wok-next view remind/receipt @ rev 21020

Cleaning is almost finished... I should proceed to upgrades.
author Aleksej Bobylev <al.bobylev@gmail.com>
date Fri Nov 02 14:15:08 2018 +0200 (2018-11-02)
parents ea3c4b76ea5d
children 5669e8b3be70
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt v2.
3 PACKAGE="remind"
4 VERSION="03.01.15"
5 CATEGORY="utilities"
6 SHORT_DESC="Sophisticated calendar and alarm program"
7 MAINTAINER="paul@slitaz.org"
9 WEB_SITE="https://www.roaringpenguin.com/products/remind"
12 WGET_URL="http://www.roaringpenguin.com/files/download/$TARBALL"
14 compile_rules() {
15 ./configure \
16 --prefix=/usr \
17 --infodir=/usr/share/info \
18 --mandir=/usr/share/man \
20 make &&
21 make DESTDIR=$install install
22 }
24 genpkg_rules() {
25 mkdir -p $fs/usr $fs/etc/skel
26 touch $fs/etc/skel/.reminders
27 cp -a $install/usr/bin $fs/usr
28 DEPENDS="tk tcl tcllib xorg-libXScrnSaver"
29 TAGS="office calendar"
30 }
32 post_install() {
33 # Check for ~/.reminders file - needed for wyrd
34 for i in $(ls "$1/home" 2>/dev/null); do
35 [ -f "$1/home/$i/.reminders" ] && continue
36 action "Creating config file for $i..."
37 touch "$1/home/$i/.reminders"
38 chroot "$1/" chown $(stat -c "%u.%g" "$1/home/$i") "/home/$i/.reminders"
39 status
40 done
41 }
43 post_remove() {
44 rm -f "$1"/home/*/.reminders
45 }