wok-current log

age author description
2014-06-18 Pascal Bellard Add reptyr
2014-06-18 Christophe Lincoln lxde: export XDG_MENU_PREFIX (Thanks az_ua)
2014-06-18 Christophe Lincoln pcmanfm: fix icon and DBUS exit (Thanks az_ua)
2014-06-17 Pascal Bellard Up tazlito (5.2.3), tazusb (4.2.5): do not save pid files
2014-06-17 Pascal Bellard sshfs-fuse/rsshfs: allow non root users
2014-06-17 Pascal Bellard sshfs-fuse/rsshfs: do not trust remote read-only option
2014-06-17 Aleksej Bobylev Up: isomaster (1.3.11)
2014-06-17 Aleksej Bobylev Up: tzdata (2014e)
2014-06-16 Pascal Bellard sshfs-fuse/rsshfs: lazy umount support
2014-06-16 Pascal Bellard sshfs-fuse: typos in rsshfs (thanks om)
2014-06-16 Pascal Bellard Up sshfs-fuse (2.5)
2014-06-16 Pascal Bellard sshfs-fuse: add rsshfs
2014-06-16 Pascal Bellard Up slitaz-boot-scripts (5.6.4)
2014-06-16 Pascal Bellard openssh: fix xauth path
2014-06-16 Pascal Bellard git: update wget_url
2014-06-15 Aleksej Bobylev Up: slitaz-boot-scripts (5.6.3)
2014-06-15 Richard Dunbar linux: stop kernel panic on core single rootfs.gz
2014-06-15 Richard Dunbar Down slitaz-boot-scripts (5.6.1) init fails to boot
2014-06-15 Christophe Lincoln Up: firefox-official (30.0)
2014-06-14 Alexander Medvedev Up: git (2.0.0)
2014-06-14 Alexander Medvedev Up: bluefish (2.2.5)
2014-06-12 Paul Issott Up tty-clock (0.1)
2014-06-12 Christophe Lincoln Remove duplicated Xorg *synaptics.conf
2014-06-12 Pascal Bellard Add telegram
2014-06-12 Pascal Bellard Add arp-scan
2014-06-10 Pascal Bellard Up slitaz-boot-scripts (5.6.2)
2014-06-09 Paul Issott Add trash-cli
2014-06-08 Pascal Bellard Add nagisk
2014-06-06 Aleksej Bobylev Up: openssl, libcrypto, libssl (1.0.1h) -- CVE-2014-0224
2014-06-06 Aleksej Bobylev Up: get-palemoon (24.6.0)
2014-06-05 Pascal Bellard Up openssh (6.6p1)
2014-06-04 Aleksej Bobylev Add: micropython (also supports ARM)
2014-06-03 Pascal Bellard mariadb: update bdeps
2014-06-03 Aleksej Bobylev Up: gnome-icon-theme (3.12.0)
2014-06-03 Eric Joseph-Alexandre Up: php modules (5.5.13)
2014-06-03 Eric Joseph-Alexandre Up: php(5.5.13)
2014-06-03 Eric Joseph-Alexandre Up: mariadb-* (10.0.11)
2014-06-03 Eric Joseph-Alexandre Up: mariadb* & libmariadbclient (10.0.11)
2014-06-03 Eric Joseph-Alexandre Up: fail2ban (0.9.0). Add W00t00 filter and improve init script
2014-06-03 Eric Joseph-Alexandre Up: htop(1.0.3)
2014-06-03 Pascal Bellard Add hp15c
2014-06-02 Pascal Bellard python-geojson, python-shapely: update bdeps
2014-06-02 Pascal Bellard Add pgrouting
2014-06-02 Pascal Bellard Add cgal
2014-06-02 Pascal Bellard Add python-shapely & python-geojson
2014-06-02 Pascal Bellard postgis-gui: typo
2014-06-02 Pascal Bellard pifmrds: fix compile_rules
2014-06-02 Aleksej Bobylev slitaz-icon: remove non-existent entities and broken symlinks.
2014-06-01 Richard Dunbar open-folder-menu.sh: fix open users home folder
2014-06-01 Pascal Bellard Add pifmrds (does not build yet)
2014-05-31 Pascal Bellard Up tazlito (5.2.2), tazpkg (5.3.2)
2014-05-30 Aleksej Bobylev Add: libsoup-gnome; change depends in the libsoup.
2014-05-29 Aleksej Bobylev libfm: add forgotten modules and Sakura support, remove garbage MIME info; pcmanfm: use full translated original .desktop files.
2014-05-29 Aleksej Bobylev Up: slitaz-configs (5.5.2): add all XDG user directories
2014-05-29 Aleksej Bobylev sakura: add patch
2014-05-29 Aleksej Bobylev sakura: fix window icon in better way
2014-05-28 Aleksej Bobylev Up: tzdata (2014d)
2014-05-29 Eric Joseph-Alexandre squidguard: Add patch
2014-05-29 Eric Joseph-Alexandre fpc: improve receipt
2014-05-28 Eric Joseph-Alexandre squidguard: Add squid 3.4.x support