wok-current rev 24942

BootProg: clear cmdline
author Pascal Bellard <pascal.bellard@slitaz.org>
date Wed Apr 20 15:10:50 2022 +0000 (2022-04-20)
parents e7bde16e8f79
children 810e3d0a38f7
files BootProg/receipt BootProg/stuff/boot16.asm BootProg/stuff/boot32.asm BootProg/stuff/bootex.asm BootProg/stuff/bootprog.sh ipxe/stuff/bootloader.S memtest/stuff/bootloader.S memtest/stuff/memtest86+-5.01-array-size.patch pingus/receipt plop/stuff/bootloader.S tumbler-dev/receipt tumbler/receipt xaos/receipt
line diff
     1.1 --- a/BootProg/receipt	Sat Apr 16 12:43:33 2022 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/BootProg/receipt	Wed Apr 20 15:10:50 2022 +0000
     1.3 @@ -8,20 +8,17 @@
     1.4  LICENSE="MIT"
     1.5  WEB_SITE="https://wiki.osdev.org/BootProg"
     1.7 -BUILD_DEPENDS="nasm"
     1.8 +BUILD_DEPENDS="nasm lzma"
    1.10  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    1.11  compile_rules()
    1.12  {
    1.13  	mkdir -p $src && cd $src
    1.14 -	for i in bootex boot16 boot32 ; do
    1.15 +	sed '1,/^exit 1/!d' $stuff/bootprog.sh > bootprog
    1.16 +	for i in boot16 boot32 bootex ; do
    1.17  		cp $stuff/$i.asm .
    1.18 -		nasm $i.asm -f bin -o $i.bin -l $i.lst
    1.19 -	done
    1.20 -	sed '1,/^exit 1/!d' $stuff/bootprog.sh > bootprog
    1.21 -	tar czf - boot16.bin boot32.bin bootex.bin > set.tar.gz
    1.22 -	[ "$(which advdef)" ] && advdef -z4 set.tar.gz
    1.23 -	cat set.tar.gz >> bootprog
    1.24 +		nasm $i.asm -f bin -o $i.bin -l $i.lst && cat $i.bin
    1.25 +	done | lzma -9 >> bootprog
    1.26  	chmod +x bootprog
    1.27  }
     2.1 --- a/BootProg/stuff/boot16.asm	Sat Apr 16 12:43:33 2022 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/BootProg/stuff/boot16.asm	Wed Apr 20 15:10:50 2022 +0000
     2.3 @@ -213,14 +213,14 @@
     2.4          mul     bx                      ; dx:ax = 0 = LBA (LBA are relative to FAT)
     2.5          mov     cx, word [bx(bpbSectorsPerFAT)]
     2.7 -        call    ReadCXSectors           ; read fat and clear cx
     2.8 +        call    ReadCXSectors           ; read fat and clear ax & cx
    2.10  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    2.11  ;; load the root directory in ;;
    2.12  ;; its entirety (16KB max)    ;;
    2.13  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    2.15 -        mov     ax, 32
    2.16 +        mov     al, 32
    2.18          mul     word [bx(bpbRootEntries)]
    2.19          div     word [bx(bpbBytesPerSector)]
    2.20 @@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
    2.21          mul     bp                      ; [bx(bpbSectorsPerFAT)], set by ReadCXSectors
    2.23          push    es
    2.24 -        call    ReadCXSectors           ; read root directory, clear cx and di
    2.25 +        call    ReadCXSectors           ; read root directory; clear ax, cx and di
    2.26          pop     es
    2.28  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    2.29 @@ -248,15 +248,15 @@
    2.30  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    2.32  FindNameCycle:
    2.33 -        cmp     byte [es:di], ch
    2.34 -        je      FindNameFailed          ; end of root directory (NULL entry found)
    2.35          push    di
    2.36          mov     cl, 11
    2.37          mov     si, ProgramName         ; ds:si -> program name
    2.38          repe    cmpsb
    2.39          pop     di
    2.40          je      FindNameFound
    2.41 -        add     di, byte 32
    2.42 +        scasb
    2.43 +        je      FindNameFailed          ; end of root directory (NULL entry found)
    2.44 +        add     di, byte 31
    2.45          dec     word [bx(bpbRootEntries)]
    2.46          jnz     FindNameCycle           ; next root entry
    2.48 @@ -298,28 +298,26 @@
    2.49          jnc     First64
    2.50          mov     ah, (1000h+ImageLoadSeg)>>8 ; adjust segment for 2nd part of FAT16
    2.51  First64:
    2.52 +        mov     dx, 0FFF8h
    2.53 +
    2.54          cmp     [bx(bpbSectorsPerFAT)], cx ; 1..12 = FAT12, 16..256 = FAT16
    2.55          mov     ds, ax
    2.56 -        jbe     ReadClusterFat12
    2.57 +        ja      ReadClusterFat16
    2.59 -        lodsw                           ; ax = next cluster
    2.60 -        cmp     ax, 0FFF8h
    2.61 -        jmp     short	ReadClusterDone
    2.62 -
    2.63 -ReadClusterFat12:
    2.64 +        mov     dh, 0Fh
    2.65          add     si, [cs:di]
    2.66          shr     si, 1                   ; si = cluster * 3 / 2
    2.68 +ReadClusterFat16:
    2.69          lodsw                           ; ax = next cluster
    2.70          jnc     ReadClusterEven
    2.72          rol     ax, cl
    2.74  ReadClusterEven:
    2.75 -        and     ax, 0FFFh               ; mask cluster value
    2.76 -        cmp     ax, 0FF8h
    2.77 +        and     ah, dh                  ; mask cluster value
    2.78 +        cmp     ax, dx
    2.80 -ReadClusterDone:
    2.81          push    cs
    2.82          pop     ds
    2.83          inc     di
    2.84 @@ -352,7 +350,7 @@
    2.85          add     ax, bp                  ; LBA for cluster data
    2.86          adc     dx, bx                  ; dx:ax = LBA
    2.88 -        call    ReadSector              ; clear cx
    2.89 +        call    ReadSector              ; clear ax & cx, restore dx
    2.91          jne     ReadClusters
    2.93 @@ -365,7 +363,6 @@
    2.94          mov     ds, bp                  ; bp=ds=seg the file is loaded to
    2.96          add     bp, [bx+08h]            ; bp = image base
    2.97 -        mov     ax, [bx+06h]            ; ax = reloc items
    2.98          mov     di, [bx+18h]            ; di = reloc table pointer
   2.100          cmp     word [bx], 5A4Dh        ; "MZ" signature?
   2.101 @@ -374,19 +371,22 @@
   2.102  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   2.103  ;; Setup and run a .COM program ;;
   2.104  ;; Set CS=DS=ES=SS SP=0 IP=100h ;;
   2.105 +;; AX=0ffffh BX=0 CX=0 DX=drive ;;
   2.106 +;; and cmdline=void             ;;
   2.107  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   2.109 +        mov     di, 100h                ; ip
   2.110          mov     bp, ImageLoadSeg-10h    ; "org 100h" stuff :)
   2.111          mov     ss, bp
   2.112          xor     sp, sp
   2.113          push    bp                      ; cs, ds and es
   2.114 -        mov     bh, 1                   ; ip
   2.115          jmp     short Run
   2.117  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   2.118  ;; Relocate, setup and run a .EXE program     ;;
   2.119  ;; Set CS:IP, SS:SP, DS, ES and AX according  ;;
   2.120  ;; to wiki.osdev.org/MZ#Initial_Program_State ;;
   2.121 +;; AX=0ffffh BX=0 CX=0 DX=drive cmdline=void  ;;
   2.122  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   2.124  ReloCycle:
   2.125 @@ -397,8 +397,8 @@
   2.126          scasw                           ; point to next entry
   2.128  RelocateEXE:
   2.129 -        dec     ax                      ; 32768 max (128KB table)
   2.130 -        jns     ReloCycle               ; leave with ax=0ffffh: both FCB in the
   2.131 +        dec     word [bx+06h]           ; reloc items, 32768 max (128KB table)
   2.132 +        jns     ReloCycle
   2.133                                          ; PSP don't have a valid drive identifier
   2.134          les     si, [bx+0Eh]
   2.135          add     si, bp
   2.136 @@ -409,13 +409,15 @@
   2.137          push    si                      ; containing the PSP structure
   2.139          add     bp, [bx+16h]            ; cs for EXE
   2.140 -        mov     bx, [bx+14h]            ; ip for EXE
   2.141 +        mov     di, [bx+14h]            ; ip for EXE
   2.142  Run:
   2.143          pop     ds
   2.144          push    bp
   2.145 -        push    bx
   2.146 +        push    di
   2.147          push    ds
   2.148          pop     es
   2.149 +        mov     [80h], ax               ; clear cmdline
   2.150 +        dec     ax                      ; both FCB in the PSP don't have a valid drive identifier
   2.152  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   2.153  ;; Set the magic numbers so the program knows that it   ;;
   2.154 @@ -539,10 +541,17 @@
   2.155          dec     di                      ; keep C
   2.156          loopne  ReadSectorNext          ; until cluster sector count or file sector count is reached
   2.157          pop     si
   2.158 +        mov     ax, bx                  ; clear ax
   2.159          mov     dx, [bx]                ; pass the BIOS boot drive to Run or Error
   2.161          ret
   2.163 +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   2.164 +;; Fill free space with zeroes ;;
   2.165 +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   2.166 +
   2.167 +                times (512-13-20-($-$$)) db 0
   2.168 +
   2.169  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   2.170  ;; Error Messaging Code ;;
   2.171  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   2.172 @@ -566,12 +575,6 @@
   2.173          hlt
   2.174          jmp     short Stop
   2.176 -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   2.177 -;; Fill free space with zeroes ;;
   2.178 -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   2.179 -
   2.180 -                times (512-13-($-$$)) db 0
   2.181 -
   2.182  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   2.183  ;; Name of the file to load and run ;;
   2.184  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
     3.1 --- a/BootProg/stuff/boot32.asm	Sat Apr 16 12:43:33 2022 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/BootProg/stuff/boot32.asm	Wed Apr 20 15:10:50 2022 +0000
     3.3 @@ -265,7 +265,6 @@
     3.4          mov     ds, bp                  ; bp=ds=seg the file is loaded to
     3.6          add     bp, [bx+08h]            ; bp = image base
     3.7 -        mov     ax, [bx+06h]            ; ax = reloc items
     3.8          mov     di, [bx+18h]            ; di = reloc table pointer
    3.10          cmp     word [bx], 5A4Dh        ; "MZ" signature?
    3.11 @@ -275,9 +274,9 @@
    3.12  ;; Setup and run a .COM program ;;
    3.13  ;; Set CS=DS=ES=SS SP=0 IP=100h ;;
    3.14  ;; AX=0ffffh BX=0 CX=0 DX=drive ;;
    3.15 +;; and cmdline=void             ;;
    3.16  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    3.18 -        mov     ax, 0ffffh              ; both FCB in the PSP don't have a valid drive identifier
    3.19          mov     di, 100h                ; ip
    3.20          mov     bp, ImageLoadSeg-10h    ; "org 100h" stuff :)
    3.21          mov     ss, bp
    3.22 @@ -289,7 +288,7 @@
    3.23  ;; Relocate, setup and run a .EXE program     ;;
    3.24  ;; Set CS:IP, SS:SP, DS, ES and AX according  ;;
    3.25  ;; to wiki.osdev.org/MZ#Initial_Program_State ;;
    3.26 -;; AX=0ffffh BX=0 CX=0 DX=drive               ;;
    3.27 +;; AX=0ffffh BX=0 CX=0 DX=drive cmdline=void  ;;
    3.28  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    3.30  ReloCycle:
    3.31 @@ -300,13 +299,11 @@
    3.32          scasw                           ; point to next entry
    3.34  RelocateEXE:
    3.35 -        dec     ax                      ; 32768 max (128KB table)
    3.36 -        jns     ReloCycle               ; leave with ax=0ffffh: both FCB in the
    3.37 -                                        ; PSP don't have a valid drive identifier
    3.38 -        les     si, [bx+0Eh]
    3.39 -        add     si, bp
    3.40 -        mov     ss, si                  ; ss for EXE
    3.41 -        mov     sp, es                  ; sp for EXE
    3.42 +        dec     word [bx+06h]           ; reloc items, 32768 max (128KB table)
    3.43 +        jns     ReloCycle
    3.44 +
    3.45 +        add     [bx+0Eh], bp
    3.46 +        lss     sp, [bx+0Eh]            ; ss:sp for EXE
    3.48          lea     si, [bp-10h]            ; ds and es both point to the segment
    3.49          push    si                      ; containing the PSP structure
    3.50 @@ -319,6 +316,9 @@
    3.51          push    di
    3.52          push    ds
    3.53          pop     es
    3.54 +        xor     ax, ax
    3.55 +        mov     [80h], ax               ; clear cmdline
    3.56 +        dec     ax                      ; both FCB in the PSP don't have a valid drive identifier
    3.58  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    3.59  ;; Set the magic numbers so the program knows that it   ;;
    3.60 @@ -431,6 +431,12 @@
    3.61  ReadSectorNext:
    3.62          ret
    3.64 +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    3.65 +;; Fill free space with zeroes ;;
    3.66 +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    3.67 +
    3.68 +                times (512-13-20-($-$$)) db 0
    3.69 +
    3.70  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    3.71  ;; Error Messaging Code ;;
    3.72  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    3.73 @@ -452,12 +458,6 @@
    3.74          hlt
    3.75          jmp     short Stop
    3.77 -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    3.78 -;; Fill free space with zeroes ;;
    3.79 -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    3.80 -
    3.81 -                times (512-13-($-$$)) db 0
    3.82 -
    3.83  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    3.84  ;; Name of the file to load and run ;;
    3.85  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
     4.1 --- a/BootProg/stuff/bootex.asm	Sat Apr 16 12:43:33 2022 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/BootProg/stuff/bootex.asm	Wed Apr 20 15:10:50 2022 +0000
     4.3 @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
     4.4  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
     4.6          push    es
     4.7 -        push    byte main
     4.8 +        push    word main
     4.9          retf
    4.11  main:
    4.12 @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
    4.13          mov     esi, [bx(bpbRootDirCluster)] ; esi=cluster # of root dir
    4.15          push    byte ImageLoadSeg
    4.16 -        pop     es
    4.17 +        pop     es                      ; cx = 0
    4.19  RootDirReadContinue:
    4.20          call    ReadCluster             ; read one sector of root dir
    4.21 @@ -207,11 +207,10 @@
    4.22          cmp     al, 0c0h                ; EXFAT_ENTRY_FILE_INFO ?
    4.23          jne     NotFileInfo
    4.25 -        mov     bl, 30
    4.26 +        mov     bl, 31
    4.27  CopyInfo:
    4.28 -        mov     ax, [es:di+bx]
    4.29 -        mov     [bx], ax
    4.30 -        dec     bx
    4.31 +        mov     al, [es:di+bx]
    4.32 +        mov     [bx], al
    4.33          dec     bx
    4.34          jnz     CopyInfo
    4.36 @@ -232,6 +231,7 @@
    4.37          popf                            ; restore carry="not last sector" flag
    4.38          jc      RootDirReadContinue     ; continue to the next root dir cluster
    4.39  FindNameFailed:                         ; end of root directory (dir end reached)
    4.40 +;        mov     dx, [bx]                ; restore BIOS boot drive number
    4.41          call    Error
    4.42          db      "File not found."
    4.43  FindNameFound:
    4.44 @@ -251,6 +251,7 @@
    4.45          call    ReadCluster             ; read one cluster of root dir
    4.46          sub     [bx+FileSize], ebp
    4.47          ja      FileReadContinue
    4.48 +        mov     dx, [bx]                ; restore BIOS boot drive number
    4.49          pop     bp
    4.51  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    4.52 @@ -260,7 +261,6 @@
    4.53          mov     ds, bp                  ; bp=ds=seg the file is loaded to
    4.55          add     bp, [bx+08h]            ; bp = image base
    4.56 -        mov     ax, [bx+06h]            ; ax = reloc items
    4.57          mov     di, [bx+18h]            ; di = reloc table pointer
    4.59          cmp     word [bx], 5A4Dh        ; "MZ" signature?
    4.60 @@ -270,9 +270,9 @@
    4.61  ;; Setup and run a .COM program ;;
    4.62  ;; Set CS=DS=ES=SS SP=0 IP=100h ;;
    4.63  ;; AX=0ffffh BX=0 CX=0 DX=drive ;;
    4.64 +;; and cmdline=void             ;;
    4.65  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    4.67 -        mov     ax, 0ffffh              ; both FCB in the PSP don't have a valid drive identifier
    4.68          mov     di, 100h                ; ip
    4.69          mov     bp, ImageLoadSeg-10h    ; "org 100h" stuff :)
    4.70          mov     ss, bp
    4.71 @@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
    4.72  ;; Relocate, setup and run a .EXE program     ;;
    4.73  ;; Set CS:IP, SS:SP, DS, ES and AX according  ;;
    4.74  ;; to wiki.osdev.org/MZ#Initial_Program_State ;;
    4.75 -;; AX=0ffffh BX=0 CX=0 DX=drive               ;;
    4.76 +;; AX=0ffffh BX=0 CX=0 DX=drive cmdline=void  ;;
    4.77  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    4.79  ReloCycle:
    4.80 @@ -295,13 +295,11 @@
    4.81          scasw                           ; point to next entry
    4.83  RelocateEXE:
    4.84 -        dec     ax                      ; 32768 max (128KB table)
    4.85 -        jns     ReloCycle               ; leave with ax=0ffffh: both FCB in the
    4.86 -                                        ; PSP don't have a valid drive identifier
    4.87 -        les     si, [bx+0Eh]
    4.88 -        add     si, bp
    4.89 -        mov     ss, si                  ; ss for EXE
    4.90 -        mov     sp, es                  ; sp for EXE
    4.91 +        dec     word [bx+06h]           ; reloc items, 32768 max (128KB table)
    4.92 +        jns     ReloCycle
    4.93 +
    4.94 +        add     [bx+0Eh], bp
    4.95 +        lss     sp, [bx+0Eh]            ; ss:sp for EXE
    4.97          lea     si, [bp-10h]            ; ds and es both point to the segment
    4.98          push    si                      ; containing the PSP structure
    4.99 @@ -314,6 +312,9 @@
   4.100          push    di
   4.101          push    ds
   4.102          pop     es
   4.103 +        xor     ax, ax
   4.104 +        mov     [80h], ax               ; clear cmdline
   4.105 +        dec     ax                      ; both FCB in the PSP don't have a valid drive identifier
   4.107  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   4.108  ;; Set the magic numbers so the program knows that it   ;;
   4.109 @@ -411,7 +412,7 @@
   4.110  ReadSectorRetry:        
   4.111          mov     si, sp
   4.112          mov     ah, 42h                 ; ah = 42h = extended read function no.
   4.113 -        mov     dl, [bx]
   4.114 +        mov     dx, [bx]                ; restore BIOS boot drive number
   4.115          int     13h                     ; extended read sectors (DL, DS:SI)
   4.117          jnc     ReadSuccess
   4.118 @@ -434,9 +435,14 @@
   4.120          cmp     esi, byte -10           ; carry=0 if last cluster, and carry=1 otherwise
   4.121  ReadSectorNext:
   4.122 -        mov     dl, [bx]                ; restore BIOS boot drive number
   4.123          ret
   4.125 +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   4.126 +;; Fill free space with zeroes ;;
   4.127 +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   4.128 +
   4.129 +                times (512-13-20-($-$$)) db 0
   4.130 +
   4.131  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   4.132  ;; Error Messaging Code ;;
   4.133  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   4.134 @@ -460,12 +466,6 @@
   4.135          hlt
   4.136          jmp     short Stop
   4.138 -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   4.139 -;; Fill free space with zeroes ;;
   4.140 -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   4.141 -
   4.142 -                times (512-13-($-$$)) db 0
   4.143 -
   4.144  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   4.145  ;; Name of the file to load and run ;;
   4.146  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
     5.1 --- a/BootProg/stuff/bootprog.sh	Sat Apr 16 12:43:33 2022 +0000
     5.2 +++ b/BootProg/stuff/bootprog.sh	Wed Apr 20 15:10:50 2022 +0000
     5.3 @@ -1,39 +1,30 @@
     5.4  #!/bin/sh
     5.6  [ ! -e "$1" ] && cat <<EOT && exit 2
     5.7 -Usage: [FAT=<FAT12|FAT16|FAT32|EXFAT>] $0 device [boot name entry] [boot.bin]
     5.8 +Usage: [FAT=<FAT12|FAT16|FAT32|EXFAT>] $0 device [file]
     5.9  Example: $0 /dev/fd0 STARTUP.BIN
    5.10  EOT
    5.12 -while read chk ofs fat bin name; do
    5.13 -	[ $FAT -eq $fat ] || [ "$(dd if="$1" bs=1 count=8 skip=$chk)" = "$fat   " ] || continue
    5.14 -	echo "Install $fat bootsector on $1."
    5.15 -	for arg in "skip=$(($ofs+8)) seek=$(($ofs+8))" "count=11" ; do
    5.16 -		if [ "$3" ]; then
    5.17 -			cat "$3"
    5.18 -		else
    5.19 -			sed '1,/^exit 1/d' $0 | tar xzOf - boot$bin.bin
    5.20 -		fi | dd of="$1" bs=1 conv=notrunc $arg
    5.21 +ddo="dd of=$1 bs=1 conv=notrunc"
    5.22 +while read c o b f; do
    5.23 +	[ "${FAT:-$(dd if="$1" bs=1 count=5 skip=$c)}" = "$f" ] || continue
    5.24 +	echo "Install $f bootsector on $1."
    5.25 +	for a in "$((o+b)) seek=$o count=$((512-o))" "$b count=11"; do
    5.26 +		sed '1,/^exit 1/d' $0 | unlzma | $ddo skip=$a
    5.27  	done
    5.28 -	[ "$2" ] && echo "Set bootfile '$2'" && echo -en "$name" | \
    5.29 -		dd of="$1" bs=1 conv=notrunc seek=499 count=11
    5.30 -	case "$fat" in
    5.31 -	EXFAT) dd if="$1" bs=512 count=11 | od -v -An -t u1 -w1 - | awk '
    5.32 -BEGIN { chk=0; i=-1 }
    5.33 -{
    5.34 -  i++
    5.35 -  if (i == 106 || i == 107 || i == 112) next
    5.36 -  chk = or(lshift(chk,31),rshift(chk,1)) + $1
    5.37 -}
    5.38 -END { a=chk%256; b=(chk/256)%256; c=(chk/256/256)%256; d=chk/256/256/256
    5.39 -  for (i=0;i<128;i++) printf "echo -en \"\\x%02X\\x%02X\\x%02X\\x%02X\"\n",a,b,c,d
    5.40 -} ' | sh | dd bs=512 of="$1" seek=11
    5.41 -	esac
    5.42 +	[ "$2" ] && echo "Set boot file '$2'" && echo -n "$2" | case "$f" in
    5.43 +	E*)	sed 's| |.|;s| ||g' | cat - /dev/zero;;
    5.44 +	*)	tr a-z A-Z | sed 's|\.|       |;s|^\(.\{8\}\) *|\1|;s|$|   |'
    5.45 +	esac | $ddo seek=499 count=11
    5.46 +	[ "$f" = "EXFAT" ] && dd if="$1" bs=512 count=11 | od -v -An -t u1 -w1 - | LANG=C awk '
    5.47 +BEGIN { a=0;i=-1;m=0xFFFFFFFE }
    5.48 +{ if (++i!=106 && i!=107 && i!=112) a=or(and(lshift(a,31),m),and(rshift(a,1),m/2))+$1 }
    5.49 +END { b=a/256;c=b/256; for (i=0;i<128;i++) printf "%c%c%c%c",a%256,b%256,c%256,(c/256)%256 }' | $ddo seek=5632
    5.50  	exit 0
    5.51 -done 2> /dev/null <<EOT
    5.52 -54	54	FAT12	16	$(A="${2/./       }";echo "${A:0:8}${A##* }          " | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' | sed 's| |\\\\x20|g')
    5.53 -54	54	FAT16	16	$(A="${2/./       }";echo "${A:0:8}${A##* }          " | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' | sed 's| |\\\\x20|g')
    5.54 -82	82	FAT32	32	$(A="${2/./       }";echo "${A:0:8}${A##* }          " | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' | sed 's| |\\\\x20|g')
    5.55 -3	105	EXFAT	ex	$(echo "$2" | sed 's| |.|;s| ||g')\\\\0\\\\0\\\\0\\\\0\\\\0\\\\0\\\\0\\\\0\\\\0\\\\0
    5.56 +done 2>/dev/null <<EOT
    5.57 +54	62	0	FAT12
    5.58 +54	62	0	FAT16
    5.59 +82	90	512	FAT32
    5.60 +3	113	1024	EXFAT
    5.61  EOT
    5.62  exit 1
     6.1 --- a/ipxe/stuff/bootloader.S	Sat Apr 16 12:43:33 2022 +0000
     6.2 +++ b/ipxe/stuff/bootloader.S	Wed Apr 20 15:10:50 2022 +0000
     6.3 @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
     6.4  /* some extra features */
     6.5  #define EXE_SUPPORT		real mode dos .exe file support	+208/264
     6.6  #define  CMDLINE		dos kernel cmdline support	+45
     6.7 +#define  BUGGY_CMDLINE		verify cmdline length		+2
     6.8  #define  VCPI			VCPI 4.0 support (386+)		+109
     6.9  #define  SHUTDOWNDOS		shutdown DOS services		+29
    6.11 @@ -28,7 +29,7 @@
    6.12  //#define FLOPPY_HAS_2_SIDES	hardcoded heads count to 2	-15
    6.13  //#define NO_CMDLINE_SHRINK	remove heading spaces ?		-6-21
    6.14  //#define  NO_CMDLINE_FILE	remove @cmdline file support ?	-21
    6.15 -//#define NO_DOTS		show progression dots ?		-5
    6.16 +#define NO_DOTS			show progression dots ?		-5
    6.17  #ifndef BZIMAGE
    6.18  //#define TINY_ZIMAGE		system < 64Kb ?			-11
    6.19  //#define NO_MINSETUP		default setup (dos only) ?	-4
    6.20 @@ -356,7 +357,12 @@
    6.21  	lodsb
    6.22  	cbw
    6.23  	xchgw	%ax, %cx
    6.24 +#ifdef BUGGY_CMDLINE
    6.25 +	test	%cl, %cl		# C=O=0, set S & Z
    6.26 +	jng	nocmdline		# Z == 1 or O != S ?
    6.27 +#else
    6.28  	jcxz	nocmdline
    6.29 +#endif
    6.30  # if defined(BZIMAGE) && BZIMAGE >= 0x202
    6.31  	movw	$INITSEG/16+stacktop/256, EXEADRS(cmd_line_ptr+1)
    6.32  # else
     7.1 --- a/memtest/stuff/bootloader.S	Sat Apr 16 12:43:33 2022 +0000
     7.2 +++ b/memtest/stuff/bootloader.S	Wed Apr 20 15:10:50 2022 +0000
     7.3 @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
     7.4  /* some extra features */
     7.5  #define EXE_SUPPORT		real mode dos .exe file support	+208/264
     7.6  #define  CMDLINE		dos kernel cmdline support	+45
     7.7 +#define  BUGGY_CMDLINE		verify cmdline length		+2
     7.8  #define  VCPI			VCPI 4.0 support (386+)		+109
     7.9  #define  SHUTDOWNDOS		shutdown DOS services		+29
    7.11 @@ -356,7 +357,12 @@
    7.12  	lodsb
    7.13  	cbw
    7.14  	xchgw	%ax, %cx
    7.15 +#ifdef BUGGY_CMDLINE
    7.16 +	test	%cl, %cl		# C=O=0, set S & Z
    7.17 +	jng	nocmdline		# Z == 1 or O != S ?
    7.18 +#else
    7.19  	jcxz	nocmdline
    7.20 +#endif
    7.21  # if defined(BZIMAGE) && BZIMAGE >= 0x202
    7.22  	movw	$INITSEG/16+stacktop/256, EXEADRS(cmd_line_ptr+1)
    7.23  # else
     8.1 --- a/memtest/stuff/memtest86+-5.01-array-size.patch	Sat Apr 16 12:43:33 2022 +0000
     8.2 +++ b/memtest/stuff/memtest86+-5.01-array-size.patch	Wed Apr 20 15:10:50 2022 +0000
     8.3 @@ -18,3 +18,30 @@
     8.4   		pci_conf_read( possible_nhm_bus[i], 3, 4, 0x00, 2, &vid);
     8.5   		pci_conf_read( possible_nhm_bus[i], 3, 4, 0x02, 2, &did);
     8.6   		vid &= 0xFFFF;
     8.7 +@@ -1424,7 +1424,7 @@
     8.8 + 	unsigned long dramchr;
     8.9 + 	float clockratio;
    8.10 + 	double dramclock;
    8.11 +-	unsigned int dummy[3];
    8.12 ++	unsigned int dummy[4];
    8.13 + 	int ram_type;
    8.14 + 
    8.15 + 	float coef = 10;
    8.16 +@@ -3680,7 +3680,7 @@
    8.17 + static void poll_timings_k16(void) {
    8.18 + 
    8.19 + 	ulong dramt0, dramt1;
    8.20 +-	int cas, rcd, rp, rc, ras;
    8.21 ++	int cas, rcd, rp, ras;
    8.22 + 	
    8.23 + 	pci_conf_read(0, 24, 2, 0x200, 4, &dramt0);
    8.24 + 	pci_conf_read(0, 24, 2, 0x204, 4, &dramt1);	
    8.25 +@@ -3690,7 +3690,7 @@
    8.26 + 	rp = ((dramt0 >> 16) & 0x1F);
    8.27 + 	ras = ((dramt0 >> 24) & 0x3F);
    8.28 + 	
    8.29 +-	rc = (dramt1 & 0x3F);	
    8.30 ++	//int rc = (dramt1 & 0x3F);	
    8.31 + 	
    8.32 + 	print_ram_line(cas, rcd, rp, ras, 1);
    8.33 + }
     9.1 --- a/pingus/receipt	Sat Apr 16 12:43:33 2022 +0000
     9.2 +++ b/pingus/receipt	Wed Apr 20 15:10:50 2022 +0000
     9.3 @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
     9.4  LICENSE="GPL2"
     9.6  TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.bz2"
     9.7 -WEB_SITE="https://pingus.seul.org/"
     9.8 +WEB_SITE="https://gitlab.com/pingus/pingus"
     9.9  WGET_URL="http://pingus.seul.org/files/$TARBALL"
    9.11  DEPENDS="libsdl libsdl-image libsdl-mixer 
    9.12 @@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
    9.14  current_version()
    9.15  {
    9.16 -	wget -O - $WEB_SITE/download.html 2>/dev/null | \
    9.17 -	sed "/tar/!d;s|.*$PACKAGE-||;s|.tar.*||;q"
    9.18 +	wget -O - https://gitlab.com/pingus/pingus/-/tags?sort=updated_desc | \
    9.19 +	sed '/item-title/!d;s|.*>v||;s|<.*||;q'
    9.20  }
    9.22  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    10.1 --- a/plop/stuff/bootloader.S	Sat Apr 16 12:43:33 2022 +0000
    10.2 +++ b/plop/stuff/bootloader.S	Wed Apr 20 15:10:50 2022 +0000
    10.3 @@ -20,12 +20,13 @@
    10.4  /* some extra features */
    10.5  #define EXE_SUPPORT		real mode dos .exe file support	+208/264
    10.6  #define  CMDLINE		dos kernel cmdline support	+45
    10.7 +#define  BUGGY_CMDLINE		verify cmdline length		+2
    10.8  #define  VCPI			VCPI 4.0 support (386+)		+109
    10.9  #define  SHUTDOWNDOS		shutdown DOS services		+29
   10.11  /* some contraints to reduce the code size */
   10.12  //#define FLOPPY_1440K_ONLY	1.44M floppies support only	-26
   10.13 -#define FLOPPY_HAS_2_SIDES	hardcoded heads count to 2	-15
   10.14 +//#define FLOPPY_HAS_2_SIDES	hardcoded heads count to 2	-15
   10.15  //#define NO_CMDLINE_SHRINK	remove heading spaces ?		-6-21
   10.16  //#define  NO_CMDLINE_FILE	remove @cmdline file support ?	-21
   10.17  //#define NO_DOTS		show progression dots ?		-5
   10.18 @@ -313,8 +314,8 @@
   10.19  #else
   10.20  	subw	%ax, %bx
   10.21  	jnc	forward
   10.22 +	//movw	$0x8FFF, %ax
   10.23  	movb	$0x90, %ah
   10.24 -	;decw	%ax
   10.25  forward:
   10.26  	movw	%ax, %es
   10.27  	movw	%ax, %di
   10.28 @@ -356,7 +357,12 @@
   10.29  	lodsb
   10.30  	cbw
   10.31  	xchgw	%ax, %cx
   10.32 +#ifdef BUGGY_CMDLINE
   10.33 +	test	%cl, %cl		# C=O=0, set S & Z
   10.34 +	jng	nocmdline		# Z == 1 or O != S ?
   10.35 +#else
   10.36  	jcxz	nocmdline
   10.37 +#endif
   10.38  # if defined(BZIMAGE) && BZIMAGE >= 0x202
   10.39  	movw	$INITSEG/16+stacktop/256, EXEADRS(cmd_line_ptr+1)
   10.40  # else
    11.1 --- a/tumbler-dev/receipt	Sat Apr 16 12:43:33 2022 +0000
    11.2 +++ b/tumbler-dev/receipt	Wed Apr 20 15:10:50 2022 +0000
    11.3 @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
    11.4  SHORT_DESC="Development files for tumbler."
    11.5  MAINTAINER="al.bobylev@gmail.com"
    11.6  LICENSE="GPL2 LGPL2.1"
    11.7 -WEB_SITE="https://docs.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/tumbler"
    11.8 +WEB_SITE="https://gitlab.xfce.org/xfce/tumbler/"
   11.10  DEPENDS="pkg-config tumbler"
   11.11  WANTED="tumbler"
    12.1 --- a/tumbler/receipt	Sat Apr 16 12:43:33 2022 +0000
    12.2 +++ b/tumbler/receipt	Wed Apr 20 15:10:50 2022 +0000
    12.3 @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
    12.4  SHORT_DESC="A D-Bus thumbnailing service based on the thumbnail management D-Bus specification."
    12.5  MAINTAINER="al.bobylev@gmail.com"
    12.6  LICENSE="GPL2 LGPL2.1"
    12.7 -WEB_SITE="https://docs.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/tumbler"
    12.8 +WEB_SITE="https://gitlab.xfce.org/xfce/tumbler/"
   12.10  TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.bz2"
   12.11  WGET_URL="http://archive.xfce.org/src/xfce/$PACKAGE/${VERSION%.*}/$TARBALL"
    13.1 --- a/xaos/receipt	Sat Apr 16 12:43:33 2022 +0000
    13.2 +++ b/xaos/receipt	Wed Apr 20 15:10:50 2022 +0000
    13.3 @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
    13.4  MAINTAINER="pascal.bellard@slitaz.org"
    13.5  LICENSE="GPL2"
    13.6  TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.gz"
    13.7 -WEB_SITE="https://matek.hu/xaos/"
    13.8 +WEB_SITE="https://xaos-project.github.io/"
    13.9  WGET_URL="http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/project/xaos/XaoS/$VERSION/$TARBALL"
   13.11  DEPENDS="libpng zlib"