wok-current rev 15469

memtest/bootloader.S: fix dos exit
author Pascal Bellard <pascal.bellard@slitaz.org>
date Fri Nov 08 12:52:29 2013 +0000 (2013-11-08)
parents 8ac80fe62efb
children 3c0fd9f4d4a8
files memtest/stuff/bootloader.S
line diff
     1.1 --- a/memtest/stuff/bootloader.S	Fri Nov 08 11:17:44 2013 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/memtest/stuff/bootloader.S	Fri Nov 08 12:52:29 2013 +0000
     1.3 @@ -45,12 +45,13 @@
     1.4  end_header:
     1.5  comstart:
     1.6  #ifdef CMDLINE
     1.7 -	.word	0xA33A			// CMP     AH,[BP+DI+stacktop]
     1.8 +	cld				# assume nothing
     1.9 +	.byte	0xA3			// mov     %ax,[stacktop]
    1.10  	.word	stacktop
    1.11  #else
    1.12 +	cld				# assume nothing
    1.13  #undef HELP
    1.14  #endif
    1.15 -	cld				# assume nothing
    1.16  	pushw	$INITSEG
    1.17  	popw	%es
    1.18  #ifdef CMDLINE
    1.19 @@ -68,11 +69,15 @@
    1.20  	decw	%si
    1.21  	rep
    1.22  	  movsb
    1.23 +# if defined(HELP) || defined(CHECK_REALMODE)
    1.24 +	pushw	%cx		// dos exit (int $0x20)
    1.25 +# endif
    1.26  # ifdef HELP
    1.27  # define PUTS
    1.28  	movw	$EXEADRS(helpmsg), %si
    1.29  	cmpb	$'/', %al
    1.30  	je	puts
    1.31 +	movb	setup_sects-helpmsg(%si), %ch
    1.32  # endif
    1.33  nocmdline:
    1.34  #endif
    1.35 @@ -86,10 +91,10 @@
    1.36  	pushw	%ax
    1.37  	popfw			// < 286 : flags[12..15] are forced 1
    1.38  	pushfw			// = 286 : flags[12..15] are forced 0
    1.39 -	popw	%cx		// > 286 : only flags[15] is forced 0
    1.40 +	popw	%dx		// > 286 : only flags[15] is forced 0
    1.41  	popfw			// restore flags
    1.42 -	addb	%ah, %ch	// test F0 and 00 cases
    1.43 -	cmpb	%ah, %ch
    1.44 +	addb	%ah, %dh	// test F0 and 00 cases
    1.45 +	cmpb	%ah, %dh
    1.46  	jbe	puts		// C=8086/80186, Z=80286
    1.47  	smsww	%ax
    1.48  	andb	$1, %al
    1.49 @@ -97,7 +102,9 @@
    1.50  #endif
    1.51  	movw	$0x100, %si
    1.52  	movw	$end_header, %di
    1.53 +#ifndef HELP
    1.54  	movb	EXEADRS(setup_sects), %ch
    1.55 +#endif
    1.56  	movb	$(512-(end_header-_start))/2, %cl
    1.57  	rep
    1.58  	  movsw