wok-next view boost/receipt @ rev 20915

libboost -> boost
author Aleksej Bobylev <al.bobylev@gmail.com>
date Tue Aug 21 00:41:54 2018 +0300 (2018-08-21)
children cfe02a64e56a
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt v2.
3 PACKAGE="boost"
4 VERSION="1.68.0"
5 CATEGORY="meta"
6 SHORT_DESC="Boost C++ libraries"
7 MAINTAINER="chadi.elahmad@gmail.com"
9 WEB_SITE="https://www.boost.org/"
10 LFS="http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/stable/general/boost.html"
13 WGET_URL="https://dl.bintray.com/boostorg/release/$VERSION/source/${PACKAGE}_${VERSION//./_}.tar.bz2"
14 # https://www.boost.org/users/download/
15 TARBALL_SHA256="7f6130bc3cf65f56a618888ce9d5ea704fa10b462be126ad053e80e553d6d8b7"
17 BUILD_DEPENDS="icu-dev zlib-dev bzip2-dev python-dev"
18 b="boost"
19 SPLIT="$b-atomic $b-chrono $b-container $b-context $b-coroutine $b-date-time \
20 $b-fiber $b-filesystem $b-graph $b-iostreams $b-locale $b-log $b-math \
21 $b-math-tr1 $b-prg-exec-monitor $b-program-options $b-python $b-random \
22 $b-regex $b-serialization $b-signals $b-system $b-thread $b-timer \
23 $b-type-erasure $b-unit-test-framework $b-wave $b-wserialization $b-doc $b-dev"
25 # About splitting: there's complex relationships between header files.
26 # Previously, for example, the /usr/include/boost/chrono/* files were packed
27 # into libboost-chrono-dev package. And so on for many /usr/include/boost/*/
28 #
29 # But, for example:
30 # 1. /usr/include/boost/chrono/config.hpp (former boost-chrono-dev package)
31 # includes <boost/config.hpp> (boost-dev package)
32 # 2. /usr/include/boost/compute/detail/duration.hpp (former boost-dev package)
33 # includes <boost/chrono/duration.hpp> (boost-chrono package)
34 #
35 # And many other circular dependencies between boost-dev and boost-*-dev
36 # packages.
37 #
38 # Solution: make single solid big boost-dev package with all development
39 # files.
40 #
41 # How to change dependencies of packages that depends on boost?
42 # Substitute boost-?-dev by the pair: boost-? and boost-dev.
45 compile_rules() {
46 ./bootstrap.sh --prefix=$install/usr &&
47 ./b2 stage threading=multi link=shared &&
48 ./b2 install threading=multi link=shared || return 1
50 cook_pick_docs doc/html/*
52 find $install -name '*.hpp' -exec chmod 644 '{}' \;
53 }
55 genpkg_rules() {
56 DEPENDS=" "
57 case $PACKAGE in
58 *-chrono) DEPENDS="$b-system";;
59 *-coroutine) DEPENDS="$b-chrono $b-context $b-system $b-thread";;
60 *-fiber) DEPENDS="$b-context $b-filesystem $b-system";;
61 *-filesystem) DEPENDS="$b-system";;
62 *-graph) DEPENDS="$b-regex icu libicu";;
63 *-iostreams) DEPENDS="bzlib zlib";;
64 *-locale) DEPENDS="$b-chrono $b-system $b-thread icu libicu";;
65 *-log) DEPENDS="$b-atomic $b-chrono $b-date-time $b-filesystem $b-regex $b-system $b-thread icu libicu";;
66 *-prg-exec-monitor) DEPENDS="$b-system $b-timer";;
67 *-random) DEPENDS="$b-system";;
68 *-regex) DEPENDS="icu libicu";;
69 *-thread) DEPENDS="$b-system";;
70 *-timer) DEPENDS="$b-chrono $b-system";;
71 *-type-erasure) DEPENDS="$b-chrono $b-system $b-thread";;
72 *-unit-test-framework) DEPENDS="$b-system $b-timer";;
73 *-wave) DEPENDS="$b-chrono $b-date-time $b-filesystem $b-system $b-thread";;
74 *-wserialization) DEPENDS="$b-serialization";;
75 esac
77 case $PACKAGE in
78 boost)
79 DEPENDS="$b-date-time $b-iostreams $b-regex $b-serialization \
80 $b-system $b-thread"
81 CAT="meta|meta-package to install base modules"
82 ;;
83 *-doc)
84 copy doc/
85 CAT="doc|documentation"
86 ;;
87 boost-dev)
88 copy @dev @rm
89 ;;
90 *)
91 p=${PACKAGE#*-}
92 copy libboost_${p//-/_}*.so*
93 CAT="libdevel|${PACKAGE#*-}"
94 ;;
95 esac
97 case $PACKAGE in
98 *-math) rm -f $fs/usr/lib/*math_tr1*.so*;;
99 esac
100 }