SOURCE="slitaz-dev-tools"
    1.14 +WGET_URL="mercurial|http://hg.slitaz.org/slitaz-dev-tools"
    1.15 +BRANCH="$VERSION"
    1.16  WEB_SITE="http://www.slitaz.org/"
    1.17  CONFIG_FILES="/var/www/wiki/config*.sh"
    1.19  # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
    1.20  genpkg_rules()
    1.21  {
    1.22 -	cp -a stuff/* $fs
    1.23 +	cp -a $src/$PACKAGE/rootfs/* $fs
    1.24  	chown -R 80.80 $fs/var/www
    1.25  }
     2.1 --- a/tazwikiss/stuff/usr/share/applications/tazwikiss.desktop	Fri Feb 25 00:11:56 2011 +0000
     2.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     2.3 @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
     2.4 -[Desktop Entry]
     2.5 -Encoding=UTF-8
     2.6 -Name=Wiki
     2.7 -Icon=html.png
     2.8 -Exec=browser http://localhost/wiki/index.sh
     2.9 -Type=Application
    2.10 -Categories=Office;
    2.11 -
     3.1 --- a/tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/config-de.sh	Fri Feb 25 00:11:56 2011 +0000
     3.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     3.3 @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
     3.4 -PASSWORD="test"
     3.5 -PAGES_DIR="pages/"
     3.6 -BACKUP_DIR="historique/"
     3.7 -
     3.8 -LANG="de"
     3.9 -WIKI_TITLE="WiKiss"
    3.10 -#START_PAGE="Startseite"
    3.11 -START_PAGE="Welcome"
    3.12 -HOME_BUTTON="Startseite"
    3.13 -HELP_BUTTON="Hilfe"
    3.14 -DEFAULT_CONTENT="Die Seite %page% ist leer."
    3.15 -EDIT_BUTTON="Bearbeiten"
    3.16 -DONE_BUTTON="Speichern"
    3.17 -PROTECTED_BUTTON="Gesperrt Seite"
    3.18 -SEARCH_BUTTON="Suche"
    3.19 -SEARCH_RESULTS="Suchergebnsise"
    3.20 -LIST="Seitenliste"
    3.21 -RECENT_CHANGES="Kürzliche Änderungen"
    3.22 -LAST_CHANGES="Letzte Änderung"
    3.23 -HISTORY_BUTTON="Verlauf"
    3.24 -NO_HISTORY="Keinen Verlauf gefunden."
    3.25 -RESTORE="Restore"
    3.26 -MDP="Passwort"
    3.27 -ERROR="$MDP ist nicht korrekt."
     4.1 --- a/tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/config-fr.sh	Fri Feb 25 00:11:56 2011 +0000
     4.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     4.3 @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
     4.4 -PASSWORD="test"
     4.5 -PAGES_DIR="pages/"
     4.6 -BACKUP_DIR="historique/"
     4.7 -
     4.8 -LANG="fr"
     4.9 -WIKI_TITLE="WiKiss : le Wiki Kiss"
    4.10 -START_PAGE="Accueil"
    4.11 -HOME_BUTTON="Accueil"
    4.12 -HELP_BUTTON="Aide"
    4.13 -DEFAULT_CONTENT="La page %page% est vide."
    4.14 -EDIT_BUTTON="Éditer"
    4.15 -DONE_BUTTON="Enregistrer"
    4.16 -PROTECTED_BUTTON="Page verrouillée"
    4.17 -SEARCH_BUTTON="Rechercher"
    4.18 -SEARCH_RESULTS="Résultats de recherche pour"
    4.19 -LIST="Liste des pages"
    4.20 -RECENT_CHANGES="Changements récents"
    4.21 -LAST_CHANGES="Dernière modification"
    4.22 -HISTORY_BUTTON="Historique"
    4.23 -NO_HISTORY="Aucun historique existant."
    4.24 -RESTORE="Restaurer"
    4.25 -MDP="Mot de passe"
    4.26 -ERROR="$MDP spécifié incorrect."
     5.1 --- a/tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/config.sh	Fri Feb 25 00:11:56 2011 +0000
     5.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     5.3 @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
     5.4 -PASSWORD="test"
     5.5 -PAGES_DIR="pages/"
     5.6 -BACKUP_DIR="historique/"
     5.7 -
     5.8 -LANG="en"
     5.9 -WIKI_TITLE="WiKiss : the Kiss Wiki"
    5.10 -START_PAGE="Welcome"
    5.11 -HOME_BUTTON="Home"
    5.12 -HELP_BUTTON="Help"
    5.13 -DEFAULT_CONTENT="The page %page% is empty."
    5.14 -EDIT_BUTTON="Edit"
    5.15 -DONE_BUTTON="Save"
    5.16 -PROTECTED_BUTTON="Page protected"
    5.17 -SEARCH_BUTTON="Search"
    5.18 -SEARCH_RESULTS="Search results for"
    5.19 -LIST="Pages list"
    5.20 -RECENT_CHANGES="Recent changes"
    5.21 -LAST_CHANGES="Last changes"
    5.22 -HISTORY_BUTTON="History"
    5.23 -NO_HISTORY="No history."
    5.24 -RESTORE="Restore"
    5.25 -MDP="Password"
    5.26 -ERROR="Wrong password."
     6.1 --- a/tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/index.sh	Fri Feb 25 00:11:56 2011 +0000
     6.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     6.3 @@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
     6.4 -#!/bin/sh
     6.5 -#
     6.6 -# TazWikiss - A tiny Wiki for busybox/httpd
     6.7 -# Licence GNU/GPLv2 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
     6.8 -# Copyright (C) Pascal Bellard
     6.9 -# Based on WiKiss - http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/
    6.10 -
    6.11 -. /usr/bin/httpd_helper.sh
    6.12 -
    6.13 -cd $(dirname $0)
    6.14 -CONFIG=config-${HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE%%,*}.sh
    6.15 -[ -r "$CONFIG" ] || CONFIG=config.sh
    6.16 -. ./$CONFIG
    6.17 -
    6.18 -WIKI_VERSION="TazWiKiss 0.3"
    6.19 -
    6.20 -# Initialisations
    6.21 -toc=''				# Table Of Content
    6.22 -CONTENT=''			# contenu de la page
    6.23 -HISTORY=''			# lien vers l'historique
    6.24 -plugins_dir="plugins/"		# repertoire ou stocker les plugins
    6.25 -template="template.html"	# Fichier template
    6.26 -PAGE_TITLE_link=true		# y-a-t-il un lien sur le titre de la page ?
    6.27 -editable=true			# la page est editable
    6.28 -urlbase="$SCRIPT_NAME"
    6.29 -#urlbase="./"
    6.30 -   
    6.31 -die()
    6.32 -{
    6.33 -	echo $@
    6.34 -	exit
    6.35 -}
    6.36 -
    6.37 -redirect()
    6.38 -{
    6.39 -	awk '{ printf "%s\r\n",$0 }' <<EOT
    6.40 -HTTP/1.0 302 Found
    6.41 -location: $1
    6.42 -
    6.43 -EOT
    6.44 -        exit
    6.45 -}
    6.46 -
    6.47 -cache_auth()
    6.48 -{
    6.49 -	local tmp
    6.50 -	tmp="$(echo $1$(date +%d) | md5sum | cut -c1-8)"
    6.51 -	[ "$(POST sc)" == "$1" ] && AUTH=$tmp || [ "$AUTH" == "$tmp" ]
    6.52 -}
    6.53 -
    6.54 -authentified()
    6.55 -{
    6.56 -	[ -n "$PASSWORDS" ] && for i in $PASSWORDS ; do
    6.57 -		cache_auth "$i" && return
    6.58 -	done
    6.59 -	cache_auth "$PASSWORD"
    6.60 -}
    6.61 -
    6.62 -plugin_call_method()
    6.63 -{
    6.64 -	local status
    6.65 -	local name
    6.66 -	name=$1
    6.67 -	shift
    6.68 -	[ -d "$plugins_dir" ] || return
    6.69 -	status=false
    6.70 -	for i in $plugins_dir/*.sh ; do
    6.71 -		[ -x $i ] || continue
    6.72 -		grep -q "^$name()" $i || continue
    6.73 -		. $i
    6.74 -		eval $name "$@"
    6.75 -		[ $? == 0 ] && status=true
    6.76 -	done
    6.77 -	$status
    6.78 -}
    6.79 -
    6.80 -curdate()
    6.81 -{
    6.82 -	date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'
    6.83 -}
    6.84 -
    6.85 -filedate()
    6.86 -{
    6.87 -	stat -c %y $1 | sed -e 's|-|/|g' -e 's/\(:..\):.*/\1/'
    6.88 -}
    6.89 -
    6.90 -AUTH=$(GET auth)
    6.91 -[ -n "$AUTH" ] || AUTH=$(POST auth)
    6.92 -PAGE_TITLE="$(GET page)"
    6.93 -[ -n "$PAGE_TITLE" ] || PAGE_TITLE="$(POST page)"
    6.94 -if [ -z "$PAGE_TITLE" ]; then
    6.96 -	case "$(GET action)" in
    6.97 -	recent) PAGE_TITLE="$RECENT_CHANGES" ;;
    6.98 -	search)	PAGE_TITLE="$LIST"
    6.99 -	  [ -n "$(GET query)" ] && PAGE_TITLE="$SEARCH_RESULTS $(GET query)"
   6.100 -	esac
   6.101 -fi
   6.102 -case "$PAGE_TITLE" in
   6.103 -*/*|*\&*) PAGE_TITLE="$START_PAGE" ;;
   6.104 -esac
   6.105 -gtime=$(GET time)
   6.106 -case "$gtime" in
   6.107 -*/*|*\&*) gtime="" ;;
   6.108 -esac
   6.109 -action=$(GET action)
   6.110 -datew="$(curdate)"
   6.111 -content="$(POST content)"
   6.112 -
   6.113 -# Ecrire les modifications, s'il y a lieu
   6.114 -PAGE_txt="$PAGES_DIR$PAGE_TITLE.txt"
   6.115 -if [ -n "$content" ]; then	# content => page
   6.116 -	if authentified; then
   6.117 -		sed 's/</\&lt;/g' > $PAGE_txt <<EOT
   6.118 -$POST_content
   6.119 -EOT
   6.120 -		if [ -n "$BACKUP_DIR" ]; then
   6.121 -			complete_dir_s="$BACKUP_DIR$PAGE_TITLE/"
   6.122 -			if [ ! -d "$complete_dir_s" ]; then
   6.123 -				mkdir -p $complete_dir_s
   6.124 -				chmod 777 $complete_dir_s
   6.125 -			fi
   6.126 -			cat >> "$complete_dir_s$(curdate).bak" <<EOT
   6.127 -
   6.128 -// $datew / $REMOTE_ADDR
   6.129 -$(cat $PAGE_txt)
   6.130 -EOT
   6.131 -		fi
   6.132 -                plugin_call_method "writedPage" $PAGE_txt
   6.133 -        	PAGE_TITLE="$PAGE_TITLE&auth=$AUTH"
   6.134 -	else
   6.135 -        	PAGE_TITLE="$PAGE_TITLE&action=edit&error=1"
   6.136 -	fi
   6.137 -        redirect "$urlbase?page=$PAGE_TITLE"
   6.138 -fi
   6.139 -
   6.140 -if [ -r "$PAGE_txt" -o -n "$action" ]; then
   6.141 -	CONTENT=""
   6.142 -	if [ -e "$PAGE_txt" ]; then
   6.143 -		TIME=$(filedate $PAGE_txt)
   6.144 -		CONTENT="$(cat $PAGE_txt)"
   6.145 -	fi
   6.146 -	# Restaurer une page
   6.147 -	[ -n "$(GET page)" -a -n "$gtime" -a "$(GET restore)" == 1 ] &&
   6.148 -	[ -r "$BACKUP_DIR$PAGE_TITLE/$gtime" ] && 
   6.149 -	CONTENT="$(cat $BACKUP_DIR$PAGE_TITLE/$gtime)"
   6.150 -	CONTENT="$(sed -e 's/\$/\&#036;/g' -e 's/\\/\&#092;/g' <<EOT
   6.151 -$CONTENT
   6.152 -EOT
   6.153 -)"
   6.154 -else
   6.155 -	CONTENT="$(sed -e "s#%page%#$PAGE_TITLE#" <<EOT
   6.157 -EOT
   6.158 -)"
   6.159 -fi
   6.160 -
   6.161 -htmldiff()
   6.162 -{
   6.163 -	local files
   6.164 -	local old
   6.165 -	local new
   6.166 -	old="$BACKUP_DIR$(GET page)/$1"
   6.167 -	new="$BACKUP_DIR$(GET page)/$2"
   6.168 -	[ -s "$old" ] || old=/dev/null
   6.169 -	[ -n "$2" -a "$2" != "none" ] || new=$PAGES_DIR$(GET page).txt
   6.170 -	files="$old $new"
   6.171 -	[ "$old" -nt "$new" -a "$old" != "/dev/null" ] && files="$new $old"
   6.172 -	diff -aU 99999 $files | sed -e '1,3d' -e '/^\\/d' -e 's|$|<br/>|' \
   6.173 -	 -e 's|^-\(.*\)$|<font color=red>\1</font>|' \
   6.174 -	 -e 's|^+\(.*\)$|<font color=green>\1</font>|'
   6.175 -}
   6.176 -
   6.177 -# Actions speciales du Wiki
   6.178 -case "$action" in
   6.179 -edit)
   6.180 -	editable=false
   6.181 -	HISTORY="<a href=\"$urlbase?page=$(urlencode $PAGE_TITLE)\&amp;action=history\" accesskey=\"6\" rel=\"nofollow\">$HISTORY_BUTTON</a><br />"
   6.182 -	CONTENT="<form method=\"post\" action=\"$urlbase\">
   6.183 -<textarea name=\"content\" cols=\"83\" rows=\"30\" style=\"width: 100%;\">
   6.184 -$CONTENT
   6.185 -</textarea>
   6.186 -<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"$PAGE_TITLE\" /><br />
   6.187 -<p align=\"right\">"
   6.188 -	if authentified; then
   6.189 -		CONTENT="$CONTENT<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$(POST password)\""
   6.190 -	else
   6.191 -		CONTENT="$CONTENT$MDP : <input type=\"password\""
   6.192 -	fi	
   6.193 -	CONTENT="$CONTENT name=\"sc\" /> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"$DONE_BUTTON\" accesskey=\"s\" /></p></form>"
   6.194 -	;;
   6.195 -history)
   6.196 -	complete_dir="$BACKUP_DIR$PAGE_TITLE/"
   6.197 -	if [ -n "$gtime" ]; then
   6.198 -		HISTORY="<a href=\"$urlbase?page=$PAGE_TITLE\&amp;action=history\" rel=\"nofollow\">$HISTORY_BUTTON</a>"
   6.199 -		if [ -r "$complete_dir$gtime" ]; then
   6.200 -			HISTORY="$HISTORY <a href=\"$urlbase?page=$PAGE_TITLE\&amp;action=edit\&amp;time=$gtime&amp;restore=1\" rel=\"nofollow\">$RESTORE</a>"
   6.201 -			CONTENT="$(cat $complete_dir$gtime | sed -e s/$(echo -ne '\r')//g -e 's|$|<br/>|g')"
   6.202 -		else
   6.203 -			HISTORY="$HISTORY -"
   6.204 -		fi
   6.205 -	else
   6.207 -		CONTENT="$NO_HISTORY"
   6.208 -		if [ -d $complete_dir ]; then
   6.209 -			CONTENT="<form method=\"GET\" action=\"$urlbase\">\n<input type=hidden name=action value=diff><input type=hidden name=page value=\"$PAGE_TITLE\">" 
   6.210 -			for file in $(ls $complete_dir | sort -r); do
   6.211 -				CONTENT="$CONTENT
   6.212 -<input type=radio name=f1 value=$file><input type=radio name=f2 value=$file />
   6.213 -<a href=\"$urlbase?page=$PAGE_TITLE&amp;action=history&amp;time=$file\">$file</a><br />
   6.214 -"
   6.215 -			done
   6.216 -			CONTENT="$CONTENT<input type=submit value=diff></form>"
   6.217 -		fi
   6.218 -	fi ;;
   6.219 -diff)
   6.220 -	if [ -n "$(GET f1)" ]; then
   6.221 -		HISTORY="<a href=\"$urlbase?page=$(urlencode "$PAGE_TITLE")\&amp;action=history\">$HISTORY_BUTTON</a>"
   6.222 -		CONTENT="$(htmldiff "$(GET f1)" "$(GET f2)" )"
   6.223 -	else
   6.224 -		# diff auto entre les 2 dernières versions
   6.225 -		ls "$BACKUP_DIR$PAGE_TITLE/" | ( sort -r ; echo none ; echo ) | head -n 2 | while read f1 f2; do
   6.226 -			redirect "$urlbase?page=$(urlencode "$PAGE_TITLE")&action=$action&f1=$f1&f2=$f2"
   6.227 -		done
   6.228 -	fi ;;
   6.229 -search)
   6.230 -	PAGE_TITLE_link=false
   6.231 -	editable=false
   6.232 -	query="$(GET query)"
   6.233 -	n=0
   6.234 -	for file in $(ls $PAGES_DIR/*.txt 2> /dev/null | sort) ; do
   6.235 -		[ -e $file ] || continue
   6.236 -		echo $file | grep -qs "$query" $file /dev/stdin || continue
   6.237 -		file=$(basename $file ".txt")
   6.238 -		CONTENT="$CONTENT<a href=\"$urlbase?page=$file\">$file</a><br />
   6.239 -"
   6.240 -		n=$(($n + 1))
   6.241 -	done
   6.242 -	PAGE_TITLE="$PAGE_TITLE ($n)" ;;
   6.243 -recent)
   6.244 -	PAGE_TITLE_link=false
   6.245 -	editable=false
   6.246 -	n=0
   6.247 -	for file in $(ls -l $PAGES_DIR/*.txt 2> /dev/null | awk '{ print $9 }' | tail -n 10) ; do
   6.248 -		filename=$(basename $file ".txt")
   6.249 -		timestamp=$(filedate $file)
   6.250 -		CONTENT="$CONTENT<a href=\"$urlbase?page=$filename\">$filename</a> ($timestamp - <a href=\"$urlbase?page=$filename&amp;action=diff\">diff</a>)<br />
   6.251 -"
   6.252 -	done ;;
   6.253 -'') 	;;
   6.254 -*)
   6.255 -	plugin_call_method "action" $action || action="" ;;
   6.256 -esac
   6.257 -if [ -z "$action" ]; then
   6.258 -	if echo "$CONTENT" | grep -q '%html%\s'; then
   6.259 -		CONTENT="$(sed 's/%html%\s//' <<EOT
   6.260 -$CONTENT
   6.261 -EOT
   6.262 -)"
   6.263 -	else
   6.264 -		tmpdir=/tmp/tazwiki$$
   6.265 -		mkdir $tmpdir
   6.266 -		unesc="$(echo "$CONTENT" | sed 's/\^\(.\)/\n^\1\n/g' | grep '\^' |\
   6.267 -		  sort | uniq | grep -v "['[!]" | hexdump -e '"" 3/1 "%d " "\n"' |\
   6.268 -		  awk '{ printf "-e '\''s/\\^%c/\\&#%d;/g'\'' ",$2,$2}') \
   6.269 -		  -e 's/\\^'\\''/\\&#39;/g' -e 's/\^\!/\&#33;/g' \
   6.270 -		  -e 's/\^\[/\&#91;/g'"
   6.271 -		CONTENT="$(eval sed $unesc <<EOT | \
   6.272 -			sed -e 's/&/\&amp;/g'  -e s/$(echo -ne '\r')//g \
   6.273 -			-e 's/&amp;lt;/\&lt;/g'  -e 's/&amp;#\([0-9]\)/\&#\1/g' | \
   6.274 -			awk -v tmpdir=$tmpdir 'BEGIN { n=1; state=0 } {
   6.275 -s=$0
   6.276 -while (1) {
   6.277 -  if (state == 0) {
   6.278 -    if (match(s,/\{\{/)) {
   6.279 -      printf "%s<pre><code>{{CODE%s}}</code></pre>",substr(s,1,RSTART-1),n
   6.280 -      s=substr(s,RSTART+RLENGTH)
   6.281 -      state=1
   6.282 -    }
   6.283 -    else {
   6.284 -      print s
   6.285 -      break
   6.286 -    }
   6.287 -  }
   6.288 -  if (state == 1) {
   6.289 -    if (match(s,/\}\}/)) {
   6.290 -      printf "%s",substr(s,1,RSTART-1) >> tmpdir "/CODE" n
   6.291 -      s=substr(s,RSTART+RLENGTH)
   6.292 -      n++
   6.293 -      state=0
   6.294 -    }
   6.295 -    else {
   6.296 -      print s >> tmpdir "/CODE" n
   6.297 -      break
   6.298 -    }
   6.299 -  }
   6.300 -}
   6.301 -}'
   6.302 -$CONTENT
   6.303 -EOT
   6.304 -)"
   6.305 -		plugin_call_method formatBegin 
   6.306 -		CONTENT="$(sed -e 's/&lt;-->/\&harr;/g' -e 's/&lt;==>/\&hArr;/g'\
   6.307 -		 	-e 's/-->/\&rarr;/g'    -e 's/&lt;--/\&larr;/g' \
   6.308 -		 	-e 's/==>/\&rArr;/g'    -e 's/&lt;==/\&lArr;/g' \
   6.309 -		 	-e 's/([eE])/\&euro;/g' -e 's/([pP])/\&pound;/g' \
   6.310 -		 	-e 's/([yY])/\&yen;/g'  -e 's/([tT][mM])/\&trade;/g' \
   6.311 -		 	-e 's/([cC])/\&copy;/g' -e 's/([rR])/\&reg;/g' \
   6.312 -		 	-e 's/(&lt;=)/\&le;/g'  -e 's/(>=)/\&ge;/g' \
   6.313 -		 	-e 's/(!=)/\&ne;/g'     -e 's/(+-)/\&plusmn;/g' <<EOT
   6.314 -$CONTENT
   6.315 -EOT
   6.316 -)"
   6.317 -		rg_url="[0-9a-zA-Z\.\#/~\-\_%=\?\&,\+\:@;!\(\)\*\$']*" # TODO: verif & / &amp;
   6.318 -		rg_link_local="$rg_url"
   6.319 -		rg_link_http="https\?://$rg_url"
   6.320 -		rg_img_local="$rg_url\.jpe\?g\|$rg_url\.gif\|$rg_url\.png"
   6.321 -		rg_img_http="$rg_link_http\.jpe\?g\|$rg_link_http\.gif\|$rg_link_http\.png"
   6.322 -
   6.323 -		# image, image link, link, wikipedia, email ...
   6.324 -		CONTENT="$(sed \
   6.325 -			-e "s#\[\($rg_img_http\)|*\([a-z]*\)*\]#<img src=\"\1\" alt=\"\1\" style=\"float:\2;\"/>#g" \
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   6.331 -			-e "s#\[\([^]]*\)|\($rg_link_http\)\]#<a href=\"\2\" class=\"url\">\1</a>#g" \
   6.332 -			-e "s#\[\([^]]*\)|\($rg_link_local\)\]#<a href=\"\2\" class=\"url\">\1</a>#g" \
   6.333 -			-e "s#\[\($rg_link_http\)\]#<a href=\"\1\" class=\"url\">\1</a>#g" \
   6.334 -			-e "s#\([^>\"]\)\($rg_link_http\)#\1<a href=\"\2\" class=\"url\">\2</a>#g" \
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   6.338 -			-e 's#^\*\*\*\(.*\)#<ul><ul><ul><li>\1</li></ul></ul></ul>#g' \
   6.339 -			-e 's#^\*\*\(.*\)#<ul><ul><li>\1</li></ul></ul>#g' \
   6.340 -			-e 's#^\*\(.*\)#<ul><li>\1</li></ul>#g' \
   6.341 -			-e 's,^\#\#\#\(.*\),<ol><ol><ol><li>\1</li></ol></ol></ol>,g' \
   6.342 -			-e 's,^\#\#\(.*\),<ol><ol><li>\1</li></ol></ol>,g' \
   6.343 -			-e 's,^\#\(.*\),<ol><li>\1</li></ol>,g' \
   6.344 -			-e "s/$(printf '\r')//" <<EOT | sed \
   6.345 -			-e ':x;/<\/ol>$/{N;s/\n//;$P;$D;bx;}' | sed \
   6.346 -			-e ':x;/<\/ul>$/{N;s/\n//;$P;$D;bx;}' | sed \
   6.347 -			-e ':x;s/<\/ul><ul>//g;tx' -e ':x;s/<\/ol><ol>//g;tx' \
   6.348 -			-e 's|----*$|<hr />|' -e 's|$|<br />|' \
   6.349 -			-e 's#</li>#&\n#g' -e 's#\(</h[123456]>\)<br />#\1#g' \
   6.350 -			-e "s#'--\([^']*\)--'#<del>\1</del>#g" \
   6.351 -			-e "s#'__\([^']*\)__'#<u>\1</u>#g" \
   6.352 -			-e "s#'''''\([^']*\)'''''#<strong><em>\1</em></strong>#g" \
   6.353 -			-e "s#'''\([^']*\)'''#<strong>\1</strong>#g" \
   6.354 -			-e "s#''\([^']*\)''#<em>\1</em>#g"
   6.355 -$CONTENT
   6.356 -EOT
   6.357 -)"
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   6.372 -$CONTENT
   6.373 -EOT
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   6.381 -EOT
   6.382 -)"
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   6.390 -$toc
   6.391 -	<h$i><a href="#$label">$line</a></h$i>
   6.392 -EOT
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   6.395 -$CONTENT
   6.396 -EOT
   6.397 -)"
   6.398 -			done <<EOT
   6.399 -$(grep "$pat" <<EOM | sed -e 's/^!!*//' -e 's/#/\#/g' -e 's/&/\\\&/g'
   6.400 -$CONTENT
   6.401 -EOM
   6.402 -)
   6.403 -EOT
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   6.406 -		toc="$(cat <<EOT
   6.407 -$toc
   6.408 -</div>
   6.409 -EOT
   6.410 -)"
   6.411 -		case "$hastoc" in
   6.412 -		TOC*) ;;
   6.413 -		*) toc='';;
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   6.415 -		CONTENT="$(awk -v tmpdir=$tmpdir '{
   6.416 -s=$0
   6.417 -while (1) {
   6.418 -  if (match(s,/\{\{CODE[0-9]+\}\}/)) {
   6.419 -    printf "%s" substr(s,1,RSTART-1)
   6.420 -    system("cat " tmpdir "/" substr(s,RSTART+2,RLENGTH-4))
   6.421 -    s=substr(s,RSTART+RLENGTH)
   6.422 -  }
   6.423 -  else {
   6.424 -    print s
   6.425 -    break
   6.426 -  }
   6.427 -}
   6.428 -}' <<EOT
   6.429 -$CONTENT
   6.430 -EOT
   6.431 -)"
   6.432 -		rm -rf $tmpdir
   6.433 -		plugin_call_method formatEnd
   6.434 -	fi
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   6.436 -
   6.437 -# Remplacement dans le template
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   6.444 -
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   6.446 -html="$(sed -e "s#{\([^}]*\)RECENT_CHANGES\([^}]*\)}#\1$RECENT\2#" \
   6.447 -           -e "s#{\([^}]*\)HOME\([^}]*\)}#\1$HOME\2#" \
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   6.450 -           < $template )"
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   6.466 -AUTH_POST=""
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   6.468 -	AUTH_GET="auth=$AUTH\&"
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   6.471 -
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   6.475 -	-e "s#{PAGE_TITLE}#$PAGE_TITLE_str#" \
   6.476 -	-e "s#{\([^}]*\)EDIT\([^}]*\)}#\1$EDIT\2#" \
   6.477 -	-e "s|{\([^}]*\)TOC\([^}]*\)}|$(awk '{ printf "%s\\n" $0 }' <<EOT | \
   6.478 -		sed -e 's/&/\\\&/g' -e 's/|/\\|/g'
   6.479 -$toc
   6.480 -EOT
   6.481 -)|" \
   6.482 -	-e "s#{PAGE_TITLE_BRUT}#$(htmlentities "$PAGE_TITLE")#" \
   6.483 -	-e "s#{LAST_CHANGE}#$LAST_CHANGES :#" \
   6.484 -	-e "s#{CONTENT}#$(awk '{ printf "%s\\n" $0 }' <<EOT | \
   6.485 -		sed -e 's/&/\\\&/g' -e 's/#/\\#/g'
   6.486 -$CONTENT
   6.487 -EOT
   6.488 -)#" \
   6.489 -	-e "s#{LANG}#$LANG#"		-e "s#href=\"?#href=\"$urlbase?#g" \
   6.490 -	-e "s#$urlbase?#&$AUTH_GET#g" -e "s#action=\"$urlbase\">#&$AUTH_POST#g" \
   6.491 -	-e "s#{WIKI_VERSION}#$WIKI_VERSION#" \
   6.492 -	-e "s#{TIME}#$TIME#"		-e "s#{DATE}#$datew#" \
   6.493 -	-e "s#{IP}#$REMOTE_ADDR#"	-e "s#{COOKIE}##" <<EOT
   6.494 -$html
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     7.1 --- a/tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/pages/Accueil.txt	Fri Feb 25 00:11:56 2011 +0000
     7.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     7.3 @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
     7.4 -TOC
     7.5 -!Bienvenue...
     7.6 -!!...sur votre wiki
     7.7 -Merci d'avoir choisi TazWiKiss l'adaptation de [WiKiss|http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/] et de ses [greffons|?action=list] pour SliTaz.
     7.8 -N'hésitez pas à parcourir cette installation par défaut, jusqu'à ce que vous vous sentiez à l'aise.
     7.9 -
    7.10 -!!Aide
    7.11 -Pour tester l'édition et la mise en forme dans ''TazWiKiss'', cliquez simplement sur « '''Éditer''' » en haut de cet écran pour accéder à cette page (et la modifier). Vous pouvez aussi créer et tester via la page [BacASable].
    7.12 -
    7.13 -Allez voir l'[Aide] et [AideTables] pour un aperçu de toutes les possibilités. Vous pouvez toujours revenir sur cette page en cliquant sur « '''Accueil''' ».
    7.14 -
    7.15 -'''Amusez vous !'''
     8.1 --- a/tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/pages/Aide.txt	Fri Feb 25 00:11:56 2011 +0000
     8.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     8.3 @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
     8.4 -TOC
     8.5 -!Aide
     8.6 -Voici un aperçu de toutes les règles de mise en forme dans ''WiKiss''.
     8.7 -Cliquez sur "Éditer" en haut ou en bas de cette page pour voir comment ça se passe.
     8.8 -(Si vous ne voyez que "Page verrouillée", effectuez un CHMOD 775 sur ce fichier via un logiciel FTP)
     8.9 -----
    8.10 -Les titres utilisent le point d'exclamation '''!'''
    8.11 -^! Gros
    8.12 -^!! Moins gros
    8.13 -^!!! Encore moins gros
    8.14 -produit :
    8.15 -! Gros
    8.16 -!! Moins gros
    8.17 -!!! Encore moins gros
    8.18 -
    8.19 -Pour générer automatiquement une table des matières dans une page, ajoutez le terme TOC dans celle-ci :
    8.20 -* en dernière ligne pour plus de clarté, cela n'influe pas sur son positionnement ;
    8.21 -* en 1ère ligne si vous voulez écrire TOC dans la page. Seule la 1ère occurrence sera remplacée par la table des matières.
    8.22 -----
    8.23 -Les styles utilisent la simple apostrophe '
    8.24 -^''^'Gras^''^' --> '''Gras'''
    8.25 -^''italique^'' --> ''italique''
    8.26 -^''^''^'Gras et italique^''^''^' --> '''''Gras et italique'''''
    8.27 -----
    8.28 -La rayure de mot utilise l'apostrophe avec deux tirets
    8.29 -^'--Rayé--' --> '--Rayé--'
    8.30 -de même pour souligner, l'apostrophe suivit de deux blancs soulignés (underscore)
    8.31 -^'__Souligné__' --> '__Souligné__'
    8.32 -----
    8.33 -Les listes ordonnées utilisent le dièse '''#'''
    8.34 -# Premier
    8.35 -# Deuxième
    8.36 -# Troisième
    8.37 -----
    8.38 -Les listes non ordonnées utilisent l'étoile '''*'''
    8.39 -* Pomme
    8.40 -* Poire
    8.41 -* Pêche
    8.42 -----
    8.43 -Le code, et tous les textes où le formatage est important, utilisent deux accolades
    8.44 -^{{import sys
    8.45 -if len(sys.argv) == 2:
    8.46 -   print "Hello",sys.argv^[1]}}
    8.47 -donne :
    8.48 -{{import sys
    8.49 -if len(sys.argv) == 2:
    8.50 -   print "Hello",sys.argv[1]}}
    8.51 -----
    8.52 -Certains caractères spéciaux sont reconnus :
    8.53 -* Flèches : &lt;^-- : &lt;--, ^--> : -->, &lt;^--> : &lt;-->
    8.54 -* Copyrights : ^(c) ou ^(C) : (c), ^(r) ou ^(R) : (r)
    8.55 -----
    8.56 -Les liens externes et les adresses eMail sont reconnus automagiquement ...
    8.57 -^http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/ --> http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/
    8.58 -wikiss^@example.org --> wikiss@example.org
    8.59 -
    8.60 -ou au travers d'un texte entre crochets :
    8.61 -'''^['''Visitez le site de WiKiss'''|'''^http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/''']''' --> [Visitez le site de WiKiss|http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/]
    8.62 -
    8.63 -avec un ? on fait un lien vers Wikipedia dans la langue courante :
    8.64 -'''^[?'''Wiki''']''' --> [?Wiki]
    8.65 -----
    8.66 -Les images sont incluses automagiquement en insérant l'URL de l'image que vous voulez voir entre crochets
    8.67 -'''^['''^http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png''']''' -->
    8.68 -[http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png]
    8.69 -
    8.70 -Vous pouvez aussi utiliser une image comme un lien : '''^['''^http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png'''|'''^http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/''']''' --> 
    8.71 -[http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png|http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/]
    8.72 -
    8.73 -Mais aussi positionner l'image de manière flottante à gauche ou à droite :
    8.74 -[http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png|left] [http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png|http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org|right]
    8.75 -&lt;-- '''^['''^http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png'''|left]'''
    8.76 -'''^['''^http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png'''|'''^http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org'''|right]''' -->
    8.77 -
    8.78 -----
    8.79 -Les liens vers les wiki-pages utilisent les crochets :
    8.80 -'''^['''Acceuil''']''' --> [Accueil]
    8.81 -
    8.82 -Si une page n'existe pas, elle sera créée au premier clic sur son lien.
    8.83 -Cliquez sur "BacASable" ci-dessous et vous pourrez tout simplement écrire cette nouvelle page ...
    8.84 -[BacASable]
    8.85 -----
    8.86 -... et pour insérer des lignes, utilisez quatre tirets : '''---- '''
    8.87 -----
    8.88 -Enfin, pour neutraliser la syntaxe de WiKiss, utilisez l'accent circonflexe ^^
    8.89 -Ainsi, saisir '''^^^['''WiKiss''']''' permet d'afficher ^[WiKiss] plutôt que [WiKiss]
    8.90 -----
    8.91 -Essayez ! Vous verrez, c'est très simple (^_^)
    8.92 \ No newline at end of file
     9.1 --- a/tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/pages/AideTables.txt	Fri Feb 25 00:11:56 2011 +0000
     9.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     9.3 @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
     9.4 -! Aide à la syntaxe des tables
     9.5 -
     9.6 -!! Création de table
     9.7 -Les tables sont définies à l'aide du caractère |
     9.8 -basiquement, il suffit de dessiner le tableau :
     9.9 -{{|case 1|case 2|
    9.10 -|case 3|case 4|
    9.11 -}}
    9.12 -donnera :
    9.13 -|case 1|case 2|
    9.14 -|case 3|case 4|
    9.15 -
    9.16 -On peut aussi faire de la mise-en-forme de cellule. Il faut pour cela indiquer quelques caractères au début de celle-ci :
    9.17 -* des lettres suivies d'un espace pour définir l'alignement : 
    9.18 -** h : la cellule fait partie d'un titre
    9.19 -** t : alignement vertical en haut
    9.20 -** b : alignement vertical en bas
    9.21 -** l : alignement horizontal à gauche
    9.22 -** r : alignement horizontal à droite
    9.23 -* deux chiffres peuvent être ajoutés pour connecter les cellules :
    9.24 -** le premier indique combien de colonnes doivent être connectées
    9.25 -** le second placé après une virgule connecte les lignes
    9.26 -
    9.27 -{{
    9.28 -|hl Titre gauche|hr Titre droite|
    9.29 -|r droite       |l    gauche    |
    9.30 -|2 Deux colonnes                |
    9.31 -|t ,2 Deux lignes| A |
    9.32 -                 | B |
    9.33 -|,2 Deux lignes  | C |
    9.34 -                 | D |}}
    9.35 -
    9.36 -|hl Titre gauche|hr Titre droite|
    9.37 -|r droite       |l    gauche    |
    9.38 -|2 Deux colonnes                |
    9.39 -|t ,2 Deux lignes| A |
    9.40 -                 | B |
    9.41 -|,2 Deux lignes  | C |
    9.42 -                 | D |
    9.43 -
    9.44 -!! Inclusion dans une table
    9.45 -|h 3 Syntaxe supportée|
    9.46 -|ht ,7 Mise en forme | ^''italique^'' | ''italique'' |
    9.47 -                     |  '^''gras'^''  |  '''gras'''  |
    9.48 -                     |'^'^'^''gras italique'^'^'^''|'''''gras italique'''''|
    9.49 -                     |^'--rayé--'|'--rayé--'|
    9.50 -                     |^'__souligné__'|'__souligné__'|
    9.51 -                     | Caractères spéciaux | (c) (r) --> &lt;-- |
    9.52 -                     |^{{code}}|{{code}}|
    9.53 -|ht ,3 Liens         |^[Liens] | [Liens] |
    9.54 -                     |^[Liens 2^|?page=Liens]| [Liens 2|?page=Liens] |
    9.55 -                     |^[?Wikipedia]| [?Wikipedia] |
    9.56 -|ht ,4 Images        |^[^http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png]|[http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png]|
    9.57 -    |^[/logo_100.png^|^http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/]|[http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png|http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/]|
    9.58 -    |^[^http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png^|right] | [http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png|right]|
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    9.60 -
    9.61 -
    9.62 -|h 2 Syntaxe non supportée|
    9.63 -|Titres    | !! Titre|
    9.64 -|,2 Listes | * non ordonnée |
    9.65 -           | # ordonnée |
    9.66 -|Lignes    |----|
    9.67 \ No newline at end of file
    10.1 --- a/tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/pages/Help.txt	Fri Feb 25 00:11:56 2011 +0000
    10.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    10.3 @@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
    10.4 -TOC
    10.5 -!Help
    10.6 -
    10.7 -Here is a summary of all the formatting rules in ''WiKiss''.
    10.8 -Click "Edit" on top or bottom of this page to see how it works.
    10.9 -(if you see "Page Locked", do a chmod 775 on this file via a ftp client)
   10.10 -
   10.11 -See also [AideTables] to create tables.
   10.12 -
   10.13 -----
   10.14 -
   10.15 -Tiles use the exclamation mark '''!'''%%
   10.16 -^! Big%%
   10.17 -^!! Less big%%
   10.18 -^!!! Smaller%%
   10.19 -gives you :
   10.20 -! Big
   10.21 -!! Less big
   10.22 -!!! Smaller
   10.23 -
   10.24 -To automatically add a table of contents in a page, add the '''TOC''' mark in it :
   10.25 -* at the last line to be clearer, there is no influence on position ;
   10.26 -* at the first line if you need to write TOC in your page. Only the first occurrence will be replaced.
   10.27 -
   10.28 -----
   10.29 -
   10.30 -Styles use the single quote '
   10.31 -* ^''^'Bold^''^' --> '''Bold'''
   10.32 -* ^''italic^'' --> ''italic''
   10.33 -* ^''^''^'Bold and italic^''^''^' --> '''''Bold and italic'''''
   10.34 -
   10.35 -----
   10.36 -
   10.37 -Stroke of a work use quote and two dashes%%
   10.38 -^'--Stroked--' --> '--Stroked--'
   10.39 -
   10.40 -the same applies for underline, quote followed by by two underscore%%
   10.41 -^'__Underlined__' --> '__Underlined__'
   10.42 -
   10.43 -----
   10.44 -
   10.45 -The ordered lists use sharp '''#'''
   10.46 -# First
   10.47 -# Second
   10.48 -# Third
   10.49 -
   10.50 -----
   10.51 -
   10.52 -Non ordered lists use the star '''*'''
   10.53 -* Apple
   10.54 -* Pear
   10.55 -* Peach
   10.56 -
   10.57 -----
   10.58 -
   10.59 -The code, and all of those things where formatting is important, use the braces %%
   10.60 -^{{import sys%%
   10.61 -if len(sys.argv) == 2:%%
   10.62 -   print "Hello",sys.argv^[1]}}%%
   10.63 -give :
   10.64 -{{import sys
   10.65 -if len(sys.argv) == 2:
   10.66 -   print "Hello",sys.argv[1]}}
   10.67 -
   10.68 -----
   10.69 -
   10.70 -The separation between paragraphs of text is done through an empty line.
   10.71 -To force a line break in the middle of a paragraph, use: ^%%
   10.72 -
   10.73 -----
   10.74 -
   10.75 -Some special characters are recognized:
   10.76 -* Arrows : &lt;^-- : &lt;--, ^--> : -->, &lt;^--> : &lt;-->
   10.77 -* Copyrights : ^(c) or ^(C) : (c), ^(r) or ^(R) : (r)
   10.78 -
   10.79 -----
   10.80 -
   10.81 -Links to wiki-pages use square brackets :
   10.82 -'''^['''Accueil''']''' --> [Accueil]
   10.83 -
   10.84 -If a page does not exists, it will be created on first click.
   10.85 -Click on "SandBox" below and you will be able to create it ...%%
   10.86 -[SandBox]
   10.87 -
   10.88 -To link a wiki-page with a different text use :
   10.89 -'''^['''Beginning'''|?page='''Accueil''']''' --> [Beginning|?page=Accueil]
   10.90 -
   10.91 -The external links and addresses eMail are automagically recognized ...
   10.92 -* ^http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/ --> http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/
   10.93 -* wikiss^@example.org --> wikiss@example.org
   10.94 -
   10.95 -or through a text between square brackets :
   10.96 -* '''^['''Visit WiKiss web site'''|'''^http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/''']''' --> [Visit WiKiss web site|http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/]
   10.97 -
   10.98 -with a ? you get a Wikipedia link in the current language :
   10.99 -* '''^[?'''Wiki''']''' --> [?Wiki]
  10.100 -
  10.101 -----
  10.102 -
  10.103 -Images are automagically inserted with the picture URL between square brackets%%
  10.104 -'''^['''^http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png''']''' -->
  10.105 -[http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png]
  10.106 -
  10.107 -You can also use an image as a link : %%
  10.108 -'''^['''^http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png'''|'''^http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/''']''' --> 
  10.109 -[http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png|http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/]
  10.110 -
  10.111 -But also position the image on a floating left or right: 
  10.112 -[http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png|left] [http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png|http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org|right]
  10.113 -%%
  10.114 -
  10.115 -&lt;-- '''^['''^http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png'''|left]'''%%
  10.116 -'''^['''^http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png'''|'''^http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org'''|right]''' -->
  10.117 -%%
  10.118 -
  10.119 -----
  10.120 -
  10.121 -... to insert lines, simply use four dashes :  '''---- '''
  10.122 -
  10.123 -----
  10.124 -
  10.125 -Finally, in order to neutralize the syntax WiKiss, use the caret ^ %%
  10.126 -Thus, enter '''^^^['''WiKiss''']''' can display ^[WiKiss] rather than [WiKiss]
  10.127 -
  10.128 -----
  10.129 -
  10.130 -Try it, you'll see, it's very simple.
    11.1 --- a/tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/pages/HelpTables.txt	Fri Feb 25 00:11:56 2011 +0000
    11.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    11.3 @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
    11.4 -! Help on the table syntax
    11.5 -
    11.6 -!! Table creation
    11.7 -Tables are defined with the pipe character |
    11.8 -
    11.9 -Basically you just need to draw the table :
   11.10 -
   11.11 -{{|cell 1|cell 2|
   11.12 -|cell 3|cell 4|
   11.13 -}}
   11.14 -
   11.15 -will be displayed as :
   11.16 -|cell 1|cell 2|
   11.17 -|cell 3|cell 4|
   11.18 -
   11.19 -You can also format your cell. For that, add some characters at the beginning :
   11.20 -
   11.21 -* a '''h''' if the cell is a header
   11.22 -* more letters followed by a space to defined alignment :
   11.23 -** t : vertically aligned on top
   11.24 -** b : vertically aligned on bottom
   11.25 -** l : horizontally aligned on left
   11.26 -** r : horizontally aligned on right
   11.27 -* two numbers can be added to connect cells
   11.28 -** first one to give how many columns has to be connected
   11.29 -** second one, after a comma connects lines
   11.30 -
   11.31 -{{
   11.32 -|hl Title on left|hr Title on right|
   11.33 -|r right         |l    left    |
   11.34 -|2 Two columns                 |
   11.35 -|t ,2 Two lines  | A |
   11.36 -                 | B |
   11.37 -|,2 two lines    | C |
   11.38 -                 | D |}}
   11.39 -
   11.40 -|hl Title on left|hr title on right|
   11.41 -|r right       |l    left    |
   11.42 -|2 Two columns                |
   11.43 -|t ,2 Two lines  | A |
   11.44 -                 | B |
   11.45 -|,2 two lines    | C |
   11.46 -                 | D |
   11.47 -
   11.48 -!! Other syntax included in a table
   11.49 -
   11.50 -|h 3 Supported wiki syntax |
   11.51 -|ht ,7 Formatting | ^''italic^'' | ''italic'' |
   11.52 -                     |  '^''bold'^''  |  '''bold'''  |
   11.53 -                     |'^'^'^''bold italic'^'^'^''|'''''bold italic'''''|
   11.54 -                     |^'--stroked--'|'--stroked--'|
   11.55 -                     |^'__underlined__'|'__underlined__'|
   11.56 -                     | Special chars | (c) (r) --> &lt;-- |
   11.57 -                     |^{{code}}|{{code}}|
   11.58 -|ht ,3 Links         |^[WikiLink] | [WikiLink] |
   11.59 -                     |^[Link 2^|?page=Link]| [Link 2|?page=Link] |
   11.60 -                     |^[?Wikipedia]| [?Wikipedia] |
   11.61 -|ht ,4 Images        |^[^http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png]|[http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png]|
   11.62 -    |^[/logo_100.png^|^http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/]|[http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png|http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/]|
   11.63 -    |^[^http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png^|right] | [http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png|right]|
   11.64 -    |^[/logo_100.png^|^http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/^|left] | [http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/img/logo_100.png|http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/|left]|
   11.65 -
   11.66 -and
   11.67 -
   11.68 -|h 2 Not supported syntax|
   11.69 -|Titles   | !! Titles|
   11.70 -|,2 Lists | * non ordered |
   11.71 -          | # ordered |
   11.72 -|Lines    |----|
   11.73 -
    12.1 --- a/tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/pages/Welcome.txt	Fri Feb 25 00:11:56 2011 +0000
    12.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    12.3 @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
    12.4 -TOC
    12.5 -!Welcome ...
    12.6 -!!... to your wiki
    12.7 -
    12.8 -Thanks for choosing TazWiKiss, the SliTaz port of [WiKiss|http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/] and its [plugins|?action=list].
    12.9 -Feel free to browse the default installation, until you feel comfortable.
   12.10 -
   12.11 -!!Help
   12.12 -
   12.13 -To test edition and formatting of ''WiKiss'', just click on "'''Edit'''" on top of this screen to access (and modify) this page. You can also create and test via the [SandBox] page.
   12.14 -
   12.15 -Go see the [Help] and [HelpTables] for an overview of all the possibilities. You can always return to this page by clicking on "'''Home'''"
   12.16 -
   12.17 -'''Have fun !'''
    13.1 --- a/tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/plugins/wkp_ListPlugins.sh	Fri Feb 25 00:11:56 2011 +0000
    13.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    13.3 @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
    13.4 -plugin="<a href=\"?action=list\">ListPlugins</a>"
    13.5 -description_fr="Affiche la liste des plugins chargés"
    13.6 -description="List plugins"
    13.7 -      
    13.8 -action()
    13.9 -{
   13.10 -	[ "$1" == "list" -o "$1" == "config" ] || return 1
   13.11 -	CONTENT='
   13.12 -<table width="100%">
   13.13 -<tr><td span=2><h2>Plugins</h2></td></tr>
   13.14 -'
   13.15 -	PAGE_TITLE_link=false
   13.16 -	editable=false
   13.17 -	lang="${HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE%%,*}"
   13.18 -	PAGE_TITLE="Configuration"
   13.19 -	for i in $plugins_dir/*.sh ; do
   13.20 -		plugin=
   13.21 -		eval $(grep ^plugin= $i)
   13.22 -		[ -n "$plugin" ] || continue
   13.23 -		eval $(grep ^description= $i)
   13.24 -		alt="$(grep ^description_$lang= $i)"
   13.25 -		[ -n "$alt" ] && eval $(echo "$alt" | sed 's/_..=/=/')
   13.26 -		CONTENT="$CONTENT
   13.27 -<tr><td><b>
   13.28 -<input type=checkbox disabled=disabled $([ -x $i ] && echo 'checked=checked ')/>
   13.29 -$plugin</b></td><td><i>$description</i></td></tr>"
   13.30 -	done
   13.31 -	CONTENT="$CONTENT
   13.32 -<tr><td span=2><br /><h2>Locales</h2></td></tr>
   13.33 -"
   13.34 -	for i in config-*.sh ; do
   13.35 -		i=${i#config-}
   13.36 -		i=${i%.sh}
   13.37 -		[ -n "$i" ] || continue
   13.38 -	CONTENT="$CONTENT
   13.39 -<tr><td><b>
   13.40 -<input type=checkbox disabled=disabled $([ "$i" == "$lang" ] && echo 'checked=checked ')/>
   13.41 -$i</b></td></tr>
   13.42 -"
   13.43 -	done
   13.44 -	CONTENT="$CONTENT
   13.45 -<tr><td><br /><h2>Data</h2></td>
   13.46 -<td><form method=\"get\" action=\"?action=saveconf\">
   13.47 -<input disabled type=\"submit\" name=\"save\" value=\"save\" />
   13.48 -<input disabled type=\"file\" name=\"file\" value=\"file\" />
   13.49 -<input disabled type=\"submit\" name=\"restore\" value=\"restore\" />
   13.50 -</form></td></tr>
   13.51 -$(du -hs */ | awk '{ printf "<tr><td><b>%s</b></td><td><i>%s</i></td></tr>\n",$1,$2 }')
   13.52 -</table>
   13.53 -"
   13.54 -}
    14.1 --- a/tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/plugins/wkp_Rss.sh	Fri Feb 25 00:11:56 2011 +0000
    14.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    14.3 @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
    14.4 -plugin="Rss"
    14.5 -description_fr="Génération d'un flux Rss des derniers changements"
    14.6 -description="Generate a Rss streams with last changes"
    14.7 -
    14.8 -writedPage()
    14.9 -{
   14.10 -	# Attention, bug si https ou port différent de 80 ?
   14.12 -	CONTENT_RSS=""      
   14.13 -	for file in $(ls -l $PWD/$PAGES_DIR/*.txt 2> /dev/null | awk '{ print $9 }' | tail -n 10) ; do
   14.14 -		filename=$(basename $file ".txt")
   14.15 -		timestamp=$(filedate $file)
   14.16 -		CONTENT="$CONTENT<a href=\"?page=$filename\">$filename</a> ($timestamp - <a href=\"./?page=$filename&amp;action=diff\">diff</a>)<br />"
   14.17 -CONTENT_RSS="$CONTENT_RSS<item>
   14.18 -<title>$filename</title>
   14.19 -<pubDate>$timestamp</pubDate>
   14.20 -<link>$ADR_ACCUEIL?page=$(urlencode '$filename')</link>
   14.21 -<description>$filename $timestamp</description>
   14.22 -</item>"
   14.23 -	done
   14.24 -	sed -e "s#{WIKI_TITLE}#$WIKI_TITLE#" \
   14.25 -	    -e "s#{ADR_ACCUEIL}#$ADR_ACCUEIL#" \
   14.26 -	    -e "s#{LANG}#$LANG#" \
   14.27 -	    -e "s#{WIKI_DESCRIPTION}#Flux RSS de $WIKI_TITLE#" \
   14.28 -	    -e "s#{CONTENT_RSS}#$CONTENT_RSS#" > rss.xml <<EOT
   14.29 -<rss version="0.91">
   14.30 -<channel>
   14.31 -<title>{WIKI_TITLE}</title>
   14.32 -<link>{ADR_ACCUEIL}</link>
   14.33 -<description>{WIKI_DESCRIPTION}</description>
   14.34 -<language>{LANG}</language>
   14.35 -{CONTENT_RSS}
   14.36 -</channel>
   14.37 -</rss>
   14.38 -EOT
   14.39 -}
   14.40 -   
   14.41 -template()
   14.42 -{
   14.43 -	html="$(sed 's#{RSS}#<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="rss.xml" />#' <<EOT
   14.44 -$html
   14.45 -EOT
   14.46 -)"
   14.47 -	return 0
   14.48 -}
    15.1 --- a/tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/plugins/wkp_Tables.sh	Fri Feb 25 00:11:56 2011 +0000
    15.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    15.3 @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
    15.4 -plugin="Tables"
    15.5 -description_fr="Syntaxe de tables"
    15.6 -description="Table syntax"
    15.7 -   
    15.8 -formatBegin()
    15.9 -{
   15.10 -CONTENT=$(sed  -e 's/\[\([^]]*\)|\([^]]*\)|\([^]]*\)\]/[\1{WKP_TBL_BAR}\2{WKP_TBL_BAR}\3]/g' \
   15.11 -    -e 's/\[\([^]]*\)|\([^]]*\)\]/[\1{WKP_TBL_BAR}\2]/g' -e 's,|,||,g' \
   15.12 -    -e 's,^\( *|\)|,\1,' -e 's/|\( *\)$/\1/' <<EOT | awk '
   15.13 -{
   15.14 -  if (/^ *\|.*\|$/) {
   15.15 -    if (in_array == 0) printf "<table class=\"wikitable\">"
   15.16 -    in_array = 1
   15.17 -    s = $0
   15.18 -    printf "<tr>"
   15.19 -    while (match(s,/\|[^\|]*\|/)) {
   15.20 -      q = substr(s,RSTART+1,RLENGTH-2)
   15.21 -      s = substr(s,RSTART+RLENGTH)
   15.22 -      c=""; lr=""; tb=""
   15.23 -      if (match(q,/^[hlrtb]+ /)) {
   15.24 -        for (i = 0; i < RLENGTH; i++) {
   15.25 -          if (q ~ /^h/) c=" class=\"em\""
   15.26 -          if (q ~ /^l/) lr="text-align: left; "
   15.27 -          if (q ~ /^r/) lr="text-align: right; "
   15.28 -          if (q ~ /^t/) tb="vertical-align: top; "
   15.29 -          if (q ~ /^b/) tb="vertical-align: bottom; "
   15.30 -          q = substr(q,2)
   15.31 -        }
   15.32 -      }
   15.33 -      if (lr != "" || tb != "") c = c " style=\"" lr tb "\""
   15.34 -      if (match(q,/^[0-9]+ */)) {
   15.35 -        n = RLENGTH
   15.36 -        match(q,/^[0-9]+/)
   15.37 -        c = c " colspan=\"" substr(q,1,RLENGTH) "\""
   15.38 -        q = substr(q,n+1)
   15.39 -      }
   15.40 -      if (match(q,/^,[0-9]+ */)) {
   15.41 -        n = RLENGTH
   15.42 -        match(q,/^,[0-9]+/)
   15.43 -        c = c " rowspan=\"" substr(q,2,RLENGTH-1) "\""
   15.44 -        q = substr(q,n+1)
   15.45 -      }
   15.46 -      printf "  <td" c ">" q "</td>"
   15.47 -    }
   15.48 -    printf "</tr>"
   15.49 -  }
   15.50 -  else {
   15.51 -    if (in_array != 0) print "</table>"
   15.52 -    in_array = 0
   15.53 -    print
   15.54 -  }
   15.55 -} END { if (in_array != 0) print "</table>" }' | \
   15.56 -sed -e 's/{WKP_TBL_BAR}/|/g' -e 's,||,|,g'
   15.57 -$CONTENT
   15.58 -EOT
   15.59 -)
   15.60 -}
    16.1 --- a/tazwikiss/stuff/var/www/wiki/style.css	Fri Feb 25 00:11:56 2011 +0000
    16.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    16.3 @@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
    16.4 -/* Plugin wkp_Tables */
    16.5 -table.wikitable {
    16.6 -  border-collapse: collapse;
    16.7 -  border: 1px solid #ccc;
    16.8 -}
    16.9 -
   16.10 -table.wikitable td {
   16.11 -  border: 1px solid #ccc;
   16.12 -  text-align: center;
   16.13 -  vertical-align: middle;
   16.14 -  padding: 2px;
   16.15 -}
   16.16 -
   16.17 -table.wikitable td.em {
   16.18 -  background: #ccc;
   16.19 -  font-weight: bold;
   16.20 -} 
   16.21 -
   16.22 -/* Table Of Content */
   16.23 -#toc {
   16.24 -     border: 1px dashed #11141A;
   16.25 -     float:right;
   16.26 -     padding-right: 2em;
   16.27 -}
   16.28 -#toc h1 {
   16.29 -     font-size: 10px;
   16.30 -     padding-left: .5em;
   16.31 -}
   16.32 -#toc h2 {
   16.33 -     font-size: 9px;
   16.34 -     padding-left: 1.5em;
   16.35 -}
   16.36 -#toc h3 {
   16.37 -     font-size: 8px;
   16.38 -     padding-left: 2em;
   16.39 -}
   16.40 -#toc h4 {
   16.41 -     font-size: 7px;
   16.42 -     padding-left: 2.5em;
   16.43 -}
   16.44 -#toc h5 {
   16.45 -     font-size: 6px;
   16.46 -     padding-left: 3em;
   16.47 -}
   16.48 -
   16.49 -img {
   16.50 -border: 0px
   16.51 -}
   16.52 -
   16.53 -body {
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   16.55 -font-family: Trebuchet, "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif;
   16.56 -font-size: 14px;
   16.57 -line-height: 16px;
   16.58 -}
   16.59 -
   16.60 -pre
   16.61 -{ 
   16.62 -border: 1px dotted #ccc;
   16.63 -padding: 4px;
   16.64 -width: 640px;
   16.65 -overflow: auto;
   16.66 -}
   16.67 -
   16.68 -code
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   16.71 -font-size: 12px;
   16.72 -}
   16.73 -
   16.74 -a {
   16.75 -color: #333C4D;
   16.76 -}
   16.77 -
   16.78 -a.pending {
   16.79 -color: #7F4736;
   16.80 -}
   16.81 -
   16.82 -a.url {
   16.83 -color: #808080;
   16.84 -}
   16.85 -
   16.86 -a:hover {
   16.87 -color: #57A2D4;
   16.88 -background: inherit;
   16.89 -}
   16.90 -
   16.91 -.category {
   16.92 -  color: #999;
   16.93 -  background: inherit;
   16.94 -}
   16.95 -
   16.96 -th
   16.97 -{
   16.98 -padding-left: 1em;
   16.99 -background: #333C4D;
  16.100 -color: white;
  16.101 -text-align: left;
  16.102 -border-bottom: 1px dashed #11141A;
  16.103 -}
  16.104 -
  16.105 -th h1 {
  16.106 -font-family: "Futura Condensed", Futura, sans-serif !important;
  16.107 -font-weight: bolder;
  16.108 -padding-top: 10px;
  16.109 -padding-bottom: 4px;
  16.110 -margin-top: 0;
  16.111 -margin-bottom: 0;
  16.112 -}
  16.113 -
  16.114 -h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
  16.115 -font-family: "Futura Condensed", Futura, sans-serif !important;
  16.116 -}
  16.117 -
  16.118 -th a {
  16.119 -text-decoration: none;
  16.120 -color: white !important;
  16.121 -}
  16.122 -
  16.123 -th p {
  16.124 -font-size: 80%;
  16.125 -margin-top: 0;
  16.126 -margin-bottom: 0;
  16.127 -padding-left: 2em;
  16.128 -}
  16.129 -
  16.130 -#mainTable {
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