- mktorrent: add to ARM and x86_64 arch2014-03-02, by Christophe Lincoln
- elinks: remove deps on X and add elinks-small2014-03-02, by Christophe Lincoln
- atftp: add to ARM arch2014-03-02, by Christophe Lincoln
- tcc: improve arm support but still not cross compiling2014-03-02, by Christophe Lincoln
- arm: add some Xorg proto pkgs and prepare pkg-config/receipt2014-03-01, by Christophe Lincoln
- syslinux-tools: add meminfo.exe (again)2014-03-01, by Pascal Bellard
- syslinux-tools: add meminfo.exe2014-03-01, by Pascal Bellard
- syslinux/iso2exe: skip 15M-16M frequent hole2014-03-01, by Pascal Bellard
- binutils: add to ARM arch and clean receipt2014-02-28, by Christophe Lincoln
- libgcrypt: add to ARM arch2014-02-28, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up connman-dev (1.21)2014-02-28, by Dominique Corbex
- Up connman-tools (1.21)2014-02-28, by Dominique Corbex
- Up connman (1.21)2014-02-28, by Dominique Corbex
- libgpg-error: add to ARM arch2014-02-28, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up openssh (6.5p1)2014-02-28, by Pascal Bellard
- Up dropbear (2014.63)2014-02-28, by Pascal Bellard
- curl: add to ARM arch2014-02-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- arm: some was not ready to be include2014-02-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- openssl: up to 1.0.1f + add to ARM arch (almost rewrite receipt)2014-02-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- ppp: add pppnc2014-02-24, by Pascal Bellard
- glib: an attemp to cross compile it to ARM2014-02-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- xorg-libXdmcp: add to ARM arch2014-02-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- xorg-libXau: add to ARM arch2014-02-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- libmad: add to ARM arch2014-02-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- libidn: add to ARM arch2014-02-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add TazIRC (1.0)2014-02-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- compton: dont use config file by default2014-02-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: tazpanel (1.8)2014-02-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- spacefm: better default config file2014-02-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add nsd2014-02-23, by Pascal Bellard
- Add: compiz-plugins-extra + compiz-plugins-unsupported2014-02-23, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: emelfm2 (0.9.1)2014-02-23, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add libboost meta packages2014-02-23, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: pciutils (3.2.1) and ids file. This fix intel agp module name2014-02-23, by Christophe Lincoln
- arm: fix file cross compilation and add testsuite2014-02-23, by Christophe Lincoln
- arm: remove tcc (unable to cook it)2014-02-23, by Christophe Lincoln
- arm: start porting Xorg proto2014-02-23, by Christophe Lincoln
- compiz-core: typo2014-02-23, by Pascal Bellard
- compton: avoid source tarball collisions2014-02-23, by Pascal Bellard
- jwm: remove error trigger2014-02-23, by Pascal Bellard
- kbd: typo2014-02-23, by Pascal Bellard
- arm: add alsa and libogg suport2014-02-23, by Christophe Lincoln
- libpng: add to ARM port2014-02-23, by Christophe Lincoln
- Make lzma cross compile and fix libxml22014-02-23, by Christophe Lincoln
- arm arch: fix pkgs build for kbd and e2fsprogs plus add flex and check2014-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- compton: disable some features2014-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- compton: need dbus2014-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: jwm (2.2.0) with new style, use compton and hsetroot2014-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add compton (X compositor) Fork of xcompmgr with bug fixes and lots of improvments2014-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add obshutdown (GTK Ob logout manager)2014-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- cups-pam: fix stuff path2014-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- UP: soprano (2.8.0) and fix build depends2014-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: polkit-qt (0.103.0)2014-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: libdbusmenu-qt (0.9.2)2014-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: attica (0.4.2)2014-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add: libiodbc (Independent Open DataBase Connectivity)2014-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add: shared-desktop-ontologies (RDF vocabularies for the Semantic Desktop)2014-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: cmake (2.8.11)2014-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add asciidoc (text based documentation)2014-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- cups: fix install file in /2014-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up lxc (1.0.0)2014-02-21, by Pascal Bellard
- Up 8086tiny (1.20)2014-02-21, by Pascal Bellard
- linux: add ata orphans2014-02-19, by Pascal Bellard
- ntp: avoid refection attacks2014-02-19, by Pascal Bellard
- syslinux: add nomodeset in example2014-02-19, by Pascal Bellard
- syslinux: typo in schweiz2014-02-19, by Pascal Bellard
- linux: fix build for arm2014-02-18, by Christophe Lincoln
- slitaz-base-files: create /var/run2014-02-18, by Pascal Bellard
- openbox: depends on xorg-libXcursor (fix no X in justx flavor)2014-02-18, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: slitaz-boot-scripts (5.4.1) Bug fix2014-02-16, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: tazlito (5.2)2014-02-16, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: tazpkg (5.2) - New command, bunch of improvment and bug fixes2014-02-16, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: slitaz-boot-scripts2014-02-15, by Christophe Lincoln
- Update wpa_supplicant (2.1) And use /etc/wpa2014-02-15, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up lxpanel-extra version too2014-02-15, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: slitaz-tools (5.6) - Bunch of fixes and new tools2014-02-15, by Christophe Lincoln
- pango: girepository-1.0 goes in dev package (save space on ISO)2014-02-15, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: yad (0.26.0) Bunch of new function and custom icons for buttons :)2014-02-15, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: lxpanel (0.6.1) and remove dep on libwnck --> lxpanel-extra (save space on core ISO)2014-02-15, by Christophe Lincoln
- python-elaphe,python-barcode,python-jcconv: update bdeps2014-02-15, by Pascal Bellard
- python-elaphe,python-barcode,python-jcconv: update WGET_URL2014-02-15, by Pascal Bellard
- Add python-elaphe python-barcode2014-02-15, by Pascal Bellard
- Add python-jcconv2014-02-15, by Pascal Bellard
- 8086tiny: update compile_rules2014-02-14, by Pascal Bellard
- Up fail2ban (0.8.12)2014-02-14, by Pascal Bellard
- Add ms-sys2014-02-13, by Pascal Bellard
- obconf: update deps2014-02-13, by Pascal Bellard
- Up efl-dev (1.8.4)2014-02-13, by Dominique Corbex
- Up efl (1.8.4)2014-02-13, by Dominique Corbex
- Up: cookutils (3.2)2014-02-12, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up tazinst-gui (3.95)2014-02-12, by Dominique Corbex
- Up tazinst (3.95)2014-02-12, by Dominique Corbex
- slitaz-i18n: We DONT want locale file in /usr/lib/locale (8Mb uncompressed)2014-02-12, by Christophe Lincoln
- libnl: remove devel files (save space on ISO)2014-02-12, by Christophe Lincoln
- libao: remove devel files (save space on ISO)2014-02-12, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up musl-libc (0.9.15)2014-02-11, by Pascal Bellard
- Up upx (3.91)2014-02-11, by Pascal Bellard
- Up privoxy (3.0.21-stable)2014-02-10, by Paul Issott
- Add modsecurity-apache2014-02-10, by Pascal Bellard
- Add unhide2014-02-10, by Pascal Bellard
- Add portsentry2014-02-09, by Pascal Bellard
- dropbear/pppssh: add routes support2014-02-08, by Pascal Bellard
- pppd: add /etc/ppp/ip-up.d & /etc/ppp/ip-down.d2014-02-08, by Pascal Bellard
- Add imap-upload2014-02-07, by Pascal Bellard
- python-pillow: update bdeps2014-02-06, by Pascal Bellard
- Add python-pillow2014-02-06, by Pascal Bellard
- Add qart (ARTE report downlaoader)2014-02-06, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add rtmpdump2014-02-06, by Christophe Lincoln
- tinc: fix /var path2014-02-05, by Pascal Bellard
- tinc: fix config path2014-02-05, by Pascal Bellard
- spl: add EXTRAVERSION (again)2014-02-03, by Pascal Bellard
- spl: add EXTRAVERSION2014-02-03, by Pascal Bellard
- Add spl2014-02-03, by Pascal Bellard
- Add acme2014-02-03, by Pascal Bellard
- Add quazip (Qt zip framework)2014-02-02, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: lz4 (112) add lz4c, lib and dev packages2014-02-02, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: usbutils (007)2014-01-31, by Christophe Lincoln
- linux: fix stupid typo! Now linux64 and linux without modules will build2014-01-31, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up turnserver (0.7.3)2014-01-31, by Pascal Bellard
- Add stund2014-01-31, by Pascal Bellard
- Add stuntman2014-01-31, by Pascal Bellard